Rock Me : Wicked (6 page)

Read Rock Me : Wicked Online

Authors: Arabella Quinn

Tags: #contemporary erotica romance, #new adult romance with sex, #rock star erotic romance, #rock star sex, #new adult romance, #new adult fiction, #rock star romance, #rock star erotica, #new adult contemporary romance, #rock star romance books

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As the
sky grew darker, it was finally hunger that drove the group off the beach. They
ended up splitting up to get dinner. Nick joined Tyler and his group and Tommy
stayed with Lena, Melissa and Alex.

After eating,
Tommy pulled Alex aside. "I'll keep Melissa busy for a while, bro. But the
bus is leaving tonight. Johnnie wants to leave by midnight so he can get some
decent sleep, so you better make it quick."

Johnnie drove the
bus while the group was on tour. And he was pretty good with putting up with the
post-show partying and lousy schedules. They tried not to mess with him too

Alex felt his gut
clench. His time with Lena was almost up. He approached the girls, "Do you
mind if I steal Lena for a bit? I want to take a walk on the beach before we

Melissa smirked
and dug the new beach blanket out of the car. "Here, take this." She
tossed it to Alex.

Lena reached out
for his hand and they entwined fingers as they headed down the boardwalk to the
soft sand. Night had fallen and the beach was dark except for the moonlight
flitting through the clouds.

They walked
silently for a few moments, listening to the surf pounding. Farther down the
beach they could see a small fire, but it was mostly deserted.

Alex stopped
walking, "Why don't we spread the blanket out and sit for awhile?"

Lena helped him
with the blanket and then sat between his legs, settling her head against his
chest. "I've had so much fun today, Alex. I wish you didn't have to

"Me too,
babe." He didn't want to talk about leaving.
He didn't even want to
think about it.
It was too depressing.

Instead, he
started kissing her neck. She felt so good in his arms and he had wanted her
like crazy all day. His hands slipped under her cover-up and found the strings
to her bikini top. He knew exactly how to unfasten them; he had been staring at
the ties all day.

Within seconds, he
was slipping her bikini top off. From under her cover-up, his hands slipped
around to the front of her, sliding slowly up her sides, feeling the gentle
swell of the sides of her breasts and then cupping the firm weight of them in
his hands. He marveled at how soft and smooth her skin felt against his guitar
roughened fingers. She inhaled deeply, her breasts filling his hands. His cock
was twitching as he felt her nipples responding to his touch, pebbling under
his gentle prodding.

She arched her
back slightly and made soft moaning sounds. He groaned as he imagined her
getting wet for him. He wanted to taste her, but he held back; he wanted to
take things slowly. Explore every inch of her luscious body.

His hands slid
down to the hem of her cover-up. He slowly lifted it over her head and kissed
the back of her neck and then down her shoulder. Lena turned in his lap and
reached for his t-shirt. He helped her take it off him; his balls aching when
her taut nipples slid across his bare chest.

He held her at
arm's length; he could just see the dark outline at the peaks of her breasts in
the soft moonlight. He reached out to touch them, but she backed away. Watching
her slowly sliding her bikini bottom down her long legs mesmerized him. She lay
back on the blanket, waiting for him.

Softly grabbing
her ankle, his fingers slid slowly up her leg. Her legs parted slightly for
him, but his fingers slid over to her hip bone and moved on toward her belly.
Her whimpers of frustration told him that she was growing impatient. But he
wanted to drive her wild with anticipation, if he could hold back that long.

He lay next to her
side and gently caressed her breast. She reached out to him, her hand exploring
his chest and sliding lower. He took her breast into his mouth, sucking softly
and flicking her nipple with his tongue. He meant to hold off, but as her hand
slipped inside his shorts and found his cock, without realizing it, his hand
had slid between her legs and his fingers began stroking her. She was wet for
Really wet

Lena pressed
against his hand, demanding more. His finger circled her clit over and over
before plunging into her slippery core. He rubbed against her inner walls
before withdrawing his finger and finding her clit once more. He repeated it
again and again as her gasps and cries grew more urgent.

