Riding Steele: Collide (5 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #erotica, #biker, #Romance

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Laurie woke up in the warmth of Steele’s arms. She opened her eyes and thought about last night. It had been incredible. They had each brought the other to orgasm, yet they still had not made love. She shifted and he murmured behind her, still asleep, but she could feel his hard bulge pushing against her backside.

He had been a gentleman, as he had put it. Because she’d had a flashback to how Donovan had treated her, Steele had backed off.

But she wanted Steele so badly. She wanted him inside her. She wanted to share that intimacy with him.

She turned in his arms, then she kissed his raspy neck.


Steele awoke to a raging hard-on and soft breasts crushed against his chest. Laurie’s soft hand stroked down his chest as her sweet lips kissed his neck, and under his jaw.

“Fuck, woman,” he said sleepily, “you could drive a man to distraction like that.”

She laughed. “But I don’t intend for you to be distracted at all.” She grasped his chin and drew it down until he gazed at her. “I intend for you to be fully focused on what we’re about to do.”

She wrapped her fingers around his cock, still encased in his boxers. But she squeezed him and he groaned. He flipped her on her back, then prowled over her, raining kisses on her neck.

“Woman, you’d better learn right now. I’m in charge.”

She pursed her lips. “Yes, Steele. Whatever you say.”

“That’s more like it.” He glided his hand down her stomach, then dipped into her soft folds. Slick moisture surrounded his fingertips. “Fuck, you are so ready for me.” He drew his cock from the slit in his boxers and slid the tip over her slick folds, loving her murmur of pleasure.

“Oh, baby, I am going to fuck you so hard.”

“Yes. Oh, please.” She arched against him.

A loud knock sounded at the door.

“Fuck,” he muttered, then snapped, “Go away.”

He pressed his cockhead to her opening and pushed forward a little.

“Steele, this is important,” Rip called from the other side of the door.

“I said fuck off.”

She cupped his cheeks, gazing at him with wide, dewy eyes, as he pushed forward, his cockhead slipping into her. Just a little.

The knocking at the door turned into a pounding.

“I’m not kidding, man. You better get out here.”

Laurie gazed at the door. “I think he means it.”

“Fuck.” He kissed her, then pulled back, slipping from her welcoming warmth.

He grabbed his jeans and pulled them on.

“I’ll be right back.” He stared at her. “Don’t move.”

She smiled. “Whatever you say.”


Steele scowled as he followed Rip down the stairs.

“It’s Killer on the phone.”

“What the hell does he want?” Steele demanded.

“I’ll let him tell you that.”

Steele stormed into the living room and picked up the phone.

“Yeah, what is it?” he snapped.

“I just want to warn you that I’ll be coming out there to make an arrest. I have no choice.”

“You’re going to arrest me for kidnapping?”

“No. I’ll be arresting the woman for theft.”

He tightened his grip on the receiver. “Theft? What the hell are you talking about?”

“Apparently, Donovan Blake has charged that she stole a very expensive diamond necklace. I have no choice but to come and arrest her.”

“Thanks for the heads-up.”

“You understand I expect you to keep her there until I get there.”

“Of course, Officer Grainger. I understand completely.”

Steele hung up the phone.

“So what are we going to do?” Rip asked.

Steele locked gazes with him. “We’re going to get her the hell out of here.”

Also by Opal Carew


Forbidden Heat

Secret Ties




Twin Fantasies

Pleasure Bound

Total Abandon

Secret Weapon



His to Command

His to Possess

His to Claim

About the Author

Opal Carew is the
New York Times
USA Today
bestselling author of fifteen previous erotic romances for St. Martin’s Press. To learn more, visit her on the Web at

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

Copyright © 2014 by Opal Carew. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


Cover design by Danielle Fiorella Cover photographs: man © Alex Sutula/Shutterstock.com; motorcycle © Jupiter Images/Getty Images eISBN 978-1-4668-7836-5

First Edition: November 2014

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