Riptide Love ( (8 page)

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Authors: Melissa Lopez

Tags: #Romance

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Playtime wasn’t over until Abbey got another turn.

Only when Nate came over to them did Ethan give her breathing room. She picked their son up.

“I like Uncle M.” Nate flashed the room a big grin.

Ethan chuckled along with De.

“You too, mate.” Miller tipped his hat as he sat at the table.

Mum got busy serving his brother, though he did try to stop her. “I can’t eat right now, Mum.”

“At least have a piece of pie.” While up, she poured a glass of milk for Miller too.

“I’m going to go see if the girls want to watch a cartoon with Nate.” De brushed his chest as she passed by.

By the time he got over to the table, Hayleigh had taken a seat on Co’s lap.

Miller dropped his hat on the floor beside him and raked a shaking hand through his hair. He pushed the pie away.

Instead of clasping Miller on the shoulder like he wanted, Ethan took up a sentinel position behind their mum. He folded his arms against the coming hard news.

When M lifted his head, a hint of tears swam in his eyes. The sight of his shaking brother nearly buckled Ethan’s knees. Needing to be there for their mum he stiffened his spine.

Teeth clenched, Ethan closed his eyes. Christ, he hated his bloody father. He’d hate to be in his brother’s shoes right now. Knew there was no way he’d be the one to break their mum’s heart. Or set reality straight when it came to their father in Cohen’s eyes. Hell, he hadn’t been able to face down his brother…

“What the bloody hell is wrong?” Co’s raw voice brought his eyes open. Anxiety got his feet moving. He stopped at the side of the table.

Hayleigh’s arm went around her husband’s neck.

“I’ve got something to tell you. I can’t think of any way to tell you but straight up.” Miller left his chair. At their mum’s side, he got down on one knee. White knuckled, his brother grasped their mum’s folded hands.

“Go on, Miller.” She forced a weak smile. “Nothing could be that bad.”

“I swear if I didn’t have to tell you…I wouldn’t.” Miller’s voice grew low, tight. “I’d never intentionally hurt you like this.”

Mum worked a hand out to pat Miller’s. “Go on son. Just tell me.”

Miller’s throat worked.

The back of his eyes burned. Ethan dealt with life and death every day in his career and nothing had ever been so difficult to witness.

Unable to watch his brother struggle alone a moment longer, Ethan knelt on the other side of their mum. He clasped both their hands in his. As M stated, there was no way to be other than direct. “Our father had a child out of wedlock. Doc tested Miller’s blood against the blood from her. And I confirmed she is who she said she is.”

Their mum whimpered a slight noise, but that was all.

His throat worked. That’d been far harder than anything he’d ever faced before.

It was Cohen who reacted. He stood, taking Hayleigh with him. “What kind of bullshit is this? Our dad would
do something like that.”

“Cohen, we’ve got the documented proof.” He held Co’s gaze.

Their little brother left the house, his wife in his wake, leaving the girls in De’s care.

“Who is the woman claiming this?” His mum swallowed.

“An eighteen-year-old, Shania Thorn Rose.” He caressed his mum’s back. “Her mother’s name was Claudia Rose.”

“I don’t know the names.”

No, his mum wouldn’t. Their father hadn’t let her be active in the business end of the station. Had always kept her away from the visitors. She’d been a full-time mum. A bloody good one.

“Was.” Their mum looked them both over. She looked older than she had when they’d started. “You said, was…”

“Claudia passed away from cancer several months ago. Shania has no other relatives.”

“I see.” Mum nodded. “I suppose I’m going to have to meet this girl then.”

Ethan sucked in a breath. He shook his head, not liking the idea one bit. Though the issue with Shania echoed Nate's situation. Only he was getting a chance to be far more to Nate than their father ever would’ve been with Shania.

His mum patted his cheek.

“You don’t have to.” M growled from between his teeth.

“I know. But if we’re all she has left…” She squeezed Miller’s hand. “It’s out of duty.”

An ache drummed to life in the back of his skull. It wasn’t their mum’s place to make up for their father. Dammit. His chest ached, knowing his mum would do what she damn well pleased. She’d been doing so since Cohen had reached adulthood.

“She could be a schemer out for a share of the station.” A tic pulsed in Miller’s cheek.

“Or she could just be a scared young woman who didn’t feel she had any other options than to come to us.” She turned to him. “Thank you, Ethan.”

“Mum.” His throat worked over a lump.

Next, she turned to Miller and caressed his cheek. “Try to be positive.”

