Rise of the Darekian's, The (10 page)

BOOK: Rise of the Darekian's, The
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The sound of horns blowing came and the enemy surrounding his walls slowly drifted back, leaving behind a blanket of bodies, felled by the competent defenders of the town. Caldar
watched, somewhat surprised, though grateful for the peculiar action. He looked to the north at Berston, and he sighed in relief as he watched the same thing happening there. He knew the enemy had not given up, he was not that naive, but he was thankful for the small mercy of a rest bite for his men. About half an hour after the enemy had retreated he returned to his position on the chapel roof, this time joined by his officers and watched as a huge campsite was being laid out. Tents were being erected and fires lit, "looks like they have had enough for one day your highness" one of his men said, "and I'm glad for it, see the men are well fed and given chance to rest. I somehow think we will have a resumption first light tomorrow."

"Your highness, you know under the cover of darkness
, it would perhaps be plausible to get you out," Caldar turned to the man; "No!" he spoke abruptly, "I cannot leave others to die whilst I am riding off into the night Captain. I will stay and fight, and if I happen to fall, then I will have gone out fighting not fleeing," "yes highness, I understand, but you know I must suggest it." Caldar nodded, "I know, what numbers do we have regarding casualties?" he enquired. "Well obviously not knowing how well those in Berston are coping, but our own are seventy three dead, a dozen or so injured to an extent where they cannot fight and about twenty or so with lesser injuries." So many he thought, even if they survived another day of this onslaught eventually the vast numbers of the enemy would over run his defences. "That's an interesting sight," the captain said interrupting his thoughts, "it appears some of them are leaving." They watched as what accounted for about two thousand men started marching northwards with a long train of supply wagons trailing behind them, "They look bound for Hamalin your highness."

Caldar just stared out at the enemy camp, still well over one thousand
fighting men besieging the towns he was defending. He realised the enemy knew very well it would only be a matter of time before the far superior numbers made a difference. Though maybe perhaps they could camp outside the towns and not risk any loss of men, eventually supplies within the towns would start running low. His new problem was how he could get a message to his father, to forewarn him of an impending attack. He hoped others on route of the enemy invading force, would have the wherewithal to give the capital some advance warning. With fewer attackers, maybe he could pool the two town's resources and make some sort of fight of it. The only problem, was he did not know how many of his men still survived in Berston. He did not want to make an aggressive move, only to find the help coming from the northern town was little more than a handful of fighting men.

After discussions with his
officers, Caldar did decide against any immediate sortie out of Casham. Though they agreed with him, a quick hit and run into the enemy could prove fruitful against a tired force, who appeared to be getting themselves comfortable for a long stay, that did remind him that his own men were tired and worn out. An unsuccessful raid out of the gates would see their numbers diminished further, and put the town at risk of not having enough combatants to operate on the walls to defend it.

His own stomach grumbling reminded the crown prince he had not eaten for some time, and so made his way to a group of men sitting around a brazier. They all stood to attention as he joined them; "please
, at ease gentlemen" he said waving his hand. "What do we have for a hungry prince?" he asked with a grin. One of the men waved over to a nearby group and two women walked over carrying a tray. "Your highness" one bowed her head as she passed it over to him, "thank you." The second woman held a pitcher and cup, "some wine highness?" "Please, that would be lovely" he replied, as she dutifully carried out the pouring and passing him the filled cup. Resting the tray on his lap, he took in the smell of the bowl of stew that sat upon it, and his stomach gurgled once more as if to tell him to hurry up and give it some nourishment. Breaking some bread, which he dipped into his food, a very un-prince like action, though none of the others around him thought anything of it.

No sooner had he finished his stew and mopped the last of it up with the last bit of bread
, than a young boy run to where he sat. Bowing his head slightly and speaking in his high pitch tone, "your highness, I was asked to bring you a message," Caldar just nodded and the youth continued. "The officers require you to join them upon the chapel roof your highness, they say it is most urgent." Sighing as he stood, "thank you young man" he ruffled the child's hair as he did, "run and tell them I will be with them in two minutes, just let me finish my drink." He gulped his wine down as the young messenger ran off to pass on his words, belching then wiping his mouth on his sleeve, before placing the cup down and making his way to the chapel.

