Rising Up: Finding Me book 1 (16 page)

BOOK: Rising Up: Finding Me book 1
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After such a stressful weekend work was a relief.  April brought me up to date and was concerned that I was feeling better and okay to work.  Focusing on the up and coming changes and interviews to be arranged, I soon forgot about the flowers and Jake.  Yes, Jake did terrible things to me and he should be punished for it but after getting away from him I really don’t want to have to face him again.  I know it makes me seem weak but as much as I hate him I wouldn't have had the courage to get a job abroad, and in doing so meet Mason, the most important thing in my life now.

Lunch came and went with a sandwich at my desk as I kept working, I was happy to be left alone just plugging away on my structure changes so I was surprised when Mason put his head round the door.

"Are you ready to leave babe?  I think you're the last one here."

I looked up and noticed the time.  How did it get to six thirty so quickly?  "I really need to finish this report before I can go."  Running my hands through my hair I look up at Mason.

"Babe, it's late and you've only had a sandwich to eat today.  Look April has already left so you can finish this in the morning and have it to her by lunchtime, she won’t be able to do anything with it till tomorrow. Come on sweetheart, let me take you home."  His hand reaches out to me and after saving my work I shut the computer down and get up to grasp his hand.

"Are we okay being seen together at work?"

Mason chuckles.  "Yes Ginny, not only because we are the last ones here, but also because I amended the no frat policy today.  Much to the relief to some of the staff who have been secretly dating.  Certain rules still apply but we have relaxed certain conditions."

"Did Lake say anything about him and Maddie?"

"No, he didn't, and I don't think it went down with Maddie too well.  I think you two need to have a night together don't you?"

"Yes I think we've got a lot of things to talk about.  Does that mean I won't see you tonight?"  I look up hoping he'll tell me he'd sneak in later.

"No, I don't think I'll be down tonight, there's a few things I need to sort out with Lake and Lucas tonight and it may be a late one."  He kisses the top of my head as we exit the elevator and start to walk home.

"Oh. Okay, it will be strange not sharing a bed with you, but we can catch up tomorrow maybe?"  My shoulders droop at the thought of not seeing him. 

"What happened about Mark?"

"Nothing yet, he'd been and cleared his desk before we got in this morning so it will probably end up being settled out of court if he's prepared to pay the repair costs, plus he can pay me damages."

We've reached our apartment building and enter the elevator.  As it stops at my floor I turn and kiss his lips. "You know where I am if you change your mind."  I get out and make my way home.  Maddie is already in and is sat at the breakfast bar with a glass of wine in her hand.

"Tough day Mads?"  I walk over and give her a hug before grabbing a glass out of the cupboard. "Shall I join you?"  I smile.

"Hell yeah!  I've had a shitty day Ginn.  Did you hear that Mason let everyone know that you two are dating?"  Her smile is forced as she tries not to cry.

"Yeah he told me on our way home, I think it was too early, he should have just lifted the restriction and let nature take its course."

"Did he tell you that Lake didn't say anything about us?  I mean for fucks sake Ginny, we've slept together nearly every night for months now, and then he just ignores the chance to announce that we too are a couple."  Anger has taken over the sadness now.

"What are you going to do about him?"  I already know the answer, Maddie always walks away as soon as any problem arises.

"I told him that if I wasn't good enough to tell his colleagues, then I didn't see any point in us continuing, I'm not going to be a secret.  I'm twenty six years old and I want a relationship. 

I know I've always said I didn't after all the crap my parents put me through, but shit Imogen, when I see what happened when you and Mason first set eyes on each other, and it was seriously hot but romantic too, and I think I want to find one of those for me.  And it seems that Lake is not that guy."  She shrugs her shoulders and sighs before taking a large gulp of wine.

"Please tell me you've bought more wine because, my lovely friend, I think we're going to need to tonight."  I've sat through these types of evenings many times and wine sure does make it easier.

"Yeah I picked up a couple of bottles on my way home."

"Have you had anything to eat?  Shall I cook or do you want to order in?"

"Let's cook, we seem to live on take outs since we got here, doesn't anyone in this country ever cook?"

