R.I.L.Y Forever (16 page)

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Authors: Norah Bennett

BOOK: R.I.L.Y Forever
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As they walked to the deck, Julia tried coaxing Lilly out of Ethan’s arms, but she refused to budge. Lilly was uncharacteristically cranky and clingy since she got up from her nap. She didn’t look like she felt well and pulled on her right ear. Ethan worried she may have the beginnings of an ear infection. She wasn’t running a temperature, but her nose was runny and she refused to eat anything.

“Angel mine, want to get down and see what the other kids are doing? Looks like they’re having fun.”

“No.” Lilly said and laid her head on his shoulders.

“Lils, come to Mama for a while,” Julia tried as they made it to the deck.

“No, mine. My E,” Lilly insisted as she wrapped her small arms around Ethan’s neck, holding him tight. Although Ethan hated Lilly wasn’t feeling well, he loved it when she called him hers and he couldn’t help the easy, self-satisfied grin that spread over his face.

“It’s okay, Jules. I’ve got her. Angel mine, I’m yours, always baby. But, could you ease up on trying to choke me?” he said, chuckling as he tried to loosen the stranglehold Lilly had on him.

Smiling, Julia shrugged her shoulders at their friends gathered around them on the deck and said, “She gets him more than I do.”

Julia strolled to Aimee’s side and whispered in her ear. She was doing her damnedest to put on a happy face and overall she was doing a good job, but Ethan could tell she was troubled and so could Aimee who immediately turned and walked inside, hauling Julia behind her and disappearing in the house. Julia needed Aimee and would feel better after speaking with her. Ethan was happy Julia had that kind of support, but he couldn’t help feel a little bit jealous. He wished Julia felt comfortable enough and trusted him enough to talk to him about this and everything else. Logically, he knew he couldn’t take Aimee’s place in Julia’s life, just as Aimee couldn’t take his.

Whatever Aimee and Julia talked about seemed to brighten Julia’s mood and for that Ethan was grateful to Aimee. Forty-five minutes after she walked off with Aimee, Julia returned to his side with a genuine smile on her face and the anxiety gone from her eyes. The short emerald-green sundress she put on this morning molded to her slim figure from her breasts to her tiny waist and then flared in a full skirt that ended right above her knees. The color matched her eyes and every time she moved its lightweight material made it shimmer and ripple around her. He couldn’t keep his eyes or his hands off of her.

“Hi,” she greeted him, standing on her toes and placing a kiss on his lips.

“Hi yourself. Have I told you how beautiful you look in that dress?”

“Not in words. But your eyes have relayed the message ever since I put it on and showed it to you. In your eyes, I always feel beautiful. Thank you, sweetheart.”

He pulled her close and gave her a deep sensual kiss that was only interrupted when a few people jokingly yelled at them to get a room. Julia hid her face in his chest and blushed, but didn’t pull away. He loved she wasn’t ashamed of their relationship and didn’t care who was around. Unlike Alyssa who despised any public displays of affection, even holding hands, Julia gravitated toward him in any room they were in and reached for his hand and for his mouth whenever she could. It was a heady feeling to be loved openly.

By 8:30 the barbequing was done, as was the feeding frenzy that followed. Everyone enjoyed a glass of wine on the deck as they waited for the fireworks to begin. Lilly ate little, but eventually released her death grip on Ethan and went to play with the other kids. Julia sat next to Ethan on the outdoor loveseat, cuddled in his embrace, watching Lilly play on the grass. Everyone’s belly was full and they were almost lulled into a food and wine coma, when Lilly’s scream jolted them to their senses.

Julia and Ethan separated and stood so quickly it was almost comical. As they both rushed in unison to the stairs leading to the garden, they froze as they heard Lilly cry out, “Mama! Daddy! E!”

Julia stood at the edge of the deck, rooted in her spot. Ethan, not missing a step, continued down the steps to Lilly’s side. When he saw his little drama queen had tripped and had a tiny scratch on her knee, but was carrying on like she was bleeding from a major artery, he breathed out in relief. His baby girl wanted her daddy.

. Lilly fell and wanted him. In her eyes, he was her daddy. His heart filled and overflowed with love for the beautiful child with blonde ringlets and big green eyes that captured his heart the first time she smiled mischievously at him. Mini-Julia had him wrapped around her little finger. Now he knew what that phrase actually meant, because he had to admit if his angel asked for the moon, he’d do everything in his power to get it for her.

He didn’t know what Julia thought of the whole thing, but by the way she stood staring at them from the deck, he thought she was in shock. He never heard Lilly say the word “daddy” before, but he wasn’t upset or even shocked. He was delighted. Lilly hadn’t seen her father in a month and half and Ethan formed a tight bond with the child over the last few weeks. For a child her age, it was inevitable she referred to the man who took care of her daily as her daddy, especially when her real father was missing from her life.