Once on top of the roof, he did not need to ask what the officers wanted him for, he could see quite clearly himself. Approaching from a southerly direction some miles off was another army. He stood in silence for a while, staring at the lines appearing into view in the distance
, in the dimming light, looking little more than ants, he could tell by the speed they travelled, that they all appeared to be mounted. Caldar cursed, just as he had been planning some bold attacking move of his own, now riding towards their position was what he guessed, thousands of more soldiers.

Chapter 10.

Luken listened as one of the scouts reported back to him and
General Skalton. The advance party had seen flames rising from Forwich, the town for which they headed and was just barely a mile or so over the next hill. "Gather the soldiers they need our assistance," the young prince ordered without even being prompted for a command. "The people can rest here for now; they are to make a defensive position here. General, ready your men we are riding for Forwich." The officer sat almost amazed at his orders, "your highness, if I may, maybe we should set up defences properly before we send off any men. Secondly I cannot allow you to go anywhere; perhaps we can send help once we sort ourselves out". Luken took a breath, he felt unusually focused "you heard my orders General, now carry them out please, we ride in five minutes."

The rag tag train drew its wagons around into a big circle, giving them a defensive perimeter. Luken saw to it Taylor was in the
care of Dareen, with Levin to keep guard. The only people he felt he totally trusted to care for his son's welfare. Without fear, the young prince waited impatiently as General Skalton mustered together fifty men, as many of the elite guard as he had, made up by what he considered the best of the rest. "Highness, I do ask one more time, that you remain with the wagons, we can ride ahead in your name." Luken kicked his heels in to his horse, and started off, "as we are General, the town of Forwich needs our aid, dawdling here asking me to sit on my backside is not going to help." The others had little choice but to gallop as their prince did, catching up with him and making sure, they hemmed him in. The General may have not gotten his wish, but he was going to see that his young prince was going to be as safe and out of trouble, as the stubborn young man allowed him.

Once over the hill and nearing the town, flames could indeed be seen. Dark figures shifted about between the buildings, and the sounds of shouting and the clanging of sword on sword rang
out before them. Forwich was not a huge town and not one with any defensive walls; it did have a large towering church, whose spire could be seen protruding above all the other buildings. General Skalton turned to make sure the prince was well surrounded as they entered the main street. Galloping forward and noticing a number of men wearing the colours of Corlan trying to fend off a larger force. Drawing his sword and waving left and right, then forward in predefined signals to his men, he let a dozen of his riders move ahead. Lowering their short lances, they picked up speed and crashed into the backs of the enemy, before wheeling around and back allowing the rest of the cavalry to engage the remainder.

The remaining Darekians turned, to see a line of swords swing down upon them
, and though Luken was amongst them, he could not seem to get near enough to swing his own sword. The tattooed faces looked in amazement, as many were taken down by the unexpected attack. Now stuck, and trying to fight both in front and behind them, it was not long before the last fell. This was not the end however, as further fighting could be heard down a couple of the side streets, "there are still more," one of the soldiers from Forwich shouting up to General Skalton pointing to their left. Signalling with his sword once more his mounted soldiers turned and sped off in the direction indicated.

Driving forward with the same manoeuvre as they had jus
t used, the short lances struck, driving into the backs of the unsuspecting preoccupied Darekians. Thrusting the spear like tips, piercing deep through any armour and tearing through the flesh, bringing almost certain death to any recipient. As before, General Skalton followed behind the initial charge with the rest of his men slashing down with swords. Just as before, Luken could not get near any action, and he was becoming quite frustrated by the other riders, who almost intentionally appeared to be getting in his way.

