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Authors: Piper Davenport

Road to Desire (11 page)

BOOK: Road to Desire
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I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed. A familiar scent registered and I leaned back. “Why do you smell like gun powder? Please tell me you were a firing range.”


“Are you carrying?”

He stroked my cheek. “I’m always carrying.”

“You’re scaring me a little, honey. What’s wrong?”

“Nothin’ that won’t be handled tonight, so I just have to deal.”

I settled my cheek against his chest and closed my eyes. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head and we stood like this for a while. Our peace, however, was disturbed when he answered his phone again. “Yo.” He tried to pull away, but I held him tighter, so he settled and wrapped an arm around me. “Yeah. No. What does Crow say? Shit. Yeah, I’m here. No. Okay. Fuck me, Mack. Yeah. Fine. Okay. If that’s the case, then I’m gonna grab some shut-eye. See ya.” He hung up and dropped his phone in his pocket again.

“You staying?” I asked.

He chuckled. “Kind of you to offer, baby.”

I smiled up at him. “Well, you pretty much announced you were going to, so I have benevolently decided not to kick you out.”

Austin laughed. “Appreciate that. I’ll lock up and meet you in the bedroom.”

,” I countered. “I’m going to bed, you’re sleeping on the sofa.”

“You’re fuckin’ hilarious, baby.”

“I’m serious, Austin.”

He frowned and shook his head. “Not sleeping on your fuckin’ sofa, Dani. Also, not gonna fuck you if you don’t want me to fuck you. What I
gonna do is hold my woman and sleep until I’m called up again.”

“I am not a slut, Austin.”

“Never said you were.” He scowled down at me. “What the fuck, Dani?”

I bit my lip. “This is just going too fast.”

“Babe.” He set me away from him and left the kitchen to lock up the apartment, returning quickly, and grabbing my hand. He led me back to my bedroom and faced me. “What side?”

“Excuse me?”

“What side of the bed do you want?”

I let out a frustrated sigh. “Window.”

He laid his gun and phone on the nightstand by the door and promptly removed his clothes, graciously keeping his boxer briefs on. I swallowed at the sight of his body. God, it was still as magnificent as I remembered. He pulled the covers back and flopped onto the mattress, linking his hands behind his head. “You comin’?”

“I… um… have to take my makeup off and brush my teeth.”

“Be quick, babe, yeah?”

“No funny business.”

“I’m too tired for funny business, baby.”

I shook my head, my attempt at keeping him out of my bed a big fat failure, and headed to the bathroom. After removing my contacts, washing my face, and brushing my teeth, I opened my closet, found some pajama bottoms and a cami and changed into them in the closet. I flipped off the light and made my way to the bed, pulling the covers back and slipping inside. I was promptly pulled onto Austin’s chest and kissed to distraction. He rolled me so his chest was to my back. “’Night, baby.”

“Goodnight,” I whispered.

I scooted closer and his arms tightened around me. I smiled as I closed my eyes. This was pure bliss.


Monday morning by my alarm. My bed was empty, but the delicious smell of Austin was still attached to my sheets.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I had parent, teacher conferences all day, so I needed to get my butt up and moving, but all I wanted to do was turn back time so I was snuggled up to Austin again.

“’Mornin’, babe.”

I turned toward the door to find Austin standing at the threshold. He wore jeans sans shirt and he was positively edible.

I sat up and smiled. “Hi. I thought you’d be gone by now.”

“Didn’t get called up.” He stretched out on the bed and pulled me on top of him. “How’d you sleep?”

“Better than I ever have.” I ran my fingers over his chest. “Why?”

He gave me a sexy smile and shrugged. “Nothing.”

“Um, no. We don’t play the nothing game, remember?”

Austin chuckled. “You talk in your sleep.”

I sat up with a gasp. “I do not.”

“You absolutely do.”

“What did I say?”

He grinned and slid off the bed. “
I’m not gonna tell you.”

“What? Why not?”

“Because I don’t have to.” He leaned down and kissed me. “Now, get ready for work and I’ll drop you off.”

“Why would you drop me off? It’ll mean I have to get a ride home.”

“Not if I pick you up.”

I smiled. “I thought you were busy tonight.”

“Plans changed.”

“What if

He grinned and kissed me again. “Are you busy?”

“No, damn it.”

Austin laughed and grabbed his shirt off the floor. “Get ready, baby. I’ll make coffee.”

I made my way to the shower and got ready for work. When I ventured out of the bedroom, I found Austin had made me coffee, eggs, and toast. “Wow. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He grinned and kissed me.

I sat at the table and sipped the coffee. “You make a mean cup of coffee, Austin Carver.”

“Good to know. Barista will be a good option should I need a second job.” He sat beside me and watched me eat. “What time you done today?”

“My last conference is at two-forty-five, so I’m guessing around three thirty. Sometimes we’re done early, but I can text you when I know.”

“It stays nice, you’re on my bike.”


“What? Why not?”

“I can’t.” I set my mug down. “I… I’m terrified of motorcycles.”


“I’ve never been on one, Austin. I’ll make you crash.”

He chuckled. “There is nothin’ you could do to make me crash, baby.”

“I’m sure I could think of a few things.”

“Okay, there’s nothing you could do outside of giving me head on my bike that would make me crash.” He grinned. “And if you can figure out how to give me head while I’m riding, it’ll be a fuckin’ awesome way to go.”

“Don’t be gross,” I ordered, my face on fire.

