Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4) (40 page)

BOOK: Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4)
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Alexandra’s breath slowed gradually as she
shivered in the aftermath of the incredible orgasm Sasha had given her, her
nerves tingling and her heart racing in her chest even as the last spasms of
pleasure started to abate. She opened her eyes and gasped as her gaze fell on
him; he had already removed his shirt, revealing a broad, muscled chest,
speckled with wheat-colored hair and lightly furred arms. A slightly darker
pleasure trail shot down from his navel towards the waistband of his
jeans—jeans that he was in the process of removing. Sasha stopped, looking at
her with an intent gaze. “I can stop anytime,” he said, his voice ragged with
desire. Alexandra could see the unmistakable bulge at the front of his pants,
and in spite of the orgasm she’d already had, she felt her desire beginning to
stir again.

“No—no, you don’t have to stop,” she said quickly,
her gaze trailing down over his lean, muscled body. “I just—wasn’t aware you
were—I mean…” she shook her head, uncertain of how much of the fog had come
from the pain pill and how much of it was from the satisfied pleasure that
still hummed through her nerves. “Don’t stop,” she said finally, unable to
think of anything else to say.

Sasha chuckled, and Alexandra watched with growing
interest as he slowly pushed the denim over his hips, guiding a pair of
underwear down over his thick, muscled thighs along with the tougher fabric.
His cock sprung to life—and Alexandra’s eyes widened at the sight of it. It had
been months since she had been with anyone; and even if her experience had been
more recent, Sasha’s endowment would have given her pause. He was large,
thicker and longer than any other man she had been with, his erection flushed
almost purple at the tip.

Sasha climbed into the bed next to her and
Alexandra felt the heat rolling off of him in waves; he was practically a
radiator, almost too warm to the touch. “You’re not ready,” he said as she
moved to wrap her legs around him. He chuckled again, nipping playfully at her
throat. “Give yourself time to catch your breath; I’m not going anywhere.”

“You said you’d leave if I told you to.”

“I really don’t think you want me to,” Sasha
murmured, his voice a low growl in her ear. “Do you?” Alexandra shook her head.
She didn’t want him to leave. With his body pressed so close to her, the heat
of him, the hardness of his erection pressed against her hip, she couldn’t
think of anything she wanted less. There was a musk-laden scent in his hair
that was oddly appealing, something sharp and deeply masculine that seemed to
make it impossible for Alexandra to focus on anything other than the
possibility of feeling him inside of her.
I know you want me, but you have
to wait.

Alexandra startled, pulling back from Sasha as if
the heat of his body had been enough to burn her. She had heard his voice
saying the words—clear as a bell—but in spite of the fact that his lips brushed
along her throat, she hadn’t felt the telltale breaths of him speaking against
her skin. “What did you say?” Sasha pulled back, holding her gaze for a long
moment. He licked his lips, the furtive flicker returning to his eyes.

“What did you hear?” he asked. Alexandra pressed
her lips together, narrowing her eyes.

“You know good and goddamned well what I heard,”
she said. She saw Sasha flinch for just a moment.

“Don’t think about that right now,” he told her,
claiming her lips for a hungry, deep kiss. He slipped down between her legs,
pinning her carefully down onto the bed, and as he rocked his hips against
hers, Alexandra felt the heat and hardness of his cock rubbing against her
slick, already sensitive folds. For an instant, the well-trained instinct to
remind him of protection flitted through her mind, only to dissolve in the heat
of her rising arousal; Alexandra moaned as Sasha rubbed against her, the tip of
his cock brushing her clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through her body that
made rational thought impossible.

He shifted against her, claiming her lips with his
own, and Alexandra groaned as he thrust into her slowly, pushing past the
resistance of her body. She wrapped her legs around his waist, heedless of her
injuries and pushed her hips down to meet his, wanting to feel him deeper
inside of her, craving him as eagerly as she had ever wanted anything in her
life. Sasha rocked his hips, slowly pushing deeper and deeper inside of her,
rubbing along her inner walls, and Alexandra fell into his rhythm, twisting and
writhing underneath him as her hands trailed over his body, eager to explore
the lines and planes and ridges of his back. “Fuck,” she said, gasping as she
broke away from his lips. “Jesus—God, you feel so good.” Sasha growled lowly,
picking up the pace of his thrusts, driving harder into her moment by moment.

Every movement of their bodies sent a cascade of
hot and cold tingles through Alexandra’s body, the pleasure mounting every
second. She moaned out again and again, grabbing at Sasha’s body, threading her
fingers in his thick, soft hair, touching him everywhere she could reach. Sasha
kissed and nipped at her sensitive skin, claiming her mouth over and over.
“You’re mine,” he growled in her ear. “You know it, don’t you? You can feel
Give into me completely, give in and let me feel you come.
Alexandra didn’t question the sensations, the sounds that echoed through her
mind as she moved closer and closer to orgasm, unable to think.

