Read Rocky Mountain Freedom Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western

Rocky Mountain Freedom (22 page)

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Freedom
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She slid a foot along his calf, and he let out an involuntary squawk, jerking his leg away only to find her chasing him.

“Your feet are like ice cubes,” he complained with a soft laugh.

She pressed a hand to his shoulder and pushed him to his back, rolling on top as if that would pin him in place. “I know. You’re gonna warm them up for me.”

Well, if he had to. “I’ll warm them up,” he agreed.

He pulled her high enough he could reach her lips and started the kissing business all over again, this time spreading his hands on her lower back and slipping downward to catch hold of her ass.

Her naked ass. A shot of sheer lust rolled over him.

“God, woman, you’re killing me. Where are your undies?”

“They were wet, and not in the good way, so I left them off.” The imp snuck her feet under his thighs, but he didn’t mind. The new position placed her sex directly over his groin, and that was one spot on both of them that was already more than hot.

He kept on kissing her, shifting her slowly over his cock. Rubbing back and forth until she was squirming.

“Now I’m getting you wet,” she whispered.

“In a good way.” He caught hold of the T-shirt and stripped it from her, cold air sneaking in briefly around the edges of the blanket.

There was barely light enough under the layers of fabric to see hints of shadows. Curves that made his mouth water and his body ache. He cupped her breasts, and she sighed happily, leaning into his hands as he squeezed thumb and forefingers around her nipples.

“Oh, yes, I like that.”

He liked it as well.
much. Trying to last longer than a randy teenager was going to sorely test him tonight.

She lifted her hips out of the way so she could surround his cock with her fist, and he sucked for air. “Ashley, don’t.”

Relentless, she stroked him firmly. “So many things I want to do to you. I want to lick you slowly, tasting and sucking your cock until you make those out-of-control noises. I want to touch every inch of you and learn what you like.”

Cassidy squeezed his eyes shut, his thighs rock solid as he flexed his muscles and tried to hold on.

Then, hallelujah, she was rolling a condom down his shaft and angling him to tease the head between her folds. “But we’ll have to do all that later because I can’t wait.”

They looked at each other, eyes locked together as she sank onto him. Rocked her hips slowly to let him press in an inch at a time.

Wet heat enveloped him, and he had to fight to stop from thrusting into her softness. What she was doing was maddeningly good, but he wanted more.


Wanted to drive her as crazy as she was driving him. She liked dirty talk? He could do that.

“Next time we fool around I’m going to lick you first,” he said. “I’ll taste every inch of you until you’ve come a few times and then I’ll sink into you and fuck you hard.” She shivered, and he smiled. “I’ll wrap your legs around my back and hold you under me. Give you my cock until you explode.”

Ashley rolled her hips again. “Yes, please.”

She planted her hands on his chest and leaned forward, her breasts swaying with the motion.

Cassidy threw back the covers, suddenly unbearably hot. He needed to breathe the fresh, cooling air so he didn’t ignite like a volcano and blow the roof off the cabin.

One smooth undulation after another, Ashley rode him. Rocking her hips, bringing them together quicker and quicker. He cupped her breasts and curled upward to suck one tip into his mouth. Her head fell back, and she clung to his shoulders, increasing the pace and pressure on every move. Finding a rhythm like they were long-time lovers.

He captured her hips and helped her, thrusting up best he could, driving into her warmth and thrilling at the noises she made. The gasps and pleas and whimpers.

Then he reached between her legs and touched his fingertips to her clit, and her head snapped up, eyes focused on his. “Oh, yes…” she hissed.

He licked his fingers and reapplied them, slippery over her softness. Slicking over her clit as they pounded together.

Ashley dug her fingertips into his shoulders, and her body tightened around him. “Cassidy…oh.

She shook, torso trembling as she came, staring into his eyes.

He let go of his control, thankful he’d survived long enough. Thankful to allow his release to tear free as spots danced in front of his eyes.

He clutched her tightly, their bodies more than warm. Sweaty in the growing heat of the room. He dropped kisses on her face, her temples, caressing her body again and again as aftershocks struck hard enough to make him gasp.

She caught him by both cheeks and examined his face as she took a deep, deep breath. Then she smiled, leaned in and kissed him tenderly, finishing by cuddling against his chest.

Cassidy stroked her for another couple minutes before placing her on the mattress and cleaning up, returning to her side and tucking her firmly against him.

She sighed, totally relaxed in his arms.

Outside the window the wind shrieked like an angry spirit, but inside the cabin for once the evil creatures that liked to torment him were silenced.

They were safe. They were together, and it was very clear that was a good thing.

“Travis will be back tomorrow,” Ashley said.

She stroked her fingertips over the arm he’d wrapped around her. “I have an idea, if you’re interested.”

He went with honest. “Your ideas scare me a little.”

Ashley wiggled in his grasp, pressing her naked chest against his, but more importantly looking him in the eyes. Her expression had grown serious. Intense. “One day, Cassidy. Take for one day—take everything you want and live life to the limit. Everything. I’m not asking for forever, or for you to pretend. I want to know if you think you can take one day.”

The idea made him shiver briefly, but it was impossible to feel the same terror that he’d experienced till now. He had to try. Had to make an attempt.

“One day.” He couldn’t promise more.
stared him in the eye and enticed him, but the slope was still too dangerous to consider.

It wasn’t his soul that would be destroyed when it all blew up.

“I knew you were a smart one.” A soft kiss melted against his lips as she rewarded him for cooperating. Then her eyes lit up. “But before we talk about tomorrow, I’d like to try a few other things on that list we made earlier.”

