Ridge Creek Reunited (Ridge Creek Duology) (16 page)

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I think I’ll bite.

Grinning openly at him I climb onto the bed and straddle his lap. “Any preferences on the type of entertainment then?”

“None at all,” he grins as he reaches for the box and moves it away from his side and over to the other side of the bed, well out of my reach.

Letting the grin slowly slide from my face, I pin him with serious eyes. “Can’t I at least have an incentive Cheezel?”

“Sure. As soon as you give me a preview of the planned entertainment,” he grins back at me, his eyes sparkling and full of life.

Barely hesitating, I grab for the hem of the Harley t-shirt I put on just a few short minutes ago and rip it up over my head. Tossing it across the room, my eyes lock back on Jake’s. They’re no longer sparkling and they’re no longer studying my face.

’re staring at my bare chest and they’re almost black.

In fact they are the darkest shade of green that one could possibly think of and they seem bottomless. Not moving his eyes from
my chest for even a second, I watch as his left hand snakes out to grab the box of Cheezels from the far side of the bed. A second later the entire box is thrust into my face.

Taking the box from his hand, I grin. “That’s it?”

“They’re yours,” he growls as his hands come down to wrap around my hips. Within an instant I’m lifted and spun over to land on my back with Jake hovering above me. The abruptness of the maneuver shaking the Cheezel box and Cheezels fly everywhere.

“Woops,” I mumble as I stare at the mess all over the bed and reach out for the nearest Cheezel. Gently pushing my finger into the tube I lift it to my lips
. Pausing to eye it happily before I close my eyes, slowly part my lips and push my finger into my mouth. Sucking the Cheezel off my finger slowly, I moan.

Cheezels are good.

Deciding to savor my prize, I chew it slowly and swallow before finally opening my eyes to find Jake still hovering above me, his lips parted, his eyes dark and inky. He’s blinking

My eyes hone in on the split on his lip again and I wince. Lifting my finger, I gently touch the split. “Does it hurt?”

“Not at all,” he replies quickly. “Eat another Cheezel.”

Looking at his gorgeous face hovering above me, I move my fingertip to gently trace his lips. “I don’t want to eat Cheezels anymore.”

Cocking his eyebrow to lift his piercing, he eyes me with interest. “Really?”

“Really,” I murmur as I slowly slide my finger into his mouth. Automatically responding, Jake sucks it down to the knuckle, the wet warmth of his mouth sending a flood of desire through my entire body. Watching lazily as he sucks my finger, I find my whole body tightening involuntarily. There are so many muscles cramping for attention that the urge to stretch and yawn overtakes my ability to concentrate on my finger.

Pulling my finger from his mouth with a pop, I arch my back off the bed to stretch and yawn. It feels
I roll my neck and stretch my legs out so every muscle in my body is under tension, right down to my feet.

Then I relax.

And it feels great.

“What the hell was that?” Jake asks as he stares down at me looking concerned. “Are you going to sleep on me?”

“Fuck no,” I reply quickly. “I just felt so damned good I had to stretch. Weird huh?”

“Fuck me. If you feel that good after just one Cheezel, I’m wondering what a whole box of Cheezels will do for you,” Jake mutters as he continues to stare down at me
with a small grin on his face.

“Pretty sure it wasn’t the Cheezel that set me off,” I announce lifting my hands and running them down his back. His long, hard muscles rippling under my fingertips as they slowly travel the length of his back all the way down to the waistline of his tracksuit pants. Pushing my fingertips under the elastic I slide my hands down to his hard ass. He
’s not wearing underwear.

Oh my.

Clamping my fingers to dig into his butt cheeks, I sigh. There is so much about Jake to enjoy that its overwhelming.

“Is that so,” Jake murmurs back softly as he throws his weight to the side and presses hi
mself against me. Lifting a hand, he lazily runs a finger across my collar bone. I immediately shiver in excitement.

I nod as my eyelids grow heavy. With one arm now trapped underneath Jakes body, I slowly slide my free hand across his hipbone and head for his crotch. I feel his stomach muscles clench slightly against my side as I do so. Jakes response to my movement is to lift his weight from his side briefly to allow my other arm to move upwards and wrap around his upper torso.

