Richard The Chird (84 page)

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Authors: Paul Murray Kendall

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371, 383, 440 Conyers, Sir John, 85, 155, 381; see

also Robin of Redesdale Cook, Sir Thomas, 78-79, 266 Copernicus, 295 Cordes, Lord (Philippe de Creve-

coeur), 200, 224, 271, 357 Cornwaleys, William, 506 Corpus Christi, 50, 156


Corpus Christi Guild, 156, 309 Council of the North, 310, 361, 367,

377~7 8 > 45 8 Council of die Welsh Marches, 170-

171, 183, 206, 378 Court of Requests, 374 Courtenay, Edward, 313, 321, 329 Courtenay, John, see Devon, Earl of Courtenay, Piers, Bishop of Exeter,

313, 321, 329, 339, 401 Courtenay, Thomas, see Devon, Earl

of Coventry, Richard's letter to Mayor

of > 34* 35» 37» 77» 86 » I0 3» «o, 327,

373-74* 446 "Creed Play," 309 Cromwell, Thomas, 381, 475 Crosby's Place, 217, 237, 243, 256, 262,

281, 325 Croyland, 339 Croyland Abbey, 84, 512 Croyland Chronicle, 208, 382, 469,

480, 483, 512 Croyland Chronicler, 126, 201, 203,

218, 260, 314, 316, 345, 349, 351,

355, 369. 45° Curteys, Peter, 234, 271, 274

Dauphin of France, see Charles VIII

da Vinci, Leonardo, 28, 297

Davy, John, 224

Denbigh, 79

Denmark, 171

Derby, John, alderman of London,


Desmond, James FitzGerald, Earl of, son of Thomas, 305-06

Desmond, Thomas FitzGerald, Earl of (d. 1468), 79-80, 305, 52272

Devereux, Sir Walter, see Ferrers of Chartley, Lord

Devon, Humphrey Stafford of South wick, Earl of (created Earl May, 1469; d. Aug., 1469), 84, 85, 86

Devon, John Courtenay, (Lancastrian) Earl of (d. 1471), son of Thomas, 104-05, 115


Devon, Thomas Courtenay, Earl of

(d. 1458), 32

Dighton, John, 472, 473-74, 476, 477, 480

Doncaster, 94, 99

Dorset, Earl of, see Somerset, Henry Beaufort, Duke of

Dorset, Thomas Grey, Marquess of, 58, 69, 136, 148, 149, iio-ii, 215, 221, 225, 239, 243, 249, 331, 344, 379, 397, 410,^486; his marriage ar-- ranged, 61; his hatred of Hastings, 174; reconciled with Hastings, 189-90; seizes power with the Queen after Edward's death, 197-204; takes sanctuary, 213; his part in Buckingham's rebellion, 313, 321, 326, 329; seeks to return to England, 346; arrested by Henry VII, 446; mystery of his actions and his attitude towards Richard, 490-91

Douglas, James, Earl of, 305

Dublin, 37, 305, 445

Dudley, John, Lord, 35, 121, 309

Dunbar, William, 284

Dunstanburgh, 52, 53, 57

Dunster, Lord, see Huntingdon, William Herbert, Earl of

Duras, Galliard de Durfort, Lord, 129

Dymmock, Sir Robert, son of Thomas, 275

Dymmock, Sir Thomas (d. 1470),

9 2 > 93. 94 Dynham, John, Lord, 129, 144, 224,

226, 271, 363

East Anglia, 82-83, 325-26, 415-16

Easterlings, see Hanse towns

Eboracum, 134, 154

Edgecot, battle of (1469), 85-86, 187

Edinburgh, 168-69

Edward IV, 18, 24, 29, 42, 47-48, 65, 66, 68-77, 122, 124, 151, 159, 192, 193, 197, 198, 199, 205, 211, 219,

222, 223, 224, 225, 231-32, 242, 247, 249-50, 261-62, 263, 265, 267, 270, 276, 28l, 282, 283, 289, 290, 297-98,

