Rise of the Plague (Book 0): The Sickness (Monte's Story) (6 page)

BOOK: Rise of the Plague (Book 0): The Sickness (Monte's Story)
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I feel like I’ve been wandering through the forest for an eternity before I finally hear something. The sound is low and far away, but for some reason, I begin running toward the noise. It means there’s
near. I race through trees, jumping over fallen logs and dashing around large bushes. I come fast around a boulder and find myself face to face with Lieutenant Lunatic. He is aiming a handgun at my head.

All of the oxygen has left my body; I feel like I could collapse right here. I slowly step back as he cocks the pistol while stalking my movements. I duck back behind the boulder and turn to run—only to see a small group of people with the sickness right before me. I run as fast as I can through the forest, but the group is not far behind. They are growling and howling as their speed carries them closer and closer to me. It’s not long before I can feel their outstretched fingers pawing at my back. I feel like I’ll never outrun them, but somehow I manage to stay barely out of their grasp. Coming upon the highway, I can see cars are passing by.
Thank God!
If only, I can make it to the road. I run as hard as my legs will carry me, but my speed stays constant, slightly out of the group’s clutches.

I burst out from the trees, and sprint out onto the highway. A car is coming, a white, compact car. Only, the car doesn’t brake or even swerve. It’s coming straight for me, while the group approaches from the side. I stop in the road. My fate is sealed. I am not going to survive this day. I steal one last glace at the group and see that Annabelle is out front. She is as sick as the strange faces behind her. She flashes her teeth at me.

“Monte,” she says softly.

In my peripheral vision I see the white car approaching. Everything seems to slow down.

“Monte!” Annabelle’s voice is louder now.

She reaches for my shoulders, but I don’t have it in me to fight any longer. Opening her mouth, she shouts, “Monte, wake up!”

My eyes fly open like I’m waking from a demonic possession. I spring up from my cot into a sitting position and look wide-eyed at Annabelle.

“Are you okay? You were dreaming—loudly,” she says.

I look around the people-filled arena. Everything is how it was when I drifted off to sleep. Whoa, that was a crappy dream.


Lying in my bunk, I’m trying to decide when to leave and where to go. After Annabelle woke me from that rotten dream, she was called over by one of the soldiers to discuss what family members can be contacted. When she gets back, I need to tell her that we’re leaving. This place with all the soldiers standing guard is getting creepier by the minute. Everyone that was on the bus is here along with a few bus loads more. No one has left. We already went through decontamination when we left our town, why aren’t people leaving? At least some of them must know people nearby or would rather stay in a motel or something.

“Monte, are you awake?” Annabelle shouts from five bunks over, as she races for me.

“Yeah,” I say, sitting up.

“They are taking me to Blue Falls. They said since my family didn’t make it, they are taking me up to a shelter for orphaned kids—where they can contact my relatives and get me to them. Isn’t that great? You’re probably coming too,” Annabelle says.

“Why are they taking you somewhere else? Blue Falls is hours away,” I say.

There go my plans to have Annabelle escape this prison-like shelter with me. I don’t want to be alone, but she’s leaving anyway. My whole life I’ve only been able to count on myself—why would I try to fool myself into thinking that I can count on someone else?

“They said that there are social workers that can get me to my grandparent’s house,” Annabelle says, frowning at my lack of enthusiasm.

“Well, that’ll be good for you… to get to your grandparent’s place. Really, it’s good news. But I won’t be going to Blue Falls. I didn’t tell them about my parents—”

“I know, why did you do that? But it’s okay, because I told them. So yes, you’re coming,” Annabelle’s smile is huge.

I swear I want to punch her right in the face. Why would she tell those soldiers that? Another bus ride with Lieutenant Lunatic and I’ll want to bite myself. And this ride is hours long. 

“Annabelle,” I begin, before stopping short. Combat boots are noticeably approaching in my peripheral vision.

“Monte Barrett?” A familiar voice asks.

I nod, looking up at the soldier. It’s Lieutenant Lunatic. It’s like this guy is our personal escort. I want to be as far away from this creep as I possibly can, yet it seems like he’s everywhere.

