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Lord’s Fall

“In no time at all Harrison has vaulted to the top of the paranormal romance genre by showcasing her stunning storytelling ability.”

RT Book Reviews
(Top Pick)

“Harrison is really developing intriguing things within her world—political, romantic and otherwise . . . She has such a unique world and way of storytelling.”

Smexy Books

“In a genre that is ridiculously overpopulated, this series is a standout for me.”

Fiction Vixen Book Reviews

Oracle’s Moon

“Grace’s human limitations are pushed to the edge as she learns to wield her new powers. Series fans and new readers alike will cheer her on.”

—Publishers Weekly

“Harrison’s flair for developing rich and well-rounded characters anchors the thrilling action and intense emotions found within her books. Harrison provides proof positive she is fast becoming a major star of paranormal romance!”

—RT Book Reviews
(Top Pick)

“A delightful romantic urban fantasy . . . The key to this excellent entry and the fabulous predecessors is [that] the Harrison mythos of humans living alongside seven otherworldly species comes across as real.”

—Alternative Worlds

Serpent’s Kiss

“It’s a huge boon to readers that Harrison’s first three Elder Races novels are being released in quick succession, ensuring the action and world-building never slows down . . . With a perfect blend of romance, action and drama, Harrison continues to prove she is fast becoming a name synonymous with excellence!”

—RT Book Reviews
(Top Pick)

“A story charged with deep emotion and anchored by characters I do not want to forget. . . . I am hooked on the amazing world of the Elder Races.”

—Romance Novel News

“Thea Harrison’s Elder Races novels are my current addiction . . .
Serpent’s Kiss
is a bright spot in an already wonderful series. . . . I am continually impressed with the attention Harrison lavishes on her characters’ relationships, going beyond destiny or chemistry to write pairings that complement and strengthen one another.”

—All Things Urban Fanta

“The author deftly weaves a fantastical romance that spans generations . . . A delightful read with intriguing potential for many more highly anticipated tales.”

—Night Owl Reviews

Storm’s Heart

“Vividly sensual love scenes and fast-moving action sequences are the main reasons I love this paranormal series. Each and every character brings
Storm’s Heart
to life. . . . Ms. Harrison takes us once again into an intriguing tale of love and suspense.”

—Fresh Fiction

“[Harrison’s] world-building has simply grown, become richer, more dynamic, more unique and altogether fantastic.”

—Romance Books Forum

“Thea Harrison is a masterful new voice in paranormal romance. Her world-building skills are phenomenal. And
Storm’s Heart
is proof . . . It is a very sexy tale with a hint of action and adventure and highly memorable characters.”

—Romance Novel News

Dragon Bound

“Black Dagger Brotherhood readers will love [this]!
Dragon Bound
has it all: a smart heroine, a sexy alpha hero and a dark, compelling world. I’m hooked!”

—J. R. Ward, #1
New York Times
bestselling author

“I absolutely loved
Dragon Bound
! Once I started reading, I was mesmerized to the very last page. Thea Harrison is a master storyteller, and she transported me to a fascinating world I want to visit again and again. It’s a fabulous, exciting read that paranormal romance readers will love.”

—Christine Feehan, #1
New York Times
bestselling author

“I loved this book so much, I didn’t want it to end. Smoldering sensuality, fascinating characters and an intriguing world—
Dragon Bound
kept me glued to the pages. Thea Harrison has a new fan in me!”

—Nalini Singh,
New York Times
bestselling author

“Thea Harrison has created a truly original urban fantasy romance . . . When the shapeshifting dragon locks horns with his very special heroine, sparks fly that any reader will enjoy. Buy yourself an extra-large cappuccino, sit back and enjoy the decadent fun!”

—Angela Knight,
New York Times
bestselling author

“Thea Harrison is definitely an author to watch. Sexy and action-packed,
Dragon Bound
features a strong, likable heroine, a white-hot luscious hero and an original and intriguing world that swallowed me whole. This novel held me transfixed from beginning to end! I’ll definitely be keeping my eyes open for the next book in this series.”

—Anya Bast,
New York Times
bestselling author

“Full of tense action, toe-curling love scenes and intriguing characters that will stay with you long after the story is over. All that is wrapped inside a colorful, compelling world with magic so real, the reader can feel it. Thea Harrison is a fantastic new talent who will soon be taking the world of paranormal romance by storm.”

—Shannon K. Butcher, national bestselling author

“Fun, feral and fiercely exciting—I can’t get enough! Thea Harrison supplies deliciously addictive paranormal romance, and I’m already jonesing for the next hit.”

—Ann Aguirre, national bestselling author

“This is an outstanding blend of romantic suspense and urban fantasy with great storytelling and world-building, extremely sensuous scenes that move the story arc along and characters readers will be reluctant to leave.”

(starred review)

“Utilizing vivid characterization, edge-of-your-seat danger and an intriguing alternate reality, Harrison crafts a novel that grabs you from the first sentence and makes you bitterly regret that the book must end.”

—RT Book Reviews
(Top Pick)

“This is unquestionably (to me) one of the best books of 2011. It is superbly crafted with an amazing story, intriguing and unforgettable characters, and flaming-hot sexual chemistry.”

—Romance Novel News

“The writing is just superb. . . . This world is really fantastic—exciting, very sexy and humorous. Fans of paranormal romance must read this book.”

—Smexy Books

Berkley Sensation Titles by Thea Harrison

Novels of the Elder Races






Game of Shadows


Rising Darkness



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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author

Copyright © 2013 by Teddy Harrison.

Excerpt by Thea Harrison copyright © 2013 by Teddy Harrison.

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ISBN: 978-0-425-24845-4


Berkley Sensation mass-market paperback edition / April 2013

eBook ISBN: 978-1-101-61972-8

Cover art by Judy York.

Cover design by George Long.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

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