Robert Mitchum: Baby, I Don't Care (104 page)

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Authors: Lee Server

Tags: #Actor, #Biography & Autobiography, #Entertainment & Performing Arts, #Film & Video, #movie star, #Nonfiction, #Performing Arts, #Retail

BOOK: Robert Mitchum: Baby, I Don't Care
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Burns, George

Burns, Lillian

Burr, Raymond

Burroughs, William

Burstyn, Ellen

Burton, Richard

Busch, Niven

Bush, George

Butler, James


Caan, James

Cabeen, Boyd “Tyrone

Cabeen, Carmen

Cabot, Bruce

Cain, James M.

Cannon Films

Cape Fear

Capra, Frank

Carey, Harry, Jr. “Dobe

Carey, Harry, Sr.

Carey, Olive

Carpenter, Daniel

Carradine, John

Caruso, Anthony

acting work of


Castle, William

Catto, Max


Chandler, John Davis

Chandler, Raymond

Chapin, Billy

Chase, Barrie

Chase, Chris

Chase, Donald

Chayevsky, Paddy

Cherry, Helen

Civilian Conservation Corps

Clancy, Bill

Clark,’ Candy

Clark, Mark

Clark, Walter Van Tilburg

Cleary, Jon

Clements, Stanley “Stash

Clothier, Bill

Clouse, Robert

Clyde, Andy

Coghlan, Frank “Junior

Cohen, Mickey

Cohn, Harry

Colbert, Claudette

Coleman, George

Colicos, John

Collins, Joan

Confidential Magazine

Conrad, Barnaby

Conrad, Joseph

Coogan, Jackie

Cooper, Dennis

Cooper, Gary

Cooper, Grant

Corbin, John

Corey, Wendell

Cortez, Stanley

Cosentino, Toni

Cowan, Lester

Craig, William

Crawford, Broderick

Cromwell, John


Cross of Iron

Cukor, George

Curtis, Dan


D’Angelo, Bill

D’Antonio, Joanne

Darnell, Linda

Davidson, Bill

Davis, Carroll

Davis, Jim

Davol, Dick

Day, Elias

Day, Laraine

Day, Oranne Truitt

Dead Man

Decca Records

De Coque, Paul

Defiant Ones, The

DeFore, Don

de Gaulle, Charles

DeHavilland, Olivia

Dejoria, John Paul

DeLaurentiis, Dino

Demick, Irina

DeNiro, Robert

Depp, Johnny

Derek, Bo

Dern, Bruce

Desire Me

Dewey, Donald

DeWitt, Jacqueline

DeYoung, Joe

Dickerson, Doris

Dickinson, Angie

Diller, Phyllis

DiMaggio, Joe

Dmytryk, Edward

Dmytryk, Jean Porter

Domergue, Faith

Donen, Stanley

Donnell, Jeff

Donner, Robert

Doolittle, Jimmy

Dortort, David

Doss, Betty

Doughboys in Ireland

Dougherty, Jim

Douglas, Kirk

in films with RM

Douglas, Melvyn

Dowd, Maureen

Dowtin, Al

Dozier, William

DRM Productions

Dudley, Seymour

Duff, Bonnie

Duff, Warren

Dunaway, Faye

Dunn, James


Eastwood, Clint

Edwards, Nate

Eells, George

Egan, Richard

Eisenhower, Dwight

Eisenschitz, Bernard

Elam, Jack

El Dorado

Ellis, Richard

Enemy Below, The

Equalizer, The

Esmond, Jill

Evans, Vicki


Faithfull, Marianne

Falk, Peter

Family for Joe, A

Farber, Manny

Farewell, My Lovely

Fargo, George

Farnum, Dustine

Farrow, John

Farrow, Mia

Fast, Frederick

Fast, Howard

Faulker, William

Feeder, Bill

Feldman, Charles K.

