Read Ride with the Wind [The Ghost Riders 1] Online

Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Romance

Ride with the Wind [The Ghost Riders 1] (15 page)

BOOK: Ride with the Wind [The Ghost Riders 1]
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Dominic’s mouth tormented her nipples, one at a time. When he wasn’t sucking or nipping, his fingers were pinching and pulling. There seemed to be an invisible line between her breasts and her pussy. Each draw of his mouth or pluck with his fingers tightened the line until she thought it would pop. Still, he continued, drawing as much of her breast as he could fit into his mouth. Her body felt hot all over as he nibbled and licked his way upward until he reached her neck. His fingers continued playing with her nipples as he began to lightly bite along her jaw.

Her pussy vibrated with the need to come. Even her cunt was fluttering and on the edge. Reece dragged his tongue through her juices then startled her when he curled his fingers and played inside of her as if searching. When he rubbed over her sweet spot, she stiffened all over with anticipation. Sure enough, he latched on to her clit with his lips and sucked it between his teeth as he stroked her into a frenzy. Raven couldn’t stop the progress of her climax even if she had wanted to, but when Dominic bit her shoulder while pinching her nipples, she had no choice but to explode into a thousand dots of white-hot light.

She screamed their names as they tortured her pleasure-racked body laid out before them. Nothing had prepared her for the waves of sensation that washed over her. She never would have believed a spanking could be so erotic and lead to such an amazing orgasm.

Fire race through her body, igniting each cell that it touched. She bucked despite Reece’s hand trying to hold her down. Her body clenched all over before letting go with another round of intense pleasure that had her eyes rolling back in her head.

Finally they eased off, letting her settle down and catch her breath. Her throat was raw from panting and screaming. It took several tries before she could speak.

“Fuck! I’m done for.”

Dominic chuckled and kissed her before backing off the bed. She watched as he pulled open the drawer to the table by the bed. He pulled out a condom and tossed it toward Reece, who was resting his head on her belly.

“I’m taking her mouth. You can have her pussy.”

Reece caught the condom and sat up with a wide grin on his face. He winked at her and tore open the package.

“I’m going to wear that tight little pussy out, babe. Let’s get you on your hands and knees.” He helped her roll over then popped her tender ass with his hand.

“Ow!” She reached back and rubbed her butt.

“Your ass is still nice and pink.”

Dominic kneeled on the bed, stroking his cock with one hand. He eased forward and slowly fed his dick to her as she opened wide to accommodate his girth. He ran his hand over her face then smoothed down her hair as he carefully pushed deeper into her mouth. Raven relaxed her jaw and tried to take all of him, but he was over nine inches. When he hit the back of her throat, she struggled not to gag. He pulled back until he was almost all the way out before tunneling back into her mouth.

“That’s it, baby, suck my cock. Take it all.” He groaned as she ran her tongue all around the silky length of him.

She paid extra attention to the thick, ropy vein underneath before teasing the
beneath his cockhead. With each thrust of his cock deep into her throat, she sucked hard as he came back out, hollowing her cheeks in the process. She felt him run his fingers across them as she did. He moaned and stilled for a second as Reece dragged his dick through her pussy juices.

Raven whimpered, needing them to fill her. She didn’t have long to wait. Reece thrust into her cunt, lodging halfway before groaning and pulling out to do it again. He squeezed her tender ass cheeks as he pushed deeper inside of her. The slight pain morphed into something so much more and so much better as he finally sank balls deep. She couldn’t stop her body from shaking as she balanced her hands on the bed.

Dominic began to fuck her mouth in steady strokes, threading his fingers through her hair and holding on to it. She rolled her eyes up to look at him and moaned at the feral expression on his face. He was fighting the need to come. She took him to the back of her throat and swallowed around him.

“Fuck! Do that again.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “Hell, yeah.”

“That’s it, baby. Suck his cock deep. Make him come.” Reece continued to fill her full of his cock in long, slow slides that were driving her insane.

She wiggled her ass, trying to get him to move faster and plunge deeper. She needed more, but he just slapped her ass and continued tormenting her pussy. She growled around Dominic’s cock, the sound vibrating against him.

