Rich Pickings (10 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Rich Pickings
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“Summer, do
keep me waiting.”

“No, Sir.”
As if.

I clamber across his lap to arrange myself face down. I’m still wearing my knickers, now very damp. Dan hooks his finger under the elastic waistband, twangs it hard.

“Take these off please.”

“Yes, Sir.” I reach back, pull my pants down and past my knees, then kick them away. I settle back across his lap, my bum conveniently bared and raised for whatever he decides to do.

“Five slaps, then you open your legs to let me test how wet you are. You count, and spread ’em wide after five. Understood?”

I barely have the chance to confirm my agreement before the first spank lands, sharp and stinging on my left buttock. It makes me squeal, but I couldn’t truly say he hurt me. I brace, waiting for the next one.

“I told you to count.” His tone is firm and cool, though his hand is anything but as he palms my smarting bum.

“Sorry, Sir. That’s one.”

He slaps me again, on the right side this time.

“Two, Sir. Three. Four.”

The slaps fall, evenly spaced across my bottom. Hard enough to sting, but not really painful. This is arousal, pure and simple and deadly in its effectiveness. My pussy is squeezing frantically, I’m conscious of the gathering wetness. One more spank and I can spread my legs for him to touch me.

“Five, Sir.” I part my thighs as wide as I can in this position.

Dan shifts, raising one knee to lift my bum higher and leans around to part my folds with his fingers.

“You look wet. All shiny and pink, like a cherry. I’d say you look juicy. Do you feel juicy, Summer?”

“I’m not sure, Sir. I’ll be guided by you.”

“Good answer. Get up.”

“What? Why, Sir? I thought…” I’m confused, and disappointed. Just as things were getting good it seems he’s done with me. I tumble to the floor, turning to stare up at him rebelliously.

He chuckles, amused by my obvious frustration. “An argumentative little slut. How nice. We are going to have some fun. You can take that horrified look off your face and go grab some toys from the bedroom. In the chest at the foot of the bed you’ll find a vibrator. Several actually. Choose one. And some Ben Wa balls. Do you know what those look like?”

I shake my head slowly, my head spinning with possibilities. He had me as soon as he mentioned the vibrator.

“Silver metal, two balls, about this size”—he makes a circle of his thumb and index finger to illustrate—“fastened together on a silicone cord. Bring those too please.” He pauses again. “Whenever you’re ready…?”

I leap to my feet and rush across the room, back into the bedroom. I throw open the chest lid, and kneel beside it to survey the contents. Even though I knew what to expect, the array of toys, equipment, implements, whatever he might choose to call this stuff, is dizzying. I stare for a moment, briefly stunned at the prospect of sampling even a small selection of this treasure trove. I smile to myself, conscious of how quickly my perception has shifted. With trust comes, well, everything really.

“Summer? Today if you don’t mind.” Dan’s voice is stern, the words clipped. No time to daydream here.

“Sorry, Sir. I won’t be a moment.” I reach in and grab a pale orange dildo. It has a switch on the base which I flick to test. The thing starts to whir and shake in my hand. I decide it seems fine. Rather nice in fact.

I glance down into the bowels of the chest again, and the glint of the metallic balls catches my eye. I grab those too and close the lid. Carrying my new playthings I return to Dan in the next room. He has the tube of lubricant in his hand, and he passes that to me in exchange for the balls.

“Lube up the dildo, then I want you back across my lap. Legs open, naturally.”

I waste no time in smearing the slick goo across the head and shaft of the dildo. I hand it back to him before returning to my original position, my bottom helpfully raised for further inspection. Dan does not keep me waiting.

His fingers are cool as they slide into my pussy. He thrusts hard. I grasp his ankle as a wave of undiluted pleasure starts deep in my cunt, rippling outwards. I shiver, tightening my inner muscles around his fingers as he rubs my G-spot.

“You seem eager, Miss Jones. Shall we see how you like this then?”

He pulls his fingers out and shifts his position again, twisting to be able to view my pussy. He gently parts the lips with his fingers and slips the head of the dildo between them. “This might feel a little cool, but it’ll soon warm up. You okay, Summer?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m fine.”