The next hour is spent in the kitchen listening to Alanis Morrisette, always a firm favorite when we're in a man hating mood.  Singing loudly and cooking up a delicious high calorie risotto with cream and wine.  We don't hear the knock on the door at first, but when the knocking gets louder Maddie dances her way to the door.  "If you're male then bugger off we're not interested!"  The wine has definitely kicked in.

"No, definitely not male, it's Tamsin and Amber and we've brought wine and cheesecake!"

"Well hell girls!  Come on in!"  Maddie hugs both of them even though she's only met Tamsin before.

"Hey, your short like me, thank God for that I feel like I'm surrounded by giants all day long."

I walk out to meet them and silently mouth 'Thank you' to them over Maddie's head.  I sent an SOS text out to them earlier knowing that Mads would enjoy their company as much as I do. 

"Hi, you two. Wow you've brought a dessert, we've made risotto so I hope you like that."

Tamsin smiles at me.  "I've never had it but it sure smells good."

The rest of the evening is spent eating, laughing and drinking wine.  Maddie and the girls decide to hate all men for the rest of their lives and will only use them for sex before kicking them to the curb. 

It then turns to me and Mason and how jealous they all are of me, but there's not much I can say so I choose to keep quiet.  Mason has text me a couple of times just to check in and to tell me he misses me.  Even though I wish we were sharing the same bed tonight I'm enjoying myself too much to dwell on it.

Maddie says something that snaps my attention back to the girls.  "Ginny deserves to have Mason, she had a shitty boyfriend before she came here, didn't you sweetie.  He is a famous TV star back home and a total cheating lying shit."

"Really, Ginny, that's too bad it must have been tough for you." Tamsin looks embarrassed that Maddie has brought it up or maybe she noticed the daggers I was shooting my friend.

"What's his name?" Amber asks also picking up on my tension but Maddie is too drunk to shut her mouth now.

"He's called Jake Williams.  And he's a total prick." 

"Maddie for God's sake shut up please, nobody is interested in my ex."  I'm getting annoyed with her now, but notice Amber frantically tapping on her iPhone.

"Is this him Ginny?"  She spins her phone round to show me his photograph.

"Yeah, that's him why?"

"Because he's coming over here to work, he’s presenting some talent show crap, like the X Factor."

The color drains from my face and I rush to the bathroom to throw up saying goodbye to all of the food and wine.  I finally stop retching and brush my teeth.  When I walk back through all the girls are staring at me.

"Imogen sweetie I'm really sorry."  Maddie has tears rolling down her cheeks while Tamsin and Amber just look confused.

"Imogen, why does this make you so ill?  I mean if he's your ex you shouldn't care anymore." 

It's Tamsin who asks the question.

"It's a bit more complicated than that.  He was verbally and physically abusive to me.  Look I've got to go, I'm sorry, it's been lovely having you and we can do it again soon but I need to speak to Mason."  I rush out of the door and instead of waiting for the elevator I run up the four flights of stairs to his apartment.  I'm hammering on the door for him to open up but it's Lucas who answers, I fall sobbing into his arms not caring who it is.

"Shit Mason, get out here now!  Something is wrong with Imogen."  I can hear the panic in his voice.

Mason races towards me and lifts me away from Lucas' arms and carries me towards the sofa and sits down with me held tight to his chest.  "Imogen, Ginny babe, talk to me.  What's happened?  What's wrong?  You're scaring me babe."

I struggle to get the words out. "It's h..h..him, he's c..coming over here.  H..He's g..got a j..job here,"

I look up at him and he's staring at Lake and Lucas.  "You…  You knew this!"  I sit up straight and try to pull away from him.  "When did you find out?  Why didn't you tell me?"  I'm struggling to get away from him now.  It's Lucas who kneels down in front of me and takes my hands.

"Imogen, we only found out today.  I've been following him online and it was announced today.  We are here tonight to organize a restraining order on him, if we can get it past the judge quickly enough it may stop him from getting a visa, but I imagine if it's been made public today he probably already has one. 

So if that's true, we may be able to make sure he's turned away at passport control as he enters.  His arrival date hasn't been confirmed yet so we may have time. But Ginny I want you to look at me when I tell you this.  We are going to keep you safe.  I know you wanted to keep his attack on you private, but Mason has had to share this with us tonight. 