299, 300, 304, 334, 340, 342, 351, 354,

355» 37°* 374-75. 381, 382, 3 8 9> 4°4~ 405, 456; at Ludlow in 1459, 34-37; one of the 'Calais Earls', 37-39; visits his brother Richard in London, 40; becomes Edward IV and wins at Towton, 45; youthful appearance and character of, 46, 51972; righting the Lancastrians (1462-1464), 52-55; his attitude toward his brothers, 55-56; his marriage to Elizabeth Woodville and rift with Warwick, 58-59; his court, 62-63; at odds with Warwick, 77-80; Robin of Redesdale's rebellion, 81-86; Warwick's captive, 8(5-88, 523-2572; regains power, 89-92; puts down Lincolnshire rebellion and drives out Clarence and Warwick, 92-96; flees from England to Burgundy, returns, and defeats Warwick at Barnet, 99-114, 527-2872; defeats Queen Margaret at Tewkesbury and orders death of Henry VI, 115-21, 528-2972; seeks to compose quarrel of Richard and Clarence, 125-32; invades France and treats with Louis XI, 133-38; condemns Clarence, 143-49; and the Scots war (1480-1482), 162-70; his character, 170-75; leans on Richard, 175-77; his death, 181-82, 538-3972; his anxieties while dying, 182-90; his funeral rites, 191; his will, 218, 220; his precontract of matrimony, 257-60; allusions to his bastardy, 263-64. Edward V, son of Edward IV, 176, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197. 198, 199, 201, 205-06, 207, 215, 218, 225, 234, 235, 236-37, 240, 243, 248, 255-56, 268-69, 270, 312, 313, 314, 316, 317, 321, 364,389,402; his birth, 101; his upbringing, 183-84; is secured by Richard, 210-12; brought to London, 216-17; at the Tower, 219-20; his attitude towards Richard, 268; mystery of the death of, 317-18, 465-95 (App. I), 574-78w


Edward, only son of Richard III, Earl of Salisbury, later Prince of Wales, r 5^ i?7> *93i *95» 2 37> 2 99> 3 10 . 334> 339» 348i 35^ 352, 402,4?o. 479. 494; his birth, 128; created Earl of Salisbury, 149; appointed Lieutenant of Ireland, 301; joins parents at Ponte-fract, 308; his investiture as Prince of Wales, 309-10; his death, 349

Edward, Prince of Wales, son of Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou,

3L 33> 35, 39. 4 2 > 45» 53. 54> 98-99, 103, 104, 115, 116, 302; killed at Tewkesbury, 118, 528-2922; his character, and his marriage to Anne Neville, 123 Egremont, Thomas Percy, Lord, 39 Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 171,


Elizabeth Woodville, see Woodville, Elizabeth

Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV, later Queen of England, 64, 175, 316, 320, 335, 365, 456, 483, 489; her birth, 62; betrothed to Duke of Bedford, 91; her marriage to Dauphin agreed on, 136; promised to Henry Tudor, 321; rumors concerning Richard and, 393-95; sent to Sheriff Hutton, 400-02; married to Henry VII, 450; gives birth to son, 451; her coronation, 455

Elizabeth, sister of Richard III, see Suffolk, Duchess of

Ely, Bishop of, see Morton, John

Empingham, see Lose-Coat Field

Erasmus, Desiderius, 278, 292, 295, 302, 500

Essex, Henry Bourchier, Earl of, 61, 88, 120

Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of (Elizabeth's favorite), 205

Everingham, Sir Thomas, 354

Exeter, 329

Exeter, Bishop of, see Courtenay, Piers; Neville, George

Exeter, Anne, Duchess of, sister of Richard III, 18, 29, 61, 329

Exeter, Henry Holland, Duke of, husband of Anne, 61, 72, 103, 110-n, 113, 52872

Fabyan, Robert, 264, 363, 411, 470,

471,489, 496,498 Fastolfe, Sir John, 82 Fauconberg, Thomas, Bastard of, 103,

106, 120, 121, 125, 200 Ferdinand of Aragon, King of Spain,

28,297,355 Ferrers of Chartley, Walter Dever-

eux, Lord, 34, 191, 328, 428, 436,

437» 440 Ferrers of Groby, Sir John Grey,

Lord (d. 1461), first husband of

Elizabeth Woodville, 58 Firth of Forth, 164, 232 Fishgarths, 157-58 Flanders, 143,174, 352, 356 Flushing, 101 Fogge, Sir John, 79, 84, 266, 270, 3!3,

