Read Riding the Line Online

Authors: Kate Pearce

Tags: #Romance

Riding the Line (26 page)

BOOK: Riding the Line
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She started to come, pressing her sex down over his mouth, writhing and rocking over him as he tried to breathe through the thick wetness surrounding him. He felt each subtle clench of her pussy, shoved his tongue deep to experience every last tremor of her climax.
When she finally eased away from him, he was breathing like he’d run a mile. She smiled and bent to kiss him, sharing the taste of her own excitement as their mouths joined.
Dakota sighed. ‘God, woman, you taste fantastic.’
She stopped smiling. ‘You’ve just lost your talking privileges.’
Before he could protest, she drew a red paisley bandana out of her discarded capris and wrapped it around his mouth. He couldn’t stop her tying the ends behind his head and making sure he could breathe before she sat back.
There was a sharp knock at the door. Robyn glanced over her shoulder and put her T-shirt and panties back on.
‘Oh good, our food’s here.’
He glared at her, tried to escape his bonds but couldn’t. How the hell was she going to get the food without the hotel guy seeing him tied up, erect and half-naked on the floor? He tried to bite through the gag and force it down over his chin but she’d tied it far too tight. He tensed as he heard her open the door and closed his eyes. A light conversation followed and Robyn laughed.
Were they laughing at him? Was he going to look up and find some guy staring down at him? He tried to keep still, hoped only his boots and jeans were visible from the door. The smell of fries and fresh chicken wafted over him and he realized he was hungry. She’d have to let him up to eat and then he’d get his revenge.
The door closed and Robyn came back, balancing a tray between her hands that she then set down on the coffee table above his head. He started to relax as he anticipated her untying him and the meal they were about to share. Being tied up was too weird for him, although he’d sure like to try it out on Robyn. Anticipation rose in his gut and helped to quell the ache of frustrated arousal throbbing through his balls.
Robyn sat down beside him and crossed her legs. She held her chicken sandwich in her hand and took a hearty bite. ‘This is good. Thanks for reminding me how much I liked it, Dakota.’
A fat blob of mayonnaise fell from the sandwich and landed on his abs.
Robyn frowned and put her food back on the plate. ‘Sorry about that. Let me get it off you.’
Dakota tensed as she bent her head and slowly licked the mayonnaise from the skin just above the waistband of his jeans. Silently he begged her to go lower, to trail her mouth across the bulge of his big cock, and maybe even nibble on it a little. She sat back up and picked up her sandwich again.
He fastened his gaze on her but she didn’t seem to be aware of him as she slowly chewed. A slice of tomato slipped out of the bun, followed by more mayonnaise and some lettuce.
She sighed. ‘God, I’m really bad at finding my mouth tonight.’
Her long hair brushed his skin as she leant over him and delicately picked up the tomato slice with her teeth. He couldn’t help a shiver of pure desire as she licked mayo out of his belly button and headed lower. The lettuce lay draped across his fly like a limp flag.
He made a choked sound as she nuzzled at the denim and slowly lifted the lettuce away. The crown of his cock fought to find a way out of his jeans; he could already see a dark patch of pre-come on the denim. Instinctively he lifted his hips toward her mouth but she moved away again.
He struggled to contain his breathing as she finished her sandwich and reached for something off the tray. What else had he ordered? What else did she intend to drop, drip and lick on him?
Robyn studied the long lean line of Dakota’s outstretched body. Tension radiated off him in waves and he was lightly beaded with sweat. She licked her lips as she contemplated her next move. How long could she tease him like this before she had to have him? How long would he stand it?
She picked up the small silver jug of chocolate sauce the server had brought with her brownie and ice-cream sundae. She tested it with her finger. It was still slightly warm. Above the gag, Dakota’s hazel eyes widened as he focused on the finger in her mouth. She dipped her finger in again and swirled the chocolate over his nipples, watched it harden on his skin. Far easier to lick and suck it off until he writhed against the floor and groaned into his gag.
She trickled a trail of sauce down his sternum and over his flat stomach, followed it with her tongue. The scent of his arousal mingled with the chocolate made her instantly wet. How amazing to have this time with him and to offer him this treat. He looked so hot, his arms stretched over his head, muscles flexing as he fought the deep tremors of desire she forced him to experience.
‘Dakota Scott, you truly are a beautiful man, inside and out.’
She worked on the top snap of his jeans, aware of his wet cock pushing against her fingers, desperate to get free. She slid her hand inside his jeans as she slowly lowered the zipper, felt his hot flesh jerk against her palm, then shoved his jeans down over his perfect ass.
She studied his cock, knew every second was torture to him, and how much he wanted to come. His breathing was fast, his heartbeat thumped in her ears. She held his shaft steady in her hand, slowly dribbled some chocolate sauce over him and sat back to watch it cling and harden on his skin. She sighed.
‘I told you I was a messy eater but I promise I’ll get you clean, OK?’
She set the very tip of her tongue on the slit of his cock and probed his flesh. His hips jerked so violently upward that the entire crown of his cock disappeared inside her mouth. The sound he made beneath his gag was almost inhuman. Robyn couldn’t help smiling as she started to suck him clean. He was so wet now, the chocolate came off almost too easily, although she knew lower down she’d wish he’d waxed.
When she’d cleaned his cock, she started on his balls, careful not to press him too hard, wanting to keep him on edge a while longer, to make him beg for release, to make sure he never forgot her. She closed her eyes as she licked him, desperate to take all his scents inside her so that she’d always remember the intimacy of this moment.
It was difficult to stop touching him, but she made herself draw back and straddle him again. Heat smoldered in his gaze promising retribution as she finally looked him in the eye. His wrists looked red as if he’d been trying to escape his bonds.
‘Are you hungry?’
