Read Road to Desire Online

Authors: Piper Davenport

Road to Desire (18 page)

BOOK: Road to Desire
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I did.

* * *

Wednesday night I was back at my place and trying to find the will to walk from the living room to the kitchen for some kind of food. It was my first day back at work and I was still a little under the weather, but I always felt guilty taking sick time since I got summers and holidays off.

Austin was at church, which he explained meant club meeting, so I was on my own for the moment. Well, alone meaning I had a recruit on me. Buzz was currently sitting in his truck downstairs watching my door. Austin was still concerned there was a threat to me, but since my sleep was a major priority to me, I wanted to be close to school so I didn’t have to wake up as early in the morning. Hence the decision to let me be back at my place with the caveat of having someone watch me.

Depending on how late the meeting went, I may or may not see Austin, and since I didn’t think I could find enough energy to care one way or the other, I vegged under a blanket with HGTV on low volume.

My phone buzzed and I answered it without looking at the screen. “Hello?”

“You sound terrible, honey,” Kim said.

“I know. But I really do feel better. Just tired from wrangling five year olds.”

She giggled. “I bet.”

“What’s up? I kind of miss your face.”

“Me too, Dani. That’s what I’m calling about. I don’t have to work tomorrow night, so wanted to see if you wanted to go shopping with me. Maybe grab dinner after?”

“Yes, please,” I answered immediately.

“We’ll make it an early night so you can get your beauty sleep, but why don’t I pick you up at five and we’ll head to the mall.”


“No conflict with your man?”

“I see him every day, Kimmie. You I get when I get you, so you’re the priority.”

She laughed. “This is why you’re my favorite. Okay, gotta get back to work. See you tomorrow.”

“’Bye.” I hung up and set my phone on the coffee table.

I heard the locks in my front door turn and then Austin was walking into the room. He frowned as he sat on the coffee table facing me. “You still sick?”

“Just tired. Why are you here so early?”

“Not a whole lot of business. It only took an hour.”

I smiled. “I like it when you’re early.”

He leaned down and kissed me quickly. “Did you eat?”

“I haven’t left the sofa since I got home.”

Austin stroked my cheek. “You hungry?”

I nodded. “Starved.”

“How hungry?”

“I could eat a cow.”

“Okay, I’ll run and grab burgers.”

“My hero.” I grinned up at him. “Onion rings too, please.”

He rose to his feet. “You got it, babe.”

After he left, I took a few minutes to freshen up a little and then resumed my place on the sofa. The tickle of his stubble woke me and I smiled as I opened my eyes. “You were quick.”

He chuckled. “Been back for almost an hour.”

I frowned. “Really? Why didn’t you wake me?”

“You needed to sleep. Come eat, babe. Then you should go to bed.”

“Are you staying?”

“Yeah, baby, I’m staying.”

I smiled again and forced myself to get off the sofa and eat. I went to bed without Austin, but woke in the night and found him curled around me. There was nothing better in the world than having him close to me. It was something I was quickly getting used to, and I loved every minute of it.

* * *

The next evening, Kim picked me up at five as promised and we headed into Portland to shop. We decided to hit the stores at Jantzen Beach since it was just over the bridge from Vancouver and we could take advantage of no sales tax.

“How long’s your muscle going to be around?” she asked.

I glanced behind her and smiled at Buzz who was far enough behind us to not hear our conversation, but kept me within his sights at all time.

“Until Austin feels this stupid threat is no longer a threat.”

“It’s weird, but I kind of like that he’s protective.”

I giggled. “Yeah, he’s both protective

We strolled through my favorite discount megastore, not really looking for anything in particular, but coming across something that jogged my memory a bit. I grabbed a package of white thigh highs and then headed to the accessories department.

“I’m not going to ask,” Kim said with a giggle. “But I’m so glad you’re finding your sex kitten side.”

I blushed, but managed to keep my head up. “What else should I get?”

“Seriously?” Kim asked, her expression one of excitement.

“Load me up, baby.”