Feeling another chill of excitement course through my body, I slide my hand to its destination to find him hard.

Rock hard.

Wrapping my fingers tightly around his length, Jake hisses and reacts quickly by sliding his hand to my right breast and pinching my already pebbled, erect nipple between his fingertips. It makes me groan as the nerve endings in my nipple fire to life.

Pushing up to encourage him to pinch harder, Jake growls as his head comes down and his mouth smashes against mine.

I’m in instant heaven.

As Jake’s warm tongue savagely invades my mouth, I start gently working my hand up and down his rock hard cock. Within a couple of strokes, I find myself reveling in the sensation of his warm, sticky precoital fluid seeping between my fingers. Coating my fingers in his juices, I work them up and down his shaft, faster and faster, pausing briefly on each sweep to rub my sticky thumb around the soft, smooth head of his cock.

Jake growls against my mouth and suddenly nips my lip. I moan and buck against him, my hand crushing between us.

Jake responds instantly by sliding his head down to latch onto one of my nipples. His hot, wet mouth suckling at my breast sends me into frenzy. Digging one hand into his back to push him closer, I redouble my efforts on his shaft. Jake starts to buck against me, pushing harder and faster as I slide my hand up and down.

“Fuck Ari,” Jake grunts against my nipple. “Your gunna finish me before we even start. Slow the fuck down.” Ignoring his plea, I continue my work. Jake grunts, hisses and continues to buck against me. “Fuck.”

Realizing I
’m not going to relent, Jake responds by sliding his hand down my stomach, into my panties and straight between my legs.

And then he works pure magic.

With two skilled fingers hooked inside me, he works me into a frenzy. Overtaken with sensations, I find I can’t concentrate on anything but the sensations between my legs and I cease my stroking on his cock. My fist clenching down hard, I simply squeeze him tight and hold on as I ride against his hand.

“Fuckin’ soaked,” Jake murmurs against my nipple as he nips at the tight bud before running his tongue all the way up my neck and back to my mouth. I suck his tongue into my mouth and groan.

Then suddenly his fingers are gone and I growl in agony, “No!”

“Gotta get naked woman,” Jake rumbles as he pulls away from
my mouth and starts to lift off the bed. “Get your panties off and spread for me sweetheart.”

I don’t hesitate for even a second. Releasing my death hold on his cock, I grab for my panties and rip them down my legs. As I
’m doing this, Jake pushes his own pants down and kicks them off the bed. The instant his hands are free of his pants he returns his talented fingers straight to where I need them.

I spread my legs as far apart as I can get them
as I push my shoulders firmly back into the bed. Eyes closed, I enjoy the sensations roaring through my body and I ride his hand like there’s no tomorrow.

“Jesus, fuck, woman,” Jake rumbles from above me and I open my eyes. The black pits of his eyes fix on my face and I can see the muscles in his arms bulging as he leans over me and lets me enjoy the ride. “Beautiful.”

Suddenly withdrawing his hand I whimper in dismay. He fixes me with a stare that I’m sure is one similar to that a lion gives a lamb he is about to eat and my heart rate spikes to explosive levels. “Should let you come on my fingers but can’t wait,” he grunts as he throws himself over me and slams himself home. “You can come round my cock.”

Reaching for his face, I drag his mouth to mine and he plunges his tongue deep inside. The delicious metallic taste of Jake assaults my senses and I lose control to the sensations overtaking my
mind, body and soul.

Jake starts pounding savagely into me. He is relentless and showing no mercy as sweat starts to sheen his forehead. I move my hands to his back and slide my hands down his now slippery back to grab his ass and encourage him to give more.

He does.

With bone shattering slams, he pounds into me and I feel it build. I arch against him, encouraging him to push deeper, to hit that spot deep inside that I know will deliver what I need. Jake rips his mouth from mine and shifts his lips to my collar bone. “Let go baby, I’m right with you.”

And I do.

Amidst a crazy mixture of groans, mutterings and moans I let it go and my whole world stops. Jake arches his back one last time and plants deep as I feel him pumping his hot seed deep inside me. The deep growl rumbling from his chest and the fast movement of his lips against my collar bone confirm that he
’s getting just as much out of this as I am.