Her pleasure crested and Alexandra cried out,
struggling to hold back as wave after wave of orgasm racked her—sensation so
intensely pleasurable that it might as well have been pain. She was so lost in
her own pleasure that she barely felt Sasha’s cock twitching inside of her,
barely heard his growling roar. She felt the hot, slick gush of his orgasm
rushing into her body, intensifying the climax that washed through her.
Alexandra clung to what consciousness she could maintain, clinging to Sasha’s
body as if for life itself, and reeling in the pleasure that crackled and
buzzed through her body. “Yes—yes, I’m yours,” she mumbled weakly, pressing her
body helplessly against Sasha’s. Darkness welled up around her and she gave
into it, burying her face against Sasha’s neck as she drifted into a satisfied




“Okay,” Alexandra said, wincing as an ill-advised
movement sent a twinge of pain through her body. “Let me get this straight.”
She swallowed, trying to work what Sasha had just told her through her mind.

“It’s a lot to take in, I know,” Sasha said,
smiling slightly. Alexandra resisted the urge to pull away from him; he was no
different from the person she had just finished having sex with only a
half-hour before.
But you didn’t know the person he was when you finished
having sex with him,
she thought. “No, you didn’t know; I probably should
have told you.” Alexandra flinched.

“Could you—could you please not do that right
now?” she asked him. As soon as she had come out of her reverie, the first
thought that had filled her mind was about the curious experience of hearing
his voice—in her mind, instead of in her ears.

As her breath had slowed, she had opened her eyes,
looking at Sasha sharply in the yellow morning light that filtered through the
window. “You read my mind. And I—I heard your thoughts, didn’t I?”

The question had opened the floodgates, and as
Alexandra lay in bed next to Sasha, she tried to understand the information he
had given her. “There are a few things you need to know,” he had told her,
holding her gently. “The first is—yes, I did read your mind, and you were able
to hear my thoughts. I probably…I probably should have warned you that it could

“How—how is it possible, and what is going on?”
Sasha had kissed her lightly.

“You’re my mate.” Before she could ask just what
he had meant by mate, Sasha brought his finger against her lips to forestall
her. “The bears you saw in the forest—one of them was me.” He explained that he
was—in his words—a werebear. A shape-shifter. That the fact that she could hear
his thoughts, and that he could read her mind, meant that they had bonded. “So,
you see,” he had told her finally, “You are—unless you decide against it—part
of my life now, and if you decide to move forward with me, part of my clan.”

Alexandra closed her eyes for a moment. “This is
going to take a lot of thought,” she said finally.

“I can appreciate that,” Sasha said gently. “Take
all the time you need.”

“You’re already in my head,” Alexandra said,
smiling weakly.

“If you decide not to join the clan, that will go
away in time.” Alexandra nodded slowly. “You can meet the rest of the clan.
Spend some time recuperating from your wounds. I’ll even sleep in the living
room if you want.” Alexandra raised an eyebrow, looking at him.

“No you will not,” she said tartly. “You are not
going to go from getting me off twice in less than thirty minutes to sleeping
on the couch.” She shook her head. “You’re staying right here, and as soon as I
work my head around the fact that you can become a bear, you are going to get
me off again.” Sasha chuckled.

“As many times as you want,” he murmured.
will get you off as often as you can stand.
Alexandra pressed closer to
him; while she hadn’t decided, she thought that unless there was something even
more off-putting than turning into a bear in Sasha’s life, she would be happy
to at least see how this mating arrangement could play out. She had never had
better sex in her life; she wasn’t about to just cast it aside when she could
have as much of it as she could stand. “You are so impatient,” Sasha whispered.
“At least let me make sure you haven’t pulled any stitches before you climb on
top of me.” Alexandra blushed. At least, she thought, very privately, if he
could read her mind—he would always know what she wanted.




Taken By The Wild Werebears


Ben fell onto his front paws as he scented the
air, seeking something interesting to eat without having any particular goal in
mind. A few feet away from him, he felt the mental presence of Dov, one of his
oldest friends within the Nita clan.
Someone in the woods.
The thought
came to him in something less than words but more than instinct, a
suggestion—an impulse between animal thinking and human. Ben snuffled, shaking
his head from side to side. Someone in the woods—unless it was a
hunter—represented very little trouble to him in the form he had taken on;
there weren’t many people either in the town of Green Tree or in general who
would deliberately trouble a pair of fully-grown brown bears in their nocturnal
search for food.

So what?
He sent the thought in Dov’s
direction, sniffing the air once more. He caught a fleeting scent—berries,
sharp and sweetly pungent in the humid night air of the forest—and turned in
that direction. He coughed, alerting his friend to the proximity of food as he
approached the bushes, illuminated faintly by the waxing moon’s light.

Dov had been his friend for as long as Ben could
remember; the two of them had undergone their first, ritual transformation
together, they worked on the logging crew together, and even when the rest of
the clan was busy with other things—spending time with family members, going
out to take in the few diversions that the little logging town offered, or, as
was the case with their Alpha, staying in for the night with a mate—he and Dov
found their way into the woods together, exploring what the night held for
inquisitive animals that had no need to fear predators.