Big M snorted and stood. Leaning over, he scooped his hat up. Standing tall, he caught Ethan’s gaze. “Thanks.”

“Mate.” Ethan hugged his mum at the feel of her weight against him. Only when Miller left did she cry.



From the porch of Hayleigh and Cohen’s home De supervised Nate as he played with Abbey and Cali in the yard. They lived in a very small town an hour’s drive from Maree’s home. Hayleigh had wanted a town life to station life.

She kept her trembling hands on the railing. Her parents’ home lay fifteen minutes east of town. Too many bad memories existed here. Too many ugly memories she had no desire to face again lay too close for comfort.

“Luv,” Ethan came up behind her, pressing his muscular body into the lines of hers.

She sighed, and rolled her head to the side at the first caress of his lips. This was madness that she should stop. The attraction she’d felt for Ethan, the affection had come full circle. It was difficult to keep her hands off him. And she loved his hands on her body as they played over her skin.

“You having a good time?”

“Hmm. Yes, I am.” She hated to see the trip coming to an end. “You have a wonderful family.” She’d enjoyed getting to know Hayleigh and the girls. It was nice Nate had cousins to play with. And a grandmum to come visit.

Happiness quivered through her belly. Yes, meeting Ethan’s family added happiness to her life. To Nate’s.

His tongue swiped, his teeth nipped and his mouth sucked at her sensitive skin. Ethan’s arm went around her middle, and she grabbed onto it for support.

Sensations of arousal stirred low in her stomach, inciting a moan. “What are we doing?”

“Um, right now?” His teeth caught the muscle on her shoulder. “I’m making you wet and eager for my prick.” Sweet sensations danced wildly in her middle at his words, his touch. How right he was.

Her arse pressed back into his hardness. “Well, you’re doing an excellent job of that.”

Shifting his body, he settled onto the other side of her neck.

“You shouldn’t mark me so.” Her clit swelled, tingled at the lingering feel of his mouth.

“Best I can do at the moment.” His breathing grew rough. “With little eyes watching.”

She laughed. Abbey did appear quite curious. Nate was a little older than Abbey, but she talked enough for all three of the children.

The girls chased Nate along the low fence that circled the yard.

“Seriously, what are we doing?” A trembling took hold of her fingers. She feared she’d started something she shouldn’t have, but she wanted to know. Needed to know his feelings.

“I am serious, luv.” Ethan caught her earlobe between his teeth and tugged.

She gasped at his teasing, closing her eyes. God, she loved how he played his teeth and mouth over her skin.

“Serious as any heart attack.” His moved on to nibble behind her ear. “I think you’re going to give me a heart attack.”

Laughter bubbled up. “You cannot have a heart attack from a woody.”

“Now, sheila, it’s been known to happen before.”

“Not to men who swim in the pond with sharks for a living.”

“Probably true.” He grunted. “I’m hoping to make myself your habit.” A warm mouth and wet tongue played along her shoulder. “I’ve heard it takes twenty-one times of doing something for it to become a habit.” He caught her skin between his teeth and sucked. “If I fuck you another… Oh, eighteen more times of me filling you up, I’ll be in your system so deep.” He nuzzled her ear. “You’ll be good and hooked, luv.”

“Oh, Ethan…” Sweet sensations threatened to consume her. She panted. Where had he gotten such a notion from? Her habit? How very easy it would be for her to become addicted to his touch. His nearness. To him.

Maybe she already was. It was the only explanation she had for allowing the man in her life again.

“Hey girls, where’s Nate?” The door slammed as Hayleigh left the house to join them on the porch.

She stiffened, pushed away from Ethan. Heart crawling into her throat, she scanned the yard. “Nate?”

“His grandmum picked him up.” Abbey skipped up to the porch, Cali following.

“Maree? Maree wouldn’t…” Again she scanned the yard. “Nate?”

“Not our grandmum.” Abbey shook her head. “A new one.”

Denae’s blood turned cold. What had she done? “No!” Her breath stilled. A shaking rocked her body.
Oh God… No. No. No.
She’d been focused on Ethan. What he’d been doing to her. “Nathan! Nathan!” Her heart hurt. “Please, Nathan!”

“Cohen! Cohen!” Hayleigh yanked the door open, allowing Cohen to slide out onto the porch.

“Girls, into the house right now!” He pointed. “I’ll get on the radio and call Morgans.”

The local constable. Yes, they needed the police. “My parents… Oh God, my parents!” A watery blur clouded her vision. “My parents! What have I done?”

