Rising Up: Finding Me book 1 (5 page)

BOOK: Rising Up: Finding Me book 1
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"And that my friend is where the fun lies!"

"You are a fucking idiot, and if you manage to get in Maddie's panties she'll be a wreck when she sees you at work.  Don't be such a dick Lake."

"Oh lighten up man, do you really not want to get a taste of Imogen Banks.  If you say no then you're a fucking liar!"




I can’t settle, so I’m pacing my bedroom floor trying to come up with an explanation, first to my immediate and instant attraction to him, and secondly what the hell I’m going to do about it now, I can’t go home, I never want to set foot in that place again, and my visa is for work. 

Maybe I should get another job then I could still see him, I know I won’t be able to work around him if I can’t have him.

I don't believe it!  What the fuck was I thinking? Good shit just doesn't happen to me, I mean c'mon!  A guy as awesome as Mason seems to really like me.  He kissed me like he’d done it a thousand times before, and we just fitted together.  I’m pretty sure that if he'd wanted to drag me out of the bar I would have let him. 

How can you feel somebody enter a room, I knew he was there before I could even see him, and when he pulled me against his solid muscular body I moulded into him as if we had been made for each other. 

His erection pressing into my stomach caused my heart to miss a beat, and desire that I thought had been lost to me forever resurfaced as if from a deep slumber.

Tomorrow will have to see me step away from him, I can't start at my new job with him as my boss when all I really want to do is strip him naked and lick every part of his body.  I'll have to tell him who I am as soon as we meet tomorrow, because if he kisses me again I know I won't be able to resist him.

My head is in a frantic spin as I try to make some sense of this, but then a scream of frustration building inside my chest.  “Arrrrrrgh!”  I’m letting it out when I remember he put his number in my phone, but I can’t quite bring myself to call him, but I don’t want to let him go.  Shit, this is so confusing but after an hour of deliberating I decide. 

Yes, I'm going to call him.

He answers instantly. "Hi Ginny.  I was just thinking about you.  Hell, I can't stop thinking of you."

"Hi...” I start to speak but suddenly there are tears in my eyes and my voice goes thick and sticks in my throat.

"Ginny? Babe, what's wrong? Are you crying? Shit, please talk to me."

I swallow a couple of times and try to start to speak, my head and my heart are reeling from him calling me 'babe'.  "Do you know who I am?"

"Yes Imogen, I know who you are.  Lake told me after you left tonight.  I'm sorry I didn't realize, I would never have kissed you if I'd known.  But shit Ginny I've never felt like this before, you are everything I could ever wish for."

"Then why are you sorry you kissed me?  I knew I should have stayed away from you, because you really are just perfect, and you're going to be hard to stop thinking about."  I can’t stop pacing the floor, and my hands are in my hair.

"Shit!  I'm not really sorry I kissed you, I just felt it was the right thing to say.  I'm actually sorry I didn't kiss you more.  Look I'm sure by now you know we live here too.  Can I come and see you, we can talk about what we are going to do about this amazing connection we have."

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea Mason.  You're pretty hard to resist."  My voice is still getting caught in my throat.

"Well tough because I'm outside your apartment, and if you don't want me knocking on your door and waking up Maddie, you'd better come and let me in.  Please babe, let me in.  I need you."

I jump out of bed and creep quietly to the door, I know Maddie will normally sleep like the dead, but tonight will be the one night she wakes up.  I pull open the door and he's there in all his god-like glory, even in sweats and a loose fitting T-shirt he looks hot. "Quickly, come in quietly."

I hustle him in and don't notice him looking at me until we get inside my room.  "What are you looking at me like that for?"  Then I look down and realize I'm in a short T-shirt and a pair of Hello Kitty knickers.  He starts to laugh and then smiles.

"Nice panties!  In fact, nice everything.  Jesus Ginny you just keep getting better looking and sexier every time I see you.  How the hell am I supposed to concentrate and work things out with you when I can't stop looking at your gorgeous legs?"

"Wait here for a minute while I change."  I’m biting my lip with a mixture of uncertainty and excitement bubbling up inside me.