“Can’t promise that.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re gorgeous when you’re caught off guard.” He sipped his coffee again.

“You’re an evil man. You know that, right?”

He leaned toward me and stroked my cheek. “I’m

“You’re my

Austin laughed and let me finish my breakfast.

* * *

I muddled through the day, my thoughts constantly turning to Austin and my total besotted-ness with him. I was never a fan of insta-love, particularly in romance novels, but now that I was living it, I was realizing how quickly I was falling for him.

My final parent was the single mom to Maverick, and he was one of my favorite kids, despite Austin’s aversion to his name. His mom, Cassidy, was doing the best she could with limited resources, and I had nothing but respect for her.

She actually hung around and walked out with me once our conference ended. As we pushed open the double doors at the front of the school, she grabbed my arm and hummed in delight. I looked up to see Austin walking towards us.

“If I could have one night… just one… with a man who looked like that, I’d die happy,” Cassidy mused. “I wonder who he belongs to.”

I giggled. “That would be me.”

“Shut the front door,” she said. “Does he have any brothers?”

“Like a hundred,” I retorted.

She pulled me to a stop. “Figure out a way to introduce me to them.”

I laughed. “I’ll invite you next time they have a get together.”

“I’m gonna hold you do it.”

Austin reached us, grinned, and leaned down to kiss me. PDA’s were of no consequence to him it would seem. “Hey, babe.”

“Hi.” I grinned at Cassidy’s expression. “Austin, this is Cassidy Dennis. Her son’s in my class.”

“Nice to meet you,” Cassidy said, reaching out her hand.

Austin shook it and smiled.

“I need to pick up Mav,” she said, but continued to stare at Austin. “Ah, it was nice to meet you,” she repeated.

“You too,” Austin said, his expression one of amusement.

“’Bye, Dani.”


Cassidy walked off, glanced back a few times, but managed to climb into her car and drive off without running into anything.

“She wants to meet your club.”

“Excuse me?”

I nodded. “She saw you and nearly wet herself.”

Austin laughed. “I take it she’s a single mom?”

“She’s the single mom of a darling little boy named Maverick.”

“Fuck me,” he said with a groan.

“Hmm-mmm,” I droned. “Regret what you said?”

“Hell, no. That boy’s gonna get his ass kicked in middle school.”

“Not if he’s a badass. Then it won’t matter what his name is.”

Austin laughed. “You might have a point.”

I ran my hand up his chest and stroked his neck. “Where’s your truck?”

“Oh, my beautiful little temptress,” he said, and kissed me quickly. “Your powers don’t work on me when I have the chance to ride.”

I wrinkled my nose. “Damn it! I was hoping it would rain.”

“Come on, baby. You’re gonna love it.”

“But I have all my stuff.” I lifted my bag and purse, filled with paperwork to finalize.

“Which will fit perfectly in the saddlebags.”

“I didn’t bring a leather jacket. I don’t even own one.”

Austin grabbed my hand and grinned. “I brought one for you.”

“You did not.”

“I did, baby.”

I had no choice but to follow him to his bike. It was just as pretty in the light of day, but that didn’t mean it didn’t scare me just as much. He took my bags from me and stowed them in his saddlebags once he’d pulled out a leather jacket that looked like it was made for me.

He helped me into it, handed me thick, leather gloves, and then helped me with my helmet. Everything fit perfectly. I’d had the forethought to wear my knee-high boots, but still I was shaking when Austin threw his leg over the bike. “Climb up behind me, Dani. Watch the pipes, they can get hot.”

“How do I climb on?”

“Put your hand on my shoulder, foot on the peg, and throw your leg over.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

He grinned. “It is, baby. I’ve got the bike steady and I won’t let you fall.”

I licked my lips and did as he instructed. He held the bike, but looped his other hand to my waist when I climbed on to steady me. “You good?”

“No,” I squeaked.

“Arms around my waist, baby, and scoot forward, tight to my back.”

I followed his directions and felt a little more secure.

“If you want to stop, yell or give me a squeeze, yeah?”


He started the bike and pulled gently out of the parking lot. I truly thought I was going to be sick, but once I got the feel of him and the bike, I began to relax. I’d ridden horses as a kid and found that if I moved with him, it was a similar feeling to riding. By the time we pulled off the freeway and onto Naito, I felt like a pro.

Austin pulled to a stop at a stoplight and grinned back at me. “You okay?”

“This is frickin’ fantastic,” I yelled.

He laughed. “Want to keep going?”

I nodded.

“Okay, we’ll go for a little ride, then.”

When the light turned green, he turned down a side street and drove down closer to the water. We couldn’t go too far, but it was enough to put on a little speed before he pulled to a stop at a little lookout point. He pulled the bike off the road and parked it, lowering the kickstand before turning off the engine. He twisted to smile at me. “You good?”

I nodded. “I think my legs are jelly, but that was amazing.”

“You want to get off for a bit, or back to my place.”

“Your place, I think. I’m a little cold.”

“You got it, baby.”

He started the bike again and I wrapped my arms around him tight as he pulled back onto the road and headed to his condo. He parked the bike, waited for me to climb off, despite my shaky legs, then he did the same and grabbed my things from his saddlebags. He helped me with my helmet and kissed me, the squeak of our leather jackets making me giggle. “I should tell my dad that the chastity belt is no longer necessary, considering leather has about the same effect.”

BOOK: Road to Desire
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