Roaring Waves (Bayside Tigers #5)

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Authors: Rachel Real

Tags: #Adult, #Romance, #Erotic Romance Fiction, #Shifter, #Tiger, #Weretiger, #BBW

BOOK: Roaring Waves (Bayside Tigers #5)
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Roaring Waves

(Bayside Tigers Series)


By Rachel Real

© 2015 by Rachel Real. All rights reserved.

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Explicit and graphic love scenes are ahead. If you are uncomfortable with VERY GRAPHIC sex, turn back now. This book is intended for readers 18+


Other Bayside Tigers Books

Surf n’ Turf (1)

Furry Fling (2)

Wet N’ Wild (3)

Purrfect Paradise (4)

Roaring Waves (5)

Jungle Fever (6)

Table of Contents

Copyright Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

More Books by Rachel Real

Chapter One

enny Lane loved romance. Adored it. She never read a romance book she didn't like. She never could stop her overflowing tears at any romance movie she watched. And she always loved a happily ever after. Despite all of this, she never actually experienced true love herself. No matter how many dates she'd gone on, or new relationships she began—she was just stuck and wishing there was much more.

Most men—quite honestly—made her roll her eyes...

Then one morning, Penny found a bottle stranded on the New Hampshire coastline while on a science field trip with her kindergarten class. Penny squinted her eye and noticed an old piece of paper rolled inside. After gently tapping the glass with her finger, it spilled right out—wet and soggy in her hand.

Slowly, she unfurled it and read its message:

In my dreams you are there...

Waiting for me on the wayside.

Like an angel, I see your face

And soon I shall hold you in my embrace

I'll see you, my Bayside.

—From Ryder to Penny

A single tear streaked down Penny's cheek as her eyes scanned every inch of the long forgotten letter.
Wait, why is my name in this tattered letter?
Penny pondered. Her mind started racing straight away.
Who is Ryder? Where is Bayside?
The rest of the day she could think of the nothing else, but wanting to solve the mystery of the love letter. She took a long hard look in the mirror that night.
Should I find who wrote this letter? Is it really that stupid of an idea? And I have saved all of that vacation time...

Now, nearly thirty-five, Penny regretted wasting her twenties being afraid of taking any risks. She always played it safe. Cautious.

Penny never dared to make waves. Penny pursed her lips.

"Screw it," she said.

Early the following morning, she took the first bus ticket to Bayside. Penny loaded up on snacks, because she hated to travel anywhere on an empty stomach. She took a nervous bite out of her twizzlers when she finally arrived in Bayside.

"Who is this Ryder?" Penny whispered.

"Ryder Strong? Well he's the wealthiest man in Bayside. He's a bit dark. Keeps to himself. But he loves to sail these magnificent boats," an elderly lady spoke up.

Penny widened her eyes.

"Do you know where I can find him?" Penny hurriedly asked as the old woman as she started to go her separate way off of the bus.

"You'll always be able to find him, tinkering on his boats at the Blue Oaks marina."

Penny thanked the old woman, madly shaking her frail hand. She hadn't even spent a day in Bayside yet, and already, she was close to meeting her mystery man.


enny noticed a man standing alone on the docks at the Blue Oaks marina. "Excuse me," Penny squeaked, her palms sweating. "Are you Ryder Strong?"

A man with dark blonde hair painted the back of his boat with one easy stroke at time. He barely even flinched.

So, Penny cleared her throat and hollered even louder. "
Um, Sir? Is your name Ryder Strong?"

The man twisted around, gazing at her devoid of emotion. Penny reeled back, feeling her heart thrumming in her chest when she looked into his alluring copper-colored eyes. The mysterious stranger had tousled Greek curls on his head and a broad shouldered frame. He wore a white tank and an open button down rolled up at the sleeves. But most intimidating was the scowl he had on his face.

"Who’s asking? Are you making a delivery?" he grunted.

Penny swallowed hard and spoke up.

"No, I'm...I'm not the mail lady. Well, maybe sort of—it's just that..."

Ryder interrupted.

"If you’re not delivering the mail, then we’ve got no reason to talk..." Then he turned back around. "You've wasted enough of my time."

"Wow, why are you so cold?" Penny insisted.

The man she pictured who wrote the letter was nothing like the sour-pussed man standing before her. Ryder got up to his feet and prowled towards Penny. The angry but sexy looking man stopped short in front of her.

"Yes, I'm Ryder Strong. Look, I've got a lot of work to do here. I'll give you one last shot. Tell me what you want...or, leave me the

Penny couldn't help but ogle his muscular body as he charged towards her. Her thoughts jumbled in her brain. She just blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Penny. I'm here because of Penny," she stammered.

Then she slowly fished out the letter from her purse and outstretched her hand.

"I found this a few days ago. And I haven't stopped thinking about it since."

Ryder concentrated his golden eyes on the rolled up letter in Penny's hand. Penny just stood there, watching him examine the letter. Suddenly, He savagely gripped on to Penny's wrist.

"Take yourself and this letter..." Ryder fired back in a low growl. "And
come back here again..."

Penny saw a flash of gold in his eyes. She never envisioned her plan playing out this way. Seconds later, Ryder turned his back to her without another thought. Penny glanced down at the red marks on her wrist. Clearly, this Ryder had a brutal temper, foul and sinister, of the likes she'd never seen. It horrified her that man she barely knew could be so cruel. She didn't know what is was, but he still made her feel hot in the pit of her stomach.

