Ride With Me (4 page)

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Authors: Joanna Blake

BOOK: Ride With Me
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              Jake dumped a shot of bourbon into his eggnog. He was drunk. But he wasn't drunk enough for this. It was a long standing tradition, one his mother had adored. Jake hated it, even as a child.

              The annual Delancey Stables Christmas party.

              A celebration of rich old fat cats and the reigning class of Brentwood, Tennessee. Plus horse people of course. He didn't mind the horse people so much, even if they were mostly rich as hell. At least they worked for a living.

              Elle was here too somewhere. She'd been here for two weeks now. Ignoring him. He'd had fantasies of having her at his beck and call. Close at hand so he would make his moves on her. Not that he usually needed moves to get a girl in bed. Even one as gorgeous as Elle.

              He snorted, earning him a reproving look from one of his great aunts.

Fat chance.

              There simply weren't any women as good looking as her. Not that he'd seen anyway. And she seemed blissfully unconcerned with how she looked, or the effect she was having on him. She was just worried about keeping a roof over her head.

              Not that he could fault her for that.

              She'd proven herself to be a hard worker. The staff all loved her. They all seemed to be on her side in the battle of the sexes that was waging between them.

              It all boiled down to one thing: he wanted sex. And she wasn't giving it to him.

              He laughed again, proving to everyone in earshot that he was the crazy Delancey brother. Oh well, at least he wasn't disappointing them. It was pretty much what was expected of him at this point.

              Why buck tradition by acting normal? He was the bad brother, and fiercely proud of it.

              He finished his drink and wandered off to look for something else to imbibe. He passed through the living room to see his father holding court in his wheelchair and turned toward the library. That's when he heard it.

              Someone was singing.

              At first he'd thought it was a recording, the voice was so beautiful. But then the richness of it washed over him, making him realize someone was singing here. Now.

              An angel.

              The voice lifted higher, soaring above the party noises. It was sweet but not pure. No, there was a rich, husky quality to it. It sounded like smoke.

              A boulder settled in his stomach.

              Goosebumps broke out on his arms.

              He knew before he turned the corner who he would see, her hip pressed jauntily against the piano while Danielle played holiday music. Of course. It had to be her.

              It was.


              He stared at her while the rest of the world disappeared. Her voice went straight through him. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears.

              Christ, but the girl could sing.

              He had a sinking feeling that he was in deeper than he'd thought with her. He'd already been bordering on obsession and that was before he heard her voice. She wasn't just talented. She was exceptionally gifted. But it didn't matter how elusive she was. He wasn't going to go down without a fight. Miss Eleanor Gavin had no idea how persistent he could be.

              She didn't stand a chance.

              Hell, maybe neither one of them did.

              He grabbed a cup of coffee from a passing waiter and chugged it down without milk or sugar.

              Jake wanted to be sober as a judge for this.

              He was going to get his woman.











              Elle carried the rubber basket of clean dishes into the butler's pantry and set it down. The party was still going strong but she was tired. Happy, but tired.

              Who would have thought that she'd feel so welcomed here? They hadn't just hired her, they'd even asked her to sing at their holiday party. They'd even paid her generously to do so. She knew that at first the elder two Delancey brothers had thought she was a cheap woman that Jake was trying to pawn off on them. But through hard work she'd proven them wrong.

              The fact that she rejected Jake's overtures on a daily basis didn't hurt either.

              It was getting harder and harder to ignore him though. She'd be a liar if she said she wasn't tempted every time he sidled up to her. And her mother had raised her not to lie.

              "Having fun?"

              Well, speak of the Devil and he will appear.

              She turned to see Jake lounging in the doorway to the pantry. The man could make a slab of concrete look like an easy chair. He was permanently relaxed.

              He'd been drinking all night as everyone knew. She'd heard the staff and several of the guests clucking their tongues over his drinking and general lack of decorum. His shirt sleeves were rolled up, revealing strong tanned forearms covered in tattoos.

              Damn if he didn't look good enough to eat. She tossed her head at him and went back to what she was doing. But she could still see him from the corner of her eye.

              Oh why didn't he just leave her alone? That or get on with it. All this pussyfooting around was driving her insane. She'd just insult him as usual and send him on his way.

              "Not as much fun as you from the smell of it."

              He smiled and sipped the cup of coffee in his hand.

              "I heard you singing."

              She glanced at him and continued stacking the clean dishes in the cupboard.