With a final grunt, his body finally slackens and I find myself relaxing beneath him. “Beautiful,” I hear him murmur against my neck as his breathing slows and he slowly slides himself out of me
to roll to his side.

I hear the sound of Cheezels crunching under his body and a giggle escapes me.

“Fuck,” Jake announces as he continues to roll and stands up next to the bed. “Gunna have to clean up the bed so we can get some shut eye.”

Suddenly speechless at the sight of tall, hulky Jake standing naked before me I blink and have trouble registering words.

“That means, need you to get up so I can go shake the Cheezels off the doona cover sweetheart,” Jake continues staring at me with a small smirk on his face.

I nod as my eyes travel down his body and come to rest on his now softening cock that even in its relaxed state, looks long and thick and
above all, beautiful.

“Gunna need you to stop staring at my cock and get off the fuckin’ bed. Haven’t got all night and would like to get a full night of sleep for a change.”

Jolting to life as I realize I’m staring unashamedly at my man’s penis, I vault from the bed. Jake watches my feet hit the floor and stoops to grab the discarded Cheezel box from its discarded position on the bed. Handing it to me with a grin, he grabs a side of the doona, flicks it over itself and gathers the fabric into a ball as he lifts it from the bed. Snuggling it to his chest, he exits the room announcing, “Be right back.”

Watching him go, I stare at the massive shape of his shoulders tapering down to his fine waist and magnificent ass. Digging my hand into the box, I pull out a Cheezel and pop it in my mouth. Great guy, great sex and a box of Cheezels.


Chapter Eleven




I wake up from sleeping like the dead to the sound of the shower running in the en suite. Instantly assaulted by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, I inhale deeply. Following my nose, I roll towards the bedside table where I
’m thrilled to find a steaming cup of coffee awaiting me.

Smiling softly to myself I sit up in bed and reach for the coffee. It
’s as my fingers are wrapping themselves around the handle of the cup that I hear Jakes now familiar deep rumbling voice talking to someone. I think nothing of this until my mind registers that I can also hear another noise. Running water.

He’s in the shower – talking?

Confused, I start to wonder if he’s on his phone standing
the shower, the water running. Deciding I’d like to find out, I throw the covers back and swing my feet to the floor. Spying the Harley shirt I discarded the night before, I put my coffee down to recover and slide the shirt over my head.

Grabbing for the coffee again, I take a big refreshing mouthful and then wander slowly towards the en suite listening carefully for Jake’s voice in case this is a conversation I don’t need or want to overhear. I’ve already made up my mind that if it sounds like he’s talking business, I’m going to turn back around and head either back to bed or out to the kitchen in search of breakfast.

Listening carefully I’m surprised by what I hear. That is, I hear Jake telling someone all about how to build a fast Harley. The basics of the conversation are that it’s not easy to do, but it can be done. Seemingly Pops, Zane and Jake are famous for their ability to build fast Harleys and they own some of the quickest Harley’s in the country.

Deciding that he’s not talking business (well not the kind of business I’m not sure I want to delve into too deeply quite yet) I wait for a break in his conversation to wander into the ensuite. Expecting to find Jake standing outside the shower
, I baulk when I realize he’s not. He’s still under the water in the shower, both hands to his head. His eyes are shut and he’s shampooing his glossy black hair. Pierre is sitting calmly on the bathroom mat in front of the shower.

Stopping in the doorway, I feel my pulse rate spike as my tongue
attempts to drop out of my mouth at the sight of Jake naked washing his hair. All those hard, slippery wet muscles, soaped up and diverting the course of the water down his body is a sight to behold. Even more so through the slightly steamy glass of the shower screen.

I consider moving back a few steps so that if he opens his eyes, he might not see me and I’ll get to enjoy my own private show for just a little bit longer. It
’s at this precise moment that he starts talking again. It’s also this precise moment that I realize who he’s talking to. Moving my eyes towards the floor I watch as Pierre’s ears prick and his eyes lock lovingly on Jake. He’s
the conversation.

My face instantaneously softens as I watch the most beautiful puppy in my world stare adoringly at the most beautiful man in my world. Which makes me sigh
. Which also means that Pierre finally notices me. Spinning his head, his eyes lock on me and he flings the mat across the room in his hurry to get off his ass and race to meet me. Chuckling, I squat to greet him while holding my coffee cup above my head to avoid an exuberant puppy, hot coffee collision. As I rub one hand across his fur and massage him for all I’m worth, Pierre wiggles in ecstasy.