Kim clapped her hands and took control of the shopping cart. By the time we waded through the check-out line, I had another pair of thigh-highs, black fishnet this time, three bra and matching panty sets, two strands of faux pearls, and some personal products that apparently made your body feel amazing when applied… they were also edible. I’m pretty sure the cashier blushed almost as red as I did, but she didn’t comment and I was grateful. Buzz was already out front smoking a cigarette, so, far enough away that he couldn’t see my purchases.

We decided to head over the bridge for dinner and made our way to Beaches, a kickass restaurant and bar on the Columbia River that was a personal favorite of ours.

We sat in a booth that gave us a perfect view of the water and ordered margaritas and calamari, and then sat back and looked at the menu. I ordered a burger for Buzz and asked the waitress to take it to him in the car.

“Tell me about your night with Mack,” I said.

Kim smiled and closed her menu. “Nothing happened.”

“Really? That’s so unlike you.”

Kim giggled. “I know. We decided that since we’d probably have to see each other on a regular basis if this thing with our two best friends became permanent, it was best to keep it platonic. Damn, he’s hot, though.”

I nodded. “He’s really sweet too. Doesn’t talk much, but neither does Austin when he’s with his brothers. At least, he doesn’t talk about anything of importance. We have our in-depth life-altering conversations in bed.”

“Those are the best kind.”

I shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.”

“True, but it sounds like you have a good one now, even if he’s kind of bossy.”

I snorted. “Bossy doesn’t even begin.”

“I get the impression Mack’s like that too, although, he was pretty chill with me. But he did open the door and show that chivalry isn’t entirely dead, even amongst the bad-ass motorcycle club sect.”

I giggled. “You’re not wrong.”

“So, have you exchanged keys?”

“Yes.” I looked at my watch. “He’s probably at my place already. We try to spend weeknights at my place, weekends at his.”

“You said his place is amazing.”

“It’s gorgeous. I’ll suggest dinner sometime soon. I’ll cook. Maybe Mack can come as well.”

“Perfect,” Kim said.

We caught up on what little we hadn’t covered… it was rare we didn’t talk at least every other day, and if we had something to share, we never waited.

I arrived home to find Booker’s bike parked in front and a thrill shot down my spine as I hugged Kim, grabbed my purchases, and headed upstairs to my apartment. I waved to Kim as she pulled out of my parking lot.

“Want help, Dani?” Buzz called.

“Nah, I’m good.”

“Thanks for the burger, by the way.”

I grinned. “You’re welcome.” Dropping an armload of bags on the ground, I unlocked my door and pushed it open. “Honey, you close?”

“Yeah, babe,” Austin called, and then he was walking toward me.

“I need some help.”

“Looks like it.” He chuckled, leaned down to kiss me, and took my burdens from me. “Did you leave anything in the store?”

“Not much,” I retorted. “Can you dump everything on my bed and then leave me alone for a bit, please? I have a surprise for you.”

“As long as it ends with us in bed, sure thing.”

I grinned. “I think it will start with us there.”

“Even better.” He dumped the bags on my bed and left me to do my thing.

I slid on the white lacy thigh-highs, a pair of white lace panties, and the pearls. I pulled on my robe and then headed into the living room.

Austin’s eyes were glued to the television, but he focused on me with a curious smile. “So?” I opened my robe and he hissed. “Fuck me, baby.”

I giggled. “That’s the plan.”

He was off the couch in less than a second and then my robe was yanked from my shoulders, and I was lifted and carried to the bed. He didn’t even wait to get all his clothes off before he tore open a condom packet and slid my panties aside so he could slip inside of me.

I gasped, his girth filling me without warning.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Yes.” I grinned. “Harder.”

He braced his arm on the bed beside me and pushed my leg up to my chest. It left me open and exposed in a way that made me hot, but what made me hotter was the fact that he held me so tight I had no control over that leg… other than to push against his hand, which assisted in him going deeper. I dropped my head back, arching my chest and within seconds screamed his name as my orgasm hit.

He surged forward a few more times and then shuddered as he collapsed on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed his temple. “I forgot the glasses.”

He dropped his forehead to mine. “Huh?”

“I still have my contacts in.”

Austin laughed. “That’s okay. We’ll do it again and you can take them out.”

“So, this works for you, then?”

“Yeah, babe. It fuckin’ works.”