              "You're incredible. You're going to be a huge star."

              She turned around and lifted her chin to stare down her nose at him.

              "Yes, I am."

              He just stared at her. She knew he was going to do something before he even moved. Suddenly, he was standing inches away from her, holding something over her head. It was a little sprig of something green with red berries, tied with a red velvet bow.

              She wasn't going to back down this time. If he wanted to play with fire it was on his head. She tilted her head to the side.

              "What is that Mr. Delancey?"

              "Call me Jake."

              "What's that then Jake?"

              "It's mistletoe."

              "What's it for?"

              He grinned at her and slid an arm around her waist.

              "It's for kissing."

              He yanked her against him and lowered his head to hers. She inhaled sharply at the contact. His lips felt silky smooth and soft against hers. He angled his head, nudging her lips apart.

              The moment she opened her lips, the kiss exploded.

              Their tongues tangled in a primal dance. A dance Jake seemed to excel at. He used his tongue to stroke, tease and caress her as she stood helplessly in his arms.

Damn but the man could kiss!

              Finally he pulled back, leaning his forehead against hers as they both struggled to catch their breath. He stroked her hair as they stared into each other’s eyes.

              "Come upstairs with me."

              "I can't."

              "Please Elle…"

              "I'm working. Let me go Mr. Delancey."

              She stood there, wanting him as he slowly stepped back and walked away.

              It took all her strength not to call him back.






              Jake rubbed a brush over Thunder, one of the newer horses they'd brought in for breeding. He was a young horse, beautiful but still more than a little bit untamed. Jake had taken an immediate shine to him and vise versa. In fact, he was the only person who could really get close to the horse at all, let alone ride him.

              It would be a shame for the horse to be used as breeding stock and little else. He had potential, even if Jake was the only one who could see it. Jake was thinking that maybe he would stick around… long enough to set things right with his father and work the stallion.

              Never mind his God Damn brothers.

              Thunder tossed his head and kicked the back of the stall. He wasn't trying to hurt Jake. He just wanted to run.

              Jake knew exactly how he felt.

              He'd been like a caged tiger all week, keeping away from everyone except his father and the horse. The old man was getting worse. Jake had taken to reading the papers to him in the afternoons. But it was hard to keep still. He wanted to move, fight, fuck.

              He wanted her dammit.

              But she was being elusive as hell. And now she'd taken a day or two off to do something- Jake just had to find out what. He put down the brush and headed back into the house. Mrs. Garretty should be up by now. She would know.

              He knocked softly on her door.


              He opened the door and smiled endearingly at the family's long term housekeeper. The woman had been a second mother to him and one of the few who had never lost hope or faith in the youngest Delancey brother. She smiled warmly as he sat in the spare chair by her desk.

              Then she gave him a look.

              "What do you want Jake?"

              "Can't I just stop by to see my favorite lady?"

              She rolled her eyes and went back to making lists. The woman was always making lists. It took incredible organizational skills to run an estate this size. Mrs. Garretty had those in spades.

              "You can. But you didn't. You are up to no good again, I can tell."

              "I'm just looking for some intel."

              She leaned back in her seat, staring at him over his glasses.

              "Alright. Shoot."

              "The new maid- Eleanor. She took a few days off. I want to know why."

              Mrs. Garret's eyebrows shot up.

              "You like her do you?"

              He nodded eagerly, sure he was going to get what he was after.

              "So do I."

              She pushed her glasses back up her nose and resumed her list making.


              "Let me ask you this Jake. How much do you like her? I don't want you trifling with my staff. I don't care how pretty she is, the girl has grit. She deserves better than to be another one of your castoffs."

              "She won't be. Anyway, she keeps turning me down."

              Mrs. Garretty let out a belly laugh that would have been insulting if the old woman didn't adore him. He frowned. Actually, it was still pretty insulting.

              "Please, just tell me. I'll be good I swear."

              She stared at him searchingly then sighed and pulled out a pen and a piece of paper. He leaned forward to see her writing down the address of a nightclub. She handed it to him.

              "She's got a gig tonight. 10 pm."

              He snatched it up eagerly and pressed a kiss on her cheek.

              "Oh and Jake. It's not really a secret. You must be the only one who doesn't know about it."

              "What, even Jackson and Daniel?"

              She nodded slowly.

              "You're all just messing with me all the time aren't you?"

              She grinned and winked at him.

              "It's all in good fun Jake. Have a nice time tonight."