3 2 6>33i

Forest, Miles, 472, 473-74, 480

Forssa, Bernard de la, 304, 356

Fotheringhay, 18, 24, 27, 28, 33, 34, 55, 81, 84, 93, 166-67, 22 8, 51672

France, 451, 454, 53672; recovers from Henry V's conquest, 15-16, 18, 21; Warwick seeks alliance with, 71-73» 7<5-77; invaded by Edward (1475), 133-38; is hostile to Richard, 306-07, 357; Henry Tudor in, 396-97; supports Henry Tudor's invasion, 410

Francis of Paolo, 296

Fulford, Sir Baldwin, 222

Fulford, Sir Thomas, son of Baldwin, 222-23

Gairdner, James, 453, 468, 469, 478, 487, 508-11

Geffrey, John, 216 54372

George, Duke of Clarence, see Clarence, Duke of

Gloucester, 302, 303

Gloucester, Eleanor, Duchess of, wife of Humphrey, 16-17, 289


Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of ( d.

1447), brother of Henry V, 15, 16,

20, 194, 202, 269 Gloucester, Richard, Duke of, see

Richard HI

Goddard, Dr. John, 145 Godyer, Dr. William, 151 Goos, John, 140-41 Grafton, Richard, 314, 480, 503 Graf ton Regis, do Grantham, 93, 324 Gravesend, 325-26 Great Chronicle, The, 186, 264, 466,

470-71, 496, 498 Great Seal, 74, 214, 215, 218, 219, 236,

2 7*> 3*4»333»4°8 Gregory, 62, 187

Greene, John, 471, 472, 473-74, 480 Grey, Lord Richard, 58,184, 189,197,

2IO-II, 212, 2X4-15, 2l6, 220-21,252,

2 53> 395> 4 8 4 Grey, Thomas, 222 Grey, Sir Thomas, see Dorset, Marquess of; Ferrers of Groby, Lord, the Marquess's father Grey Friars (Leicester), 444 Greystoke, Ralph, Lord, 152, 428 Griffith, Henry ap Thomas ap, 90 Griffith, Morgan ap Thomas ap, 90 Grocin, Master William, 302 Gruthuyse, Seigneur de la, too, 101 Guienne, 15, 21, 28 Guildford, Sir John, 313, 326 Guildford, Richard, 313, 315, 321,

326, 410

Guisnes, 250, 363, 364, 399, 474-75 Gunthorpe, John, 219, 225, 229, 236, 242, 271, 333, 342

Hall, Edward, 314,480, 499, 503-04,


Halstead, Caroline, 508 Hammes Castle, 128, 363, 364 Hanse towns, men of the, 100, 101,

J33» *55» i? 1 * 2 -3 I » 2 79 Hardyng, John, 30, 499, 503 Harlech Castle, 42, 57, 79, 399

Harrington, Sir James, 152, 440 Hastings, Sir Edmund, 376 Hastings, Edward, son and heir of

William, Lord Hastings, 250 Hastings, Katherine, Lady, 250 Hastings, Sir Ralph, brother of Lord

Hastings, 158, 250 Hastings, William, Lord, 48, 54, 67,

85, 86, 88, 93, 97, 100, 101, 120, 136,

I 37> J 57> 158, i?3» J 97» 2 °8, «3~i4»

215, 220, 221, 235, 237, 250, 379, 390,

467; aids Edward against Warwick (1469), 87-88; at Barnet, 107-14; at Tewkesbury, 116-18; hated by the Woodvilles, 174; reconciled to Marquess Dorset, 189-90; urges Richard to secure Edward V, 192-196; opposes Woodvilles, 200-03; defends Richard's capture of Rivers, 214-15; his position during the protectorship, 225-26; his relations with Lord Howard, 229-30; his conspiracy against Richard, 239-45, 546-49/2; accused of treason and executed, 247-48; his burial, 249-50 Haute, Sir Richard, 148,184,326, 551-


Hawkins, 78, 79

Hedgeley Moor, battle of (1464), 56 Henry IV, 102,185, 267, 299,300, 495 Henry V, 15, 105, 140, 142, 194 Henry VI, 15, i<5, 17, 21, 22, 23, 27,

2 9» 30. 33> 34> 35> 3*, 37» 3*. 39. 4 1 * 42, 52, 56, 76, 92, 98, roo, 105, 107, 186, 199, 219, 260, 267, 268, 269, 289, 300,375, 404,405,467; his character, 19; temporarily insane, 31; captured in 1465, 57; led through London (1471), 105; put to death, 120-121, 52972

