Righteous Obsession (54 page)

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Authors: Rose Riker

BOOK: Righteous Obsession
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Alethea yawned and got to her feet.  “I’m going to
bed.”  She reached out her hand to him.  “Coming?”

“In a minute.”

“Okay.”   She could hear him locking the doors then
testing them from upstairs.  She gave a worried sigh.  He was becoming obsessed
with security to the point of being paranoid!  She’d had the feeling all day he
hadn’t told her the whole story about his nightmare.  She got into bed and
turned off her bedside lamp.

Colin came into the room and without saying a word,
got undressed and slipped into bed beside her.  She rolled over and put her arm
around him.  She could feel how tense he was.  He put his arms around her and
held her tightly.  “Try to get some sleep,” She urged him.

He tried, but finally gave up on it.  His memory of
last night’s nightmare was still too vivid to permit himself to fall asleep. 
He shifted his body slightly, causing Alethea to stir then awaken with a
start.  “Did you have another nightmare?”

Colin shook his head.  “No.”

“So there’s no problem?”  She asked, tracing the
outline of his mouth with her fingertip.

She thought he had a beautifully shaped mouth.

“Aside from not being able to sleep – no,” Colin
assured her, catching her hand and kissing its palm.

Alethea felt a sizzle of electricity shoot through her
at the touch of his lips.  She placed her hands on his chest and kissed him,
letting her tongue caress the outside of his mouth before darting inside.  He
responded by sliding his hand down her back to caress her ass.  She kissed his
neck then pressed kisses across his chest, stopping to caress his nipples with
her tongue.  She heard him give a deep groan of pleasure.  She kissed her way
down his stomach and lightly caressed his scar that felt slightly puckered to
her touch.  She shoved the comforter away from his body and drew out his fully
erect penis.  She ran her fingertip up and down it lightly before centering her
caresses on the tip, drawing another deep groan from Colin.

“God!  I want you!”  He took total possession of her
mouth while his hands caressed her breasts until her nipples grew taut.  His
lips moved from her mouth, to her neck, sliding down to her breasts, kissing
them and teasing her erect nipples with his tongue.  He felt her squirm and her
juices flow each time his tongue circled her nipple.

Alethea gasped loudly and dug her fingernails into his
shoulders.  She could feel his hard cock resting between her legs and slide
herself back and forth, coating him with her juices.

“Christ!”  Colin yelped loudly, rolling his eyes.  She
was driving him crazy with desire for her.  He gently rolled her over on her
back then buried his face in her pussy.

Alethea uttered a muffled scream and clutched the
comforter tightly as she felt Colin sucking on her already engorged clit and
felt his tongue inside of her.  “Colin!”  She gasped.  “I’m going to cum!”  Her
orgasm caused her body to shudder with its intensity.  Before the last of it
had ebbed, she felt Colin spreading her thighs apart then, with one thrust he
was inside her, filling her completely.  She cried out in pleasure, wrapping
her legs around him and pulling him into her as far as he could go.  “Colin! 
Oh, God!”  She rocked her body in response to his thrusting.

He braced his arms on both sides of her, pulling
himself nearly all the way out of her then thrusting into her again, harder and
deeper.  He listened to Alethea’s cries of pleasure each time he did it.  He
suddenly felt her hips tighten and her fingernails dig into his shoulders.

“I’m cuming!”  She cried.  “Colin!  Colin!”  Her body
shuddered and rocked so much with her orgasm that it nearly threw Colin off of
her.  She buried her face in his neck to muffle her screams as a tide of
ecstasy ripped through her.

Colin came right after with a loud yell.  His body
pounded hers with the force of his climax.  He gave one last hard thrust and
she felt his hot cum filling her.  He sagged against her limply, breathing
heavily.  After a minute, he rolled off of her and settled himself beside her. 
He kissed the top of her head.

Alethea ran her hand over her chest and down to his
scar.  “You’re not in any pain, are you?”

