Robin and Her Merry Men (14 page)

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Authors: Willow Brooke

BOOK: Robin and Her Merry Men
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Chapter Fifteen


Two months flew by.
As Rob
in sat staring at the people around her, she reflected
on her stay here in Sherwood
, unable to
recognize herself. Mary had co
me to visit twice, and was now making plans to move out and join her in the little piece of paradise she now called home. Will, John, and a few of the others had loaded up all of her belongings from her apartment and moved it into a temporary shelter until the construction of their new cabin was complete. Richard Kings had move
d back and was wrapped in court cases a mile long in the process of taking back their city. Everything was falling in to place, just as Will had promised on that very special night that had changed her life forever.

As the
, she excused herself and went to dress in
of the
activities. Instead of the leisure dancing and food all other
s consisted of, this night was different. She slipped on her black boots and tugged her black sweater over her head. Her hair had been braided and tucked under her hood out of sight. As she dug in a box for a few items she needed, Will and John walked in.

baby. Damn you look good enough to eat.” He pressed his lips to hers, backing her against the wall. John came in as if on cue, waiting for Will to release her. When he stepped away, John moved forward and took over, sliding his hands up the hem of her shirt and bra, cupping both breasts. Robin busted out in giggles, pushing him away.

“If you two don’t stop, you’re going to blow my cover. We gotta go.” She all but ran out the door,
both men hot on her heels.


Will hoisted Robin over the gate, making sure she landed softly before following. The two worked seamlessly side by side, making quick entrance into the mansion undetected. They waited just inside the win
dow for the signal. “Clear,” a
whispered voice sounded in their ears. John had disarmed the security and
overrode the electrical system, turning the house black. The inf
red goggles they wore lit the place up to only their eyes, making navigation a piece of cake.

“Great. Let’s party
boys. Five minutes

in and out. Let’s go!”
he responded.
e and Will hustled out of the study and down the hall, locating the art

s room quickly and entered. John was already there, dumping items out of the showcases into a black bag. Will went straight for the art that hung on the walls and carefully removed each priceless work with an accurate delicacy. Robin headed for the safe, pulling open the huge heavy door in a record time of
seconds flat. She scooped the bundles of cash

no dou
bt stolen in one way or another

her backpack and stuck the paper documents in the side pocket carefully. She glanced down at her watch and grinned. “Sixty seconds
boys. Let’s move!”
er soft whisper transmitted to them through their earpiece and they finished their
given task
. In a matter of seconds, the
trio lugged the items out the back door and
hidden by the tree line before the electric sparked back to life. No one spoke until they were safely back at Will’s truck and the l

They quickly hopped in and laughed. “Let’s get out of here

Mary grinned and hit the gas, driving them down the back streets until they hit the country road that led out to Sherwood. The tension remained thick until they entered the secluded cover and the truck erupted with excitement. “You guys were fast! Nottingham isn’t going to know what hit him when he gets home. I can see the look on his evil face now!”

“Hell yeah! Sweet justice
my friends.” John high
fived Will, both smothering kisses on Robin’s cheeks and neck.

“I gotta say, you two make pretty damn g
ood bandits. And Mary here is the best damn getaway driver in the history of heists!”

“Aw shucks…
thanks.” She loved being a part of something that would make such a huge difference.

“I see the headlines now

Mayor Nottingham willingly steps down from his position and is forced into a life of poverty for reasons unknown
” Will joked, waving his arms in the air as if captioning a billboard headline. “We did our part. Now Richard can officially be put into office. Seattle is going to be a better place.”

“Thank you all
, so
much. You risked everything to help me, and because of you, we succeeded. Now if I can stay out of jail,
everything will be perfect,” s
he joked.

“About that…
Since Nottingham already had a bounty on your head, Uncle Richard has promised that his first motion as acting mayor will be a full pardon. You can go to town without hiding

Robin’s head snapped around, meeting Will’s smiling eyes. “Uncle?”

“I may have
failed to mention that little detail. Yes. Uncle.
So…this means that we can move back into the city soon.”

Robin was in shock. She was overjoyed that her name would be cleared, but the idea of leaving the forest hit her all wrong. She shook her head, knowing there was no way she could go back. Not now. Not ever. “No. We have a home. I’m not saying you boys can’t take me out on the town or enjoy a nice dinner from time to time, but when it’s done, I want nothing more than to come back home to our own little paradise with the two men I love.”

Will and John looked at her in surprise. “Good. Because Ox and Bull just bought a generator and solar panels to start installing electricity next week, and Dave and I have hatched out plumbing blue prints to accommodate the bathtub and indoor toilet that was installed yesterday.” John grinned, loving her reaction. She threw her arms around them, knowing that whatever the future held, she was ready.


The End

Books by Willow Brooke


Twisted Fate Series

Twisted Time

Releasing the Spirit

Coming Soon: Book Three


Breaking Protocol

Cadence of Love

Broken Battlefield, Mended Hearts

Mission: Compromised Submissive

Coming Soon: Book Four


Wickedly Ever After

Robin and Her Merry Men


Standalone Titles


Cabin Fever


I would love to hear from you!





