Risky Pleasures (10 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

BOOK: Risky Pleasures
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He lifted a dark brow. “We?”

She dabbed her mouth with the corner of her napkin. “Yes. With your help I was able to pick out eight outfits that I think will enhance my wardrobe.”

He rolled his eyes. “I didn’t like half of them.”

“Yes, but I liked them.”
And you will too once you see me in them,
she thought. He had no idea she had bought the outfits with him in mind.

She placed her elbows on the table and supported her chin with her knuckles. “You’re an only child, right?”


“It’s unfortunate that you didn’t have a sister, then you would understand how a woman’s mind works.”

“I don’t need a sister to understand the workings of a woman’s mind.”

She gave him a quick smile. “It would have helped. Then you would have realized you were approaching the situation all wrong in going after me. You’re not a forever kind of guy, Cameron. And on top of that, you have controlling tendencies. You aren’t the type of man a woman would consider getting involved with for the rest of her life. But you are fling material, which is why I decided to have an affair with you.”

Cameron didn’t like what he was hearing but decided not to contradict anything she said. She would find out how wrong she was when he had her just where he wanted her—when he had her good and addicted. “So, what’s on the agenda for tonight?” he asked, placing his napkin down and leaning back in his chair. Anticipation of what was yet to come was already flowing through his blood stream.

“Umm, let’s not plan anything. Let’s go with spontaneous during our time together.”

Cameron sighed. If he went with spontaneous she would be on this table, flat on her back with him on top of her, making out like there was no tomorrow. Sitting across from her and watching her eat and drink had been torturous. Each time she had taken a sip from her glass and he had seen how her perfectly shaped mouth had fit on the rim, he’d wished it was fitting that way on a certain part of him instead. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, there had been the way her throat had moved when the liquid had flowed down it, making him wonder just how deep her throat was. Just the thought had given him an erection as hard as a nail.

“So, will spontaneous be all right with you, Cameron?”

He really didn’t think she knew what she was asking, and he had no intention of telling her. “Spontaneous is fine with me.”

“Good. You won’t be sorry.”

He lifted a brow. He knew he wouldn’t be sorry and hoped like hell that she wouldn’t be, either. But what she’d said did give him pause. “Why would you think I’d be sorry?”

Her face broke into a smile. “Because you come across as a man who prefers structure. I take it you like to think things through thoroughly before taking action.”

She had him there. Rash decisions didn’t sit well with him. But spontaneous with her was a no-brainer. He knew he wanted her and if given the opportunity to have her whenever and wherever, he would be a fool not to take it and run…to the nearest bedroom.

“Typically, I am that kind of guy, but I’m here to enjoy myself, and for the next eleven days there aren’t any limitations.”

Not wanting to give her too much time to ponder what he’d said, he tilted his head toward the bar. “Would you like another drink?”

She glanced at her almost-empty glass. “No, I think I’ve had enough. But I would like to walk on the beach later tonight. Would you?”

He regarded her for a minute, thinking of the unlimited spontaneous possibilities. Then he nodded his head slowly and said, “Yes, I’d love to do that.”

A smile curved her mouth and she murmured, “Great. I’m looking forward to later.”

Chapter 10

ater could have come sooner, Cameron thought, as he walked barefoot along the beach. After their dinner date he had dropped Vanessa at home with the understanding they would meet on the beach after dark. When he’d asked if he needed to bring anything, she had simply smiled and said, “Just yourself.”

So here he was with no specific plan in mind since spontaneous was the order of the evening. He looked past the palm trees toward her place and saw how well lit it was. Light spilled out, illuminating certain areas of the private beach.


He turned toward the sound of his name and saw her standing next to a palm tree in a semi-lighted area. She was wearing the last outfit she had modeled for him. The one he had liked least. But seeing her in it now, the material as transparent as could be, had blood gushing through his veins.

As if mesmerized, he drifted toward her, his eyes never leaving her. With each step he took, his heart pounded out a heated rhythm and his teeth were clenched to stop the flood of sensations overtaking him.

Her outfit might have been provocative as hell, but it was her stance that was his undoing. She leaned against the tree, her legs braced apart in such a way that the flimsy material flowed all over her lush softness, her magnificent curves. Tantalizing. Sexy. Seductive.

The latter had him entranced. Standing there in that outfit she was the epitome of sensual femininity. He could clearly see everything, the puckered tips of her shapely breasts, the flat stomach and small waist and the dark triangle between her legs. His mouth watered, his erection hardened and his breathing became a forced act.

The closer he got, the longer he looked into her passion-filled eyes, the more he wanted her.

The more he wanted spontaneous.