“We have received information that your family may have not made it out of your home town, is this correct?”

Looking at the intimidating soldier, I don’t want to get caught in a lie. I really have to watch what I say to this nut—I don’t want to end up like the old lady on the bus. I want to head out the back door and find my own way, but I have a feeling that these people aren’t going to let me go on my own.

“Yeah, they had the sickness,” I say with reluctance.

I can’t believe that Annabelle narked me out. What happened to my family is my business—not hers to go around telling everyone. 

“Sorry to hear that young lady. We are going to put you on the bus to Blue Falls. It’s where all of the orphaned minors are headed for social work help.”

“I don’t want to go to Blue Falls. I’d rather just leave if that’s okay. A family friend works not too far from here, I’d rather head to his place and go from there.” I say

“Unfortunately, we cannot let you leave. A social worker in Blue Falls will get it all straightened out and if your friend of the family’s place is where you should go, then they’ll send you there,” he says with a grin. “Bus leaves in ten minutes.”

After he leaves, I glare at Annabelle, who seems totally oblivious to not only me, but to everything going on. I feel like my whole world is caving in, after all that is happening and it seems like just another adventure to her. Miss high horse over here has probably never been around shady people before. She has no instincts at all. My Uncle Samuel was in the Navy for a long time and I’ve met some of his buddies who served with him. They were real upstanding guys. But the soldiers here are
. I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s like they’re acting like we’re cattle. Move here, do this, take that. There is something really off about these soldiers and this place. 

“Save me a seat, I have to go to the restroom. I’ll meet you on the bus,” I say, offering a fake smile to Annabelle.

“Alrighty,” Annabelle says heading toward the exit at the front of the arena.

As I enter the ladies room, there are already a handful of women inside. Looking around, there aren’t any windows for me to escape. As disappointment fills my gut, I head to an empty stall and overhear the women’s conversation unfolding.

“I know, right. I can’t believe it either—it’s ridiculous.”

“Danny went to talk to one of the guard soldiers, and they won’t let anyone leave. They said that further testing is needed before we can be released. But I’ve noticed that they have evacuated this part of the city for blocks and are pulling out a lot of the soldiers. There are only a few left here.”

“Then where is that one bus going? I saw a bunch of kids loading into it.”

“I don’t know for sure, but I heard, that they are all orphans with no place to go and no one to claim them. Just to be safe, they could get rid of those kids—ya know what I mean—to make sure that none of ‘em are sick—and no one would even miss them. People would think that they died in The Port.”

I bolt for the restroom door. I am not sticking around to see if these women are right. They could be planning on getting rid of us all—to be safe. Even the adults in this arena could be danger. They might have changed their minds or received new orders telling them not to release anyone. If they evacuated the area, like the woman said, than big trouble is probably headed our way. I can’t get on that bus and there is no way that I’ll be able to get Annabelle off of it. It looks like I’m on my own again. I don’t want to stay here another second.

I see a door across the way and head for it. The nearest guard is talking to a family a few feet away, with his back to the exit. I’m getting out of here. As I approach the door frame, I look around. There are fewer soldiers than before, and that guard is still speaking to the family. I press the door open gently and walk through opening to the outside. I’m free. I’m so sorry Annabelle. I wish that there was something that I could do to get her off that bus. Wiping a tear from my cheek, I tell myself to be stone-hearted. I have to survive. But it doesn’t work—I can’t stop the tears from falling. With all my heart I hope that those women were wrong, and I hope that I am wrong—for Annabelle. I run down the side of the building and cut behind it.


I’m outside of the arena. I’m free. Scratching my wrist as I jog along the backside of the building—my scab feels like it’s been sprinkled with itching powder. It itches so much that it kinda hurts.