His nod was so slow and suspicious that Robyn couldn’t help but smile at him.
‘Good, because I’m going to feed you.’ She stared hard at him. ‘But you’re not to talk, or the gag goes back on, OK?’
Before she took off the gag, she slowly lowered herself over his cock and held him deep. Hopefully that would distract him from even thinking about talking while she fed him. She picked up a few fries and pushed the gag down. Before he could draw breath, she shoved the fries into his mouth.
‘Chew, baby.’
He complied, his lips brushing her fingers as he drew the fries into his mouth and finally swallowed. Inside her, his cock twitched and throbbed. She got another couple of fries and brushed them across his lips.
‘It’s nice being the one doing the talking for a change. Usually it’s you, trying to get what you want from me.’
He continued to chew the fries, his attention fixed on her face. She contracted her inner muscles and suddenly wanted to move on him more than she wanted to breathe.
‘I love feeling you inside me, did you know that?’
He stopped chewing and simply stared at her. With a sigh she bent her head and kissed his salty oil slicked lips.
‘I love the way we fit together and that you like me coming a lot and that you don’t think that makes me a slut.’ His throat worked as she squeezed his shaft even tighter. ‘I love the way you keep fucking me all night long . . .’
With an almighty growl, Dakota started to roll, bringing the table and the food crashing down with him. Even though his wrists were still bound together, he could at least use his arms. He pressed Robyn beneath him and started to fuck her as hard as he could. He didn’t care if the world was about to end, he had to have her, had to come inside her.
She brought her feet up and curved them around his ass, urging him on, not that he needed any invitation. She was his woman and by the end of the night she’d know it or he wasn’t worthy of her. He kissed her mouth, tasted chocolate and himself, loved that, loved that she’d taken him inside her.
‘I think it’s my turn to talk, honey.’ He didn’t ease up, just kept pumping into her. ‘By morning you won’t be able to say much anyway because you’ll have screamed my name so many times.’
She didn’t answer him, her focus turned inward where he could sense she was about to climax. He kept thrusting, brought her through it and didn’t ease up. He might be sore in the morning but it would be damn worth it. Rising up on one elbow, he used his teeth to work at the leather buckle and managed to release his wrists. With a groan of thanks, he slid his hands under Robyn’s ass and lifted her even higher into his strokes.
‘You’ll be full of my come as well. My scent will be on you for days so any man who tries to hit on you will know you’re taken.’
She didn’t even try to argue with him, her heels dug into his ass and her nails into his shoulders. Grimly Dakota forced himself not to come. If he survived it this was likely to be the best fuck of his life. Robyn was coming so many times now his shaft was constantly being squeezed. Sensation gathered at the base of his spine and in his balls.
‘I want to come so bad, honey, tell me you want me.’
‘God, Dakota . . .’
Her choked words were enough to send him into the most excellent climax of his life as he gathered her close and flooded her with his come, arching and shuddering over her as she joined him in a sexual high he’d only ever shared with her. He collapsed over her, crushing her beneath him, not even trying to hold his own weight. He wanted her to feel every inch of him, for her to know that they belonged together for ever.
‘Dakota . . .’
Her whisper roused him from his semi-conscious state. ‘What?’
‘There’s ketchup dripping into my hair.’
He slowly inhaled. Yeah that was definitely ketchup. He opened his eyes blinked at the devastation round him. ‘Holy shit!’
The table lay on its side and the floor was scattered with food, chocolate sauce and the soggy remains of his burger. He rolled off Robyn and carefully righted the table and the ketchup bottle. To his right, a bowl of ice cream and brownies had miraculously survived. He scooped up a handful of ice cream and turned back to Robyn.
‘How about dessert?’
She squealed as he dumped the ice cream on her stomach and swirled it lower until it reached her mound.
‘Wouldn’t want to waste good food, now would you?’
Robyn shook her head, her attention on the rapidly melting ice cream. Dakota smiled. She wasn’t going to stop him licking ice cream out of her. She wasn’t going to stop him doing anything all night long. He kissed the ruby ring pierced through her belly button. There was only one small thing that nagged at him. Perhaps he should’ve waited to hear what else she had to say in her list of what she loved. But being a big dumb animal he’d been too damned desperate to get inside her to wait a second more.
He nuzzled up some ice cream from her belly, felt her tremble and melt beneath him. Perhaps he could coax an admission out of her during the night – he sure hoped so. But something told him he might just have missed his chance.
Robyn groaned as she staggered into the shower. It was still early in the morning but she had stuff to do and she wanted Dakota out of the way while she did it. Her nipples tightened under the water spray. How many times had Dakota made love to her? Probably more than she’d believed was possible. Every breath she took made something twinge and pull somewhere deep in her body.
She closed her eyes and leant back against the cool green marbled wall surface. Had he realized she’d tried to show him how much she loved him last night? There was no way she’d ever tell him how she felt now. Her path was too full of obstacles to overcome before she was ready to deal with a proper grown-up relationship. But, God, she would miss him so much.
The more she’d tried to show him how much she cared about him, the more he’d responded. He’d revealed a more determined and possessive streak than she would ever have imagined. She’d told him he was too nice and too good but she’d learnt that beneath that benign exterior lay a man prepared to fight for what he wanted.
Despite the heat, she shivered as she recalled his hands on her. What would he do when he discovered she’d left him? Would that intense sexual energy focus on a new woman or would he continue to search for her? God, she hoped so . . .
‘That’s not fair, Robyn.’
She spoke the words aloud for her own benefit. She couldn’t hope that he’d try to find her. Her break with him had to be final. She swallowed hard. Hell, as soon as he heard she’d got back with Damien, he’d probably forget her in a hurry.
BOOK: Riding the Line
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