“No.” He ducked his head and muttered, “I’m just glad
everything still works the way it’s supposed to work!”  Colin gave a nervous
laugh.  “I lost so much blood I couldn’t help but wonder if something might
have suffered permanent damage.”

“I can definitely assure you that nothing has!”

Colin traced the outline of her cheekbone with his
finger. “I love the way you cry out my name when you cum.”

“I love it that you always make sure I cum.” Alethea
replied as he pulled the comforter over them. They both went straight to sleep.



















Chapter 43


When Colin awoke for the second time, it was early
morning and the sun was just rising.  He reached over to wake Alethea, but her
side of the bed was empty.  He sat up and looked around the room, but he
couldn’t see her anywhere.  Feeling a little anxious, he pushed back the
comforter, got up and pulled on his jeans.  As he came down the stairs, he
noticed the light was off on the alarm panel.  “Alethea?”  He called
tentatively.  Walking into the kitchen, he saw the back door was open. 
Suddenly his mouth felt dry and his heart began racing.  He attempted to calm
himself by reminding himself it had only been a terrible nightmare and Alethea
was fine.  He glanced out the door and saw her, leaning against the deck
railing, wearing a short, silky nightgown of sapphire blue and watching the sun
rise.  She turned and smiled as he came outside.  He put his arms around her
and she leaned back against him.  “What are you doing?”

“It’s such a beautiful morning I decided to watch the
sun come up.”

“It is beautiful,” he acknowledged.  “It’s also

“I know and I was just thinking I’d better go back
inside.”  They walked into the kitchen, their arms around each other.  “Race
you to the shower!”  Colin said.

“No fair!”  Alethea pouted.  “Your legs are much
longer than mine!”

“True.  I’ll give you a head start.”  He waited until
she reached the stair landing then raced up the stairs after her.  Being lithe
and in excellent physical shape, Alethea easily beat Colin, reaching the
bathroom first.

“I think I’ve been had,” He complained.  He pulled
Alethea to him and gave her such a passionate kiss that left her nearly
breathless.  She caught her breath and asked, “Why do I think we’re going to be
doing more than just showering?”

“What makes you think that?”  Colin asked, pushing
down the spaghetti straps of her nightgown.  It slid to the floor in a
shimmering heap.

“Well, I think it might be this noticeable bulge in
your jeans!”  She unzipped his jeans, freeing his erect penis, and shoved them
to the floor.  He stepped out of them. She turned on the shower and stepped
into it, pulling Colin in after her.

He was the first one downstairs for a change and whistled
as he fried bacon, scrambled eggs and made toast while the coffee brewed.  He
turned as he heard light footsteps behind him and smiled when he saw Alethea. 

“Starving!”  She declared, pouring herself a cup of
coffee.  She smiled after taking a sip – it was her favorite, Irish Cream.

Colin smiled as he set her plate in front of her
because she was wearing his favorite perfume, Giorgio Red
.  He sat down
and they ate with gusto.

Alethea wiped her mouth on her napkin.  “This is
really good.  I didn’t know you could cook!”

“Don’t get too excited,” he warned.  “This is the
extent of my culinary abilities!”

“How did you ever survive before you married me?”  She
teased him.

“I ate a lot of take-out and potato chips!”  He got up
and poured himself another cup of coffee.  “Did you want a refill?”


He refilled her cup.  “Did you have any plans for

“I have some preparation to do for my Metallica
interview which by the way, is scheduled for tomorrow.  You have your meeting
with Steve tomorrow too, don’t you?”

“Yeah, but if you’re worried about the transportation
situation don’t be.  Go ahead and take the Jeep.  I can bum a ride with Liam. 
I have a meeting afterwards with the architect about designing the pool house
so I don’t know what time I’ll be done.”

“I should be done with my interview by noon.  We could
meet for lunch,” she suggested.

“Sounds good.  Why don’t I meet you at the Hard Rock
at noon?”

“It’s a date!  As for the rest of today I have nothing

“Good.  I thought we might go back to bed after we

Alethea gave a big yawn and teased, “Well, I am

“Me, too!”