In the towns market square, Luk
en grouped up with his men, certain the invaders had been little more in number than they themselves had dealt with the evening before. Still the odd cry, shout, scream and ring of steel sounded here and there, but that was he was told, just the towns own guard finishing off the strays. Luken looked around the town, there were a good many buildings on fire, including the largest one, and he realised suddenly to whom that one probably belonged. The large house would no doubt be the home of Lord Morley, whose daughter he knew was the young Lady Sarena, who had often sat at the queen's court in Hamalin. He turned his mount and slowly trotted a few yards nearer, separating a little from the main body of men, who were suddenly not so adamant on getting in his way, but themselves casting their eyes around at the wanton destruction before them.

Luken gazed as the flames danced upwards into the evening sky, and almost jumped out of skin as the roof of the large house came crashing down before his eyes, causing a plethora of ash and sparks to fly upwards some hundred feet or more. He turned his mount back away from the
ruined house, and moved across the square to see other smaller dwellings alight; he suddenly wandered where all the people had gotten too. They surely could not have been slain, true there was a number of bodies along the roads and streets of the town, but these mainly had been soldiers either fallen by the attackers or the invaders themselves, killed by the guard and his own men.

His pondering and sullenness was broken by a figure dashing between one building and another
, and heading towards him. A scream followed, as he noticed it was a young woman, trying to run with what looked like a baby cradled in her arms. In pursuit was a tattoo faced Darekian, who grabbed out at her. Without as much giving a thought for his own welfare, Luken drew his sword and charged the short distance swinging his blade as he had seen his own men do. The Darekian turned and swayed slightly dodging the blade, much to Lukens shock, as he felt himself being grabbed. He felt a thump as he was pulled from his horse onto the floor, slightly dazed sitting on his backside his hands spread out on the ground holding him up.

He had dropped his sword and standing not a few feet away from him was a deranged Darekian, who he could have sworn laughed at him as he pulled a dagger from his belt.
Whether it was the glow from the surrounding fires, or something else, but the man's eyes almost glowed red as he stepped forward. Lukens mind felt fear and panic as he tried in vain to quickly scramble to his feet. With burning buildings around him, and the sound of horses of his own men, trying to ride to his aid, time seemed to stop. Flames flew sideward from the nearest fire wrapping and engulfing the Darekian like a blanket of orange and red. The man yelled out as his blackened body slumped to the ground, the putrid smell of burned flesh drifting on the air from his smouldering corpse.

Luken stood dusting himself down, "thank you
...highness? Is that you?" spoke a soft voice. Looking up the young prince noticed the woman who had been running, "Lady Sarena...you are safe" he gasped suddenly feeling out of breath. "I am your highness, thanks to you..." the soft voice of Sarena was interrupted by the loudest shout Luken thought he had ever heard."What by the gods, do you think you were doing? You stupid foolish stubborn little boy!" yelled General Skalton. "You trying to get yourself killed" the man continued, dismounting from his horse and walking over to him. Poking his finger at Lukens chest, "You stupid fool, do you not realise your own importance, if you ever..." he prodded again as Luken took a step back, "ever, do anything so stupid again I will kill you my bloody self. These people need you alive, who do you think they look to?" he jabbed once more. If the young prince thought that for one second that was the end of it, he was sadly mistaken.

The finger jabbed again, "What about that young boy you have adopted, what do I tell h
im when you get yourself killed. Whom else do you think we have to keep some sort of order? Who else to give the people a purpose and unity. Well!" He glared with utter anger in his eyes, and Luken gulped, "sorry" he whimpered. In a softer voice General Skalton patted him on the shoulder, "you alright your highness?" he enquired, to which Luken gave an affirmative nod. "Has to be the strangest thing I ever did see though, never seen a flame roar outwards like that and...Well it looked like it wrapped itself around that Darekian, and..." he paused looking directly at his prince. Luken was not quite sure what else was going on, thinking the people around were staring at him because he was being admonished like a naughty child. It was the young Lady Sarena who spoke, "you appeared to glow" she said, to which the crowd gathering around him nodded. Luken waved it off, "Must have been the reflection from the fire or something like that..." not sure what it was the others thought they had seen.