Seeing him standing above her, Lilly raised her tear-streaked face to him and held up her arms.

“Daddy, up, up.” She sobbed.

Ethan scooped Lilly up in his arms and cuddled her close. He climbed back up to the deck where there was more light and he could assess her injury better. She clung to him, crying dramatically.

“Angel, you’re okay now. I’ve got you. It’s just a little scratch. I promise to kiss it and make it all better. Stop crying, baby. You’re fine.”

Back on the deck, he noticed everyone was watching them as Julia made her way over to them and started fussing over Lilly.

“Hey, Lils, what happened?”

Enjoying the attention, Lilly hiccupped and said, “Mama, I fall. See?” She pointed to her knee.

“Yeah, baby, I see. You have to be more careful. Remember I made you from—”

“Scatch,” Lilly answered in a serious tone.

“That’s right, Lils, Mama made you from scratch. Now come to me and I’ll get you taken care of.”

“No, Mama, my daddy,” Lilly said as she shied away from her mother’s outstretched arms and clung to Ethan.

“Lilly, Ethan’s not…”

Ethan laid a hand on Julia’s shoulder before she could complete her sentence. He squeezed it and shook his head. “It’s okay. It’s good.”

“My daddy, my daddy!” Lilly repeated, staring her mother down.

Ethan shifted Lilly in his arms and threw one arm around Julia’s shoulder drawing her close to him. He gave her a soft kiss on her temple and then whispered in her ear. “If it’s okay with you, it’s more than okay with me. I can’t tell you how much I love hearing her call me daddy. I’ll guard her heart as if it was my own. I swear, Julia.”

He gazed into Julia’s tear-filled eyes. He hoped those tears were the happy variety and was relieved when she gave him a watery smile and nodded. He wished they weren’t in public right now so they could talk more about this and all it implied, but they’d have to do that later. He hugged her close and gave her another quick kiss. “Thank you, beautiful.”

Then he turned to the bundle of curiosity in his other arm that watched them closely. “Okay, angel. I’m yours, but be sweet to your mama or you’re going to make this daddy sad. Got it?”

Looking up at Ethan, Lilly smiled. “Yesh. Saw-ee, Mama.”

Ethan kissed Lilly’s head. “Well done, Lilly. Let’s get that booboo cleaned and bandaged before the fireworks begin.”

Chapter Fifteen


By the time Ethan and Julia left Lexi’s it was late. It had been a lovely evening with great food and friends, even with Lilly’s drama. They drove back home in companionable silence while Lilly dozed in her car seat and Julia stared out the window recalling her conversation with Aimee. When they got home and put Lilly to bed, they’d finally have the conversation she’d been putting off since the moment Ethan came back in her life. If she didn’t face the past and tell Ethan everything, the past would come between them, like an unwelcome visitor at the most inopportune time, and tear them apart.

After her long chat with Aimee, she felt much better. Aimee had lived it all with Julia. Although she understood the root of Julia’s fear, she was adamant it was time for Julia to share the past with Ethan since it involved him as much as it did her. Aimee was certain after he got over his initial shock, Ethan would be glad Julia shared the past with him so they could overcome it together.

Then they would be able to build a life together without secrets blocking their way. Julia couldn’t avoid Ethan’s parents forever—they were a part of his life and he would tell them, sooner or later, that she was in his life again. They were all adults now and his parents didn’t have power over them as they did when they were teenagers.

The problem was Ethan’s father may be older, but he was still powerful. Twenty-two years ago he was powerful enough to shatter her world to get his way. Things hadn’t changed much except now she had Lilly to worry about and to protect. She survived Mr. Sullivan’s destructive reach into her life the first time, but if anything happened to Lilly because of her relationship with Ethan, she wouldn’t survive it. Aimee assured her Ethan would never let anything happen to them. Once he knew the truth of what happened to her and to Ella, he’d protect her and Lilly from everything and everyone, including his father.

Julia was so lost in her thoughts she didn’t realize they arrived home until Ethan opened her door and guided her out of the car. Startled, she let him pull her into his arms.

“You okay?” he asked as he kissed her forehead.

“I’m fine. Just thinking.”

“You know nothing you tell me is going to change the way I feel about you.”

The night was dark, but the full moon and bright stars gave her enough light to see the sincerity and love in his gray-blue eyes. “Yes, sweetheart. I know. It’s time we talked.”

He touched his lips to hers then laid his forehead against hers. “I’m glad to hear that. Why don’t I put Lilly down while you shower and change? We can relax and chat after I’ve done the same.”

“Sounds good.”