Penny, this was a terrible idea. This is probably the biggest mistake of your life. Go back to New Hampshire before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.
Penny thought, attempting to talk herself out of this harebrained plan.

But she wouldn't. She didn't come this far just to turn around. Tomorrow she'd be back and resilient as ever. Tomorrow she'd try again.

Chapter Two

er fantasy of meeting a sexy man on a seaside island, open and looking for love... didn’t turn out exactly as she planned.
Penny still wanted to know more about the
rich and
rude Ryder Strong. When she showed up the next day, Ryder held a spool of long rope and twisted it into a knot on one end. Ryder glowered when he saw Penny traipsing up in his sights.

"I guess you didn't learn your lesson the first time," He grimaced, tightening the knot.

"It's kinda funny too," Penny snorted. "You'd think a teacher would only need to learn something once, ha!"

Ryder cocked his head to one side. "You mean they let
teach kids?"

"' Afraid so!" she smiled, her heart stirring every time she and Ryder met eyes.

"If you're gonna stalk me, you may as well tell me your damn name."


Ryder dropped the rope, and it hit the wooden floor on his ship with a soft thud.

The brawny grump then lurched over the railing on his old boat, staring very seriously. "Do you think it's funny to impersonate the dead?"

"I'm not dead?" Penny didn't understand.

"Penny is the name of my daughter."

Penny felt mortified. "Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss I—"

Now, it all made sense. Penny was the same name in the letter.

"Save it," Ryder grunted. "If you're some undercover reporter sniffing around for a story. I can tell you where to shove it

"No. See—look." Penny handed over her I.D. "I'm Penny Lane. I came here because I just got so moved by your letter. I had to find the man who wrote it. I really didn't mean to cause any problems..."

Penny considered that hanging around any longer could only be causing Ryder more grief.
What in the world kind of coincidence is it that she shared the same name with Ryder's daughter?

"Again, I'm really sorry. I...I've got to go," Penny said half-aloud.

Ryder turned it over in his mind, he knew he'd been pushing the strange and voluptuously curvy woman further and further away. Of course, this woman was silly. Possibly psycho. But the tender look in her eyes almost became unbearable. Even for a man with heart of stone.

He eyed her some more and finally came out with..."Have you ever been on a ship?"

Penny spun on her heels. "No," she sniffled. "Never."

Ryder climbed down the ladder on the side of his yacht and met Penny on the dock.

"If you’d like to learn, then maybe I can teach you how to sail," he aired. Ryder found it extremely difficult to make softer, more pointless conversation. He was a man of reason. And had a strong drive to win any challenges in his way. He then took Penny by her hand. Penny's skin prickled at the warmth of his sultry yet firm touch.

Sure, Ryder had a grumpy nature. But he guided Penny up each wobbly step, climbing up the boat ladder. Shocked, there was one obvious thing missing on Ryder’s boat.

"I just realized," she squealed, clinging onto Ryder for dear life. "Your boat doesn't have a name..."

"It doesn't need a name. It's a boat..." Ryder replied.

boat needs a name. A name Like
Morning Glory
. Or,
True Love
Or,..." Penny rattled on.

"Or, boat..." Ryder grimaced with a sarcastic snarl. "Yeah, why don't I just name my boat

Penny landed hard on the yacht’s deck. The old boat still kind of looked like a creeky old mess. She imagined, in her head, what it would look like once it got sanded down and a new coat of paint. The large white sails billowed in the breeze just over her Penny’s head. Ryder eased past her, hoisting up the dropped rope in his hand.

"You sail boats as a hobby?" Penny asked.

"I sail boats as a sport. I've travelled every corner of the world and nothing feels like home. In three weeks, once this ship is restored, I'm entering in the Bayside Regatta,” Ryder told her.

Out of the corner of her eye, Penny noticed something flashing and saw a glass case in the back of Ryder's yacht over stuffed with trophies.

"You mean
won all of these?"

Behind the glass, Penny saw several blue ribbons, trophies and engraved plaques.

"They have my names on them, don't they? I've entered in the Bayside Regatta several times, but I've never won. I always come in second place..."

Penny rocked back, surprised. "Second place to who?"

"Stratton Thorn. But I found this old ship—the one you’re standing in right now—and knew that this ship would be
the one
. The one to finally take Stratton out of the race," Ryder said.

Ryder eyed Penny from behind as she ogled his shiny trophy case. He couldn't help but lick the corner of his lips.

"Okay, let's get started. I didn't ask you up here to just gawk around," Ryder said, eager to get his tasks done for the day.

Penny jerked up at attention. Ryder prowled right up behind her and placed her hands on the steering. Penny felt along the smooth groves of the wooden spokes.

"Steering a ship is a lot like having faith in the unknown. You can only guide it so much, but don't try to control it. Got it?"

Honestly, Penny didn't hear a word Ryder said. She nodded and then grabbed the steering with both of her hands. She swung wildly to the left with a gleeful twirl. Ryder quickly grabbed onto the wheel, stopping it before Penny capsized the boat and drowned them both.

"Y'know...maybe that's enough for today,” Ryder told her, pushing Penny off to the side—where she couldn’t put either them in danger...

Penny snapped her fingers. "
Aww, really?
But we're just getting started!"

Ryder couldn't help but chuckle, flashing his pearly white toothy smile. Penny had never seen a man with such animalistic features. Ryder had the most vicious attitude, but somehow he also made her feel safe.

Like he'd protect her if anything went wrong. And the maddening carnal sex crazed thoughts flooded to the front of Penny’s brain.

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