Luken thought he should offer a more sincere apology to his
General, "and I apologise to you your highness, I was out of order reprimanding you as I did. I will of course surrender myself to be charged at your discretion."  "What? No, General...Thomas" he referred to his name rather than rank in an attempt to make the conversation less formal. "Thomas, it is me who is in the wrong, I was foolish in my actions and you were right to...well, telling me off as it were. I promise I shall not be so rash in future; I was being selfish as well as foolish. I never for one minute thought of the repercussions my actions could have had," and the very thought of leaving Taylor to be an orphan once more had scared him into seeing sense. "Perhaps we can put this matter behind us Thomas," he suggested proffering his hand. "Of course your highness; just try not to scare the hell out of me like that again" he said shaking the young princes hand.

The young Lady Serena still clasped the young sleeping baby in her arms
, as Luken made his way toward her. With the townsfolk now showing themselves, most having taken refuge in the church and chapel or from cellars, they came out to see their town in ruin. The timber frames and thatch roofs succumbing to the flames that had been set upon them by the attackers. "Are you well my lady?" Luken asked quietly so as not to wake the sleeping child. She nodded her tear stained face, looking up at him with sadness in her eyes, "my mother and father did not make it...," she sobbed. Luken wrapped his arms around her for comfort, "I am sorry for your loss my lady" he said softly as she leant her head against his chest. "You have a son your highness? Did I hear correctly?" she said lifting her head up to gaze upon him. Luken smiled, "ah yes I do my lady...err a long story...I'll introduce you to him when he gets here, he really is the most amazing boy...listen to me babbling, what of you, this is not your baby surely?" he returned the question.

The Lady Sarena dropped her head, taking a deep brea
th as she remembered the circumstances to which had led her to clinging on to the child in question. She spoke softly as she told him of the story. She had seen the mother of the child running away from an attacker, placing her child on the ground when realising she could not escape. She had then turned on her pursuer in an attempt to save her baby, only to be savagely cut down. "If she had run another twenty yards she would have seen the town guard coming to her aid. I watched from the church doorway over there, and came and picked the child up when the intruder had been felled." She looked down at the sleeping babe in her arms, the tears rolling freely down her cheeks once more, "we had no warning" she said referring to the attack, "we were lucky you came when you did, I was lucky, oh your highness thank you" she gave him a smile.

It was completely dark when the wagons rolled into what remained of Forwich, the streets still being illuminated by the buildings that still flickered with flames. Much to everyone's
surprise was what followed the wagons. Captain Jak Corley rode ahead of his half cohort and Luken ran across the market square to greet him. "Jak" he shouted getting the man's attention, "your highness, thank the gods you are alive" he jumped of his horse, quite a feat for someone of his years. Jak held his hand out for it to be shook, but Luken just wrapped his arms around him, it seemed the night for hugs, "it is good to see you, come we have so much to discuss."

Levin took Taylors hand, and walked him towards the prince, before he recognised another face. "By the gods, Levin, you made it too," Jak Corley said in shock, on noticing them approach. The captain gave the teenager a hug, "good to see you again too Jak" he replied. Kneeling down to Taylor, "and you young man, have changed so much since the first time I saw you," ruffling the boys hair. Luken thanked Levin for taking care of his son, before the four of them decided to try
to find something to eat. Soldiers moved around the town's streets, firstly checking for injured, before stacking the bodies. It was deemed pointless trying to put the fires out, there were too many and most of them had gotten a hold already.

Many of the people roamed around aimlessly, and here and there
small groups huddled together, for comfort. The town of Forwich had taken severe damage, its thatch and timber burning quickly. General Skalton rode with several of his elite guard, moving between house to house. With darkness upon them, they all carried burning torches. The fire did give off a good light, but he did not want any attacker hiding in the shadows. Only when he was completely satisfied, there were no more Darekians roaming freely around the town, did he feel at ease. Working with the guard from Forwich, he set up patrols to encircle the perimeter throughout the night.

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