Fellows, Robert

Felton, Earl

Fenady, Andrew

Fenton, Frank

Fernandez, Abel

Fernandez, Emilio

Ferrer, Mel

Figueroa, Hector

Fike, Lamar

film noir

Mitchum’s roles in

Fire Down Below

Fitzgerald, Charles

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Five Card Stud


Fleischer, Richard

Flynn, Errol

Follow the Band

Fonda, Henry

Ford, John

Ford, Robin “Danny

Foreign Intrigue

Foster, Fred

Foster, Norman

Franklin, Joe

Frederick, Reva,

Frenke, Eugene

Freund, Leo

Friends of Eddie Coyle, The

Fuller, Samuel

Furthman, Jules


Gable, Clark

Gabriel, John

Gang, Martin

gangster genre films

Gardner, Ava

Garmes, Lee

Garnett, Tay

Garson, Greer

Gersdorf, Phil

Gershuny, Theodore

Gibson, William

Giesler, Jerry

Gilardi, Jack

Gilmore, William S., Jr.

Ginty, Robert

Girl Rush

Gish, Lillian

Gleason, Jackie

Globus, Yoram

Godard, Jean Luc, n

Going Home

Golan, Menahem

Golden Harvest Productions

Goldstick, Oliver

Goldwyn, Samuel, Jr.

Good Guys and the Bad Guys, The

Goodman, David Zelag

Gordon, Leo

Gorman, Cliff

Gosnell, Ray

Gould, Elliott

Grade, Lew

Graham, Sheilah

Grahame, Gloria

Grainger, Edmond

Granet, Bert

Granger, Stewart

Grant, Carv

Grass Is Greener, The

Gray, Gary

Greenfield, Mike

Greer, Jane

in RM’s films

Gregory, Paul

Grey, Zane

Griffith, D. W.

Gross, Jack

Gross, Walter

Grubb, Davis

Guare, John

Gunderson, Charles

Gunderson, Gustav Olaf

Gunderson, Petrine

Guterman, Morty

Guthrie, A. B. “Bud


Haas, Charles

Hacker, Frederick

Haines, William Wister

Hale, Barbara

Hall, Archie

Hall, William

Hamill, Pete

Hamilton, George

Hamilton, Guy

Hamilton, Kitty

Harbin, Vernon

Hardin, Jerry

Hardy, Oliver

Harris, Eleanor

Harris, Richard

Harrison, Joan

Harrison, Robert

Hartman, Don

Hartman, Phil

Hathaway, Henry

Havelock-Allan, Anthony

Hawks, Howard

Hayes, Arthur

Haynes, Lee

Hayward, Lillie

Hayward, Susan

Hayworth, Rita

Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison

Hecht, Harold

Hedison, David

Heffernon, Harold

Helmick, Paul

Hemsey, Yvonne

Henabery, Joseph E.

Henry, Victor “Pug

Hepburn, Katharine

Herrmann, Bernard

Hess, Dean E.

Higgins, George V

Higham, Charles

Hill, Jim

His Kind of Woman

Hitchcock, Alfred

Hodgett, A. Q.

Holden, William

Holiday Affair

Holland, Cecil

Hollywood Ten

Holmes, Earl

Holt, Tim

Home from the Hill


Hopalong Cassidy series

Hopper, Hedda

Horta, Walter

Houseman, John

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Houston, Norman

Howard, Trevor

Howe, James Wong

Hoyle, Mickey

Hoyle, Red

Hudson, Rock

Hughes, Howard

eccentric behavior of

female stars cultivated by

RKO management by

RM’s prosecution and

Human Comedy, The

Humphrey, William

Hunnicutt, Arthur

Hunt, J. Roy

Hunter, Kim

Hunters, The

Huston, Danny

Huston, John

Huston, Virginia

Hutcheson, Ken


Ireland, John



Jacks, Robert

Jackson, Beverley

Jagger, Dean

Jake Spanner, Private Eye

Jarmusch, Jim

Jarre, Kevin

Jeffreys, Anne

Jenson, Roy

Jewell, Richard

Jewish Defense League (JDL)