The little girls ran past her, while Ethan urged her down the steps. “Come on, De.” He grabbed her hand to drag her in his wake.

I like grandmums, I like grandmums
pounded in her head as Ethan rushed them to the truck. No wonder he hadn’t protested or yelled. The grandmum he knew only meant good things for him.

Not like her mother.

No, not like her mother.

Tears flowed down her cheeks. Her mother had been right about her. In a moment of sexual weakness she’d lost her baby.

As if reading her mind, he tried to sooth her. “This isn’t your fault.”

Denae whimpered in distress.

He shoved her in and climbed in after her. The engine roared to life. On the road, he squeezed her hand. “Shh…calm down, luv.” His fingers tightened once more. “Nate’s going to be fine. Just fine.” Gripping the steering wheel in two hands, the truck accelerated.

“He likes grandmums.” Her baby had been thinking about presents and puppies… Oh, God, what did they want with her baby? They’d made it clear when she’d seen them last they wanted nothing more to do with her…ever.

Ethan didn’t say anything, only forced the truck to lurch forward.

Chapter Eight

Ethan’s heart stayed in his throat as he kept the truck on the road. Dust flew up as they traveled along.

No, this wasn’t De’s fault.

This was his. Fuck! He’d been caught up in De’s sweetness. He’d been caught up in the way she made him feel and hadn’t seen the little mate swiped. Fuck. His fault. He’d abandoned De once. Fear knotted in his gut. He’d failed his son once. He couldn’t, wouldn’t fail Nate again.

Nate couldn’t be far ahead of them. No more than five minutes.
One minute Abbey had been trying to take the boy’s hat, the next, the little mate was gone.

Fucking gone.

Without taking his gaze from the vehicle they followed, he reached over to squeeze De’s hand. “We’ll catch up to them.”

Under her breath, he heard her prayers.

“Our son’s going to be okay.” Nate would be fine. He had to be. His hand gripped the wheel so tightly it hurt. After a squeeze to her fingers, he released her hand.

Christ, what if they put Nate out of the car and a snake mistook him for a herpetologist? Australians didn’t get bit by snakes. Fools who played with them did. Curious children who liked them got bit.

Besides the whackers who’d taken his son doing harm to him, and the sun baking Nate’s tender skin, that was his biggest worry.

Tension ached in his back, along his neck. Nate was so small. So helpless. What did they want him for? He was just a child.

Thankfully, they weren’t near salt crocs’ territory. No, they’d be close to the predators back home in Cairns. Salties ate people. Huge, cunning, mean, smart and bloody unpredictable predators. While tourists tended to be the main course, Nate would be the perfect appetizer. Still, freshies, though small and shy fish eaters, would turn on you if you bothered them.

Christ, mate, stop giving yourself more worries.

Nausea churned in his belly. Nate wouldn’t be bait for any reptile. Soon enough he’d teach his son some common sense about the Outback. Right now, they had to get him back from the whackers who taken him.

Fuck! Once they got Nate back he’d never let the boy out of his sight. He didn’t know how Cohen stood it, worrying over not one ankle biter, but two.

One child was plenty.

After hitting a rut in the rough road, his foot laid the pedal down on the floor and held it there.

From behind them, a siren wailed. In the distance, he heard the unmistakable sound of airplane engines. They were loud as hell.


His brother and cousins had to be up in the sky by now.

He hunkered down trying to see which direction they came from and, more importantly, where they were headed.

“There!” De pointed.

In the distance along the road ahead of them, dust rose, billowing up from a racing car. Out here the natives knew enough to take care of their tires. At the speed it was traveling, Nate had to be in that vehicle.

“Come on.” Desperate, he put more weight on his foot. Even knowing the truck wasn’t capable of going any faster, he pressed with all his might.

He had to save his son. He’d not fail his son ever again.

On a glance he noted De’s tear stained face. “This isn’t your fault, luv.” He concentrated on the road.

“I know. I know.” She released a shaky breath. “Ethan?”

“Eh?” His body trembled from the pent up tension in his muscles.

“It’s not your fault either.”

He moaned, knotted a fist. “Damn if it doesn’t feel like it is.”

“It’s not.” Another breath shuddered through her. “Just get him back for us.”

“That I’m going to do.” Heavy footed, he worked to get the truck to move faster. It was useless.

The planes were a different matter. They could go as fast as they wanted. Well, far faster than a rig on a rough road.

Three planes veered into view, zipping across the sky. They headed straight for the car in front of them. In moments the bush planes had dropped into a formation in front of the speeding car.