Lake is going to represent you because Mason is to closely involved and I am going to protect you.  I have a crack team working for me and you are part of our family and we protect our family.  Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I manage to nod my head but the only thing screaming in my head now is the fact that they know what happened.  "Did you see the video?"  My voice is so quiet I can hardly hear it myself.  "I don't think I can take it if you have."  I'm crying again and Mason strokes my hair and kisses me.

"I had to show them babe, like you said Luc would have found it and it was better coming from me than a despicable internet site.  I promise you they will never mention it to you again."

I look up at them and see the worry in their eyes, but I'm grateful that I can't see any pity, I don't think I could have coped if they pitied me.

Lake takes Lucas' place on the floor.  "Imogen I'm sorry I had to see it but I can only admire your strength and bravery and for you to be the intelligent, lovely, beautiful woman you are today, and that you have so much love for my cousin I am in awe.  We will not let this piece of scum anywhere near you. Okay?"  He leans in to hug me.

"Look we're gonna head off now Mase, you look after that girl of yours and we'll speak again in the morning.  I'll have the paperwork finished tonight and over at the courthouse first thing in the morning."

Mason stands and gently places me back on the sofa and walks with them to the door, I can hear their voices but can't hear the words.




My steps are heavy as I walk back to Ginny, I can't bear the look of fear on her face.  "Ginny babe, how did you find out?  I wanted to be the one to tell you once we had already started to keep you safe."

"Tamsin and Amber came round and we were having a fun girlie evening, but Maddie was drunker than the rest of us because she was pissed off with Lake, and she started going on about Jake and how he was a crap boyfriend and Amber looked him up and told me."

"Okay I can see why you are so upset with her, are you also angry with me for showing the guys your video?  I'm sorry if you are but they needed to know why we have to act so quickly, they had already seen the doctor’s report but Imogen darling they were sickened by what they saw and are as angry and upset as we are.  You are mine Imogen just as much as I am yours, and I will fight to keep you safe with me." 

I look down at her.  "I promise I will do everything I can to keep you safe." 

Just then the door knocks, and holding hands we walk towards it, he looks through the spyhole. "It's Maddie, do you want to see her?"

"Yes but just quickly, I really want to be tucked up with you."  I open the door and see Maddie stood there looking wretched.

"Imogen, I'm so so sorry.  I was wrong to bring him up.  I don't even know why I did."  She looks up at Imogen sadly.

"I know you're sorry Mads, but I also think that if you think hard enough you'll know exactly why you did.  So I'm going to stay here tonight and we can speak about this tomorrow.  Good night Maddie."

"Imogen!"  She calls out to me as Ginny starts to walk away.  "Don't hate me please.  I didn't mean to."

Her reply is quiet and heartfelt.

"I don't hate you Maddie I just can't talk to you about this anymore."  Imogen turns away.

I say goodnight to Maddie and close the door.  Walking Ginny into my room and slowly turn round to face her.  Placing my hands on either side of face I lean in and gently start to kiss her, my lips nibble softly over hers, a sigh escapes her mouth and her breath washes over me like silk. 

Leaving her mouth I travel up her face kissing her cheeks nose and eyelids before descending back to her mouth, my tongue slides sensually over her bottom lip asking for entry, once granted my tongue sweeps across hers languidly stroking and caressing.

Letting my hands slide down her shoulders I reach across and start to unbutton her blouse, I can already feel her hardened nipples jutting through the silk of her bra.  Her shirt falls to the floor and is followed by her skirt, all the while my mouth continues its sweet engagement with hers.

"Mason I need you."  Her voice is soft but urgent.

Lifting her up in my arms I turn to place her in the center of my large bed.  "I need you too babe.  Keep watching me Ginny I want you to see my body as it worships yours."  I strip my clothes off quickly and climb up so I'm hovering over her my arms keeping my weight off her.  Kissing her more urgently now, I sit her up and remove her bra watching her soft, firm breasts swell with the need for my touch. 

My hands slide down her body and remove her panties, my face following their path and kiss her smooth, bare mound causing her hips to rise under my touch.  Placing my knees between her legs I push her legs apart and start to slowly enter her hot wet core, keeping my eyes on her the whole time and I lean in to her breast and take a hard nipple in to my mouth and swirl my tongue around the tender skin.

As her breathing quickens I continue my slow thrusts feeling her body tighten as her orgasm rises through her with her eyes focused on mine I begin to pick up speed as my own climax reaches its peak. 

