Read Rocked by the Billionaire: A Billionaire's Club Story Online

Authors: Mandy Baxter

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance

Rocked by the Billionaire: A Billionaire's Club Story (6 page)

BOOK: Rocked by the Billionaire: A Billionaire's Club Story
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“Hey, it’s not my mind that’s in the gutter, honey. I was talking about horses. But if you’d prefer to mount up, I’m sure I could—”

“If I’m not mistaken, cattle and horse thievery is still frowned upon around here. I doubt Ryder would appreciate us taking off with any of his stock,” she interrupted with a nervous laugh. Anything to keep him from finishing that sentence.

Luke reached out and took her hand in his. So gentle. So unlike the cocky bravado he readily displayed. It wasn’t that his gentleness was better, just … different. Tentative. His touch was the plea that pride refused to allow him to speak. He didn’t want her to leave. And despite her earlier words to Ryder, Kayleigh wasn’t sure she wanted to leave, either.

“Ryder doesn’t own every horse on this ranch. Come on, do you have something better to do this morning? Maybe a stack of macaroni art that needs to be graded?”

A challenging brow arched over one eye and Kayleigh couldn’t help but laugh. “I can spare a couple of hours to help you relearn how to ride. L.A. has probably brainwashed every ounce of cowboy out of you.”

He headed for the door and Kayleigh went after him as though she had no other choice. Luke had always had a magnetic pull that was too strong to fight. “There are a lot of things L.A. hasn’t managed to flush out of my system.” She shivered at the dark tenor of his voice and the way his eyes held hers when he turned to hold the door open for her. He leaned in over the top of her head and took a deep breath. Kayleigh’s eyelids fluttered as he released it. “Riding is one of them.”

So much for getting him out of town. At the rate they were going, Luke would be sticking around for good.

And if Luke decided to stay, Kayleigh knew that it would surely ruin them both.


Luke’s bravado had definitely gotten the better of him. He owned three of the ranch’s stock horses, but it had been almost a decade since he’d saddled up and it showed. His ass was killing him and Lucifer—Ryder’s idea of a joke—was living up to his name, making the trip to the back forty as hard on Luke as possible. Damned gelding nearly threw him after coming to a dead stop at the bottom of the knoll. It had given Kayleigh something to laugh about, though, so he’d let the bastard’s ornery streak slide for now.

It might have been stupid to press his luck with her, especially after hearing her beg Ryder to get him out of town. Short of stripping her naked and licking her from head to toe right there in the foyer, he’d all but dared her to look him in the eye and tell him that she didn’t want him. And the fact that she hadn’t further proved that she couldn’t stay away from him any more than he could from her. He wasn’t ready to throw in the towel yet. Not as long as there was still this spark of electricity between them.

Kayleigh brought her mare to a stop near a narrow stream that ran through the pasture. Short, brilliant green spring grass had begun to poke up through the dry white stubble of last season’s hay. In L.A. the seasons weren’t quite so marked. Nothing poked up through the sidewalks to indicate the coming of spring. Luke missed the rolling open fields and quiet solitude. Kayleigh hopped down from her mount and let the mare graze while she walked a few yards to the north and sat down under a giant oak tree, its newly sprouted leaves rustling in the light breeze.

For a moment Luke just stared. Took in the sight of her, absorbed the calm that she projected. He’d taken more deep breaths in the past twenty-four hours than he had in the last five years. And each one of them smelled of lilacs and sage.

“Do you remember that time we made a fort with Jase in Rich Davis’s wheat field?” Luke asked as he led his horse down to the creek. He tried to dismount without looking like a fool, but his foot got caught in the stirrup and he damned near fell flat on his face. If Kayleigh noticed, she didn’t let it show. Thank fuck. “I thought the old man was going to have a heart attack when he saw what we’d done.”

“I remember thinking that it was so beautiful. A sea of gold and so thick you couldn’t see through it.”

Luke could barely remember the field. But he remembered the way she’d looked that day, her cheeks flushed from running and her smile wide with laughter. He left his horse to graze next to hers and walked to the tree. She’d found a bed of spring clover to sit on.

She looked out across the field and tucked her legs beneath her. “I also remember the split lip Jase ended up with after you hit him.”