Ethan didn’t dare blink as the planes bounced low in the sky. His breath caught as their formation positioned ahead of the fleeing car.

Suddenly the one in the middle dropped down to scrape over the road. The car tapped its brakes.

“Oh my God!” De clutched the dashboard. “God, what are they doing?” She turned, frightened. Tear-filled green eyes glanced his way.

“They’re going to try and get the car stopped.”

Brake lights flashed over and over to avoid a collision as the plane performed the trick.

A shudder racked his body. Was attempting to stop the car reckless? Would the car wreck to get away from the planes? In trying to save Nate, would they watch him wreck in front of their eyes?

White-knuckled, he gripped the steering wheel.

No. Knock it off, mate. Don’t worry about anything other than getting Nate back.
When the car stopped it’d be his turn to take action.

“Oh, God.” De didn’t take her gaze from the scene unfolding before them.

In an attempt to escape the planes, the car turned sharply onto a gravel road. Ethan followed and noted the decrease in their speed. They were able to take some ground, getting closer to those that had Nate.

Despite the maneuver, the planes were back in position within heartbeats.

Next time the plane came down, it stayed on the ground longer. The car fishtailed.

“They’re going to make the car wreck!” De moaned, clutching the dashboard.

Behind them, the siren grew closer. In the review mirror, he caught sight of the police’s jeep closing in.

Abruptly, the middle plane touched down again and forced the car to get dangerously close.

An ache beat in his jaw from his clenched teeth.

Anxiousness twisted in his guts. Mad as hell, he kept his foot heavy on the pedal.

Even though Miller was a bloody fine pilot, the stunt his brother pulled was dangerous. There was a lot of coordination going on among the planes. What if one of the two planes flanking M clipped a wing? What if the freaks that’d taken Nate refused to stop? What if they’d kill themselves rather than give up and took little Nate with them?

Ethan swallowed past the fear. The little mate would make it out all right. He had to.

Gravel flew as tires squealed. Swinging right, the car tried to get by the plane, but a second plane got in its way.

The car swerved once more.

“Oh, Ethan…please let him be okay.”

Nate’s fine. He’s going to be just fine.

No matter which way the car darted, the planes were there. Time and again, their speed dropped.

He kept control of the truck as everyone was forced to stop. The two flanking planes banked up into the sky and flew off. Ethan cut the engine as soon as the truck was in park. “Stay here!” He grabbed the gun that was kept in the glove box for emergencies before heading to the car.

The siren grew loud as the constable approached.

Dust coated the windows as he approached the idling vehicle. “Nate?” Ethan’s hip bumped the side of the car. “Everything’s going to be fine, mate.” Everything had to be fine,

Up close he saw two people in the front seat. Without caring for his own safety, he yanked the driver’s side open. “Get the fuck out!” When the older man didn’t move fast enough, he pulled the man from the seat. He had to find his son.

A quick glance showed a woman crying hysterically in the passenger side.

Nate stared up from the floor of the back seat with wide, tear-filled blue eyes. “I don’t like this grandmum.”

Relief sharp in his mind, Ethan barely heard him as he dragged the whacker along, to slam him into the car.

He wanted to get Nate out of the car, but he needed to focus on the parents. Had to keep him safe until backup arrived.

“We had to save the boy from that harlot!” Spittle sprayed from the man’s lips. “She’ll soil him with her sins!”

“Shut the fuck up.” Ethan shook from the anger raging through him. These were De’s parents. He’d never met such a pair of freaks before. What she must have gone through as a child. As a teen. A young woman.

“We saw the whore had taken up with not one of you Thorns—” Screaming, the woman jumped out of the car, “—but two! Slutting herself out on that front porch!”

What, had they come by and seen De with him at Cohen’s house? Christ. He exhaled, searched for a measure of calmness.

“Nate?” Denae ran up to the car just as Miller wrapped his arms around the woman who had to be De’s mother. “It’s all right, baby.” She pulled the back door open to collect their son.

Ethan kept the gun pointed at the old man’s chest. Muscles knotted under the strain. Christ, help him. He’d never been so tempted to shoot someone before.

“Scarlet woman! Jezebel! Slut!” The woman kicked at Miller. “Let us save him! It’s too late for her!”

De cradled Nate protectively against the slurs.

“Without our guidance, he’ll remain the devil’s spawn!”

Constable Morgans appeared at his side “Mate, let’s get these two into the jeep. We’re blocking traffic.”

Ethan grunted at Steve’s attempt at a joke.