Johns, Glynis

Johns, Larry

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Johnson, Van

Jones, Christopher

Jones, Elmer Ellsworth

Jordan, Charles

Jurgens, Curt


Kael, Pauline

Kastner, Elliott

Katzin, Lee

Kazan, Elia

Keach, Stacy

Keaton, Buster

Kefauver, Estes

Keith, Jack

Kellogg, Marjorie

Kemper, Victor

Kennedy, Arthur

Kennedy, Burt

Kennedy, George

Kennedy, John E

Kenyatta, Jomo

Kerouac, Jack

Kerr, Deborah

Killer in the Family

Killy, Edward

King Brothers

Kinski, Nastassja

Kirby, Jay

Klekner, Ben

Knowles, Patric

Koch, Howard

Koerner, Charles

Konchalovsky, Andrei

Kramer, Stanley

Krasna, Norman

Kulik, Buzz


LaCoeur, Joan

Ladd, Alan

Lally, Paul

Lancaster, Burt

Lanchester, Elsa

Lang, Otto

Lange, Henry

Langella, Frank

Langford, Frances

Lantos, Robert

Lasker, Edward

Last Time I Saw Archie, The

Last Tycoon, The

Laszlo, Ernest

Laughton, Charles

Laurel, Stan

Lawrence, Marc

Lawson, Tony

Lea, Tom

Lean, David

Leeds, Lila

Leigh, Janet

Lemmon, Jack

Leonard, Herbert

LeRoy, Mervyn

Lewis, Grover

Lewis, Juliette

Lieber, Perry

Lieber, Perry, Jr.

List of Adrian Messenger, The

Little, Little Jack

“Little Old Wine Drinker Me

Lochte, Dick

Locket, The

Loftin, Carey

Logan, Joshua

London, Julie

Longaker, Ernie

Longest Day, The

Losey, Joseph

Loy, Myrna

Lumet, Sidney

Lusty Men, The

Lyden, Pierce

Lynn, Eddie

Lytess, Natasha



McCarthy, Frank

McClure, Doug

McCormick, Myron

McCourt, Malachy

McCoy, Horace

MacDonald, John D.

MacDonald, Ross

McDowall, Roddy

McGee, George

McGilligan, Pat

MacGraw, Ali

McGraw, Charles

McGuire, Dorothy

McKern, Leo

McKinnon, J. B.

McLaglen, Andrew V

MacLaine, Shirley

McQueen, Steve

Madison, Guy

Mahin, John Lee

Mainwaring, Daniel

Malle, Louis

Man in the Middle

Mankiewicz, Herman

Mann, Roderick

Manne, Shelly

Man with the Gun

Marcus, Lawrence

Margolin, Arnold

Marias Lovers

Martin, Dean

Martin, Richard

Martino, Al

Marton, Andrew

Marvin, Lee

Marx, Groucho

Mate, Rudolph


Mature, Victor

Maxwell, Morton

Mayer, Louis B.

Mayes, Wendell

Mercer, Johnny

Meredith, Burgess

Merrill, Dina

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)


Miles, Sarah

Milestone, Lewis

Milland, Ray

Miller, Arthur

Miller, Don

Miller, Jason

Mills, Bart

Mills, John

Minnelli, Vincente

Minsky’s Burlesque

Mirisch, Walter

Misfits, The

Mister Moses

Mitchum, Annette (Julie) (RM’s sister),

Mitchum, Ann Harriet Gunderson (RM’s mother),

Mitchum, Carrie (RM’s granddaughter)

Mitchum, Christopher (RM’s son)

birth and childhood of

in films

marriage of

Mitchum, Christopher Robert (Bentley) (RM’s grandson)

Mitchum, Cindy, (RM’s daughter-in-law)

Mitchum, Dorothy Spence (RM’s wife)

charity work of

family finances and

homes of

Mitchum family relations with

motherhood of

on RM’s arrests and prosecution

RM’s career and

RM’s relationship with

at social events

travels of

Mitchum, James (RM’s son)

acting career of

birth and childhood of

Mitchum, James Thomas (RM’s father)

Mitchum, John Newman (RM’s brother)

birth and childhood of

film career of

marriages of

on RM’s career

on RM’s health

on RM’s romantic life

in wartime military

Mitchum, Joy (RM’s sister-in-law)

Mitchum, Nancy Munro (RM’s sister-in-law)

Mitchum, Petrine (Trina) (RM’s daughter)

Mitchum, Robert:

as adventure hero

arrests and imprisonment of

career progress of

celebrity of

childhood of

in comedies

critical responses to

death of

drinking and drug habits of

family background of

fatherhood of
see also

film noir roles of

film persona of

finances of

foreign accents used by

friendships of

generosity of

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