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Authors: Cristal Ryder

BOOK: RockHardHeat
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Rock-Hard Heat

Cristal Ryder


Unable to stay away from her sexy cowboy, Jenna flies back
to him and the Colorado Rockies. A part of her stayed in the wild and rugged
west after she left and she wants to rekindle their passion. And uncover the
potential riches hidden in this majestic landscape.

Chet sets out to mine a special place in Jenna’s heart with
love and their undeniable chemistry. Their steamy affair has Jenna searching
for more than gold in the mountains—she wants Chet’s rock-hard love, anywhere
she can get it.

Rock-Hard Heat

Cristal Ryder



Grace sparked my idea for this Naughty Nooner and I’m so
thrilled she did. Thank you. Now we know how things work out for Chet and


Chapter One


The blue mountain sky shone through the canopy of leaves,
reflecting dapples of light in cool greens on the surface of the water. Jenna
sighed and floated on her back in the creek. It had a current that kept her on
a gentle spin in the pool formed by erosion over eons. She hadn’t felt this
relaxed in forever. The last time might have been before her accident this past
winter when she threw caution to the wind and accepted Chet’s invitation to

Jenna knew she would come back to her mountain cowboy and
the summer seemed like the perfect time. Her leg had healed but she still
needed to take care walking over rough ground. Floating in the water was
heavenly, and she watched the sky through the trees. Contentment filled her.
She loved being back here. Jenna was drawn west with a fiery passion she was
just beginning to understand. It wasn’t just the man, although he was the
biggest reason she was here, it was the land too. The wild, untamed beauty of
it matched her soul so completely.

After she arrived back in Colorado a few weeks ago, they
were so enamored of each other, Chet sent the house staff home. They zealously
guarded their private time. But Chet had a ranch to run and business to attend
to, so they had to emerge back into reality. Chet knew she wanted to get to the
cabin, so they’d ridden up the mountain that first weekend. He was hesitant
about her riding because of her freshly healed broken leg, but she assured him
if they took it easy, her leg would be fine. She wasn’t going to let a little
bit of ache keep her from
their cabin
. He had stocked it with everything
they could possibly need, including wine.

It had been a glorious couple of days before Chet had to
head down and get back to real life. She smiled and enjoyed the heat that
bloomed in her belly, remembering their first lovemaking session after being
apart for so many months. Desire for her cowboy never failed to heat her blood
and she longed for him now. She wanted him with her in the soft mountain water,
which caressed her skin so seductively.

The grime and dust of her prospecting activities at Chet’s
great-great-uncle Chester’s old claim sluiced off in the creek’s current and
left her skin pink and tingly. She wasn’t ready to get out yet and closed her
eyes, drifting lazily.

Chet couldn’t confirm when he’d be back and Jenna had gotten
used to staying here on her own when he wasn’t with her. At first, he’d been
hesitant to leave her, but she insisted and he’d learned a while ago how
stubborn she could be. So they compromised. He made sure she was checked on
daily by a ranch hand, had taught her to shoot and left the rifle by the door.
The radio was primed in case she needed immediate help and his dog Belle stayed
with her. All was good with the world.

Letting her legs drop, Jenna curled her toes into the creek
bed and stood. The water was deep, just covering her breasts. They bobbed at
the surface, buffeted by little eddies of current. She tipped back, ducked her
head in the water and swept her long red tresses out of her face. When she
stood, it hung to her shoulders and fanned out on the surface of the water like
a halo.

A sense of wellbeing filled her and her heart swelled with
happiness. Never had such a strong sensation of belonging, being home, been so
sharply etched within her. She knew she had been born on the wrong side of the
continent. It was here she should have grown up and experienced life, not back
east. Jenna inhaled the crisp mountain air and gazed at the bush around her. It
was just as beautiful in the summer as in the winter. Her love for this land
grew daily and it truly pained her to think of leaving it. And Chet.

She brushed the disturbing thought aside. It was a while
before she’d be packing her bags. Jenna’s gaze took in the brand new sluice
box. Chet had replaced the broken-down one with a much more modern setup here
at the creek and farther up-river where the tree came down. Chester’s old one
was being restored and eventually would be donated to a local history museum.
She was determined to find his secret claim and Chet had humored her all the
way. Jenna smiled and excitement bubbled inside her at the news she had to tell

The gurgle of water over the dam of rocks mixed delightfully
with the birds singing in the trees. Jenna was at peace. She sighed and
shivered with a slight chill from the cool mountain water. Goose bumps rose
along her flesh and her nipples hardened, aching with the cold. She cupped her
breasts in her palms, the hard nubs pressing against her flesh. This time the
shiver that rippled through her wasn’t from being chilled.