Julia took a long, relaxing shower. It had been a hot, sticky day and it was good to clean up and cool off under the gentle spray of the cool water. She finished and liberally applied the wildflowers and vanilla lotion Ethan loved. Finally, she brushed her teeth and dressed in a rose-colored tank top and shorts. Not finding Ethan in the bedroom as she expected him to be, she searched Lilly’s room. Lilly slept peacefully, but Ethan was nowhere in sight.

As she made her way down the stairs, she heard Ethan’s voice coming from the back deck. Puzzled at who he could be talking to so late, she walked toward the deck, opened the door, and stepped outside. Ethan turned around and by the strained look on his face, she knew something was wrong. She had no idea who he was talking to, but there was a lot of medical jargon being thrown around and she thought perhaps he was talking to a patient’s family or to the hospital.

He ended the call telling the caller he would leave tonight and be there as soon as he could and to call him if there were any updates.

Julia went to him and placed her palm against his chest. “What is it, Eth? What happened?”

He gazed at her with troubled eyes. “It’s Dad. It sounds like he’s had a massive heart attack. I’ve got to go home right away. He’s in critical condition and mom is overwhelmed.”

Julia did her best to control her reaction. She hugged him to her. “I’m sorry, Ethan. Of course you have to go. How can I help? Want me to pack for you while you shower and make travel plans?”

He studied her face and then hugged her back. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “That would be great. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. I’ll call Lakes in the morning. Will you and Lilly be all right?”

“Please don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine. Go be with your family.”

Julia saw Ethan was struggling, torn between her and his parents. She touched his face and kissed his lips. “Ethan, sweetheart, I promise Lilly and I will be fine. We’ll talk when you get back. This can wait. Go be with your parents. We’ll still be here, where you left us, safe and sound when you return. Until then, we can FaceTime every day. Okay?”

That seemed to do it. He gave her a small smile and touched his lips to hers. “Okay, FaceTiming it is. I want to talk to Lilly every day so she doesn’t get confused when she wakes up and finds me gone.”

God, how she loved this man. Even in times of crisis, he thought of her and Lilly first. “Yeah, sweetheart. That would be good. She’ll like that. You know possessive she is about her daddy.”

The next hour passed in a blur as Ethan booked a red-eye to Indiana, showered, and dressed while Julia packed for him. He left with a quick hug and a kiss and drove himself to the airport saying he would park the car in long-term parking and deal with it later.

After he left, Julia was wide-awake. She stalked around the house straightening up here and there and when there was nothing left to do, she went to her bedroom. Ethan wouldn’t land in Indiana until the crack of dawn and then he planned to rent a car and drive straight to the hospital to check on his father. He promised to call her as soon as he landed, but that wouldn’t be for hours.

She lay in bed remembering the last time she saw Ethan’s father. She was young then, barely eighteen, and Mr. Sullivan was the mayor of their city, although he was well on his way to being governor. When Mayor Sullivan entered the ice-cream parlor where she worked late one night, she was surprised and a bit fearful. She didn’t think he knew where she worked, but that had been a stupid thought. Mayor Sullivan knew everyone who lived in his city and everything that happened in it.

Julia hadn’t seen Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan in weeks, not since Ethan made his grand announcement about Duke. While she could say with all honesty she disliked Ethan’s mother, she never knew what to make of his father. Mayor Sullivan was a formidable figure that focused all his attention on his dinner and his newspaper whenever she was in his presence. He was a man of few words, but when he spoke, he expected to be heard and obeyed. He was never warm toward her, but he wasn’t hostile like his wife. Mayor Sullivan barely acknowledged her presence one way or another, not until the day his son crossed him. Then, he turned his scowl on her and his laser-like stare penetrated her and almost liquefied her in her seat.

The night he visited Julia at work the mayor didn’t waste any time getting down to business. He waited until she served the last customer and locked up for the night. Then he offered to fund all of Julia’s education and pay for all her expenses for the next four years if she broke up with Ethan and never contacted him again. Julia knew the Sullivan’s didn’t like her, but she was shocked at the lengths they’d go to cut her out of Ethan’s life. Although he intimidated the hell out of her, Julia refused him without a second’s delay.

“I know you think I’m trash and honestly, I don’t care anymore. I love your son and that’s the only reason I’ve put up with so much from you and Mrs. Sullivan. I’d do anything for him. He’s everything to me and I’ll never leave him. If he wants to break up with me, he’s going to have to tell me himself. I’m not interested in your money, not now, not ever.”

The mayor, nonplussed, gave her a hard look and in a smooth, menacing voice said, “Young lady, you’re making a grave mistake. I dislike being crossed. You’ve caused my family a great deal of turmoil and I’ve been a patient man. But I think this teenaged crush you and my son share has gone far enough. Now I’m a reasonable man,” he continued with a cold smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m going to allow you a week to think about my rather generous offer. Remember your choices have consequences.”

