Rocky Mountain Mayhem

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Authors: Joan Rylen

Tags: #caper, #stalker, #mystery adventure, #rocky mountains, #girlfriend getaway, #contemporary womens fiction

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Mayhem
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Also by Joan Rylen



Named one of “20 recent releases, worthy of

Maggie Galehouse,




Rocky Mountain Mayhem

By Joan Rylen




Smashwords Edition

Copyright © 2012 Rita Rox, Inc.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
dialogue, places and incidents either are the product of the
authors’ imaginations or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or
locales is entirely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this book may
be reproduced or distributed in any printed or electronic form
without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage
piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the authors’


Lyrics of Josh Weathers used with


ISBN 13: 9780985673628


Library of Congress Control Number:




To David, for your love and endless

Love, Robbyn




To Mom and Dad, thanks for always being there
when I fall.

And even when I don’t.

Love, Johnell




Viv: hey there

B-Man: Hey lady! How goes it? Long time no

Viv: been busy

B-Man: I hear ya. How are the kids?

Viv: good kid stuff all the time

B-Man: Right! They’ll run you ragged!

B-Man: Wanna get together this weekend, or
are you still dating that guy?

Viv: yeah we r in love he’s great

B-Man: Love! Wasn’t ready to hear that.

B-Man: How long you been dating him?

Viv: a few months but when you know you

B-Man: Wow.

B-Man: I’m shocked.

Viv: proposal soon I hope

B-Man: I’m even more shocked but hope it all
works out.

Viv: it will the kids love him too

B-Man: So what’s on tap for tonight?

Viv: we r going to a play

B-Man: That’s cool. Whatcha seeing?

Viv: shakespeare in the park

B-Man: I’ve been wanting to do that. What’s
onstage tonight?

Viv: othello

B-Man: Cool. You want to try to get together
next weekend?

Viv: can’t out of town

B-Man: Oh…romantic getaway?

Viv: friends

B-Man: Fun! Where are you heading?

Viv: colorado

Viv: im really going to miss craig i spend
all my free time with him

B-Man: Yep, I understand. Well back to work
for me. Take care Viv.

Viv: bye




Vivian Taylor drummed her fingers on the
kitchen table. “Is there something you want to tell me?” She said
to Craig and then laid her hand over an upside down sheet of

“I don’t know what you mean,” Craig

She looked at him, hoping he would come
clean. “I’ve never given you any reason to think I’ve been
unfaithful. So do you have something to say, because I’m giving you
one chance.”

He shook his head. “Noooo.”

Vivian turned over the page. “Does this look

Craig looked at it for a long moment, the
color rising in his cheeks. “No.”

“Listen, Craig, I understand you had a crap
marriage. Your wife cheated on you. Whatever. But that’s not me. So
I’m giving you this one chance to tell me the truth.”

Craig looked at the paper again, then back at
her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Vivian shoved the Facebook transcript at him.
“I know this was you. I know you were the person typing this. Not

Craig pushed back from the table. “I don’t
know what this crap is.”

“Craig, I fed Brandon these questions. He
called me at work and told me someone was pretending to be me
online. He knew it wasn’t me. I’m the one who told him to ask what
I was doing tonight. You’re the only person who knew we were
supposed to be going to a play.”

Craig crumpled the paper and chunked it
across the kitchen. “This is bullshit. Come on, get your purse,
we’re going to be late.”

“I’m not going. I’ve put your things in a box
by the front door. Please leave. I never want to hear from you

“Vivian, I didn’t do this.” He gestured to
the paper now across the room.

“Craig, I have no doubt. It was you. Please

Craig walked toward her slowly, backing her
into a kitchen corner. “Forget about this. It’s bullshit.”

“If you don’t leave, I’m going to call the
cops.” She glanced out of the corner of her eye at the phone
hanging a few feet to her right.

Craig got in her face, gritting his teeth. “I
didn’t do this.” His eyes flashed with anger.

Vivian’s stomach lurched and her heart
pounded. She reached for the phone but couldn’t get to it. He
leaned over, ripped the phone out of the wall and threw it across
the room. The base thudded against the couch, and the handset
shattered against the fireplace.

Before she could move, he was back in her
face, sticking his finger between her eyes. “You’re a total fucking
whore, Vivian. You were a slut before I met you, and you’re still
one now.”

“Craig, get out of my house.” She pushed
against his chest, but his 5-foot-10, stocky frame didn’t

He grabbed her wrists and held her arms out,
slamming them against the wall. “You’re going to regret this

In full panic mode she kicked up her knee,
narrowly missing his groin, but he released her arms. She took a
step toward the counter and pulled a knife from the butcher block.
She held it out in front of her and maneuvered around him. “Get the
hell outta here, Craig.” She reached her purse on the kitchen
counter and dug around for her cell phone. “You’re a crazy, sick

Craig grabbed a picture off the wall and
threw it to the floor. He upended the kitchen table. A crystal vase
with fresh flowers crashed to the floor, shards skittering

Vivian ran to her bedroom clutching her cell,
locked the door and dialed 9-1-1. She quickly explained the
situation to the operator, as something else crashed on the other
side of the door.

“The police are on their way,” the operator
said. “Are you in a safe location?”

Craig pounded on the door. “Vivian, get the
fuck out here! We need to talk about this!”

“I don’t think so. Please hurry.” She looked
around for an escape. The window. “I’m going to crawl out my
bedroom window and into the backyard. I’m going to try to make it
to my neighbor’s.”

Craig kicked the door and wood

“Oh crap, I’m getting out of here. He’s
trying to get through the door.”

Vivian unlatched the window, kicked out the
screen, threw her legs out and dropped to the ground. Her dog,
Cooper, ran up, looking for attention. She took off sprinting
toward the side of the house, and he matched her stride for stride.
She threw open the gate and kept running expecting Cooper to
follow, but instead heard him barking ferociously. She glanced back
and saw him holding Craig inside the gate.

Good dog!

She ran to her neighbor’s house and banged on
the door, hearing sirens in the distance. “Angie, open up! It’s
Vivian!” She pounded on the door again. Dammit!

She ducked behind some bushes on the far side
of the house. Sweat poured down her forehead and her heart raced.
She put the phone back to her ear. “I’m hiding around the corner at
my neighbor’s house.”

“The police are two minutes out,” the
operator said. “Stay put.”

Just then Cooper popped out from around the
bush and Vivian screamed. “You scared the bejeesus out of me!”

“Is everything all right?” the operator

“Oh my god, yes. My dog found me.”

Vivian heard Craig’s truck start up, then
tires screeching on the pavement.





Day 1



AUDREY looked up at Vivian with curious blue
eyes. “Where are you going, Mommy?”

“I’m going on a plane, remember? To the
mountains.” Vivian pushed a blonde curl from her 5-year-old
daughter’s face. Wound up it fell at her eyes, but pulled straight
it reached her chin.

“Am I going?”

Vivian smiled. “No, sweetie, not this time. I
promise I’ll bring you back a special surprise.”

Audrey pondered. “Who’s going with you?”

“My very best friends I’ve known for a long,
long time. One of them, since I was about your age.” Vivian put a
jacket in her suitcase, then stuffed everything down. “Do you
remember their names?”

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