“Chet, when are you going to get here?” she whispered to the
silence of the surrounding trees.

“What’s the matter, darlin’? Miss me?”

Jenna spun around, sending a splash of water in a sparkling
arc. The wonderful, sexy drawl of Chet’s voice slipped around her like hot
honey and she warmed under his gaze. He stood on the little rocky beach where
they had made love on the bank of chilly snow last winter. She couldn’t help
the smile that broke wide on her face when their eyes met.

“Chet.” His name fell from her lips in a breathy sigh.

He had one booted foot propped on a large rock, his elbow
rested on his knee. The faded, worn jeans tightened over his muscular thighs
and Jenna’s breath snagged in her chest. She let her gaze roam over the typical
plaid cowboy shirt which also strained across his powerful chest and shoulders.
He poked his cowboy hat back with a finger and winked at her. She knew what lay
beneath those clothes and she hungered for him. He was a feast for her eyes and
she needed feeding.

“Now then, this sure is a sight to behold. It’s a damn good
thing I decided to come myself and not send Blake to check on you.”

“I’d say I have to agree with that, cowboy.”

“Last time I checked we didn’t have mermaids in these parts.
Just goes to show you can learn somethin’ new every day.” He straightened and
started to unbutton his shirt. “Want some company?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” She glanced around, the smile
still stuck to her lips. “What if we’re not alone?”

“Only you, me and the nosy critters takin’ a gander from the

Jenna took a step toward to the shallower water, dying to
get her hands on him. Her breasts rose free from the surface, bare to his gaze.
He looked down and she saw arousal in the familiar tension creeping in around
his eyes. How well she knew this man now.

“Stop.” Chet held his hand up and she halted. “You look far
too fetching standin’ there with your hair about your shoulders and tits
playing peek-a-boo.”

His words sent a thrill of desire rushing through her blood
and her knees wobbled in the water.

“I thought you were joining me?” Jenna caught his gaze. The
intensity of her desire liquefied with sexual heat deep in her belly and still
he didn’t move. “If you don’t get in here now, I’ll have to come and drag you
in. Clothes and all.” She was desperate to wrap herself around him and feel his
hard length next to her. “It’s getting chilly and I need you to heat me up.”

“You never were a patient one were you?”

Jenna shook her head and watched every move he made as he
peeled off his clothes.
Does he know how much his seductive striptease is
turning me on?
Then he was naked on the creek bank, and very ready for her.

Slowly he strode into the water, still wearing his cowboy
hat. Chet approached with a predatory assuredness she welcomed and a delighted
shiver rippled through her in anticipation. Laughter bubbled up when he
captured her in his arms and swung her around. It roused the sweet memory of
their first meeting at the airport, when he had done the same thing.

“Ah, woman. You’ve bewitched me.” His hungry lips nibbled
along her shoulder.

Jenna turned to face him as the searing path of his mouth
followed her jawline. She wanted his kiss and met him with a fiery passion she
knew would never die. Jenna wound her arms around his neck and opened her
mouth, encouraging him to deepen the kiss. His tongue met hers and they moaned
into each other. His palms slipped down her back and cradled her ass.

Chet lifted her with ease and she wrapped her legs around his
hips, hooking her ankles behind his butt. Jenna wasn’t chilled any longer.
Their closeness, the skin-to-skin contact chased the coolness of the mountain
creek away. Passion warmed the water between them and they slid against each
other. His chest hair tickled her breasts and the sweet friction against her
nipples had them tightening into aching buds. Jenna pulsed her hips and his
cock glided deliciously between her pussy lips, driving her to distraction.

Chet thrust against her and she couldn’t bear another moment
of not having him fill her. Jenna tipped her hips until his cock head pushed at
her opening.

“Oh baby,” she murmured against his lips as they both thrust
and he slid into her, filling and stretching her wide. He shuddered in her
embrace and Jenna held him tight with her arms and legs as he began a rhythm
that allowed them a slow, comfortable fuck in the water. The buoyancy posed a
slight problem but the sweetness of their loving and the heat of their passion
brought them fulfillment in the pool of Gold Creek.