Every muscle in his body clenched with desire the moment he came to a stop in front of her. He reached out and, with a flick of his wrist, he unclasped the hooks on both her shoulders, and the dress slithered down her body and lay in a pool at her feet.

He whisked his eyes over her naked body and when, as if in a moment of nervousness, she lowered one of her hands to cover her center, he caught her wrist and moved her hand aside. She was his. And as far as he was concerned, what she was trying to hide was his. And he intended to have it. Now.

He took a step back and whipped his shirt over his head and with trembling, hot fingers he fumbled at his belt before jerking it free and tossing it aside. Then came his shorts. Anticipating what would happen tonight, he hadn’t bothered with underwear.

Vanessa just stood looking at him, letting her gaze move from his face slowly down his body, stopping at his shaft.

It actually twitched under her direct perusal and he felt it harden even more right before her eyes. When she licked her lips, he released a tortured moan.

Instantly, she sank to her knees on the sand in front of him, and before he could draw his next breath, her hands closed over his erection just seconds before she took him into her mouth.

The impact of that sensual contact made his entire body shudder. She began stroking him all over with her tongue, then raking that same tongue across the sensitized tip, nibbling gently with her teeth before sucking deeply. He tangled his fingers in her hair, trying to tug her away one minute and then trying to hold her mouth hostage on him the next.

When he felt an explosion starting right there at the tip, he jerked back, and in one quick move he eased her down and positioned his body over hers. The moment she lifted her hips to him, he entered her in one smooth thrust, driving deep into her wetness.

She screamed his name at the same exact time he screamed hers, and it seemed every cell in his body fragmented as he was thrown into mind-boggling pleasure. Too late he realized that he hadn’t used a condom just as he felt his body explode, releasing everything he had deep into her womb.

He held her there, her body locked to his, and somehow, moments later, he found the strength to thrust deep into her again, and in no time felt himself succumbing, exploding once more.

This was rapture so pure, so unadulterated and perfect.

He knew it could only be this way with Vanessa.


“Would you like to watch a movie?” Cameron asked. “The previous owner left his DVD collection behind.”

Vanessa glanced over at Cameron from across the kitchen and wondered if he was serious. After the rendezvous on the beach that had left them both naked and covered in sand, he had carried her to his place where they had used his outside shower. He had shampooed her hair and she had washed his back, then they had made love all over again, right there in the shower. Afterwards, he made her promise never to wear the outfit again and had given her one of his T-shirts to put on. They had decided they were hungry and now were in the kitchen.

“I’m going to have to pass on the movie, but I would like you to tell me who taught you how to cook.”

He leaned back against the counter, holding a cup of coffee in his hand. He had thrown together an omelet and biscuits. “My grandfather. After my grandmother died it was just the two of us.”

She nodded. “Is he still living?”

He shook his head and she could see the sadness reflected in his deep-set eyes. “No, he died when I turned eighteen. Right before I entered college.”

“The two of you were close. I can tell,” she said softly. She could hear the special love in his voice.

She watched a smile touch his lips. “Yes, we were very close. He was the best.”

She didn’t say anything for the longest time until finally she admitted, “My dad was the best, too. He never had sons but it didn’t matter to him. My mom, Taylor, Cheyenne and I were the apples of his eye and he always let us know it. I only wish…”


“That I could have convinced him to stop smoking. He died of lung cancer, and a part of me wished I could have done something, hidden his cigarettes, anything.”

“That wouldn’t have helped, Vanessa. The person smoking is the one who has to want to stop. Your father would have continued to smoke until it was his decision to quit.”

What Cameron was telling her was no different from what her family and Sienna had told her. But when she remembered her father in his last days, how the cancer had left a robust man barely recognizable, a part of her still believed there was something she could have done.

Not wanting to discuss her father any longer, she decided to ask Cameron more about his childhood. In all the media releases she’d read on him, very little had been mentioned about it, except that he’d dropped out of school at sixteen.

“Was your grandfather your mom’s father or your dad’s?”

She watched him take a sip of his coffee before glancing over at her. “He was my father’s father. My parents were killed in a fire at our apartment complex when I was six. My dad was able to get me out but when he went back in for my mother, the building collapsed.”

Vanessa gasped and she immediately felt a tug on her heart. “Oh, how awful that must have been for you.”

Cameron stared down into his coffee cup a long moment before finally lifting his head and meeting her gaze. “It was. And for the longest time, like you, I was on a guilt trip. I would often ask myself, What if Dad had gotten Mom out first? What if I had awakened and smelled the smoke first? What if I had convinced them to have a fire-escape plan like they had taught us in school? There were so many what-ifs, but I soon realized that none of them would bring my parents back.”