“Can’t wait to show you what else I have, then.”

He met my eyes. “You have more?”

“I do. But you’ll just have to wait for those. Can’t show you all my secrets at once.”

“Yeah, babe, you can.”

I giggled. “You need to learn patience. Consider me your teacher.”

“As long as you’re sexy, dirty teacher, you got it.”

“Whatever you want, honey.”

He kissed my neck, then my lips and smiled. “Love you, babe.”

“Love you too.” I stroked his cheek. “So… can you go get naked now? I’d like to do that again
the glasses.”

Austin laughed and did as I requested.


around again and I was at Austin’s for the weekend. It was almost two weeks since my weekend of death, eight days since my start of the pill and his clear blood test, and our first night with no condoms. I’m pretty sure I was currently dead or in some sex-induced coma. I would never have guessed sex could be any better than it had been.

Tonight was another club get-together, but it would be a strictly family party. No one who wasn’t attached to someone was invited. I still had Cassidy bugging me to invite her sometime, so I promised to let her know when the next pig roast was.

For the moment, I was sprawled across Austin, naked and sated, our lovemaking on an off throughout the night. His hand ran absently up and down my back, but when his phone rang, it settled on my bottom with a satisfying gentle smack.

“Yo.” Austin’s voice went from happy and relaxed to irritated in a matter of seconds. “What the fuck?” He frowned, before unwinding himself from me and leaving the bed.

I watched him leave the room, the sight of his perfect ass almost as satisfying as his front, and took a moment to freshen up. I was standing at the mirror brushing out my hair when Austin slid his hands to my breasts from behind and caught my eye with a grin. “I’ve figured out what my dream job would be.”

“You have?”

He nodded and kissed my shoulder.

“And what would that be?” I asked, setting my brush on the counter.

“Your bra.”

I giggled. “It’s a heavy job.”

He gave my breasts a gentle squeeze. “Seriously, babe. You have the best tits. If I could find a way to preserve them forever, I would.”

I dropped my head back onto his shoulder as he worked my nipples with his fingers. “They are at your disposal whenever you need them.”

He splayed his palm across my belly as he slid his other hand between my legs. “So fuckin’ ready.”

I licked my lips and moaned as he fingered my wetness and then slid two fingers inside of me. Keeping his fingers inside of me, he pressed gently on my back. “Brace on the counter, baby.”

I leaned forward and did as he directed, smiling as he slid into me from behind. “Lower.”

I shivered. “The granite’s cold.”

“It’ll add to the sensation, baby. Trust me.”

I touched my breasts to the stone and my breath left my body. He was right. It felt amazing.

“Eyes, Dani.”

I met his in the mirror and I was suddenly transported into another world as he never took his gaze from me and still managed to give me an orgasm while I was standing there. God, he was the

He gripped my hips and pulled out slightly, surging back into me, and braced again as he continued to thrust faster and faster. I dropped my head, my body having a difficult time staying upright.

“Eyes,” Austin demanded, and I met his again.

His hand slid to my clit again and I cried out as my orgasm hit me. He wasn’t far behind and covered my back with his body as he pulsed inside of me.

“Can’t breathe,” I rasped.

He stood immediately and slid out of me. “Sorry, baby.”

I stayed braced on the counter, my shaky arms the only thing keeping me upright, as he wrapped his arms around me again. “Bed.”

“I can’t move.”

He grinned. “I’ll help you.”

I giggled as we climbed back into my bed and faced each other, heads on our own pillows. “Who was on the phone?”

Austin frowned. “Annie.”

“Bad news?”

“She’s having trouble with her old man.”

I slid my hand under my cheek. “What kind of trouble?”

“He can be a dick.”

I studied him. He was holding back and I was debating on how far I’d push him. I decided, pretty damn far. “What aren’t you telling me?”

He flopped onto his back and dragged his hands down his face. “She fuckin’ called Hawk.”

“What do you mean?”

“To help. She called him before me.”

“What is your deal with Hawk?” I asked.

“He was our brother… sort of.”

“Another foster kid?”

Austin shook his head. “No, he’s the real son of our foster parents.”