Jase was his twin and there was no one on the planet he was closer to. But that day, Jase had pushed him too far. Teasing Luke about his crush. Of course, Luke had denied it. When Jase threatened to kiss Kayleigh though, Luke had lost his cool and popped his brother in the face. They’d been fifteen at the time and that was the moment that he realized Kayleigh meant more to him than a simple friendship. Lying in the circle of wheat that they’d laid flat, her hand resting in his, Luke knew that he was in love with her.

“I don’t sleep much anymore.” He sat down beside her, his back against the tree and angled away from her. He’d been nothing more than a cocky, horny asshole with her since the second he’d laid eyes on her. He missed the ease with which he could talk to her. The way he could lay his soul bare to her without the threat of judgment. Talking to Kayleigh was like going to confession: just by listening, she lifted a burden from his soul. “Not for the past year, anyway. I can’t get my brain to quiet down. It just runs and runs until I feel like I’ll fucking explode if I don’t do something to make it stop. I tried pills but all they did was give me fucked-up dreams and make me feel like shit. I haven’t written anything in as long. I feel like everyone wants a piece of me. Wants to tell lies about me. The guys told me that if I didn’t get my shit together that they were going to replace me.” A bark of disdainful laughter erupted in his chest. “Can you believe that shit? I founded Riot 59 and they’re going to kick me out?”

Kayleigh remained quiet beside him, but he didn’t need her to talk. He knew she was listening and that’s what mattered. It’s what loosened the knot that had been lodged in his chest for months.

“My manager suggested one of those spas where celebrities go to get over exhaustion. Meditate. Get two or three massages a day. Live on apple and kale juice for a couple of weeks to ‘cleanse my system.’ I stayed at one place for a full forty-eight hours before I started to unravel. All the meditation did was give me more time alone with my thoughts. And I can’t live on juice.” One thing would never change and that was his love of a perfectly grilled T-bone. “Food fads and new age bullshit weren’t going to center me.”

Luke let the sound of the breeze in the grass fill his ears and his eyes drifted shut. It felt so damned good just to sit beside her. There wasn’t a drug on the planet that could calm him the way she did.

“And you thought that after almost ten years, you could come home and everything would be the same?”

The words weren’t much louder than the breeze, but he heard them. “Not at first.” His hand found hers and Kayleigh let him twine his fingers with hers. “But then I saw you crossing the street …” How could he possibly explain to her that by simply seeing her, she’d set his careening world right? “No one knows me like you do. Nothing can calm my mind like you can. I missed you, Kayleigh.
Every fucking day
. It damned near killed me to walk away from you.”

Her fingers twitched as though she wanted to pull away. “It seemed easy enough for you at the time.”

The lyrics of the song he’d finished last night left his lips, not quite singing, not quite speaking: “Part of me stayed behind that day. The part that couldn’t bear to let you get away. Through the noise and the chaos, you found me. And I was a fool not to see that everything I’d ever needed was right here in front of me.”

When the last word faded into silence, Kayleigh pulled her hand away from his. “Don’t do that do me, Luke. It’s not fair to use your pretty words against me.”

Maybe not. But since when was life fair? “Every song I’ve ever written has been about you. You’re my muse.”

A strangled sound escaped her throat and Luke glanced over to see Kayleigh push herself up from the ground and take off at a near-run. “Kayleigh, wait!” Luke used the tree for leverage and sprung to his feet to chase after her.

“That’s the problem, Luke!” Kayleigh whipped around to face him, her eyes full of fire and her cheeks flushed. The breeze stirred the loose curls of her hair, sending strands across her face. God damn she was fucking breathtaking. “I’ve
waiting! For years! Waiting on fantasies. Memories. For something that was never going to happen. You didn’t show up out of the blue because you’d left your heart behind. It sounds to me like what you needed was a little goddamned inspiration and you knew you’d find the drama to make it happen here.”

“Kayleigh …” If only his reason for coming home was that simple. But was she right? Was everything he felt just an echo of some creative drive?

“I was trying to move on.” Her voice broke with emotion. “And now I’m going to have to start from square one when you leave again.”


Could she be more pathetic? Luke Blackwell was the prime example of why girls fell for musicians. His artistic soul, willingness to push boundaries, and fearlessness to lay himself bare was like catnip and wasn’t she the horny feline to go after him?

“I don’t want to hurt you, baby. I never wanted to hurt you.”