"Come with me babe.  Come now."  I bite gently down on her nipple as we both cry out our release and as are bodies continue to pulse in and around each other I kiss her tears away.

"I love you Mason, so damn much.  You are mine."

"As much as you are mine sweetheart. I will always love you."  Pulling her into my arms with her head resting on my chest over my racing heart I whisper tenderly.  "Sleep sweetheart, I've got you."

I wake up to Imogen thrashing in my arms, she fighting me and pushing me away.  "Get off me you bastard.  Don't touch me.  I hate you, leave me alone?  No! No! Stop you're hurting me, stop!  God please, it hurts, please stop!  It hurts." 

I'm stroking her face whispering.  "Ginny, babe.  Wake up, wake up Imogen.  You're safe, you're with me.  It's just a dream, come back to me babe."  Her body begins to relax against mine and her breathing steadies.  "You’re safe with me Ginny.  You will always be safe with me."

As she leans back in to me I hear her sobs and her tears drench my chest.  "He was here Mason, he was hurting me.  He took me away from you.  He was going to kill me."

"It was a dream darling. I promise you I will not ever let him hurt you again."

"He always swore he would kill me if I left him.  He's not stable Mason, he will come for me, and he knows where I am."

"He's got to get through a hell of a lot of us to reach you Imogen.  Have you had nightmares about him before?"

"I used to have them every night after he let them rape me, but the therapy I had helped, and I haven't had one for months now, definitely not here since I met you.  I think I need to speak to someone again.  I hate that I fought you.  Did I hurt you?" 

She looks over my body and sees the scratches on my chest and arms, some of them have broken the skin.  "Oh Mason, I'm so sorry."  Leaning down she starts to kiss them and I can feel her tears on me again.

"Please stop crying babe, I can't bear it.  I'm fine, a few scratches are not going to hurt me."  Pulling her up to my face I kiss her and wipe her tears away with my thumbs.  "Come on, it's still early let's get some more sleep.  She holds me tight and slowly relaxes enough to let sleep envelope her.


"Mason, you're going to have to let go of me sweetie, I need to go home and get ready for work."

"Nope, I think I need a little taste of you before I let you go.  Come on babe, gimme sugar."  He puckers up and tries to kiss me.

"We haven't got time for anything let alone 'sugar'.  If that's what you're calling it."  I laugh and quickly peck his lips still trying to escape from his clutches.  "I can't be late, I've still got that report to finish for my presentation to you at the end of the week.”

"No way babe, we've got time. I'll even be quick!"  His eyebrows are working up and down suggestively I can't stop myself from laughing and he knows he's got me.  Pushing me down on the mattress he covers my body with his and nudges my legs apart before leaning back on his heels. Running his hand down my body from my throat to my now wet sex, he slowly circles my folds before dipping his finger between my lips and pressing inside my aching core.

"You are always so wet for me Ginny."  He starts to move his finger slowly in and out before adding a second.  Watching him lick his lips before he bends down to flick the tip of his tongue over my swollen clit is so hot.

"Fuck that feels so good."  My voice comes out in deep panting breaths.

"I love your taste I could feast on you all day but right now I want to be inside you."

"Yes, yes. Fuck me now!"

"You want it hard babe?"  He withdraws his fingers and eases the tip of his cock at my entrance, I try to push my hips up to press him inside me.

"Yes, I want it hard and fast. Now Mason, now!"

He flips me over onto my stomach and lifts my hips up high.  "You asked for it, baby!"  His cock slams hard into me, I yelp at the force but can't stop myself from pushing hard back on to him.  His hands are tight around my hips and are sure to leave marks if not bruises, but I love it.  I know there is no aggression or violence in this, it's just fucking hot sex.

"Shit Ginny, you feel fantastic, your pussy is gripping me so hard, squeeze me tight babe."

My muscles clench round his hard pounding cock and I feel my orgasm building hard inside me.  "I'm not going to last Mason, harder, fuck me harder."

His hips are like pistons as he thrusts faster, I feel him harden even more and know that he is ready to come with me. 

"Now!  Ginny, come now!" 

His hand leaves my hip and reaches around to press down on my clit.  I start to scream as I come, I feel like molten lava is erupting through my body as I climax, Mason is right there with me.

