Rip Current (2 page)

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Authors: Jill Sanders

BOOK: Rip Current
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He chuckled when she gasped and looked down quickly.

You’re terrible.” She swatted his shoulder.

Just the fact that you looked tells me what you two were up to.” Luke shook his hand, still smiling ear to ear.

You’re just jealous,” Cassey said, sitting on the stool next to him and sighing.

He nodded. “Yeah, who wouldn’t want to get their hands on this big guy.” He slapped Luke on the back and laughed.

Cassey just shook her head and smiled. “He’s all mine. Besides, what happened to…” Her eyebrows lifted as she thought about his last girl’s name. Hell, even he couldn’t remember the sultry brunette’s name.

We broke it off.” He shrugged his shoulders and motioned for Alan to give him another shot and chaser.

What are you drinking?” Cassey grabbed his glass and sniffed. “Whiskey?” She frowned at him. “Why are you drinking whiskey?” She held the glass away from Alan before he could pour another.

Because it goes so well with Bushwackers.” He held up his other glass and sipped the last of the frozen drink down.

Whiskey and Bushwackers?” Cassey made a face, causing him to laugh.

Stick to your Cokes.” He tapped the can of soda she’d set down at the bar. “Leave the heavy stuff to us men.”

She shook her head. “Why are you drinking the heavy stuff?” She set the glass down and crossed her arms over her chest.

Maybe I needed it.” He took the glass and swallowed the whiskey down quickly, trying not to cringe in front of his sister. He really did hate
liquor. That’s why he usually stuck to the fruity drinks. When he took a large swallow of the chocolate drink, he felt a little better.

What’s going on?” She frowned up at him.

Maybe he doesn’t want to talk about it,” Luke chimed in before taking a swig of his beer and running a hand up Cassey’s arm.

Cassey frowned even more and shook her head. “No, I can see it now. Your eyes are dull.”

He chuckled. “Thanks.”

She shook her head again. “You’re in pain.” She gasped. “Where?” She set her drink down and started running her hands over his chest and arms.

He started to laugh and grabbed her hands. “Damn it, Cass, you know I’m ticklish.” Then his eyes moved to the doorway and his smile increased.

Are you?” Cassey chuckled, but he couldn’t take his eyes off the doorway. “There, now you have the sparkle back in your eyes,” his sister said, taking his chin in her hands and forcing his face towards hers.


Wendy was bored out of her mind. Not that her little sister wasn’t fun, but she hadn’t expected to be sitting in her apartment on Friday night, watching a movie while her sister made out with her current boyfriend.

They had planned a weekend full of fun and sister time, but then Willow’s boyfriend Justin—or was it Jacob?—had shown up and asked if he could crash there since he’d been kicked out of his apartment by his buddies who had girls over.

Less than five minutes into the movie, Wendy jumped off the sofa and grabbed her purse and bag.

Where are you going?”


I thought you were going to stay the whole weekend.”

That was before.” She looked over at Jacob or whatever his name was. “I’ll catch you next week.”

Oh.” Willow glanced at her boyfriend and Wendy could tell she was torn.

It’s okay, really. I had a few things to do anyway.” Wendy smiled.

Okay. I’m still planning on coming over to your place next month for the concert.”

Sure.” She nodded, knowing her sister would probably flake on that too. “See you then.”

The drive back to Surf Breeze was short, even with all the tourists crowding the main roads. When she stopped in front of her little condo, she sighed. It was still early enough that she was dying for entertainment. Being a bartender for almost five years had set her internal clock on permanent night mode. If she went into her condo now, she knew she’d be bored out of her mind. That, or she’d find herself cleaning. She shivered at that thought.

Fine!” She banged her hands on the steering wheel of her Jeep. “I’ll swing in to Cassey’s and if no one is there, I’ll take a nice long walk on the beach.” She sighed and swung her legs out of the open side of the Jeep. She loved taking the doors off her Jeep during the summer months. If she could, she’d drive with them off year-round, but this last winter had gotten way too cold for it.

It was a short walk to the bar. She loved taking the boardwalk and enjoyed the hustle and bustle that marked the middle of the summer months. By the time she walked in the front doors of the bar and grill, there was a bead of sweat dripping down the middle of her back.

She had just stepped in the doorway when she heard his deep laugh and stopped dead. Her heart did the same little jump it always did when she saw him, but this time there was a quick pang near the end. She thought about turning around and walking back out, but he’d already seen her and she didn’t want to be childish.

Especially since the last time she’d seen him, she’d… She closed her eyes quickly and took a deep breath. She was not going to stoop to his level. Holding her head up high, she walked towards the bar.

Wendy?” Cassey smiled. “I thought you were spending the weekend at Willow’s?”

She stopped next to her friend and boss. “I was, until Justin showed up.” She sighed. “Or was his name Jacob?” She tilted her head and tried to remember.

Oh, trouble in paradise? I thought your sister was happy with this one,” Cassey said, hugging her a little.

She is. A little too happy.” She leaned over the bar and grabbed a bottle of beer, not really noticing or caring what kind it was. Using the side of the bar, she flipped the top off and took a swig.

Well, you’re just in time.” Cassey smiled. “We’re going to have some dinner. Oh, look, here come Marcus and Shelly.” She turned in time to see the couple walk in. Marcus’s arm was wrapped around the blonde shop owner’s shoulders. Both of them were smiling and laughing as they walked in.

Wendy really liked Shelly. Not only did the woman have style, but she was also very down to earth. It was hard to find locals Wendy could stand to be in the same room with for more than five minutes. Shelly was one of those people.