He was confused
when she suddenly rolled away from him; from her frantic cries he had thought
she was about to come at any moment. But she sat up and pushed him onto his
back, taking charge. His cock was throbbing, still trapped inside his shorts as
she straddled him. She worked her way up and when he figured out her
intentions, he groaned.
God, she was so sexy.

Her pussy slid on
top of his mouth. "Kiss me, Alex."

He couldn't hold
back any longer. His brain shut down. No more sweet and tender.
He devoured

His tongue
slid straight into her juicy center, tasting her sweet essence. When his lips
wrapped around her sensitive clit and sucked, she cried out, loudly, grinding
hard into his face.

cock was aching with need and her unrestrained lust was driving him insane. He
groaned against her sex and this only seemed to turn her on more. His tongue mercilessly
teased her clit, flicking and circling before thrusting deep into her pussy. He
used his teeth carefully to nip at her sensitive flesh and still she pushed
into his face, demanding more.

He was
eating her pussy with abandon and could tell from her cries that she was about
to climax. She pressed against his face and grew still. She was calling out his
name when he felt her explosive orgasm. He felt her inner muscles contracting
around his tongue just as he tasted the creamy juices of her release.

tongue continued to tease her shuddering pussy, but before it even stopped
quivering from her climax, Alex flipped her over onto her back, underneath him.
He stripped off his shorts and braced himself in between her legs. He had meant
to take her slow and leisurely tonight, to demonstrate to her how deeply he
felt about her, but he ended up fucking her like an animal.

plunged into her warm center and it felt like heaven. He pumped into her, no
longer able to slow down, mindless with need. The pressure in his cock built to
unbearable proportions. Lena was writhing below him and he could hold back no

buried himself deep inside her, feeling her squeeze his cock tight as he shot
his load. He shattered into a million pieces of pleasure as her muscles milked
his cock.

He was
unmoving, panting above her until Lena pulled him into her arms. They lay
together silently and when the euphoria of their joining started to fade, only
one thought remained in his mind.
He wasn't going to lose her again.

Chapter Six

It had been easier
than I thought convincing Melissa to go to Jones Beach with me. She practically
jumped at the chance to hang out with the band again. She blew off work
entirely on Monday, but I worked until lunch and then picked her up. It took us
about an hour and a half to get out to Wantagh. We followed the road signs from
the highway to the venue.

Melissa pointed
excitedly, "Look! VIP and special needs, go that way."

I laughed at her
enthusiasm. "I don't think it really matters right now. It looks pretty

We finally drove
up to a gated entrance. I handed the passes that Alex had given to me to the
attendant. She retreated to her hut for a few minutes. Finally she came back to
the car and handed me a blue paper card.

"Hang that on
your rear view mirror. You can follow the blue lines and park in lot 5A."

She was already
walking away before I could thank her. The gate arm lifted and I drove into the
lot. Melissa and I giggled like kids as we drove past the endless empty lots
closer and closer to the outdoor amphitheater. We found the correct lot, which
already had a smattering of cars in it, and parked. As we got out of the car, I
could hear music playing. We headed for the entrance marked VIP.

Melissa looked
around. "Now what? It looks empty."

I was busy
listening to the music. It sounded like Cold Fusion jamming. "Well, Alex
said to just ask for them when we got in. He said anyone would be able to point
us in the right direction. I think they're doing their sound check right now.
It sounds like them."

Unbelievably, we
were able to walk right into the amphitheater. When I got a good look at the
stage, I could see it was Cold Fusion. Melissa and I worked our way into the
seating and moved up toward the front of the stage. We sat about ten rows back
watching the band during their sound check. The scene before us was awesome.
The sun sparkled on the water that surrounded the stage on three sides.

The band was
jamming while Tyler sang bursts of verses here and there. I watched as Alex
changed his guitar several times, checking each new one as the guitar tech
brought them out for him. It sounded very different from the actual live
performance, but it was exciting to watch. The stage was a mass of boxes and
crates, equipment and wires running everywhere. It looked a mess, but I knew
that tonight after all the hard work of the crew, the show would look

Melissa leaned
into me. "Nick just spotted us."