He hissed out a breath as he gripped her head in his hands. His rhythm began to falter as he thrust over and over into her mouth. Suddenly he threw back his head, and she felt him swell in her mouth as cum exploded from his cock down her throat, filling her mouth until she had trouble swallowing it all.

When he finished, he pulled from her mouth and dropped to the bed, his hands still wrapped in her hair.

“God, that was amazing. You can suck cock better than anything.” He loosened his fingers from her hair and cupped her cheeks with his hands before kissing her.

Reece took control of her now that Dominic wasn’t deep in her mouth any longer. He pushed her back down until her head was resting on the pillow and her ass was in the air. She felt vulnerable like this. He adjusted his angle and began to rub over her hot spot with each stroke of his cock. She felt fingers at her clit, circling and tapping on it. She opened her eyes and found Dom’s. He smiled at her as he played with her clit. She couldn’t keep her eyes open, though, as everything began to tighten inside of her again.

“Dominic!” Reece pounded into her.

“I’ve got her, Reece.” Dominic continued pressing on her clit.

“She’s so fucking tight. Her cunt is squeezing me like a damn vise.”

“Harder, Reece. Please, more.” She barely managed to squeeze the words out.

Reece gave her what she asked for and thrust deep and hard inside her pussy until her climax wiped away all thoughts from her mind. She clamped down on his cock and was rewarded with his shout of completion as he shot cum deep into her cunt. The hot jets of liquid triggered another orgasm that left her totally wiped out. She collapsed, bringing Reece down with her.

The sweet weight of his body pressing against her gave her a safe feeling. Then Dominic was rolling him off of her.

“You’re suffocating her, asshole.”

Reece groaned and, after a few seconds of heavy breathing, got up and disposed of the condom before climbing back into bed and wrapping his leg over hers. Dominic had her pulled up against his chest. The scent of sex and sweat filled the air in the bedroom. Despite being sticky, she cuddled up between the men and settled down to sleep. The last thing she heard before drifting off was Dominic’s soft snore. She was in love and refused to worry about it yet. There would be plenty of time later. For now, she was going to enjoy what they gave her and store it away for another day.


* * * *


Reece and Dominic waited in the dark with the rest of the gang outside of Satan’s Sons’ compound. Reece watched Rhodes and Vernon as they stared toward the house where the other gang stayed. Both men were running on adrenaline and not much else. It worried him. Too much could go wrong as it was. They didn’t need them to lose it.

“Remember, no violence if possible. Just keep everyone still until we get Jessie out.” Dominic wasn’t happy about the situation any more than Reece was.

“Everyone should be asleep by now.” Reece sent several of the guys out to hold the guards while they sneaked into the house.

After five minutes, Dominic gave the signal to cross the yard and take their positions around the house. At exactly 3:00 a.m. they all attacked, breaking in through windows and doors. They took everyone by surprise and quickly figured out that Jessie wasn’t there.

Tussler and Ray cursed and fought despite being outnumbered. Reece was worried about an ambush, since there were so few of Ray’s men in the house.

“Where is she, asshole?” Rhodes got in Tussler’s face. He pulled his knife and held it at the other man’s throat.

“Rhodes.” Dominic said the man’s name to calm him.

“She’s somewhere safe. I sent her to some relative’s house until this shit with The Skulls is over.”

“Where did you send her?” Vernon crowded up next to Rhodes.

“I’m not fucking telling you anything. Get out of my house!”

“Not until I know where she is.” Rhodes pressed the knife a little harder against the other man’s throat.

Vernon didn’t say anything, but before anyone knew what he was going to do, he had plowed his fist into Tussler’s face. The sound of cartilage breaking could be heard over his yell. Blood poured from his nose.

“You fucking broke my nose!” His voice was muffled by his hands holding his nose.

“It will be your balls next if you don’t tell me where the hell she is.” Rhodes had stepped back when Vernon swung but moved closer once again.

Reece was busy keeping Ray in check and couldn’t do anything to stop the two men from beating the hell out of Tussler.
He knew this was a bad idea. He glanced over at Dominic, who was on the other side of Ray. He just shook his head.

“Fine! Fuck! I’ll tell you where she is, but it won’t do you any good. She’s not coming back.” Tussler’s words sounded muffled with his hand covering his nose.