She giggled.  “As if we need a legitimate excuse to
head for our bedroom!”

Colin bowed and extended his arms.  “Shall we depart
then, Madam?”

He woke around noon and, once again, found Alethea’s
side of the bed empty.  He had another brief panic attack before he remembered
she had preparation to do for her Metallica interview and was probably working
in the upstairs office.

Alethea was sitting in front of his computer, naked,
with one leg curled underneath her.  Her attention was on the screen and she
didn’t hear him coming.  Colin stared at her, completely entranced.  She was so
beautiful and sometimes he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have won her
love.  He leaned against the door jamb, crossed his arms and cleared his
throat.  “Well, I’m certainly glad you’re going to have clothes on when you
interview Metallica!”

Alethea looked up, startled for a moment, and then
smiled at him.  “And I’m glad you don’t do concerts like that!”

He shrugged and teased, “Oh, I don’t know.  I wouldn’t
have to worry about doing my laundry!”

Alethea shut down the computer and rose.  “I don’t
know about you, but I’m starving so I’m going to make lunch.”

They got dressed and went downstairs.  While they were
making lunch, Colin casually asked, “What do you have in mind for supper

“I haven’t had a chance to think about it.  Why?”

“I thought maybe you’d like to go out to dinner and to
a movie.”

“Are you asking me out on a date?”  Alethea teased.

Colin smiled.  “Well, I guess I am.  May I have the
pleasure of your company for dinner and a movie, Mrs. Matthews?”

“I’d be honored, Mr. Matthews.”

After they finished lunch, Alethea went back upstairs
and Colin took his guitar out on the deck.  He practiced for a couple of hours,
until his fingertips started feeling sore, then quit.  He put his guitar away
then showered and got dressed.


He walked into the bedroom to find Alethea, attired
only in her bra and panties, standing in front of the open closet.  “What’s

“Should I wear a dress or jeans?”

“Well, personally I vote for the dress.”

“Okay.  Which one?”

“Surprise me!”

Colin was waiting in the foyer.  He was wearing a
purple silk shirt, black jeans and his black silk jacket.  He checked the lock
on the back door while he waited.  He saw Alethea coming down the stairs and
decided she was definitely worth the wait.  She wore the same rose-colored silk
dress she’d worn the night they made love in New Orleans.  Colin found his
voice.  “You look absolutely stunning!”

“Thank you.”  Over her arm she carried a delicate silk
shawl in case it got chilly later in the evening.  “Shall we go?”

“Your chariot waits,” He replied, offering his arm. 
He set the alarm and they went outside.  “I hope I haven’t forgotten how to
drive!”  Colin muttered as he started his Jeep.  He hadn’t and they arrived at
the restaurant without incident.  The restaurant was on the waterfront and
though it was busy, they were still able to get a table with a prime view of
the Bay.  Colin noticed Alethea was receiving a lot of admiring glances from
the male customers as they walked to their table.  “Eat your hearts out,
guys!”  He muttered.  They ordered and while they waited for their food each had
a glass of red wine.  Their food came and they started to eat with relish. 
“Well, their reputation for good food wasn’t exaggerated,” Colin remarked.

“And the view is fantastic!”  Alethea added.

They finished eating and declined dessert.  Colin paid
the bill and they strolled along the waterfront, enjoying the view.  It was a
clear night and they could see for miles.  Alethea took a deep breath and
sighed, “The smell of the bay reminds me of New Orleans.”

Colin carefully draped her shawl around her shoulders. 
“Are you feeling homesick?”

“A little,” She admitted.

“Actually, I’ve been thinking about Thanksgiving …how
we can work these holidays.  We’ll go to New Orleans for Thanksgiving, this
year – if it’s okay with your folks, I mean.”

“They’ll be thrilled!”  She assured him, taking hold
of his arm.  It was obvious how happy she was.

“Well, I don’t know how thrilled your dad’s going to
be at the prospect of having me as a house guest!”  He replied with a laugh. 
“You know, I can’t figure which bothers him more – my hair or my too obvious
liberal viewpoint!”