Vanessa’s heartstrings tugged tighter. She could just imagine the guilt that had consumed his young mind. “Is that when you went to live with your grandparents?” she asked.

“Yes, and they were great. It was as if they knew exactly what I needed.” He chuckled. “My grandparents were pretty big on hugs. The warm and cuddly kind.”

Vanessa smiled. She wondered how a man with such a warm and cuddly childhood with his grandparents could grow up to be the hard and controlled man that he was.

She opened her mouth to ask him another question when his cell phone rang. “Excuse me.” He picked it up off the counter. “Yes, X.”

Vanessa could tell from the expression on Cameron’s face and the tenseness of his body that he didn’t like whatever the person was telling him.

“Tell Kurt that I want this person found before he does any more damage.” He snapped the phone shut.


Cameron jerked his head up and looked at her. “No, everything’s fine.”

“You’re sure?”


She doubted he would tell her if things weren’t fine and decided not to get upset by it. He really had no reason to share his business matters with her, since she certainly wouldn’t be sharing any of the Steele business with him. “I’ve changed my mind.”

The gaze holding hers was steady. “About what?”

“The movie. I’m not sleepy and I would love watching one if you still want to.”

A small smile touched the corners of his lips. “Yes, I want to and I’ll even let you choose something sappy.”

Vanessa stood. “That’s mighty generous of you, Mr. Cody.”

He grinned. “Haven’t you figured out by now that I’m a very generous person?”


“Need more tissue?”

Vanessa looked over at him with tear-filled eyes. “Sorry. I always cry whenever I watch this movie.”

“Then why do you watch it?”

“Because it’s a good movie.”

“It’s a tear-jerker.”

She eased off the sofa to stand in front of him. “It’s still a good movie. In fact, it’s my favorite and has been since the first time I saw it when I was eight. I’m surprised you don’t like it.”

He shrugged. “It took Dorothy too long to find her way back to Kansas. As far as I’m concerned she wasn’t too bright. She should have figured out a lot sooner there was no yellow brick road that would get her there.”

Vanessa placed her hand on her hips, not liking his critique. “Do you have a favorite movie?”


“Not a one?”

“No, not a one. I like creating my own action,” he said. With her standing right in front of him, her luscious scent was filling his lungs, and his T-shirt, which barely hit her at midthigh, was looking sexy as hell on her.

Not able to resist temptation any longer, he reached out and pulled her down into his lap. A naughty grin touched his lips. “In addition to creating my own action, I especially like taking part in my own love scenes.”

And then he leaned over and kissed her.

Vanessa returned the kiss, doubting she would ever tire of kissing him. She wrapped her arms around Cameron’s neck and tasted him with the same hunger with which he was tasting her. Beneath her, his erection nudged her hip and his hand began tracing a path up her inner thigh.

Suddenly Cameron pulled both his mouth and hand away. “We need to talk,” he said, resting his forehead against hers. “We need to discuss something I should have brought up earlier.”

She kept her arms wrapped around his neck and met his gaze. “What?”

“I didn’t use any protection when we made love on the beach tonight.”

His words were like ice water thrown on her. No protection. How had she not realized? She’d never had sex with a man without using some type of protection. She’d been taking the Pill since her college days but when it came to sex these days, women had more to worry about than an unwanted pregnancy. There were serious health issues to consider.

“I’m safe, Vanessa. Don’t worry about that,” Cameron said as if reading her thoughts. “I get a physical every year.”

“So do I,” she quickly said, needing to reassure him, as well. “I’m safe, too.”

He smiled and tightened his arms around her waist. “I know you are.”

She was tempted to ask why he was so certain, but just the thought that he was sent a warm feeling through her.

“Now that we’ve covered that part, we need to discuss the other.”

She lifted a brow. “What other?”

“The possibility of a pregnancy.”

She shook her head. “That’s not possible. I’m on the Pill.”

He nodded slowly. “Anything is possible. The Pill isn’t 100 percent guaranteed and if a child has been created, Vanessa, the agreement is off.”

“What do you mean?”

“We agreed that once this affair ended we wouldn’t be in contact with each other. But if you’re pregnant that changes everything since I’d want to know about my child. Understood?”

She frowned, not liking the tone of voice he’d taken, and definitely not liking the way he was trying to take control of things. “I told you I’m on the Pill, so relax, Cameron. There won’t be a baby.”

“If there is—”

“Then I would let you know. But you’re worrying for nothing.”

He met her gaze for a long moment before standing with her in his arms. “Are you ready for bed?”

After that last conversation a part of her wanted to leave, to go back to Cheyenne’s place and sleep in her own bed tonight. He had made her mad. But another part of her wanted to stay, to sleep cuddled under him and wake up with him in the morning. That was the part telling her to get over it.

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