"Fuck me no, if this is gonna be the last time I get to see you like this I want a good memory."  His darkened eyes roam over my body.

"Is this the end of us? I mean we haven't really even started anything yet so why is this so painful?" A sob escapes me and Mason is immediately in front of me cradling my face in his hands.

"No this is just the start babe, I promise, we just have to work out what we both want, and whether your job is going to suffer if people know we are together."

"Why should it matter at work? It isn't how I got the job and it's not going to affect my ability to do my work.  But walking into your offices and seeing yours and Lake’s faces on the wall was one hell of a shock."

"I know babe, but we have a 'no fraternization' policy at work."

"Well, that's that then isn't it? This is a no-go."  I drop down onto my bed and put my head in my hands.

"No Ginny it's not. That policy was put into place when two of the junior staff started dating, and it was fine at first, but when they had a bad break up they were unable to work with each other, causing a drop in standards, and as you can imagine as lawyers, we can't have sloppy work, it could cost us the case and an innocent person their freedom. 

So it was Lake's father Davenport Senior who decided to introduce the policy.  But Ginny, I want you. Shit I want you so much I can hardly speak right now, so please let’s see how we can make it work."  His forehead touches mine and he kisses me softly.

"But I am a member of staff, and why do you call yourself Mason?"

"My first name is James like my dad and I've always gone by Mason, so there was never any confusion at home.  But please Imogen I think we've got something good here, can we at least try?"  The desperation and need in his voice is heartfelt.

I look him up and down and it would be a crime against all the other women in the world not to see him naked, but still I can’t believe I’m going to take the risk and possibly jeopardize my job here.  So I say the first thing that comes into my head.  "Okay, I mean what the hell!  You may be crap in bed and I won’t want you anyway."  I hear him growl and then I'm lifted off my bed and thrown into the center.

"Right woman!  I'll show you how crap in bed I am!"  He launches himself at me and covers my body with his, and kisses me hard before jumping back up, I can't help but moan and start to giggle as he pulls his T-shirt over his head and I get to see his amazing body. 

His muscled chest and stomach ripples as he starts to take his sweats off and Oh My God! He's commando underneath.  My eyes run over his pecs, looking over his stunning tribal tattoo and down to his eight pack, yes he's got an eight pack!! When I see the very sexy V leading my eyes down to his junk I smile and let out a little laugh. 

Hell, that's one big dick he's got! I gulp at the thought of that trying to fit in me. How can I even be having these thoughts?  My insides are aflame and I’m tingling in all the right places.  I thought Jake had stripped any form of sexual emotion from me but damn, this is a mighty fine specimen of manliness stood in front of me.

"Jesus woman, you're not helping my ego by laughing.  I thought you’d like what you're seeing?  Now you seem to be wearing too many clothes so I'm just gonna help you with that."  Leaning over me he whips my T-shirt over my head, then he just stands and looks running his eyes over my body, feeling very self-conscious I try to cover my breasts. "Hell No!  If I'm standing here buck naked so are you."  He pulls down my underwear and throws them to the floor alongside his clothes.

"Shit Imogen you are beautiful. Stand up for me babe, let me look at you."

So on shaky legs I stand up, he walks around me, his hand trailing over my stomach leaving scorch marks under my skin as he circles by body.  I can feel the excitement and arousal building up inside me and have to clench my thighs together, when he's finished his circle he leans down and kisses me.

"You Imogen are one beautiful women and I want you so fucking much.  Please don't turn me down."

"Mason, I don't think I could even if I wanted to.  You are stunning and I know I want you too.  Even if it’s just for tonight."  Dark thoughts cloud my mind as I try to decide if I’m just making my life harder than it needs to be.  But shit, he is sooo fucking hot!!

"Thank God."  He picks me up and lays me down on the bed, his hands start to stroke my body, starting at my legs his fingers are like feathers against my skin and I can feel my juices flowing out of my body and down my thighs.

"Shit Ginny, I can see how turned on you are, your thighs are slick with your desire.  I can't wait to taste you, your scent is like a drug to me."  His dilated eyes gaze up at mine.