Ben began to mine the bushes for ripe berries, his
keen nose and keener instincts tugging him away from those still green. After a
moment, Dov joined him, shifting down onto his rump to eat in comfort. They
exchanged soft growling chuffs, enjoying the sweet-tart taste of the fruit as
eagerly as any bear could. The only thing better would have been honey; but Ben
had no interest in dealing with bees that night, and he knew Dov didn’t either.
Unlike real bears, they had the advanced thinking skills and the money to buy
honey if they wanted it; there was little sense in raiding a hive when there
were jars and jars of honey at the local market.

I smell her. That woman—the new one.
fragmented thoughts, filtering through Ben’s mind from Dov’s, were accompanied
by a faint image; a short, curvy woman, who had moved into town only a few
weeks before, hired by the logging company to do administrative work. Ben had
met her briefly; he had been careful not to get too close to the woman—her
pheromones, feminine and possibly fertile, would have been nothing but an
incitement to him, and he knew, as everyone in the Nita clan did, that the
animal instincts had to be kept in check amongst the “normal” humans of the
town. She had honey-colored hair kept tightly in a bun dead center at the back
of her skull, and a slightly tightly wound air about her that put Ben on alert.

Of course, Ben thought as he meditatively munched
on wild berries, sinking down onto his hindquarters in the filtered moonlight,
there were plenty of members of the clan who were not quite so careful; they
went out to the bars every night, picking up whatever girl would come home with
them and showing up the next morning as likely as not with a hangover. He let
out a snort of disgust. Since the few women who had been born into the clan
were closely related to its other members, they had been married off—a decision
by the Alpha, though not one that had met with universal approval. Ben himself
could feel the low, pulsing animal lust inside of himself on a near-constant
basis: the need to mate, to claim a female as his own. For werebears such as
himself, mating was a permanent attachment. The less steady members of the
clan, slightly younger—some of them just old enough to drink—were willing to
slake that desire as best as they could with one-night stands, taking care of
the physical problem.

But Ben held himself back, and Dov had taken the
same cue; when they had first been inducted into the Nita clan formally, as
teenaged werebears, they had agreed that they would follow their Alpha’s edicts
as long as they weren’t harmful, and Ben had never gone back on his word in his
entire life. He didn’t intend to start doing it just because he had the mating

Next to him, Dov let out a soft trill.
our way.
Ben sighed; they would have to decide whether it was worth it to
risk the panic of a woman encountering two bears in the woods at night, or if
it would be better to vacate the area, keep away from the stranger. The Nita
clan had lived in the town of Green Tree for as long as it had existed; the
original shape-shifters who had formed it had been loggers, just like the
majority of the town’s men. Their existence was precarious, however. None of
the normal humans in the tiny town knew the true nature of the members of the
clan. There were occasional murmurs about some of the stranger behaviors of the
“local bears,” but in spite of the occasional sighting of someone coming out of
the woods, transformed back into a human, the members of the community seemed
content to turn a blind eye; but if they were confronted with the true fact of
the Nita clan, there would be consequences—deadly ones.

Move on?
Ben rumbled, turning his head and
scenting the air, trying to catch the trace his friend had noticed. In his
human form, he had better-than-normal senses of smell and hearing; but in his
animal form, Ben’s senses were even more acute. He caught the scent that Dov
had found: richly female, with the sweet, slightly musk-laden undercurrent of
fertility, it was enough to briefly make the promise of even the sweetest,
ripest berries pale in comparison. How the woman had managed not to attract
every human male in the town—along with the unattached Nita clan contingent—was
beyond Ben’s ability to comprehend. A jolt of fiery need shot through him at
her smell. Breathing deeply, trying to settle the hormones surging through his
body, Ben picked up the answering scent of Dov’s pheromones; he was beginning
to respond to the smell of female fertility as well.

Better leave,
Dov’s hurried, not-quite-panicked
thought reached him, and Ben let out a grumbling growl to confirm his
agreement. They moved deeper into the woods together, and as they moved further
away from the alluring, distracting smell, Ben felt his thoughts beginning to
clear. If they could just keep downwind of the woman, he thought, they would be
okay. He sniffed at the air, sorting through the scents that painted
crystal-clear pictures on his ursine mind, identifying each one. There was
carrion nearby, but he was unmoved by it; there was a tree somewhere close to
them that had—to his keen nose—perhaps a few ripe fruits for the picking. He
ambled off on all fours, meandering through the underbrush and putting the new
woman out of his mind as completely as he could. She was not for him—even if
she smelled appealingly like she should be. He would not fight Dov over the
right to take her; he would rather lose the opportunity to mate completely than
be in opposition to a man he considered his brother, his own flesh and blood.
Ben barked a quick sound in Dov’s direction, heading towards the appealing
smell of more food.

BOOK: Rock Star Romance: Dan (Contemporary New Adult Rockstar Bad Boy Romance) (Hard Rock Star Series Book 4)
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