I scooted closer to him, his arm coming automatically around me as I slipped mine across his waist. “What happened?”

“He put Annie in danger, is what happened.”

I leaned up on his chest and gripped his chin. “I swear to
, Austin, if you don’t start giving me detailed information, I’m going to hurt you.”

He sighed. “Sorry, babe. I just hate revisiting this shit.”

“Well, you either tell me what’s going on with you, or you shut up about it,” I said, leaning down to kiss him quickly. “I’m a woman, Austin. You can’t throw out partial information without my mind running rampant and making up all manner of stories, probably way worse that you could ever imagine. Either you put me out of my misery or you…,” I met his eyes and shook my head, “…actually, no. At this point, you just need to fill me in.

Austin laid his hand on my bottom and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Bottom line, he knocked Annie up and then forced her to get an abortion, which was done by a hack, so she started to bleed uncontrollably. She nearly died.”

I gasped. “What? Seriously?”

Austin nodded. “Then, when she admitted his father had been messin’ with her, he said nothing. Did nothing. Didn’t defend her, didn’t testify against his father, nothin’. Fuckin’ bastard.”

“Weren’t you all just kids though, honey? Maybe he didn’t have a whole lot of choice.”

“We were nineteen, Dani.”

Because I knew this was a hot-button issue for Austin, I chose not point out that being nineteen didn’t really mean much when it came to the difference between being an adult or a child. “What does Annie say about all of this? She obviously doesn’t have the animosity toward Hawk that you do.”

“She doesn’t say anything. She refuses to talk to me about it,” he spat out. “Says I’m a loose cannon and can’t be trusted not to go off on anyone ‘I deem a threat to those I love.’” His body locked and he scowled. “She didn’t trust me, but she had no fuckin’ problem trusting the bastard who’d nearly killed her.”

I kissed his neck. His sister wasn’t wrong when it came to his need to protect. “Sorry, honey.”

“Just give him a wide berth tonight, yeah?”

“If that’s what you want, yes. But does that fall to Lily too? Because I kind of adore that little girl.”

He rolled me onto my back and raised an eyebrow. “I’d be a total dick if I said to keep away from her, huh?”

I nodded. “Total.”

“So, what if I said that you should only talk to her if she seeks you out?”

“Then you’d only be half a dick.”



“I’m trying to figure out if I can live with this,” he retorted.

“You can’t.” I giggled and slid my hand down to grip his cock. “Believe me. I require all of it to stay right where it is.”

“Just stick close to me, baby. Avoid him, yeah?”

“I’m a big girl, Austin. Hawk doesn’t scare me.” I kissed his chin. “Neither do you.”



He grinned and slid down my body, kneeling between my legs. “What does scare you, babe?”

“Oh, I don’t know… heights, spiders, the zombie apocalypse…”

He spread my legs and kissed my inner knee. “What about…?” He kissed my thigh, then gave a gentle suck on my clit. “This?”

I squirmed. “That doesn’t scare me,” I said, a little confused.

“What if I never did this again?” Another suck.

I raised my head to look down my body. “Are you saying that if I don’t keep away from Hawk, you won’t ever do that to me again?”

He shrugged and I pushed away from him.


“You know how we have the nothing rule?” I snapped.

He sighed, but didn’t acknowledge the question.

“We’re also going to have the no withholding rule.”

“I would never actually withhold anything from you, Dani.”

“Then don’t threaten to.” I pulled my knees up to my chin and wrapped my arms around my legs. “If you don’t want me to be best buds with Hawk, then I don’t have a problem with that. I’m on your side. Always.
, I’m an adult and I’m fully capable of making up my own mind on who I choose to associate with, and the bottom line is that his little girl is adorable and sweet, and he is at least part of the reason she’s that way. So, I will be distantly polite to Hawk because I’m Team Booker all the way, but I will never ostracize a little girl because of who her father is.”

He cocked his head. “Team Booker?”

I forced myself not to smile. “All the way.”

He crawled up the bed, tugging my arms from my legs, and settling his chin on my knees. “I’m sorry, baby.”

“Thank you,” I said, and slid my legs apart. “Now, make it up to me.”

He grinned and did as he was told.

BOOK: Road to Desire
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