              "Thanks Mrs. G, I owe you."











              "You ready?"

              Elle stared into the mirror. She was wearing a short skirt and a black corset top. Her sheer black stockings were tucked into high black boots, on loan from Shirl. Eye makeup and bright lipstick completed the look.

              She was 100% pure rock and roll.

              "Yeah, let's do this."

              She followed Mark the bassist out onto the stage. The theater was surprisingly full for their first gig. Tom must have been promoting them hard. She knew without a doubt that he'd add that to the list of things that she owed him.

              The band was good. She knew that. But this was about her. She'd already felt like she'd been slimed when he came over to say hello to her. The difference between Jake and Tom was stark.

              Jake could be annoyingly persistent but he never made her feel like she owed him anything. And he gave her goosebumps and butterflies. Tom just made her want to run and hide.

              This was not good.

              Thankfully the guys would look out for her. She'd already told them not to leave her alone with Tom. That way she wouldn't have to get into it with the guy and potentially make an enemy.

              That would be the end of their music career in Nashville.

              Tom was on stage now, standing downstage in a tight spotlight. He was talking to the crowd, pumping them up for the next act. He wore a thousand dollar suit with cowboy boots peeking out. And sunglasses. Who the hell wore sunglasses at night anyway?

              "Give it up for
Black Diamond!"

              He pumped his fist and ran off the stage. The lights came up and Elle stepped forward and gripped the mic in her hand.

              The next hour went by in a haze. The crowd responded to them as if they were world famous. For that hour at least, it felt like they were.

              Elle let everything else go as the music moved through her. She felt an electric current passing between herself and the audience. Back and forth the energy zapped them all with its power.

              She had never felt so alive in her life.

              By the time they finished their second encore the crowd was going wild. She released her grip on the mic and realized her hand had cramped into place from holding it so tightly. The band ran off the stage to the green room, hugging each other and laughing with the euphoria of it all.

              There was no question about it.

              They were a hit.

              Elle chugged a bottle of water as everyone kept jumping around. She felt limp, like a wet noodle. But it was more than that.

              In that last moment, as the house lights came up, she'd seen him.

Jake Delancey.

              He was here. He'd seen the whole show too, she could tell. Something about the fact that he'd seen her like this made her feel exposed, vulnerable in a way she'd never felt before.

              "I have to get out of here."

              "Wait- Elle where are you going? We need to celebrate!"

              "I just- need some air. I'll be back."

              She brushed past Tom and ran out into the alley behind the club.

              Elle was bent over, trying to catch her breath when she heard footsteps behind her.

              "You were great tonight."

              Oh fantastic, now Tom was standing behind her in a dark alleyway. Her whole body tensed up. She didn't think he'd get too aggressive with her but she couldn't be sure. And she was really, really not in the mood for this right now.

              She turned and gave him a half hearted smile.


              "I'm serious Elle. With the right help, you are going to be a big star. You've got 'it.' In spades."

              She took a deep breath.

              "Yeah well you were a big help. Thanks for packing the house."

              He stepped closer, running his hand over her shoulder.

              "All I had to do was put a picture of you on the flyer. You're so beautiful."

              She swallowed and stepped back a little.

              "Thanks Tom. I think I need to get out of here. I just want to go home."

              His eyes narrowed and he grabbed her.

              "I don't think so babe. You still have to pay the piper. I was going to take you someplace nice to celebrate but a brick wall will do just as well."

              She started to scream as he pushed her up against the wall. He yanked her skirt up and reached for her panties. One hand was pressed against her face as she felt her stockings being torn away. She was trying to kick him, to fight, but he was too strong.

              The next thing she knew she was leaning against the wall and Tom was lying unconscious on the ground.

              Jake Delancey had just laid him out with one punch.

Where the hell had he come from?

              "Are you alright?"

              She stared into the bluest eyes this side of the Atlantic. He’d saved her. Tom had been about to-

              "Elle? Come on honey you are scaring me."

              "I'm alright. Thanks."

              He smiled and took her hand.

              "Let's get the hell out of here."

              His bike was parked at the mouth of the alley. She climbed on behind him. She noticed he'd brought two helmets this time.

              Confident bastard wasn't he?

              She leaned forward as he revved the bike and wrapped her arms around him. She pressed her chin onto his shoulder, raising her voice so he could hear her.

              "I still don't like you Delaney."

              He glanced back at her right before he pulled into traffic.

              "I know."

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