They arrived at the theater and found their seats just
as the lights were dimming.  When the movie was over, Alethea coaxed Colin into
stopping at a coffee bar for some cappuccino before they went home.

“I really enjoyed this evening,” Alethea declared as
they were driving home.

“Me too.  I think we should do this again.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Pulling into the driveway, Colin suddenly became aware
of how dark and shadowy the house was.  He stirred uncomfortably and glanced
around warily.  There was no light anywhere and there were too many places
where somebody could be hiding, waiting for a clear shot at them.  He didn’t
know if McGregor had been around yet or not.  He knew he varied the times so if
somebody was watching the house, they wouldn’t know when to expect him.

Alethea jogged his arm.  “Colin, is something wrong?”

“No!”  He quickly pulled his keys out of the ignition
and got out.  His heart was hammering wildly as he helped Alethea out and then
hustled her across the yard so fast she stumbled and nearly fell.  “Colin!”  He
quickly unlocked the front door, pushed her inside and darted in after her.  He
slammed the door, locked it and reactivated the alarm.

“Colin, what on earth has gotten into you?”  Alethea
demanded as she turned on the foyer light and draped her shawl over the

Colin slumped down on the stairs, breathing heavily
and buried his face in his hands for a moment then looked up at her.  “I’m
sorry.  I just noticed how dark it is around here at night and I panicked.  I
was terrified somebody was hiding, waiting to hurt us or do worse!”

She sat down beside him and put her arms around him. 
“It’s okay.  This is the first time we’ve been out at night and it’s natural to
feel uneasy.”

Colin shook his head fiercely.  “I was stupid to let
my fear overwhelm me, but I promise it won’t happen again!”  He shook his head
again as they walked upstairs.  “I don’t know what came over me, but all of a
sudden I was almost crazy with fear!”  He began to undress.  “I’ve never in my
entire life been scared of the dark like I was tonight!”

“Maybe, it something you should mention to Doctor
Hughes,” Alethea suggested.

“I suppose it could be another post-traumatic stress

“Well, as you said, you were never afraid of the dark

Colin got into bed, pulled the comforter over him and
shut off his lamp.  Alethea finished her nightly beauty ritual and joined him. 
She turned off her lamp and kissed him.  “See you in the morning.”

“You bet!”  He fell right to sleep and immediately
began to dream.  This time he relived his stabbing so realistically that he
actually felt the pain, saw the bright red blood soaking his shirt and jeans. 
Father Michaels look of sheer pleasure at his agony burned into his mind.  He
awoke with a jerk and sat up, adrenaline flooding his body.  He swallowed,
pushed back his sweat-soaked hair and took a few deep breaths in an attempt to
calm his racing heart.  He looked at Alethea who was still soundly sleeping. 
Thank God!  He’d awakened before he’d started screaming and thrashing around! 
He got up, quietly got dressed and went downstairs.  He turned on the
television, turned the volume low and lay on the couch, pulling his
grandmother’s afghan over him.  He attempted to go back to sleep, but ended it
up dozing fitfully.  A loud thump at the front door awakened him and brought
him to his feet.  He immediately rushed into the foyer to see the alarm
flashing. “Goddamn paper boy!” Colin groused.  He notified the police them
right away that it was a false alarm and apologizing for any inconvenience it
might have caused. “How many times have I told him not to hit the door with the
paper because it sets off the alarm?”  He got the paper, slammed the door shut.

He turned and bumped into Alethea who was standing in
the foyer.  She searched his face for a moment before asking, “What happened?”

“That damn paper boy hit the door with the fucking
paper and set off the alarm!  I’ve told that kid at least ten times not to do
that, but does he give a shit!”

Alethea glanced at the couch, taking in the rumpled
afghan.  “How long have you been downstairs?”

He shrugged.  “I don’t know.  I didn’t look at the
clock.”  He went into the kitchen and started the coffee.

She followed him into the kitchen.  “You had another
nightmare, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, so what else is new?”  He commented sourly.

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