Rocked Under (3 page)

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Authors: Cora Hawkes

BOOK: Rocked Under
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”Thanks for a great night. Got one more for you single ladies out there!" He didn’t even sound breathless after all the singing he’d done.

I rolled my eyes when I swear I heard almost every girl in the place, single
attached, squeal with pleasure.

He caught my eye and my stomach trembled stupidly.
He winked and flashed a killer smile that showed straight white teeth and dimples.

My tummy did a somersault.
Was he flirting with me?
I ignored the stomach-trembles, hardened up, and gave him my “so-not-interested” look before turning my back on him. He had no chance and I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he found out who his new neighbours were. Ash hadn’t told him, she had wanted to surprise him.

He had most of the ingredients that made him a recipe for a lady-killer except he was missing one main ingredient; morals. People like him, people that slept around with no respect for women, were assholes.

Newton dipped his head close to my ear, “Looks like Scott just claimed you, and
, I liked seeing you turn your back on him.”

“Claimed me?” my brows were furrowed in confusion.

. It means that he likes you and will try to get in your panties by the end of the night.”

My jaw dropped.

“The females go all mushy for Scott so this is me warning you.”

My chin lifted, “He can bloody well try but he’s not my type and I'm pretty one-hundred percent sure I'm not his either.”
I'm not a slut

Newton cocked his head slightly as he gazed at m
e and then smiled, “I think I believe you.”

Chapter Three

Newton left me to dance on my own claiming exhaustion. I watched him go back to our table and sit close to Ash. I did a double-take — he sat
close to her. I watched as half her body touched his side and she was twiddling with her hair. I smiled to myself, Ash had the hots for him. I wondered if he knew but then he was cosying up to her too. Meg was nowhere in sight. Scott had left the stage and was replaced by classic rock that played from speakers. Merrily numb and foggy-headed, I danced with a few guys. I was sorry to see the night was ending. I wanted to stay and dance all night long. I didn’t care that I had college the next day or that I was a bit hammered. This was the first time I had been out in so long that I had forgotten how much I loved it. My cheeks were actually hurting from overuse of my smiling muscles.

A slow rock ballad slowed the pace of the bodies moving around me in unison and I swayed my hips to the slow, heavy drumbeat. I could feel the bass quivering through the hardwood flooring, the haunting, melodic riff lulled me a>

I was coiled so tight that I was ready to turn around just as warm hands slid onto my hips from behind me and held them with gentle firmness as they swayed slowly. Shivers shot through me so fast that my body flinched ever so slightly. I couldn't see who it was, but I didn’t care, I was losing myself to the music and the sensation of his hands holding me, guiding and taking control of my hips, making them move slower, wider. His warmth invaded my back as he came closer and closer until his body made light contact. I trembled with an unusual feeling that zinged though my veins. Whoever this guy was, his hands were no stranger to feminine skin, that was for sure. My breath held as I felt him lift a hand off my hip to collect my hair away from my shoulder, the faint mix of mint and alcohol teased my nostrils as his warm breath fanned my exposed neck.

Anticipation clenched my stomach when the tip of his nose rubbed softly down my neck. Sparks shot all over me as his lips touched where my shoulder met my neck, dragging them gently from side to side, over and over again in a gentle assault. What felt like a day’s stubble scraped my sensitive skin as the hand still gripping my hip pulled me back into his. He was moving with me in such a way that I was panting, the rigid part of his jeans pressing into my butt. His hands moved to my shoulders, he ran them slowly down my arms and gripped my hands intimately as he took them with him to my lower tummy whilst his mouth made it’s way up to my ear. I was losing it. I had never felt so sexy as I did right then.

My heart was hammering
and all thought leapt from my mind, all that was left was him and what he was doing and making me feel. I wanted him closer so I released a hand and raised my arm up to loop it around his neck to hold him there as delicious sensation harassed me. His free hand slid firmly up and down my side. A throaty chuckle came close to my ear, then he ground his hips into me torturously slow as we swayed. A dull throb started in between my legs, I could feel what I was doing to him and it excited me as nothing had before. I matched his rhythm, straining to get closer. He let go of my hand quickly to grip my hips with both hands and squeezed slightly.

His breathing became heavier and I heard a hiss pass his teeth before he pressed them firmer onto my neck. He gently bit me, then licked the same spot. I groaned aloud again as I grabbed his neck tighter, holding him to me. My breaths were coming out short and shaky, everything seemed so far away except for the two of us and the music. It vaguely registered that he was walking us backwards. I didn't care; I was way too gone now. He was driving me crazy. His lips, firmer now, were on my jaw as he sucked and licked. I had never felt this before with anyone, I wanted to rip our clothes off right now.
His hands tightened again as his lips on my jaw and neck deepened to a level that was almost primal.

A growl escaped his lips and pulsated over my skin. I could hear his breath rasping out of him. Without warning, he spun me around, his hands clinched my hips as hed my and pushed them back against a wall as he detached himself from me and leaned his forehead against mine as we tried to catch shaky breath after shaky breath. I opened my eyes, wanting to see his face.

I gasped I was looking into the dark gaze of Scott Mason, “What the hell?” I yelled. I pushed him away as hard as I could.

The surprise on his beautiful face would’ve been funny if this was a funny situation but I pushed him straight into a big-ass man that was stood behind him.

The big man turned around and fisted Scotts shirt as he quickly turned. “Watch where you’re fucking going!” Big growled, his lip curling, showing his yellow, crooked teeth.

“Take your hands off me.” I heard Scott say in a quiet voice as I noticed that his hands were fisted by his sides.

“Or what?” Big laughed cruelly and looked behind Scott to me, “Aw, am I showing you up in front of your girl?”