Henry VII, 161, 183, 192, 224, 241, 261, 269, 276, 289, 307, 314, 319, 324, 327, 344, 346, 348, 351, 353, 356, 357, 362, 363, 364, 370, 379, 383, 394, 398, 399, 400, 417, 418, 421,422,423,426, 427,429, 431, 466, 467,469, 470, 483, 484, 486, 493, 495, 496, 497, 498, 503; his early life, 184-89; Francis of


Henry VII (continued} Brittany's diplomacy concerning, 311; Buckingham makes overtures to, 316-17, 320-22; attempts to invade England, 329-30, 561-6272; swears to marry Elizabeth, 335; escapes from Brittany into France, 358-59, 563-6472; seeks aid from French court, 396-97; Richard's proclamation against, 401; Richard's disdain of, 402; lands at Mil-ford Haven and marches through Wales to Lichfield, 410-14, 568-56972; his anxiety concerning the Stanleys, 424-25; at Bosworth, 435-443, 570-7172; crowned after the battle, 444; counters Lincoln's invasion (1487), 445-49; survey of his reign (1485-1487), 449-53; his character and regime, 453-59; his relations with city of York, 459-64; his relations with Sir James Tyrell, 474-77; "gives out" that Tyrell murdered Princes, 477-81; fails to accuse Richard of Princes' murder, 484-85; his knowledge of Princes* death, 489; his treatment of Elizabeth WoodviJle, 491-92; patron of P. Vergil, 501-02; suppresses Parliament Roll and imprisons Stilling-ton, 554-5572 Henry VIII, 257, 285, 370, 459, 463,

467, 475, 476

Henry IV, King of Castile, 77, 304 Herbert, Sir Richard, 79, 85 Herbert, Thomas, 86 Herbert, Sir Walter, 396, 411 Herbert, William (Lord Dunster),

see Pembroke, Earl of Herbert, William, Lord, see Pembroke, Earl of

Hexham, battle of (1464), 57 Holinshed, Raphael, 480, 503 Howard, Sir John, later Lord Howard, see Norfolk, Duke of Howard, Thomas, see Surrey, Earl of Huddleston, Sir Richard, 32, 353 Hungerford., Walter, 328, 331-32, 425-26

Huntingdon, Earl of, see Pembroke,

Earl of Husee, Sir William, Chief Justice of

England, 309, 346, 360, 363 Hutton, Dr. Thomas, 307, 327, 375

Innocent VIII, 295,355 Ireland, 20, 37, 80, 305, 445-46, 457 Isabella of Castile, 297, 304, 356 Italian diplomat, his report on England, 285, 286, 288, 292, 293

James III, King of Scotland, 125, 162, 164, 167, 168, 169, 305, 355, 359-61

James IV, King of Scotland (Duke of Rothesay), 169, 361, 455

Joan of Arc, 16

John of Gaunt, 184-85

John of Gloucester (John of Pom-fret), illegitimate son of Richard 111,387,393,400,482

Katherine, Queen of England, wife of Henry V, 15, 186, 187, 199

Kendall, John, the elder, 152, 381, 566-6772

Kendall, John, 152, 216, 233, 236, 238, 303, 308, 323, 347, 375, 381, 382, 400, 407, 408,432, 433, 440, 444, 566-6772

Kent, rising in (1483), 325-26, 337,

37 1

Kidwelly, Morgan, 353, 375, 399 Kildare, Gerald FitzGerald, Earl of,

305» 445

King, Dr. Oliver, 255

Knight of the Bath, ceremony of creating, 46-47

Lancaster, Duchy of, 166 Landois, Pierre, 189, 358, 359 Langton, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of St. David's and then of Salisbury, 229, 262, 305, 308, 333, 342, 348, 355, 357,

375> 385 Lauder, 168 Lee, Sir Richard, Mayor of London,

43 Legge, Alfred O., 508

Leicester, 56, 306, 326, 414, 423, 424, ^425, 428, 444

Lincoln, 97, 311, 322

Lincoln, Bishop of, see Russell, John

Lincoln, John de la Pole, Earl of (Richard Ill's heir), 229, 273, 309, 3*o, 3*7» 35 2 > 4°o, 408, 417, 450, 482, 483, 491; appointed Richard's successor, 349-50; examines a counterfeiter, 366-67; heads Council of the North, 377-78; invades England and is killed at Stoke (1487), 445-

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