"Fuuuck, Oh God Ginny.  I can't stop!"  He is still pumping hard inside me, I can feel the heat of his release flooding inside me he continues to rub my clit. "Give me another Imogen I want to feel you clamping hard on my cock."

"I can't!  It's too much."  My head is thrashing from side to side, but against my judgment my body gives in to him and start to grip him hard as I come again.

"Yes Ginny that's it milk me hard babe."  His cock is still hard and another orgasm bursts from him.  I love it when he talks dirty to me.  Then as we are both spent we collapse on to the bed, and he rolls off me and his hot seed rushes from my body like a waterfall.

"Shit Ginny, you are so damned sexy, I love seeing my come flowing out of your pussy."

"You've really embraced this talking dirty haven't you?"

"Does it bother you? Because babe, I love how you react when I do."

"Hell no, it doesn't bother me.  I love it, it's really sexy."  I kiss him hard and start to stand up.  "I'm not sure my legs are going to work yet, but I really need to go and get ready for work."

"Y'know you've got some work clothes here, you brought some over last week, so you can shower and get ready here if you want.  Do you really want to go back and see Maddie this morning?"

"You're probably right, I think this evening will be better, will you be there with me?"

"Do you think that's a good idea, I think this is something you should do on your own.  But I'll see you after."

"Maybe, I don't know. I know Maddie and at the moment she's pissed off because Lake has basically denied their relationship by not owning up when you did about us, so she's kicking down, she wanted it, even if it was subconsciously, to make me look like the sad girl for having a shit boyfriend. 

I love Maddie, but first and foremost she looks after herself.  Her childhood and subsequent early adult life was tainted by her shitty parents.  She will never talk about it, but I've seen her family in action and trust me it wasn't pretty.  But like you've said to me before it's not my problem or my story to tell.  And this conversation, my gorgeous and handsome boyfriend is way too heavy to have before A. a shower and B. breakfast.  So my handsome lover please wash me and then feed me."

"My darling girl, your wish is my command.  Let's get that delectable body in the shower and I promise to feed you too."

"And that's why I love you." I let him pick me up and carry me to the shower and after feeding off his delicious cock whilst in there, I let him feed me breakfast.


As we walk out hand in hand towards the elevator Lake and Lucas are already stood waiting.

"Hey Sweetcakes, how are you feeling this morning?  You look better."  Lucas pulls me in for a hug.

"I keep telling you man, Get your own girl."  Mason laughs and pulls me away.

Lake looks at me.  "Have you spoken to Mads yet, Ginny?"

"Not really she came up last night to apologize but I said I'd talk to her today.  You've really upset her Lake.  Why did you do that to her?"

"I don't know."  He sounds sad as he speaks.

I raise an eyebrow at him questioning his answer.  Mason leans down at me.  "Leave it alone babe, let them work it out.

"Fine, but Lake don't make her want to leave because she'll expect me to go too."

Mason growls in my ear.  "Never gonna happen babe, you're staying here with me."

The elevator reaches my floor and Maddie is stood waiting to get in, and I can see by the frown on her face as we stop talking that she's not happy to see us.

"Oh, so that's the way it's going to be! Fine, Whatever!  You can have your little secrets from me."

"Maddie what are you talking about, we aren't keeping secrets.  We just...."

"Leave it Imogen, I knew it would be like this.  You've got your man and it's time to leave 'poor little Maddie' alone."

"That's enough Maddie," Mason's voice surprises me and I look to see him frowning.  "We are not excluding you and we do not have secrets.  Leave your issues at home, Ginny will be home tonight and you can talk your problems out, and I'm seriously hoping that you have an apology for her."

"Why should I have to apologize?  I don't think I said anything that wasn't true."  She's looking at me so angrily it makes me recoil back into Mason.  But it's Lake that speaks next.

"Maddie, this is neither the time nor the place.  You are angry with me not Imogen so just leave it." The tone of his voice harsh and eyes bore down into hers.

"No actually Lake, I'm angry with Imogen, whereas you have just proved everything I thought about you is true.  You're a player Lake and always will be I'm not thinking of you at all anymore."  Leaving the elevator and storming out of the building before us.

BOOK: Rising Up: Finding Me book 1
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