“I’m not your baby.” Who in the hell pined after their high school sweetheart for
eight years
? A drug she couldn’t quit, the second she’d laid eyes on him he’d held her rapt. “In fact, I’m pretty sure you’ve called a fair share of women ‘baby’ since you left.”

She wanted him to deny it even though she knew better. To profess his faithfulness. If only to give her a good reason to walk away from him once and for all. She’d seen proof of his many hookups plastered all over the media. A space of silence stretched between them and Luke’s dark brows came down sharply over his eyes. “I fucked my way from one end of the country to the other and not a single one of those empty encounters could come close to even five seconds with you.”

God damn his honesty. He’d never lied to her. Not once. And apparently he wasn’t going to start now. Kayleigh hadn’t exactly been abstinent, either, but a pang of jealousy speared her heart just the same. “You know, it would hurt less if you’d just blown into town for a quick fuck. At least I would’ve known where I stood with you. What you’re doing now is a thousand times worse.”

“What am I doing, Kayleigh?” God, the way he said her name. A low, seductive caress that she felt on every inch of her skin.

“I don’t want to care about you, Luke. I can’t.”

“I can’t
love you,” Luke replied without guile. “No matter the distance or years between us. I won’t ever love anyone else.”

He was
her. Plying her with emotion that she couldn’t resist. Words that she’d been dying to hear for too long. Tears stung at her eyes but she refused to let them flow. “And because you won’t let me go,
never be free to love anyone else.”

Luke rushed at her, cupped her cheeks in his hands. He searched her expression, his own pinched with pain. The air sizzled between them and Kayleigh’s chest tightened as Luke seized her mouth in a brutal kiss.

Passion had never been their problem. They’d had it in spades. There was a synchronicity between them that Kayleigh had never experienced with another man. His arms came around her, one gripping the hair at the base of her neck, the other curled around her waist. Their mouths slanted, tongues meeting in a wild tangle that caused Kayleigh’s stomach to twist into delicious knots. Kissing Luke was like riding a roller coaster. Always had been. One exciting twist and turn after another.

He took a few stumbling steps back and she followed, their mouths joined in a frenzy of hungry kisses. The shade of the oak blocked out the reflection of sunlight behind her lids and a cool kiss of spring air caused a chill to ripple over her skin. Luke released his grip on her, fumbling with the buttons on her shirt. The last one released with a pop of thread as he shoved it down over her arms. Her bra went next, the clasp unhooked with a simple flick of Luke’s hand.

Their lips parted as Luke stripped his T-shirt off and Kayleigh drank in the sight of his naked torso, covered with tattoos. She reached out, traced the outline of her name in swirling black ink, nested in a pattern of swirls on his left pec. “I doubt many of your other girlfriends were crazy about this tattoo.”

His eyes smoldered. Embers in a dying fire. “I told you, Kayleigh, no one else matters. I’ve never given a shit about any other woman but you.”

She should have felt bad for the trail of broken hearts Luke had no doubt left in his wake. But had she treated any of her past boyfriends any better? Hell, she’d broken up with Spencer the second Luke showed up in town. Mid-proposal! Luke had branded his body with her name. A piece of her that he always carried with him. She might not have had any ink of her own, but he’d branded her heart. And it was a mark that would never fade.

“Luke, touch me.”

She needed the reassurance of his hands on her. She craved this man she’d tried to send away. Wanted him as badly as she feared the emotional damage he’d inflict on her. The breeze kissed her naked skin and her nipples puckered into tight, aching peaks. Luke took her in his arms and pulled her close. He eased her back, supporting her with his strength as he bent and covered one pearled nipple with his mouth.

“Oh god.” He scraped his teeth over her sensitive flesh and she gasped. His hands kneaded her shoulder and hip as he held her and with each pass of his tongue, Kayleigh became more mindless in her need of him. Her underwear dampened and her clit throbbed with each frenzied beat of her heart.

Luke’s knees bent as he shifted and scooped Kayleigh up in his arms. He abandoned one breast for the other, licking, biting, sucking until she could no longer take a deep breath. Gently, he set her down on the bed of clover, his eyes devouring her as he unfastened her jeans and jerked them—along with her underwear—free of her body.

BOOK: Rocked by the Billionaire: A Billionaire's Club Story
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