Realizing that Jake has stopped talking again, I look back towards the shower to see Jake’s gorgeous bright green eyes peering through a cleared circle of glass on the shower screen. “Any particular reason Pierre was receiving an impromptu lecture on building Harley motors?” I ask grinning up at him from my position on the floor.

“To distract him from his mission to wake you up,” Jake announces through his quickly disappearing porthole. “For some reason he had it in his head that he was going to climb up on the bed. He appears to be taking my no dogs on the bed rule as a guideline only.”

Tutting at Pierre and silently thanking the Lord there are no cameras in my bedroom back at the shop, I give Pierre a final rub and stand up. “Thanks for the coffee,” I announce as I take another sip.

“You’re welcome,” Jake replies turning his back to grab a conditioner bottle from an inbuilt shelf on the shower wall. “Now you’re awake, you need to move your ass. Ma’s on her way to do her Monday morning houseclean and I’m supposed to be heading out with Luke and Zane to watch over the camera installations at the Green Houses this week.”

Hearing his words I feel the pit of my stomach suddenly ball up and my coffee sticks in my throat. In a slightly squeaky voice I clarify. “You’re heading out for a week?”

“Yeah. At least a week, maybe two. Why?” Jake returns as he continues conditioning his hair with his back to me. He appears oblivious to my instant distress.

Which is not his fault.

Why I suddenly thought his whole life revolved around me and staying either here or the Harley Shop I have no idea. Jake has a business to run. His business is scattered across two States which means long absences from home. This is one of those situations I’m going to need to learn to cope with.

Suck it up sister.

“No reason,” I respond softly, trying to cover the pain in my voice.

Through the steamy glass I watch Jake’s hands stop their movement and drop from his head. Slowly he turns and rubs another porthole in the glass shower screen. Two green eyes move closer to the glass
to lock suspiciously on me. His brows knit together and a look of concern crosses his face.

Staring intently at me for a long time, I start to wonder what he
’s thinking. I’m at the point I’m about to ask what he’s looking at when he straightens and backs back under the water to rinse his hair. “Come with,” he announces.


He’s asking me to visit his Green Houses?
of them. Now that has to be a
move on his part. That’s letting me
on business.

Holy shit.

Speechless I stare blankly at him as he finishes rinsing his hair. “You’ll have to leave Pierre behind, we’re traveling by bike. We can give him to Ma when she gets here, she can baby-sit.”

“Really,” the word squeaks out of my dry mouth. “You want me to come with you?”

“Sure, no secrets yeah?” He replies smoothly, seeming fully on board with the idea. “Gotta say, does a lot for me knowing you’re affected by the news I’m leaving for a while. Also does a lot for me knowing I can tell you where I’m going and give you the choice to come with or stay home.”

The second whoosh in two days settles in my stomach and I relax.

“I’d love to come,” I announce softly as my eyes move to Pierre and I instantly feel sorry for leaving him behind. I’ve had the little guy with me day and night for days on end now and I wonder whether he will miss me.

I take another sip of my coffee and lift my eyes back to watch Jake through the steamy glass door again. Half a beat later, Pierre is wiped from my mind as I realize what I just agreed to. I just agreed to a whole week or more of plastering my front to hulky Jake Holders back while we tour two states on his motorbike. I also just agreed to a whole week or more of spending every single night sleeping next to, on top
of, below or anywhere else I like with him.

Sorry Pierre
, you

I think I’m about to have the best week or more of my


My eyes slide to Ellen standing in the doorway to the house. She has Pierre cuddled close to her breast. Pierre, oblivious to my distress, nestles against her warmth and looks like he’s happy right where he is and he might just take a nap.

looks pleased. Well more than pleased, probably closer to ecstatic. In fact, she looks a lot like she’s won the lottery and today is payday. Dressed the most casual I have ever seen her, she’s wearing blue jeans, running shoes and a light blue, long sleeved polo top. Setting off this ensemble is a huge smile and glowing green eyes that are shining like emeralds against her pale skin.