Excerpt from A Dragon’s Heart

Templar Guard Book One

by Jana Leigh and Willow Brooke


The men gathered in the room where they knew they could speak freely. Up until now, they had let the humans think they could watch them whenever they chose to. It amused them, a game if you will.

, as only his friends called him, stood at the front, his men either leaning against the wall, or sitting in the chairs. Bein
g their leader meant everything
to him
hey were family, and that meant everything to a dragon, there were so few of them to begin with.

“So last night
Trevor Langston IV de
cided he was going to inform us
the testing of our powers would begin next week. We have never been asked to show them what we can do, and frankly they don’t need to know


The second oldest,
his right hand man, and the arrogant playboy of the group,
Daganth, or Dag for short
“Why do you think they are wondering about our powers now?”

Cause we are perfect and strange beings?”
he youngest dragon, Jexual asked. He was the
comedian, keeping their moods from clashing with each other

“Because we are obviously more intelligent
Brakton said.

“Oh I know, because we
vicious scary beast
who they are trying to control in order to take over the world, and make cool little minions in our name. Making us omnipotent
” Xavier said.

rolled his eyes. “Guys, think. Seriously, I don’t care why they are taking interest now, but they are. That was our rule when we started this, we would not be used. So, when are we leaving? I think we should find caves by the ocean. Lazing our days
way with a view. I am a little sick of all the interaction they insist on anyway. I have my cave still in the mountains, I could go there, but the cold seems a bit much these days.”

“Hell yeah,”
laughed and rubbed his hands.

I have always wanted to see the babes on the beaches do the topless thing. I have seen pictures.” His eyebrows wagged suggestively, showing his ornery playboy nature.

around the room and
shook his head as he listened to them argue about where they were going. Not one of them worried about how the hell they were going to get out of
ere. B
there was never a question of w
ether they could hold them
here. The fact of the matter was

they couldn’t.
was one of the oldest dragons on earth, and because of that, he had matured into his powers
. His
in their kind that he was one of the elite and
wisest dragon

kinda hated the title; it seemed like a lot of work if you asked him. Taking these men under his wings had been more than enough. At the time,
had been alone, and now he had a family. If someone tried to hurt them, there would be hell to pay.

He looked around, disgusted at the unacceptable conditions the humans had given. The room was old and tattered, with plumbing overhead and industrial pipes and beams lining along the walls. The miniscule humans looked at them as an inferior species, when in fact they were an inferior race. With little information given, and the plans to keep it that way, their new dilemma was to find an escape route without drawing attention. Whatever the government was up to, they could not get their hands on the power of the dragons.

“You all are losing sight of the problem at hand. We need to come up with a way to get out of here before you go making vacation plans. Most of the security here we can override without them having a clue. The motion alarms are our only real obstacle. Without using magic, even if we go invisible
we can't avoid setting them off.”

“Why do you insist we refrain from using magic? It is ours. They could never stand a chance against us even if they tried. One dragon could wipe out the whole country if desired
” Peyon exclaimed annoyed.

“Do you not realize the scientific technology they have created? Things have changed tremendously in the past three centuries. Without us knowing exactly how advanced they are, it is a risk we can't take

shot back.

is right. It is best to avoid any confrontation with them for now. We know they have discovered the celestial cave, and are close to figuring out how to enter pas
the wards. If they do, they will know our one and only weakness. That is a major problem.” Brakton shifted his weight, still uncomfortable and hating being in human form. The others didn't seem to mind being reduced to a puny little helpless shell, but he did. He was a dragon for shit

s sake. Magic in human form or not, it didn't compare to that of his dragon. Brakton hadn't been himself since being made to stay in th
hideous form.

“Bullshit! Why are we cowering to these
? We are dragons! I do not bow to anyone! We can walk out of here in a casual stroll and they can't do anything. By the time they figure out how to get into the sacred cave, we will have figured out how to remove the
. This is a waste of time!” Peyon stomped around the room. He had always been the hothead of the group, and was known for wiping out entire villages for the sins of one man without a second thought.

“Stand down, Peyon! Until we figure out what their plans are, we will all tread lightly

growled dominantly.
was the peacemaker of the group who had always defused the hot tempers all of them shared.

“It may be possible to use one of the old cloaking spells undetected, but magic in large amounts is off limits for now


“Spells? We have reduced ourselves to such lengths as to resort back to the simple amateur spells! This is a disgrace! Next you will tell us we have to st
ay in this God forsaken form!”
Brakton roared.

“Exactly. We will stay in their form to blend in

said with a smirk.

“You have lost your mind, and your balls,
! And, how long will that be? A few days? Weeks? Years? How about we just stay like this forever. We can all join a bowling league and reduce ourselves to worthless, wastes of ox
ygen and space like they are!”
Brakton complained.

or any of the others could respond, General Wallace Washburn stepped through the door.

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