All of my focus
had been on Alex. I glanced over to Nick playing the bass guitar. Nick made his
way across the stage as they all continued to play. I couldn't tell how Nick
conveyed the message, but suddenly I saw Alex looking out into the seats. He
smiled and waved when he spotted us, and my heart about melted.

The sound check
lasted about another forty-five minutes. I never took my eyes off Alex, soaking
in his every move, his every expression. Finally, when it was over, Alex handed
his guitar off to the tech and left the stage to come down and meet us.

girls," he hugged me tight. My arms wove around his neck and he lifted me
off my feet. I felt my stomach flutter just feeling his body against mine.

My feet touched
the ground again, but I didn't let go. A moment later his happy smile turned to
a lustful gaze. My body flushed in the heat of the moment.
He knew just what
I was thinking.
Butterflies danced in my stomach as he smiled lazily at me.
His pulled me against his lips and kissed me hard.

I vaguely heard
Melissa saying, "Just pretend I'm not here. No problem."

Normally, I
wouldn't make out like a teenager in front of a friend, but Alex's kiss made me
lose all control.

Alex broke our
kiss, still staring at me, clearly as affected by it as I was. He shot a funny
sheepish look to Melissa. "Sorry. I couldn't resist."

Melissa just shook
her head, muttering, "You two."

Alex took us back
behind stage to where the bands hung out before the shows. We met up with Nick
who was changing his shirt. Melissa and I exchanged a discreet glance at each
other when we got a peek at his toned body.

Nick nodded to us.
"Tyler and Tommy went to catch up with Warning Shot. They're partying
heavy already. I'll catch up with you later."

Nick left and Alex
turned to us. "You want something to eat or drink? Or do you want to go
find out what's going on with Warning Shot?"

Melissa turned to
me. "Evie, let's go party with Warning Shot. But don't ditch me before the
show, okay?"

I nodded my
agreement. "Yeah. I've got the keys this time, so you better behave

Alex grabbed my
hand and started leading us behind the maze of the backstage world. He led us
to a lounge room of sorts where about twenty people were hanging out with Warning
Shot. I must have hesitated slightly at the door because Alex squeezed my hand,
almost to reassure me.

The loud music
blasted my ears as my eyes swept around the room, noticing the girls, the
alcohol and the drugs. I wasn't exactly shocked, but I had willfully ignored
that this was Alex's world now. Tyler had a girl on his lap. Tommy was smoking
pot. Someone was snorting lines. I think it was Warning Shot's lead guitarist.

Tommy spotted us
and called us over. A few heads turned, but nobody seemed to pay us much
attention. We headed over to Tommy, weaving through all the people crowded in
the tight space. We passed by a girl sitting on a couch with two guys I didn't recognize.
But the girl was Cassie from the other night. And she definitely remembered me.

Melissa made it to
Tommy's side before us. She was already partying by the time we got there.

Tommy turned to me,
"Hey, Evie-Lena. Glad you guys could make it out here."

I smiled.
"Yeah, me too."

Alex leaned in to
me. "Do you want something to drink? A drink, beer, or water?"

Not wanting to
look lame, I opted for the beer even though I'd actually rather drink water.
Alex went to the bar area to get our drinks.

I watched Tommy
take a hit. "Is this what you do everyday?"

He nodded. "Pretty
much. Unless we're stuck on the bus all day."

The thought
depressed me. Alex's life was so different than my own. I had known it, but now
that I was face to face with the reality of it, I couldn't deny it to myself.
The fact that our worlds had overlapped even for a moment was a fluke. We
really didn't belong together. And the thought had me feeling queasy.

When Alex came
back, he must have seen my face. "Lena, are you okay? Do you want to
leave? We can go someplace else."

I wanted to be
alone with Alex more than anything. But for some stubborn reason I wanted to
prove that I could fit in with his crowd, with his life. I'm not sure who I was
trying to prove it to, him or myself, but it suddenly felt terribly important.