He presses gently and the dildo slides easily into me. Even this time yesterday I would have been mortified with embarrassment at the way he’s handling my body, and at my helpless response to him. But not today, not now. I lie still, loving the feel of his hands on my skin, still smarting slightly from the spanking earlier, his palms now caressing my bum, stroking my pretty swallows before he flicks the switch on the base of the vibrator and the delightful undulations start. The sensations flow along the length of my channel, wicked and exquisite, and deeply sensual. I gasp, grab his ankle again.

“Oh, Sir…”


“Yes, Sir. Very nice.”

He reaches around and under me to take my clit between his thumb and index finger. He squeezes, rolls it gently, then more firmly.

“Nicer?” His words are spoken low, his voice rich and sexy.

I can only nod my response and tighten my grip around his ankle. Dan understands, though, and increases the pressure. I’m writhing on his lap, instinctively rubbing my throbbing nub against his hand, desperate for more friction, more sensation, more everything. Dan provides it, all of it and more. In moments I’m hurtling toward orgasm.

“Come for me, Summer. Now. Come hard.” He encourages me, urging me on as he rubs my clit. The pressure intensifies as the vibrator continues to throb and pulse inside me.

I’m grasping for my climax, just out of reach, still eluding me. With a knowing chuckle Dan slides his finger around my pussy, picking up any surplus lube to oil his finger. Before I realize what he intends he’s slipping his finger into my arse, sliding deep. The double penetration is intense, powerful, fiercely wicked. I climax wildly, instantly, screaming in pleasure as my body splinters. I swear I can see lights flashing behind my eyes, can hear a roaring in my ears, but otherwise I’m oblivious to everything apart from the unyielding, mindless delight of this moment.

My climax is over, almost as quickly as it began, but Dan is nowhere near done it seems. He pulls his finger from my arse, at the same time using his other hand to switch off the vibrator and slide that out too. I’m still spasming pleasantly when he slips the first of the Ben Wa balls into my pussy.

“What… What’s that, Sir?”

“Questions later. For now, safe word or keep quiet.”

Well, I won’t be using my safe word any time soon. I close my mouth, concentrate on what he’s doing now. The other ball soon follows the first, and Dan taps my bum smartly. “Close your legs, Summer. Time to finish your spanking. I think another twenty slaps, don’t you? I want you to count, and when I tell you to, you’ll open your legs wide for me to slap your pussy too. Got that?”

“Yes, Sir.” I have no hesitation. He’s trained me well. And so quickly.

The first spank lands, hard and sharp. The balls inside me shudder, rolling against my sensitive pussy walls, the weights inside them shifting. The feeling is quite fabulous, gentle yet deeply satisfying. I hadn’t anticipated this, hadn’t known what to expect I suppose. I let out a groan, part lust, part surprised delight.

“Count, Summer. If you miss I’ll reduce the number of slaps to fifteen.”

Bastard! He knows what he’s about.
“Sorry, Sir. One, Sir.”

“At last. Now, pay attention.” He delivers another ringing slap to my backside, and the balls lurch again.

My pussy is already starting to convulse.

“Two, Sir. I’m going to come again, Sir”

“No you’re not. You’ve had your fun, now you can wait until I give you permission to climax.”

“It’s no good, Sir, if you slap me again I’m going to… Aaah!” I let out a startled scream as a hard slap lands on my already tender bottom. He means it now, playtime’s over it seems, and this hurts. I don’t forget his instructions though.

“Three. That really hurt, Sir”

“Good. Should take your greedy, slutty mind off climaxing again. You can thank me if you like.” He drops another slap on my bottom, the other side now, this one equally hard.

I scream again, then return to my duty. “Four, Sir. Thank you.”

“Feeling better? You’re quite welcome, Miss Jones. Open your legs now please.”

Groaning inwardly I do as I’m told, spreading my thighs as wide as I’m able and hoping he’ll find it in him to be a little less severe when he slaps my pussy. The next slap lands directly on the swollen lips of my cunt. The balls deep inside me shift and gyrate, the inner weights spinning. He does relent, but only very slightly. The sensation is breathtaking, sends me lurching to the brink of the most powerful climax yet. I’m almost sobbing as I force out my next word. “Five, Sir. Please…”

“Would you like me to do that again, sweet little slut?”

“May I come, Sir? Please?”

He pauses, maybe he’s considering my request. At last, he answers, “You may.”

