Ride Free (8 page)

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Authors: Debra Kayn

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He threw his leg over the bike, sat in front of Sarah, and grunted. “Don’t even think about it. That one and Tiger should never leave your lips.”

Reefer gunned the throttle, and roared them away. Her laughter floated behind her, and she held on tighter to Reefer. With no idea where they headed, or how far they’d travel, her head thought up all the many experiences she would share with the one she loved. Their whole journey was set out in front of them, and for once in her life she cast her worries about her da, keeping a roof over her head, and all her patients that she cared for out of her mind.

The buildings she viewed every day, from the local grocery store to the post office, moved past her in slow motion. Reefer kept his speed within the twenty-five mile an hour limit required in the town, and she gazed about wide-eyed, not wanting to miss anything. She wanted everything to remain in her memory, for today her life began.

The bike slowed, and Sarah leaned to the right. She froze at the flock of motorcycles that packed the motel parking lot. Her stomach clenched. Would his family accept her?

She’d never given a thought to what they must think of her and the rash decision to ride with them. Sarah wrapped her arms tighter around Reefer’s waist. No matter if they liked her or not, she didn’t plan on ever leaving.

The few who stood out at their bikes stared, unsmiling, just a curt nod of their heads to acknowledge her. She swallowed hard, and refused to let them see how insecure she felt.
Please, let it be okay that I’m here, that I want to become one of them.

The bike slowed to a stop. Reefer hopped off and held his hand out. She studied his face and slipped her fingers between his. The way the muscle in his jaw jumped didn’t lessen her nervousness.

“What happens now?” she asked. Her feet did double time to keep up with his long strides.

He slowed his pace. “I take you up to talk with Knuckles and Sunflower. They have the final say in who joins.”




Chapter Ten



“What!” Sarah tugged him to a stop. “My fate lies with someone else, but what about you? Don’t you have a say in this?”

Reefer smoothed her hair back over her shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. They’ll love you. You’ll see.”


“Stop. Everything will be fine.” He led her up the stairs.

Sarah gazed down at her new clothes. What if these people looked at her and thought her a fake? Brand new clothes, and the fact she’d only met Remy three days ago stacked the deck against her chances of winning over anyone’s family, much less a biker family.

Reefer lifted his hand to knock, but Sarah stopped him. “Give me a second.”

She inhaled, exhaled, and gave her head a little shake. “I’m nervous.”

Reefer lowered his head and laid his lips on hers. Her body leaned in, and her lips softened. Her hands found the front of his jacket and held on. She moaned, and his lips twitched. His chest trembled under his jacket.

She broke away and glared. “This isn’t funny.”

“Made you forget how nervous you are though, didn’t I?” He quirked his lips.

He knocked on the door, and she never got a chance to get him back. A gruff voice from the other side yelled to come in.

Oh, please tell me I can stay…

Reefer swung the door open and revealed a big, older man with mottled brown and gray hair down past his elbows, and a woman on his lap who smiled up at them. Sarah stepped in the room, but stayed glued to Reefer’s side.

“What brings your ugly ass here? Matter of fact, what the hell are you doing out of bed already? I thought you were out with the guys last night.” The man lifted the woman off his lap and stepped closer.

The woman hurried over and pushed the man back. “Leave him alone. Are you blind? He has a woman with him.” She smiled at Sarah. “A very pretty woman who looks scared to death with your rough talking.”

Sarah forced a smile through her anxiety. “Hello.”

“Knuckles, Sunflower…this is Sarah Lightfeather.” Reefer drew circles on her back. “These two raised me after my dad died.”

Sarah’s eyebrows rose, and she wanted to tell him she didn’t know about his dad, but Sunflower encircled her with her arms and gave her a hug that matched the ferocity of a mother bear. Sarah hugged her back and smiled over Sunflower’s shoulder at Knuckles.

Maybe things will work out all right

Knuckles stood apart from them, his arms crossed over his barrel of a chest, and a frown marked his face. “You have something to ask me, Reef? Because I’ll tell you right now, if you don’t, you’re going to disappoint me, Son.”

Sunflower kept her arm around Sarah’s shoulder and rolled her eyes. “Give these two a few moments to throw their weight around, and afterward we can talk.”