* * * * *

“I have something to show you.” Jenna wound her still-wet
hair into a knot on the top of her head.

“What d’ya have darlin’?” He led her along a path on the
creek bank, enjoying the sway of her hips in the shorty shorts she had on. Her
neck rose gracefully from her shoulders and he longed to run his fingers along
the gentle curve. He had a hard time keeping his hands off her, even if it was
just for a simple caress, to simply feel her energy and heat.

After a twenty-minute hike, she stopped by the sluice box
up-creek. She had been busy and the work table was laden with pans, containers,
scoops, hammers. All sorts of paraphernalia.

“Look.” Jenna held up a pan and pushed her fingers through
the concentrates of waste rock and gravel revealing bit of shiny material and
one larger stone.

Chet looked at what she was showing him and excitement built
in his chest. “Is that what I think it is?”

She nodded, a big smile on her face. “I think it is. I’m
almost positive it’s not pyrite but would want it checked out for sure.

“Where’d you find it? Here?” He pointed at the creek. They
were about a quarter mile upstream from where they’d just made love.

“Yep. I got bored downstream and started checking it out up
here. I love this looking-for-gold thing and when I saw this today, I couldn’t
believe it.”

“Well, I’ll be. Maybe we did find old Chester’s gold after
all.” Chet pushed his hat back and picked up a stone streaked with a shiny gold
luster. Lots of pyrite, or fool’s gold, in these parts too. They had to be
sure. “I know who we can take this to who will keep things quiet.”

“Can you believe it? Alluvial gold. Never in a million years
did I think I’d ever prospect for gold, let alone find some. I could be rich!”
She bounced on her toes and clapped her hands before pausing to stare at him.
could be rich.”

Chet loved watching her enthusiasm. She had such a zest for
life it was refreshing. His city girl sure had countrified in a hurry and he
was lovin’ every minute of her transformation.

“Well, we mustn’t get ahead of ourselves. It could be
nothing and you know full well, if it is gold, it’s probably runoff from the
main vein, which might be a bit more challenging to find.”

Jenna waved her hand. “I know, I know, but this is so
exciting. How many people dream of finding gold?” She pointed to the stone in
his fingers. “If that is gold and all I—we—ever find, then I’m thrilled with

Chet snaked his arm around her shoulder and handed back her
find. “Here, you hang on to it. It’s yours to do with whatever your little
heart desires.”


Jenna leaned to him for a kiss and he met her hungry lips.
He never failed to respond to her touch and even after their chilly session in
the creek, his cock sprang to life again. She was too excited about her gold
right now to take that away and tumble her again on the creek bank. So Chet bit
his tongue and tried to ignore the tightness in his groin.

“You’re very welcome, darlin’.” He smiled at her and took
her hand. “Had you planned on coming back down to the house today or did you
want to hang out a while longer here?”

“Does that mean you’re not going to stay?” She sounded
disappointed and he hated disappointing her.

“I suppose I could fit you in for the night,” Chet teased.

Jenna gave him a playful punch on the arm and followed Chet
down the trail. “Is that all you got for me, to squeeze me in? Wow, I really
have slid into the back seat haven’t I?”

“Only if you mean the back seat for havin’ a little bit of
hanky panky.”

“That’s much better. I’d hate to think you were getting
tired of me and trying to find reasons to stay away.”

Chet stopped abruptly and turned to look at her. She halted
and tipped her face up. He cupped her cheeks in his palms, leaning over her,
shadowing them under the brim of his hat.

“Don’t you ever think that. You hear me?” He covered her
lips with his and desire bolted through him when her tongue touched his. Chet
couldn’t pull away and deepened the kiss until they were both panting. He
lifted his head and curled his arms around her, holding her tight. “We’ve gone
through an awful lot in a short space of time. I almost lost you once and I’m
not about to let it happen again.”

Jenna’s arms slipped around his waist and she clung to him.
“That was so awful. I’m so grateful you found me. That we found each other.”
Her sigh was music to his ears. “Chet, let’s stay here tonight and I’ll come
down with you in the morning. Maybe you can take me to your guy and we can get
this little shiny stone looked at.”

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