“She’s coming back with us, and you’re going to leave her the hell alone when we bring her home with us.” Vernon shoved him back against the wall.

Tussler gave them the details then clammed up when they asked more questions about who she was with. Rhodes started to hit the man again, but Reece stopped him.

“That’s enough. He told you where she is. You can get her and bring her back. Let’s go.” He turned Ray loose and backed away from the man.

Dominic let go as well and signaled for everyone to pull out. One by one, they backed out of the house then headed for their bikes. Reece waited on his bike to be sure everyone made it out safely then followed the rest of the gang back to their place. All in all it had turned out better than he had hoped. Tussler was a little worse for wear, but none of their guys had gotten hurt.

He knew Rhodes and Vernon were disappointed that they didn’t have Jessie safe with them. He thought about it and realized he would be in the same shape if Raven had been the one missing. Somewhere along the way, she’d become even more important to him. Thinking about losing her nearly choked him. He fought the urge to run to her once they arrived back at the house. He looked over at Dominic and saw the same need in the other man’s eyes. They were so fucked.

As soon as they made it in the house, Dominic called for a meeting, and the top eight men filed into the sanctuary to go over the results of their raid.

“All right, everyone. Settle down. We need to talk about this.” Dominic leaned forward in his chair at the head of the table. “Everything went smoothly, with zero injuries.”

“Do we need to expect them to retaliate?” Irish asked.

“No. I don’t see them doing anything. They’re pissed, but they’ve got bigger fish to worry about right now. Still, I want everyone to remain on alert.”

Reece looked over at Rhodes and Vernon. They were fairly vibrating with the need to leave. He glanced at Dominic.

The other man nodded and continued. “Turk, get Rhodes and Vernon everything they need on the information they have. Irish, you’re in charge of security while they’re gone. Keep everyone close until this whole thing with The Skulls is over with.”

Turk and Irish stood up and left. Reece locked the door behind them. He returned to the table and looked over at Rhodes and Vernon. Both of them looked ready to jump up and leave.

“I know you’re going to go after her. I don’t blame you, but you don’t have a clue what you might be getting yourself into.” Dominic tapped the table with one finger.

“Yeah. But she might be in more trouble than she was here. We can’t leave her helpless and alone somewhere. I don’t care if she is with relatives. Her brother is a fucking head case.” Rhodes crossed his arms.

“I want daily updates on where you are and what is going on. Don’t let your fucking cock get you into something you can’t get out of. You won’t do her a damn bit of good dead or in jail.”

Vernon huffed out a breath and ran his hand over his bald head. “We’ll be careful. Getting her back here where we can take care of her is the important thing.”

Reece sighed and stood up. “Come on. It’s nearly five in the morning. You need to get packed and on the road.”

Dominic nodded, and the rest of the men stood up and left the room. Reece closed the door behind them. He didn’t have a good feeling about them leaving, but there was nothing he could do.

“They’ll be okay, Reece. They can handle themselves.”

“I know, but something doesn’t feel right. I don’t know if it’s because of them or if it has something to do with The Skulls.”

Dom stood up and stretched. “Let’s go grab a couple of hours of sleep.”

Reece nodded. He was all for that. He couldn’t help thinking about waking Raven up with his mouth on her nipple and his cock in her pussy. He craved her like a drunk craved his next drink. What would happen when they figured out how to take Michael down so that she didn’t have to hide anymore? If he could fuck her into loving them, he would do it in a second, but he couldn’t force her to fall in love.

“She’s not going anywhere, Reece. She’ll stay with us when it’s all said and done.” Dominic could always read his mind and know what he was worried about.

“I want to believe that, Dom, but she can have anything and anyone she wants. Why would she settle for a couple of worthless bikers?”

“Speak for yourself, man.” Dominic chuckled. “I plan on spending as much time as I can with her until she craves my attention.”

Reece stared at his friend and nodded. “We’ll need to spell each other. Someone has to watch out for the storm that’s brewing between The Skulls and Satan’s Sons.”

“Are we in agreement?”

BOOK: Ride with the Wind [The Ghost Riders 1]
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