Julia was petrified. Did the mayor just bribe her and then threaten her? She didn’t have time to analyze their conversation. With her spine straight and her legs shaking, she walked to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. Then in the strongest voice she could muster said, “Please leave sir. I think we’re done here.” When he left, she locked the door and collapsed on to the nearest chair trembling all over.

True to his word, he came back a week later. This time their conversation was much briefer.

“Have you made your decision?”

“Sir, the answer is still no and will always be no. Please leave me alone. Don’t do this. Don’t break your son’s heart.”

Mayor Sullivan studied her for a full minute. Then with a resigned sigh, his lips thinned and he said. “You’ve made a bad choice for both you and your mother.” Without another word, he turned and walked out leaving a stunned, scared and confused Julia behind.

That evening, Ella never made it home from the hospital. At 1 a.m. Julia woke up to the sound of the doorbell and a persistent knocking on the front door. Two police officers informed her Ella was attacked in the hospital parking lot and offered to give her a ride to the hospital. They waited as Julia, with shaking hands and a racing heart, changed and got into the back of the cruiser. In front of the ER, one of the officers came around to let her out of the car. In a low, cold voice meant to intimidate, he told her he had a message from a friend.

“The mayor is deeply concerned about your future and some of the poor decisions you’ve been making. He expects from now on, you will make better decisions and do what he asked you to do. He wants you to understand your actions and the choices you make have consequences. Do you understand?”

Julia was bewildered. When the burly officer repeated his question as he squeezed her upper arm painfully, her eyes filled with tears and she nodded and whispered, “Yes. Yes, I understand. Tell him I understand, please,” as the tears streamed down her face.

Now, as she lay in bed with only the sound of the ceiling fan whirring overhead, she felt tears slide down her face once more. This time she wasn’t afraid when she recalled those memories. She was hopeful. God help her, but she hoped he died. If these thoughts made her a monster, so be it. The man almost destroyed her life and she’d lived in fear for twenty-two years. Although she never saw or heard from him or his goons again, he effectively delivered his message in a way that impacted her life for decades.

Undoubtedly, Mayor Sullivan knew all about her past—those records were easy to retrieve. He played on her fears and won. After the childhood she endured, she hated violence of any kind and wouldn’t even watch violent movies or TV shows. By hurting Ella and taking Ethan out of her life, his actions had triple the effect he probably intended or maybe he was smart enough to know the damage he’d do and didn’t give a damn.

As Ethan raced across the country, probably praying for his father’s life, she lay in bed and prayed for the opposite and she wasn’t the least bit sorry. She was, however, completely unsure of what to do and what to say to Ethan. She couldn’t tell him what his father had done, not now anyway. If his father died, there would be no reason to tell him anything. The person who’d separated them would be dead and there would be nothing to gain from hurting Ethan with the past. Even if he lived, she wasn’t sure she could tell Ethan after all.

Julia felt Ethan’s loss profoundly. She rolled onto her side and grabbed his pillow, burying her nose in it. It was all Ethan. She cuddled it close and closed her eyes, willing her brain to shut down so she could get some sleep before Lilly woke up. Although Julia had taken the next two days off to spend them relaxing with Ethan, Lilly didn’t understand the term vacation and relaxation. She would be up at her usual, ridiculously early time, and Julia would walk around like a zombie all day if she didn’t sleep.

Morning came too quickly and after a night spent tossing and turning, Julia woke at 6 a.m. to the buzzing of her cell. She grabbed it and answered knowing it had to be Ethan.

“Hi, Eth.”

“Hi. I’m sorry I woke you up. I wanted to let you know I arrived and am on my way to the hospital. You okay?”

“I’m fine. Lilly’s still asleep. I’m glad you called. How was the flight? Did you get any sleep?”

“The flight was fine, but no, I couldn’t sleep. You?”

“Not really. Any news from the hospital?”

“I just got off the phone with Mom. Nothing new. The hospital is about thirty minutes from the airport. I should be there soon.”

“Okay, sweetheart. Drive safely and let me know if anything changes. I love you.”

“Love you too, Jules. Give Lilly a hug and kiss from me. I’ll try to call later and chat with her.”

“Okay, bye.”

Julia hung up and heard Lilly call for her. She dragged her body out of bed to get her daughter and start the day. Julia and Lilly spent the day lazing around the house because Lilly was running a temperature and was fussy. She gave her a dose of baby Tylenol and encouraged her to drink juice. Julia hoped this was nothing more than a summer cold. As an infant, Lilly had ear infection after ear infection, but she hadn’t had one in a long time.

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