Cassidy paused. “List? Oh…”


She pressed a kiss to his chest before working her way down his body, and suddenly the cabin was the hottest place on earth and getting hotter by the minute.

The storm could scream all it wanted. He was having the time of his life. One night.

Tomorrow? One day.

Chapter Sixteen


His nearly completed to-do list doubled overnight after the storm, but Travis wasn’t worried about getting things cleaned up. The hands had already proven they knew what they were doing, and the brilliant sunshine that greeted the day made the paying guests all the more eager to continue their adventure.

James and Dani had things under control at Second Camp, so Travis saddled up his horse and headed in the opposite direction. He paused along the way to clear aside trees that had fallen across the trail. Wondered if he was prolonging the ride because he wasn’t sure what he would find at Base Camp, and this time he wasn’t thinking about storm damage.

Cassidy and Ashley had made up, had they? The sensation in his belly was both unfamiliar and unwelcome.

He’d spent four months dating Ashley the previous fall and winter—and he’d thoroughly enjoyed it. Her full-fledged enthusiasm for, well, everything, had given him a kick. Their sexual escapades had been wild and varied, even wilder than he’d gotten up to in the past. They’d gotten along like nobody’s business.

When she’d up and left him, he hadn’t been that surprised. It had hurt, but he’d taken to holding everything he touched loosely. This ache inside warned him he might have been lying to himself, just a little.

He let out some of his frustrations by wrapping his arms around a thick trunk and dragging it to the side of the trail, muscles pushed to their limit with the heavy bulk.

He’d told Cassidy to stop turning Ashley down.
been the one to open the door to the two of them fooling around. So why did his stomach tighten as he pictured it? And how could he turn off the wild desire to get into the middle of it with them?

Maybe he was attracted to Cassidy, but he wanted Ashley as more than a casual fuck, and the realization hurt like slivers were being driven under his nails.

Such a stupid
. Couldn’t figure out he was really attached to someone until he’d gone and blown his chances.

Back at Base Camp, conditions weren’t as terrible as he’d expected. Water ran freely down the hill to pool on one side of the parking lot, but the horses were out in the paddock, tossing their heads and playing with each other. A couple rolled in the damp grass, bright sunshine turning the scene into some pastoral paradise. He sent his horse out to join them, smiling at Ashley who’d appeared on the path.

“Your boots kill me,” he teased, determined to keep things light. “In case you never heard, rubber boots are supposed to be black.”

She twisted a foot in the air and grinned. “I like my purple plaid, thank you. I’ll buy you a pair.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“In pink.” Her grin widened as she stepped into his open arms. “I’m glad you’re okay. I was worried about you last night.”

Softness pressed tight, and when her eager lips rose to his, Travis ignored everything else to greet her properly. Damn if it didn’t ease some of his fears, having her in his arms and holding her close.

When he finally let her go she was nearly purring. “Well, that was a lovely hello.”

“Sorry I took off on you yesterday.”

Ashley cupped his face tenderly. “Hey, I’m the one who told you to get lost. And I’m all better today. In fact, I have to run—got a bunch of things happening I need to keep an eye on. Cassidy is working on the roof of the ladies’ shower house. Said something about it being the most important thing to fix.” She backed away from him, sunshine and roses back in her smile, the happy-go-lucky woman he’d been so attracted to clearly showing as she bounced down the boardwalk, waving over her shoulder. “I’ll see you at supper.”

Well. She was cheery.

Travis braced himself for the second meet-and-greet, but Cassidy was also far easier to talk to than he’d expected. They got to work, and before he knew it, supper had rolled around. Travis watched Cassidy and Ashley while they ate, but other than no longer being on tenterhooks, things seemed normal.

Until after the meal was done. Ashley leaned back in her chair, mischief written all over her face. Travis poured himself another drink and waited. Something was on the horizon.

“Either of you guys want dessert?” she asked, leaping to her feet. “I spotted ice cream in the freezer, and don’t bother to help—I’ll get it this time.”

“Three scoops for me,” Cassidy instructed. “Travis only gets two since he didn’t work nearly as hard as I did.”

“Bullshit on that. Who was working hard? You sat on your ass on the roof while I dug a trench like a real man.”

“Not my fault you’re afraid of heights,” Cassidy taunted.

Travis punched him in the shoulder, and they grinned at each other.

This was what he’d missed. Hanging out and relaxing with Cassidy. Shooting the breeze, and not really worrying about what the next day would bring.

Ashley placed two enormous bowls of ice cream in front of them before sitting down.

Travis glanced at the table. “You’re not having any?”

“One scoop.” She held up her hand to show him her cone.

Then she licked it. Her eyes closed, and she hummed as if she’d just experienced the best damn orgasm of her life.

Travis glanced at Cassidy. The other man stared slack-jawed as Ashley stuck out her tongue again and again, and worked that cone lewdly enough Travis was no longer so calm and relaxed as he’d been.

He slid his feet under the table and leaned back to ease the pressure off his cock as her lips closed over the top of the cone.

When she sucked, he forced down a growl of hunger.

“Hell,” Cassidy breathed.

“You enjoying yourself?” Travis asked, amused at the direction this was going. Feisty minx had an agenda, did she? He could work with that.

Her tongue flashed pink for a second as she licked a dab of cream from the corner of her lips. She gazed at him from under hooded lids. “Tasty, but something hot would be better than this cold stuff. Still sticky, though. I like sticky.”

“You’re pushing it, sweetheart,” Travis warned.

Ashley bared her teeth briefly before silently nibbling her way all around the cone.

Oh yeah. She was feeling troublesome tonight.

BOOK: Rocky Mountain Freedom
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