I’m not sure where I’m going—anywhere but here. I don’t care if I have to sleep under a bridge tonight. At least my fate is in my own hands now. Thank God I made it out of that place. The air out here feels fresher, more-wide open. I finally feel like I can breathe—but I also feel tethered to Annabelle. My heart twists telling me that I am doing the wrong thing by leaving her behind. But what could I do? If I go back to that bus, they’ll make me get on it. Even if I could get Annabelle’s attention somehow—she wouldn’t get off the bus. She’s psyched about going to Blue Falls and getting reunited with her grandparents. She’ll never get off that bus, if I tell her I have a hunch that things aren’t what they seem.

Looking behind me, I see that no one has come after me. A sharp pain surges from my scabbed wrist and shoots all the way up my arm. I keep jogging.
I can’t do this, I can’t leave without Annabelle. She needs me and I need her—I have to go back for her
. With my eyes on my wrist, I reach for the sleeve but my momentum suddenly stops. It feels like I have run into a wall. Stumbling backward I look at obstacle and see the very soldier from the bus ride here, the one that told me about the bus to Blue Falls. Lieutenant Lunatic. I open my mouth to speak, but he already has me at the elbow escorting me back around the building.

“I was just—” I whisper breathlessly.

“Trying to find the bus?” He says. “That’s alright, I’m sure you got turned around. Here, let me take you there—personally,” his voice sounds more like a growl.

I don’t know what to say, so I say nothing. His tight grip on my elbow conveys the message that he knew what I was attempting. How did he know I made it out? He must have seen me leave and sprinted out one of the other exits to cut me off.

The buildings and businesses surrounding the arena
look empty. It’s Saturday, these places should be abuzz with shoppers. Aside from the vacant streets, all of the businesses look closed. As Lieutenant Lunatic leads me toward the bus, I notice that there are no cars. None parked on the street, nor driving around—even the parking structure across from the parked bus, is empty.

My mind goes back to the conversation I’d overheard in the ladies room. Those women were right, it’s like the whole area has been evacuated or something. Why would they clear out this area? We all went through decontamination and are okay.

My wrist itches again and my whole arm aches. I can’t understand why it’s bothering me, but then again, I haven’t been able to look at it. The shooting pain that began behind the building subsided right after I had my run in with Lieutenant Lunatic, but I still feel discomfort in it. I can’t look at my arm or show any favor to my injury—while he is here—or it will be the end of me.

There’s only one bus ahead, it’s a tour bus. Like the one I’d taken on my eighth grade trip to Funland, three hours away. Definitely a step up from the school bus we used to get here, this one will have a bathroom in the back and reclining seats with confetti upholstery. I haven’t even boarded it yet, but I already know.

“What happened to the school bus?” I ask softly.

“The school busses are for local transport,” he says officially. “It’s a long ride to Blue Falls—this bus will get us there with no stops.”

As Lieutenant Lunatic and I approach the bus, he escorts me up the steps and forces me to sit in the first seat behind the driver.

“Monte,” Annabelle calls out from the rear of the bus.

“I’m gonna go sit with my friend,” I say, rising from my seat.

He shoves me back by my shoulder into my seat, without a word. Waving at Annabelle to come forward, he reviews a clipboard that hangs behind the driver’s seat.

“Hey—” I say, rubbing my shoulder. He can’t push me like that or make me sit here. There has to be someone I can report this psycho to.

“Listen, you are not going to be a problem on this bus,” he kneels down and whispers to me. “Do you understand? I remember you. We were on the same bus over here. If you become a problem, I’ll take you out behind a bush. Got it?”

He stands back up and looks at his clip board once more. Did he just threaten to kill me if I didn’t behave? He can’t do that. But he already did—to the old lady. No one even asked questions except the driver, who really didn’t push the issue. This guy could probably kill us all and not even get in trouble for it. He could tell the cops or his boss that we all had the sickness. I’m starting to understand that my rebellious streak might work against me in this situation.

“Right there,” he says to Annabelle as she approaches, pointing the empty seat behind me.

Annabelle quietly takes her seat, looking at me with enormous eyes.

“Sir,” I say wanting to vomit, but to get what I want—I guess I got to kiss a little tail. “May I sit next to her?”

He looks up from his clipboard with a smirk. He sees right through my phoniness. “If there’s any trouble from you—”

“There won’t be,” I say moving quickly to the seat behind.

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