“Have I ever disappointed you?” Reefer tilted his head, his eyes narrowed.

Knuckles stared silently.

The chuckle that came from Reefer surprised Sarah. It almost qualified for a real laugh, except only one side of his mouth raised, and he quickly turned the sound off. She wondered if he ever let loose and barked out a laugh.

“Alright, you win. You were right when you said I’d find someone to ride with one day. I’m taking Sarah with us, if it’s okay with you?” His words came out light, but his eyes never lost the seriousness of the situation.

“You serious, son?” Knuckles asked.

Reefer nodded. “She’s the one.”

Knuckles grinned and slapped his leg. Sarah’s gaze flew between him and Reefer. She didn’t understand what transpired between the two men.

“Welcome to the family, Sarah Lightfeather.” Knuckles crossed the space dividing them.

She found herself wrapped in the biggest hug she’d ever received. Lifted off her feet, swung around, and finally set back on the floor, she stood still, and Knuckles kissed both of her cheeks. It all happened so fast she only stared in wide-eyed wonderment.

“Th–thank you.” Her heart beat fast, and the rush of relief brought her back to the conversation going on in the room. “I’ve always wanted to take to the road. This is wonderful!”

Sunflower led Sarah away from the men, and the two women sat at the dinette in the corner of the motel kitchen. Her attention drifted from the other woman to the men who appeared deep in conversation.

“It will be so nice to have another woman on board.” Sunflower smiled across the table. “Tell me, how does your family feel about you taking off? Am I understanding this right that you’re prepared to stay with Reefer forever?”

“Yes, I am. I love him. I knew it the moment I met him.” Sarah laughed. “Doesn’t that sound crazy? I’m not even sure Reefer understands how much I believe in us. I keep telling myself that I need to give him time and he’ll feel more confident that we’re doing the right thing.”

Sunflower leaned forward. “What about your family? Won’t you miss them? Sometimes we don’t come back to places we visit.”

“I know. I only have my da. He lives on the reservation.” She sighed. “He’s an alcoholic and can get abusive. Been that way my whole life, and now that my ma is gone, I only trigger his problems.”

“Oh, my dear.” She patted Sarah’s hand. “You’ll find that a lot of us have similar stories, or no family left to come home to. From now on, you’re part of a huge family and we look out for each other. Besides, you picked the end man to fall in love with. He’s our most important member.” She gazed over at Reefer. A smile lit up her face.

Sarah nodded. “That’s what my friend Ellen told me. Actually, those were her exact words. She used to ride with a motorcycle gang too.”

“What made her stop?”

“She developed multiple sclerosis.” Sarah clicked her tongue. “The sad thing is, I don’t think she ever wanted to stop riding. She pines her days away remembering the times she rode and belonged to a biker family.”

“Hm.” Sunflower turned towards the men. Her brows drew together, and she tilted her head. “That is so sad.”

“Hey, you two. Plans have been made.” Knuckles nodded toward the women and elbowed Reefer. “How about a trip to the city to visit my grandbaby?”

Sunflower let out a whoop to wake the whole motel and leaped from her chair. She sprang across the room and hurled herself at her husband. Sarah laughed at the excitement the news created.

“It’s about time, Grandpa. My hands are itching to get a hold of that baby.” She moved over to include Reefer in a hug. “I bet you’ve wanted to see Margarine too.”

Reefer opened up his arms and invited Sarah to join him. He placed his arm around her.

“Which city are we going to?” Sarah asked.

“Portland.” Reefer gave her a smooch. “Looks like we’ll be staying a night here and leaving in the morning. How does that sound?”

Excited over spending their first whole night together, Sarah smiled. “Sounds fantastic.”

The older couple settled back down in the one chair they’d cuddled in before Sarah and Reefer had invaded their room. Reefer gazed at them. He squeezed her shoulders. His love of the people who took responsibility of raising him was apparent in the way his body relaxed and his mouth softened.

“Okay, we’re out of here. See you in the morning.” Reefer waved his arm, but the couple seemed caught up in their own world and didn’t notice them leave.

Sarah’s giggles lasted all the way out of the room and down the corridor. “They love each other very much.”