Noticing my eyes on hers, she does her best to redouble what is already a
smile. Warily, I smile back at her before my eyes slide back to Jake. He’s already sitting on his bike, the stand kicked up and he’s balancing the bike between his two broad thighs.

He looks hot.

Pure biker today, he’s wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and his heavy double-breasted leather jacket. He’s also wearing his ankle length biker boots complete with Harley badges on the toes and sides and a super cool set of double zippers on the front. His boots look well-worn and comfortable and look like they are his boot of choice when he has long trips to do on his bike.

He already has his black helmet on and he’s looking impatient as he holds my helmet out for me. Grinning at him, I take the helmet and slide it on. I’ve
secured my hair low behind my head to keep it under control in the wind but that’s as much as I’ve conceded to the biker look. I do
look pure biker, at all. Which I did not do on purpose. I only had a very limited wardrobe to work with. Which means I’m wearing jeans, a long sleeve shirt and a pair of jiffy shoes.

Luckily we
’re meeting Luke and Zane at the shop where I plan to change into a more bike suitable outfit. I’m going to need my own pair of boots and a leather jacket.

My eyes move to the seat behind Jake. I haven’t been on the back of his bike since the night he picked me up off the side of the road and I find myself needing to take a moment. Several strong emotions momentarily overwhelm me before disappearing as fast as they arrive. My overall excitement at going on a ride with Jake far outweigh any bad memories I may have lurking in the back of my mind.

My eyes move back to Jake’s and I see his face is no longer impatient. It’s concerned. Throwing him a grin, he stares blankly at me for a moment or two and starts the bike. With a roar, the sound of his bike starting echoes through the garage, out the garage door and into the trees outside.

Not hesitating a second longer
, I step closer, swing my leg and plant my ass firmly on the seat behind him. Sliding my arms around his waist, I instantly plaster myself to his back and inhale deeply through my nose.

Leather and Jake, soap and spice.


Twisting my head I look towards the door to the house again and see Ellen still smiling. Her delight that Jake is taking me on a ride overriding her concerns that her hands are now full of a panicky Pierre who is not as excited about the roar of Harley pipes as the rest of us. He
’s desperately struggling to escape her arms and flee to the nearest hidey-hole.

I see Ellen nod, clutch Pierre closer and back through the door to
get him away from the noise. Jake gives her a quick chin lift and starts to roll the bike backwards out of the garage and onto the gravel. Hitting the remote for the garage, I watch as the door comes down and Ellen and Pierre disappear. Jake then turns the handlebars on his bike, revs the engine, kicks it into gear and we are

Growling our way slowly down the driveway an instant sense of euphoria hits me as I become aware of the vibration of the bike beneath me. Mix that feeling up with another good snuff of Jake’s scent and I find myself fighting a strong urge to moan. Fighting the urge as I know I must, I decide to do the next best thing. I wrap my arms even tighter around Jakes hard midriff, press my cheek up against his back, set my eyes on the road ahead and do what needs to be done. I relax and I

Exiting Jake’s driveway and turning right onto the road, Jake hits the throttle and lets the bike roar. The sound of Harley pipes echo through the trees around us as I snuggle even closer to his back and sigh.

the life.

It takes me less than two heart beats to embrace and enjoy the freedom that is felt on the back of
a bike. It’s the feeling of the wind on your face, the powerful vibrations of a Harley beneath you and the strong body of a good man pressed hard up against you. I revel in the intoxicating sense of well-being and exhilaration as we roar along.

And then something settles deep within me.

Something that realizes I was
to do this and there is no other place I’d rather be than on the back of this bike. To share in the pure joy that is to ride. To be free and know that destination doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter because the bike is the destination and this instant sense of exhilaration is addictive.

So addictive in fact that I find myself enjoying the ride so much that it feels like just a few short minutes before Jake slows the bike because we
’ve reached the edge of town. One can literally lose time on the back of a bike.

Rumbling around the last street corner before we
arrive at the shop, I feel Jake stiffen in my arms. His body is suddenly on alert, every muscle tight and hard. Wondering what’s upset him, I lift my head from where my cheek has been firmly planted against his shoulder blade for the entire ride to look over his shoulder.

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