Hey,” Marcus said, stopping right in front of the growing group. “Looks like we’re just in time for the party.”

Where’s Roman?” Cassey asked, looking around.

Cole jumped in. “He had some business in Atlanta. Said he’d be gone for a few weeks.”

Cassey frowned. “Why didn’t he tell us?”

Wendy saw Cole shrug his shoulders and walk towards her. When he flopped his arm around her shoulders, much like his brother was doing to his fiancée, she glared at him until he dropped his arm and smiled at her.

I didn’t ask. Besides, he’s a big boy and now I’ve got the place all to myself for a while.” He threw his arm over her shoulders again. She tried to control the excitement that rushed through her as he started to play with the ends of her hair.

I should give him a call…” Cassey reached for her phone, only to have her husband tug on her arm. “He’ll call if he needs us. Let’s eat. I’m starved.”

Yeah, Cass, your man worked up an appetite.” Cole smiled brightly and started walking her towards the back booth that they always inhabited. Cassey hit Cole’s shoulder playfully as they walked towards the back.

The fact that Cole’s arm was still around her shoulders made her feel a little antsy. And it only heightened her anxiety when he sat next to her, especially when his thigh rubbed up against hers.

I’m glad you came back,” he whispered next to her ear. His hand went to her thigh and she felt a shiver run straight from that point to the apex in
her legs.

Damn. The man had too much power over her body.

She shifted a little, trying to slide farther away from him, but only ended up pushing herself against the wall with him next to her. He chuckled a little at her move, so she glared at him.

You’re squishing me,” she said under her breath.

Me?” He looked at her innocently. She wasn’t buying it. “You’re the one trying to become wallpaper.” He smiled and threw his arm over her shoulders and began playing with her hair again.

I thought you were going to visit your sister this weekend?” Shelly broke in.

It was called off due to Willow’s new beau crashing the party.”

Oh, I’m sorry. I know how much you were looking forward to the break.”

She nodded, not trusting her voice since Cole’s hand was still on her thigh.

Problems at work? Or is it more on a personal level?” Cole asked, glancing towards the bar.

She glared at him and shoved her elbow into his ribs. “Neither.”

He frowned and she felt him stiffen a little beside her. The conversation turned towards the house Marcus and Shelly were remodeling. Marcus knew how to make any story funny and by the time their food arrived, everyone around the table was laughing hard.

So, that’s the last night I’ll believe him when he says his workers won’t be there in the morning and the last time I’ll sleep au naturel. At least until his buddies are done working on our place,” Shelly broke in with a smile.

What about you?” Cole whispered towards her.

What about me?” She glanced at him, her smile faltering a little as she shoved a grilled shrimp in her mouth.

He leaned closer and his smile grew. “Have any special sleeping habits you’d like to pass on?”

She held back a chuckle. “Yeah.” She leaned a little closer and whispered right next to his ear. “I snore.” Then she sat up and popped another shrimp into her mouth and tried to ignore his sexy laugh.

Chapter Two


ole tried everything in his power, short of begging, to persuade Wendy to let him walk her home. The two shots of whiskey earlier had given him just enough courage to actually flirt with her, something he’d never allowed himself to do before.

Since women usually fell at his feet, most people assumed that he was a smooth talker around the opposite sex. Not true. Actually, Marcus was the smooth one. Roman had the dashing good looks. Cole was just… well, Cole. He’d always felt awkward around women. Maybe that’s why he tended to date whoever showed the most interest, or whomever he picked from the line of ladies that followed him around.

He glanced over at Wendy, who was walking next to him in silence. He found it especially hard to be around her. He always felt tongue-tied. Even now, as they walked the few blocks to her condo, he couldn’t think of anything to say to her.

It had been almost a week since they’d argued about his reckless ways, and he’d been desperate to see her since then. After their fight, he’d followed her from her place at the bar to the refrigerator
where she was getting a fresh supply of limes. When she’d turned back around to yell at him, he’d bumped into her and had swooped in without thinking and kissed her. Hard and fast.

He’d been so shocked by his actions that he’d made a quick retreat without saying anything more. Since then, he’d been avoiding her. Until tonight. Maybe it was the Jameson? Who was he kidding; the two shots had worn off hours ago.

Sighing, he decided to blurt out the first thing that came to mind. “I didn’t know you had a sister.”

She glanced at him and slowed her steps a little. “Willow is my half-sister. Almost eight years younger.” She sighed and shoved her hands into her pockets. “I’d kind of hoped that this weekend would be a bonding experience.” She glanced off towards the water. It was too dark to see the surf, but they could hear the low waves lapping at the sugar sand. “My father left us to fend for ourselves, even when he was around, but when he left for good…” She stopped and sighed, then walked over to the railing near the steps that led down to the beach. “Want to head down for a while?” She nodded towards the water.

He shrugged his shoulders. “You’re not in a hurry to get home?”

She chuckled. “I’m used to late hours. Actually, for me it’s the middle of my work shift.”

He smiled and then held out his arm for her to take. She glanced at it, then shrugged a little and wrapped her arm through his.

This is nice,” she said as they slipped off their sandals and left them by the steps.

He glanced at her in question.

Us, not at each other’s throats for a change.”

He chuckled. “I could always do something stupid to piss you off.”

She smiled and shook her head. “You do have a knack for being quite audacious.”

And you have a knack for always trying to set me straight.” He took her hand and started walking towards the surf. “Why do you suppose that is?”

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