“Then yes, please do it again. Harder.”

“My pleasure.”

He slaps my pussy lips again, the blow hard, cruel, beautifully accurate. My body erupts in unbridled orgasmic pleasure as the balls are sent hurtling into a crazy, lurching rhythm, caressing my inner walls as my cunt contracts and spasms. I’m past all coherent thought, convulsing and shuddering as I lie helpless across Dan’s legs, His hand is on the small of my back, holding me steady as he lightly caresses my quivering pussy, the gesture both intimate and caring.

I lose track of time, though it must only be a few moments later when the glorious sensations start to ebb. Dan’s palm is circling my back, and I become aware he’s talking to me. Murmuring something, soft, quiet. Achingly tender.

“That was number six. Are you ready for more, little sub?”

More? Is there more? Could there possibly be more? Apparently so. “Yes, Sir. Please.”

“Close your legs, Summer. Brace yourself. I’m done being gentle.”

The next slap lands quickly, on my right buttock. He’s right, this is far from gentle. But I’m a credit to my tutor, remembering my instructions perfectly.


He continues to spank me, hard, unrelenting, and I continue to absorb the blows.

“Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Please, Sir, may I have a rest? Is it alright to ask…?”

“It is, but you need to use your safe word, to make sure there’s no mistake. Are you saying amber?”

“Amber. Yes, amber, Sir.”

Dan’s palm connects with my skin, sizzling from the spanking. He caresses my bottom lightly. “Lie on the sofa, face down. I’ll get you some anti-inflammatory cream. Soon take the sting out of this.”

He helps me to move, gingerly, sweetly tender, but even now the balls inside me are doing their thing. The inner weights cause them to swing and roll in a crazy rhythm as I sink into the buttery leather of the sofa. Dan’s footsteps recede across the room. I watch through half-closed eyes as he picks up his sweatpants, discarded on the floor. He steps into them then disappears into the bedroom. He emerges a couple of minutes later with a tub of Savlon.

“I knew that brother of mine always keeps some of this stuff around. Shit, girl, your arse is a gorgeous shade of pink. All over.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“My, aren’t we polite? You’ve come a long way since we chatted in the bar at the Collar. I recall you were positively surly then.”

He doesn’t know the half of it.
He sits beside me on the edge of the sofa. I say nothing, just wince as he slathers a generous handful of the soothing cream onto my bum. I lie still as he smoothes it into my skin, loving the cooling comfort as well as the tenderness in his caress.

“Is the spanking over, Sir?” I turn my head to look at him, over my shoulder.

He glances at me under his eyebrows, his expression wry. “I promised you twenty. Do you want the rest?”

“Could you not hit me as hard, Sir”

“Ah, so I’ve found your inner wimp have I. Well, I could ease up on you. Is that what you want?”

Actually, I’m not entirely sure it is, but I know my limitations. “I think so. If that’s alright, Sir.”

He nods sharply. We’re agreed.

“Tell me when you want to go again then.” He continues to stroke my bum, even though I’m sure the cream must be all absorbed by now. This is just for fun.

I stretch under his hand like a contented cat, and seriously consider purring. Dan’s in no hurry, massaging my heated skin, soothing away the hurt.

Eventually I rediscover my enthusiasm for playing rough, start to crave the bite of pain he can offer. I turn to regard him over my shoulder again. “Please, I’d like the rest of my spanking now, if that’s okay. Sir.”

“Perfectly okay. Do you want to stay there or go back over my knee?”

“Could I stay here? Would that be alright?”

“‘Would that be alright,
?’ Don’t spoil yourself now, girl. Not when your arse is so very vulnerable.” The rebuke is delivered softly, but I know he means it.

“I apologize, Sir.”

He gives a curt nod. “Bring your knees up underneath you, stick your bum up in the air for me please.”

I do as he’s asked me, the movement sending my little happy balls spinning again. I gasp, squeezing them with my inner muscles in a vain attempt to keep them still.

“Okay, no climaxing without permission. There are nine left, and this is how we’ll do it. One on the left cheek, one on the right, then you spread your legs and take the third on your cunt. Then we repeat. Three times. Okay?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“If you think you might come without permission, you can tell me that. I’ll find a way to cool you down, though I can’t promise that will be pleasant. You’d do better to control your response yourself if you can.”

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