With force, De’s father was turned around so handcuffs could be put on him. “You’re making a mistake! We’re good people!”

“Right neighborly behavior, if you ask me.” Morgans’ mouth twisted. “Move you arse.”

Her mother continued to fight and struggle until she was secured in the handcuffs.

Ethan did his best to ignore her continued slurs of De.

Though his heart still hammered, some stress left his muscles only to clog his throat. Almost too weak to walk, he turned away, leaving Miller to get the car off the road. They’d found him. Nate was all right.

Shaking, he climbed back into the cab of the truck. He ruffled Nate’s hair, and his son peeked at him from De’s arms. His hand slipped to De’s tear stained cheek.

She turned her head and kissed his fingertips. “You didn’t abandon either of us. If you’d known about him you’d have been there from the first moment.” Her mouth trembled. “I know that.”

“I’d have been there.” His breath rough, he nodded. Nothing would’ve stopped him from being responsible. Not even his guilt over hurting a brother he’d always looked up to. Nate was his. “Can I hold him?” Christ, he needed to hold him.

“Yes.” She nodded, scooting over to his side. “It’s time I shared.” Green eyes met his over their son’s head. “Nate, hop over to Daddy’s lap.”


“Hey, little mate.” Tears burning the back of his eyes, he ducked his head to inhale Nate’s scent as he slid into his embrace.

“I like Daddy.” Nate’s arms clung to his neck.

A knot caught in his throat.


Damn if he didn’t cry at hearing his son call him Daddy.



In the low light of the bedroom, Denae watched Nate sleep besider her on the bed. She didn’t want to leave him. What a God-awful day it’d been. Gently, she stroked his blond hair, so much like his father’s.

Weight behind her back caused her to shift.

Ethan worked an arm under her head. “De?”

She sighed, using him like a pillow. The hard planes of his body, the muscular contours molded to her. Oh, now this she could get used to. Her baby on one side. Her man on the other. Her man. Shyly she ducked her head. Yes, she could get used to this. Wanted to get used to having Ethan there with her.

“You all right, luv?” His protective strength warmed her up.

“I don’t know.”

Ethan grunted.

No words came to explain the turmoil she was going through. Though relieved to have her son safely back, the guilt still ate at her insides. Though Ethan had assured her it wasn’t her fault her heart still ached.

“You’ve been quiet.”

“I…I shouldn’t have come out here.” Because of her, Nate had been exposed to danger. She’d known what she was bringing him close to. Should’ve taken better care to protect him.

“Shh, luv.” Ethan’s arm tightened around her middle. “You’re not responsible for what those whackers did.”

“My parents…” Her limbs felt so weak. They had all day. “I knew what they were like.” Though she hadn’t ever imagined they’d steal Nate the way they had. “How could they have done something so horrible?”
So frightening?

“Shh, put them out of your mind.” His thumb made soothing circular motions. “They’ll never get close to Nate again.” His breath warmed her ear. His voice confident. Determined. “Not ever, I swear it.”

“I know.” And she did know. A court would deal with them. All she had to do was get past the fear of what they’d put her through. What her baby had gone through. What they’d have done to Nate.

With Ethan at her side, she’d be able to put anything behind her.

With his strong arms around her, the trial ahead would be easy. With his…

Stop this…

You share a son with him. Nothing more
. Well, besides the great sex they’d shared now and in the past.

“Luv?” Ethan eased away to lay her flat on her back. He braced himself on his elbow. “I want to show you something.” Using his free hand, he took a folded piece of paper from his pocket. “Take a look at this.”

Curious, she accepted the paper and unfolded it. Quickly, she scanned the information. It was an on-line brochure of a wedding chapel in Las Vegas.

Not understanding, she blinked up at him.

“Did you look at the date?”

“Hmm?” Again, she glanced at the paper. This time she peered at the date in the corner of the document. Her heart caught only to race a frantic pace. The paper had been printed during the time they’d spent together. “Ethan….”

“Wait.” A breath shuddered in his chest. “Listen, I never said this to you before… I’ve never said this…ever…”

“Ethan.” Denae shook her head. He couldn’t possibly feel the way she did about him. The way she’d always felt…

“I’ve been carrying that piece of paper around in my wallet.” His throat worked. “To remind me of what I’d lost. What I’d tossed away. I’d been bloody serious about you, luv.”

“Oh, Ethan.” Surely, he hadn’t…

“I love you, De.” His lashes lowered. “Before I had my pig arse moment I’d been planning to ask you to be my missus. I shouldn’t have let you go.”

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