Scott’s fist connected with Big’s nose before I even knew what was happening.

Big stumbled back in shock. "You're gonna fuckin' pay for that."

Scott didn't waste any time. He stepped closer to him, punched him again and then grabbed his head and brought it down to his knee hard. Big went to the floor.

I stood there trying to disappear into the wall. Lingering lust, anger, embarrassment and now guilt all swirled within me. Scott whirled around then, his frowning eyes went straight to mine and I could only stand there gazing back at him, wide-eyed and speechless. He came at me, a fission of fear ran down my spine. Ash had said something about his bad side but my reaction to seeing Scott in front of me had been swift and unstoppable. Would causing him to fight get me on his bad list? I tried to shrink further into the wall as he gripped my hand and, without looking at me, dragged me away through the busy floor to the opposite side of the crowd where he put me against the wall

He put his hands either side of my head and stood over me, his nostrils flared slightly, from exertion or anger, I didn’t know, but I hoped it was the first. His eyes held mine darkly as he calm himself.

“What was that for, babe?” He finally rasped.

I groaned inwardly. His voice held an intimate edge to it that had my pulse working overtime again.

I was mortified that I had danced with him like that and then pushing him away straight into someone and starting a fight. In my defence, I had no idea that it was him behind me, touching me that way, with those hands...
Stop it!
How could I have been so stupid? Now he was watching me questioningly, waiting for a reply.

“What was what for?” I asked, my voice hoarse.

“Why did you push me away? I thought we were having a good time.” His hand came up to stroke my cheek gently, his intense eyes seemed to visibly darken and his brows drew together. “God, you’re a beauty.”

I gazed at him, the world slipped away as he looked at me like no one had ever looked at me before, as though I was his special something and I fascinated him like nothing else did or ever could again.

I took a shaky breath and knocked myself out of it abruptly, he was so much more dangerous close up than when he was on stage. He was a real pro at this stuff – I had to remember that.

I knocked his hand away and shoved, fy and s against his hard chest lightly.

He looked sullen and his perfect lips parted as if he was about to protest.

“I’m not interested,” I said as loud as I could so I wouldn't have to repeat myself and made a move to walk away.

His hand hit the wall blocking my exit again.

I gritted my teeth, he obviously didn't like being told no. The egotistical ass has probably never heard no slip from between a girls lips. Tough.

“You’re British?” He seemed surprised. Had he really only just noticed?

“Wow, you’re quick aren’t you? Yes, I am.”

“What’s your name?” His breath held.

“Emma.” I felt triumph as his breath whooshed out of him and he turned his back on me, his hand went through his hair agitatedly. I was so glad then that Ash had my back and had obviously warned him away from me.

He turned and watched me hesitantly for a moment, his eyes took a slow journey from my eyes down to my feet and back up again.

“Fuck,” he muttered from beneath his breath as his hand swiped over his mouth and chin.

He clutched my hand again, more gently this time.

I instantly felt hot and uncomfortable.

“Come on, I’ll get you back to Ash.” He started tugging me along behind him, through the sweaty dance-floor. He glanced at me over his shoulder briefly, “I'm Scott, by the way.”

“I know, your reputation precedes you.” I pulled my tingling hand out of his grasp, “I can make my own way, thanks.”

He stopped abruptly and I collided into his back, my hands went to his sides of their own accord for support whilst his whipped behind him lightning-quick and grasped my hips to steady me. My legs almost buckled as I felt the hardness of his backside on my abdomen.

He squeezed slightly before dropping his hands and turning around to face me. I took a much needed step back, my body was misbehaving to his closeness like an allergic reaction.

“My reputation?” He began to cross his arms and I saw blood on his knuckles.

I grabbed his hand in mine, “You’re bleeding,” I held his hand up to show him.

He shrugged, “It'll happen if you hit someone a few times. It's no big deal.”

I noticed that his knuckles were covered in silvery, soft lines from previous fights. I looked up, “I’m sorry for causing
fight.” I dropped his hand.

“He deserved it,” he dismissed. “Look," he stepped closer,
"you shouldn’t dance with guys like that if you’re not gonna follow through, you could get into a lot of trouble.”

What a load of bull, I had been taking care of myself for a long time now. “What kind of trouble?” I looked up at him wide-eyed and blinked, playing innocent.

His eyebrows rose a touch.

Anyway, it wasn’t as if I meant to be like that on purpose, I didn't know what had gotten into me. He made me feel something that I hadn't before that was for sure and I didn't like it — not with him anyway.

“Fuck, babe,” he groaned, “you know what I mean.”

I found his voice the sexiest sound in the world. I needed to get away from him et awaym him —

“Sorry, but I don’t.” Should I let him squirm some more? He really looked uncomfortable. I loved it but decided against it. “Can we get back to Ash now?”

Without saying a word he grasped my hand again, and dragged me behind him towards our table where Ash, Meg and Newton were.

They clocked us coming and I saw Newton’s surprised expression as he saw our joined hands. Scott adjusted the seat next to Ash and sat me in it like a child. My temper flared.

Ash grinned at Scott, “I see you’ve met your new neighbour.”

Scott froze, his brows inverting as he looked from Ash to me and then back again. “What?”

“Emma and I moved into your building.” I could tell Ash was enjoying this a lot.

Scott’s frown touched my face quickly before turning back to Ash, “I gotta go. Later.”

I watched him walk away shaking his head, his gait was smooth and sure. When he was almost out of sight through the crowd, he turned his head to look back at me darkly before disappearing into the bodies on the floor. I turned to look at the rest of the gang, they were looking at me as though I had grown another head.

“What?” My brows rose. “Do I have horns on my head or something?”

“Or something,” Newton said.

“Shit, Emma, what did you
to him?” Meg asked.

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