My hips are rising off the bed as he skims over them and onwards up my body to my breasts, they have become so heavy and desperate for his touch that I can't hold back the moan in my throat as his strong hands slide up the underneath and up towards the hard peaks of my nipples.  I watch his head dip down as he takes one of my nipples into his mouth and sucks hard. "Oh God! Yes that feels fantastic, please don't stop." I feel him grin against me.

"Not a chance in hell babe, I’m just getting started."  His teeth suddenly bite gently down as his hand copies his mouth and pinch my other nipple before rolling it between his thumb and forefinger.

"Shit! If you keep doing that I'm gonna come!"  I'm speaking through gritted teeth as he is about to tip me over the edge.  He smiles again and increases the intensity on my breast, his tongue swirls over and around my hard peak and before I can stop myself I'm coming.  "Oh Fuck! I'm coming! Yes, yes, yes!"  His hand leaves my breast and he pushes two fingers inside me.  I clamp down hard as I ride out my orgasm.

Leaning up on one arm he kisses me hard.  "That's just the first of many I'm going to give you tonight.  Are you still with me on this?"

"God yes, Mason don't stop."  My eyes are so glazed I can’t even focus on him.

"I was hoping you'd say that..." his words fade away as he travels down my body and places himself between my legs.  "You look and smell so fucking good, I'm gonna love tasting you."

His mouth touches my inner thigh as he licks up towards my bare sex, I know I'm already starting to writhe beneath his tongue.  "Steady now babe, we've got all night, are you on the pill Ginny, I promise you I'm clean I've always used a condom." 

His mouth reaches the apex between my legs and starts to circle round my clit never quite touching it, but close.

"Fuck Mason, you're killing me!  Yes, I'm on the pill and clean too.  My hands are gripping the sheets so hard.  "I can't hold on, please? I'm going to come again."

"No Imogen, not yet!"  His mouth moves away from me as I pant on the bed, the sweat is dripping off me.  "I'll tell you when."  He puts his mouth back on me and this time he strokes me with a finger before slowly pushing inside me, he starts moving it in and out and then adds another curling them towards the front wall stroking the sensitive spot inside.  Just when I think I can't hold on any longer he says "Now!" and presses his tongue down on my clit before clasping it between his teeth and gently biting.

"Oh My Fucking God!! Shit, shit, shit!"  My orgasm just keeps coming and before I know it he's balls deep inside me, thrusting hard and fast sending me back over the edge.  I can feel how tightly I'm gripping his cock and can't believe I've managed to fit him inside me.

"God, you feel fantastic, babe you are so fucking tight!  You are gripping me so hard I don't think I can stop."

"Then don't, please don't ever stop."


I can’t believe what Lake has just pointed out.  Shit if we’d been in the office this week I would have seen her, but goddamn there is one hell of a connection between us.  I get changed but I don’t feel ready for sleep and pace the floor with my cell phone in my hand, while I decide whether to call her and explain who I am or just go to see her and talk this out.

Fuck it, I’m going to see her.  Then my phone rings, it’s her, and she sounds so scared and confused but I can hear the longing in her voice and it matches mine.  I need this amazing, beautiful woman in my life.

Shit, when she opens the door to me I can't stop staring at her, or more like I can't stop staring at her legs, Jesus they go on forever!  And hell she's only got panties on with that barely there shirt.  How the hell am I supposed to have a serious conversation with her about the chances of a relationship, when all I want to do is bend her over the bed and fuck her hard!

I'm explaining the no-frat policy at work when she fills up with tears, shit, how can we be so serious so quickly, but I'll be damned if don't touch her right now.  I lean in to kiss her and then laugh when she tells me I'll be crap in bed. 

Well there's no way I'm going to let that slide, throwing her onto the bed I start to take my clothes off and watching her face as she takes in my body, I know I'm fit and well-muscled, but Ginny is looking at me like I'm a god. And Hell, if that doesn't make me even harder! 

Taking her clothes off I finally get to see her tits, and my God, I think I'm actually starting to drool. Walking round her body, just touching her skin is amazing, her stomach is flat and toned, and I can feel her shiver under my touch. 

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