I took my beer
from his hand and took a big gulp. "No way. Let's hang out."

Despite my
uncertainty and insecurities, I began enjoying myself once I relaxed a bit. I
ignored the excesses around me and just concentrated on having fun with Alex.
Melissa and Tommy were hitting it off again and the four of us, plus Tyler, two
other girls and Warning Shot's drummer were all in the far corner of the room having

At least an hour
later, Alex left to get one of another round of beers and ended up talking to
someone across the room. I was pleasantly tipsy by now and marveling at the
great time I was having. It reminded me of our college days.

Tommy had just
pulled Melissa away from me and I was momentarily standing by myself when I
heard her directly behind me. "I wouldn't get too comfortable around

I turned around,
facing Cassie. "Were you talking to me?"

She smiled nicely,
but I could see the fire shooting out of her eyes. "He'll forget about you
just like he forgets about all the other girls once he leaves. When he's
lonely, he'll turn to me."

Why didn't I just
keep my mouth shut? Just because she had delivered a direct hit, didn't mean I
had to fall for her nonsense. Unfortunately, backing down was something I
rarely did.

"Funny, Alex
said you were just some chick that stalked the bands."

Her eyes narrowed.
I was expecting a vicious clawing at any moment. "Funny, Alex never
complained before. He must have fucked me more than twenty times and never said
a word."

I was getting that
queasy feeling again. A feeling of panic and fear. That I was fooling myself
into believing in something impossible.

Cassie face beamed
triumphantly at my lack of response. She had won.
More so than she knew.

Just in time to
save me from mortal embarrassment, Mason Nash, the lead singer of Warning Shot,
walked over and draped his arm casually around Cassie's neck. "Who's your
friend, Cassie?"

She looked me over
and shrugged, "No one." She shook of Mason's arm and walked away.

I stood awkwardly
making small talk with a huge rock star for a few moments because I couldn't
get Cassie's mocking words out of my head. I was pretty devastated. Alex
finally made his way back to me with our beers, and pulled me onto his lap in
empty spot on the couch.

His eyes were
shining; he looked so happy. "Are you having a good time?"

I spotted Cassie
across the room watching us. "Yes. This is really exciting. I was just
talking to Mason Nash. It's like a different world."

Alex took a sip of
beer. "I do this every damn night. I think sitting on the beach with you
was more exciting. And what we did afterward."

The heated stare
he was giving me had me tingling with awareness. My pussy was throbbing with
desire and a tiny little piece of me knew that Cassie was still watching. I
twisted in his lap and kissed him passionately. Intimately. A kiss that made
promises of things to come.
Wicked promises

And while I was
trying to turn Alex on with a scorching kiss, I ended up falling under my own
spell. I lost touch with reality and grew dizzy with need, drowning in the sparks
of energy that flared between us.

It was Tyler that
broke up our blazing kiss. "Alex, man. We've gotta get going now."

The tour manager
came and dragged Cold Fusion away to do their fan greetings and pre-show
preparations. Alex handed Melissa and me off to a woman, Rosie, with
instructions for her to take care of us. We would be sitting in a VIP area for
the show and then Rosie would take us backstage as soon as Cold Fusion's set
was over.

I grabbed a bottle
of water and sat down with Melissa to wait for the show as we watched the
general seating filling up. "So, how are things going with Tommy?"

Melissa put her
feet up on the rail in front of us. "Great. That boy is really fun."

"Are you guys
going to remain in touch?" I took a sip of my water.

Melissa laughed.
"I doubt it. I mean- did you see all those girls hanging around? And that
was just the pre-party. He'll forget me by tomorrow."

I swallowed the
lump in my throat. "Yeah. You're probably right."

Evie!" Melissa spun in the seat towards me. "I didn't mean it like
that. Tommy and I were just fooling around, having fun. We both knew that. But
you and Alex are different. You have a history together and I can tell he really
likes you."

I shook my head
sadly. "I'm in trouble, Melissa. I've fallen for him. And it's going to
hurt like hell."

Melissa just
groaned in response.

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