“Yep. They’re the greatest. I can’t wait to see Margarine tomorrow.” Reefer opened the door to his room. “You’ll like her.”

“I take it that Margarine is Knuckles and Sunflower’s daughter?”
Please let him say yes, because if any other woman puts that look in his eyes I will tear her hair out

“Yeah, Margarine Butter. We grew up together. She’s my best friend.” He threw the key on the table and flopped down on the bed. He waved her over.

Her mouth dropped open, and she stood inside the door. “Margarine Butter?” She snorted.

Reefer’s eyes narrowed. “You’d better not laugh in front of her about her name. She’ll tear you a new asshole.”

She wiped the expression off her face and raised her eyebrows. “Okay, not sure I really want to meet this woman.”

“You will. Trust me.” He patted the bed. “Now get over here. It’s official.”

“What is?” She stayed by the door.

Reefer blew out a breath, laid back, and placed his arm across his forehead. “You sure talk a lot. I’m telling you, you’re mine forever. You are part of my family. If you ride with me, it’s the same as marriage in my book.”

It took her two seconds to cross the room, dive on the bed, and cover Reefer’s body with her own. “Really?”

“I’m done talking.” He growled deep in his throat.

He captured her mouth, rolled over without losing his hold on her, and braced himself on his elbows. She worked his coat off, and slid her hands up inside his shirt to his bare back. They still wore their full leathers, and every move jiggled the material.

Sarah pushed at Reefer’s chest. “Clothes…off…now!”

Reefer jumped off the bed and struggled with his laced-up boots, and Sarah escaped the confines of her clothes before he finished. He gazed over at her, groaned, and hurried to step out of his pants. He didn’t bother with removing his jacket and shirt but gathered her up in his arms and lay back on the bed.

The colder temperature of the material against her breasts excited her, and she squirmed against him. His head lowered to take her breast into his mouth. She bit down on her lower lip to keep from screaming.

Her legs wrapped around his hips. She moaned. The need to have him right now hit her insides, and she clawed at the back of his jacket.

“Hang on, Kitten.” Reefer scrambled out of the bed to his bag, pulled out a condom, and hurriedly put it on.

She lay open, ready, her skin heated from his attention. He hovered over her and swept his tongue across her lower lip, retreating a fraction of an inch so his breath drifted over her. She licked her lips and tasted him.

Reefer groaned and settled between her legs, aligning her feminine curves to his harder body. He dragged his mouth up the firm line of her jaw, and she mewed. The heat inside her body quickly built, and she squirmed underneath him, unable to hold still.

She trembled as he tickled the inside of her ear with his tongue. “Oh, God.”

He traced the pulse pumping in her throat, over the swell of her breasts, past the tips of her hardened nipples with his tongue, and his hand slid over her moistness. She dug her fingers into his biceps. “Now, Reefer. I need you now.”

She reached between their bodies, wrapped her fingers around his hardness, and guided him inside of her. Her control slipped away. She craved everything he had, and wanted to experience it all.

He thrust, plunged, and caressed her insides while stroking the very core of her womanhood. Pumping her hips, she ground herself against him. He brushed the hair on her forehead back and gazed down at her. The half smile she associated with him showed, and he picked up the motion to match what she asked for. Her legs tightened around him, and she lost her breath with each thrust.

She arched and moaned loudly. Her body twitched. Her pelvis bumped against his. A shudder wracked her system.

Her orgasm hit.

She let out the scream and announced exactly what sort of activity was going on in motel room 8B. She rolled her head back and forth against the mattress, her body quivering with release.

Reefer held still. Her body pulsed around his hardness as she floated down from her climax. Pleasure flooded her body.

Sweat dotted his forehead and he trembled atop her. She held him to her, loving the way they’d ignited. It was just like she thought it would be.

Reefer braced himself above her. She tittered against his shoulder. “Do you think anyone heard us?”

He rolled to the side and grinned. “Oh yeah. They heard you.”


“You’re the one who screamed.” His shoulders shook with laughter. She giggled.

The belly laughter died down, and Sarah leaned over and propped her head up on her hand. “I’ve never heard you laugh so freely.”

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