Rex (40 page)

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Authors: Beth Michele

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“I feel like we’ve come full circle,” Rex says, the tattoo needle buzzing against my skin. I flinch, and he lifts it away, pausing in mid-air.

“You okay, baby? I’m almost done.” He looks up at me with a reassuring smile and it instantly puts me at ease.

“Yes, I’m fine. Keep going.” I haven’t glanced down at it yet, and I won’t until he’s finished. “So are you excited about tomorrow?”

“A week in Hawaii with my baby. Hell yes. I can’t fucking wait, you?”

“Hmph… let’s see,” I tease. “My string bikini, sandy beaches, a suite that I’m sure has a king-sized bed and a Jacuzzi tub, seeing you in nothing but your swim trunks the entire week. Yeah, I’m excited.”

“Blondie,” he rasps, “you’re making me hard, and unless you want a lopsided heart, I’d stop talking like that.”

“Okay, Okay,” I concede. “I can’t wait to see Olivia and Hunter get married though. Has that been the only thing Hunter’s been talking about? Olivia eats, sleeps, and drinks their wedding.”

“Yeah, my brother is stoked. He’s been waiting a while and he deserves it. There.” The vibration against my skin ceases and he sets the needle on the table. “Done.” A cool cloth swipes across my skin just as my eyes settle on the tattoo.

I’m not sure where my smile is the brightest, my eyes or my mouth. “I love it, Rex!” I declare, glimpsing the inside of my wrist, where R

V in bold, black letters sits with a red heart. Rex flips his hand over so I can see his—V

R. “Now we match,” I say as he covers mine up with a white bandage.

“You’ll be able to take that off in about thirty minutes, and after any bleeding subsides, then you wash it.” He starts cleaning up his station and I gather my things so I can head out.

“Wait,” he spins around, “where do you think you’re going?”

I search for my sunglasses then fling my purse over my shoulder. “I have some last minute things to get for our trip.”

“Oh, you’re not going anywhere,” he says, his voice husky, strolling to the entrance of the deserted shop and locking the door. He stalks back over to me. The way his t-shirt hugs his abs and the thick bulge in his jeans tell me he’s right. I’m not going anywhere.

“Hmmm….” My tongue darts out to wet my lips, hand rubbing over his erection. “I guess I could stay for a little while.”

“God, I can’t wait to have you all to myself in Hawaii.” He licks at my top lip, drawing a moan from my mouth. “I predict a
of beach sex.”

“Hmph.” I nip at his chin. “I don’t know about the sand in my ass.” My lower lip drops down in a pout and he sucks on it before letting it go with a pop… and one hell of a grin.

“Who said anything about sand?”



“Oh my God, Rex, it’s so beautiful.” I’m standing out on the deck of our hotel room, the Hawaiian breeze slapping against my skin, the dazzling sun warming my face. I look out on golden sand shimmering under its beams, a lazy sky watching over deep blue water speckled with green. The snow-capped waves lap against the shore while a distant chatter of birds welcomes us, all pointing toward one conclusion—this is paradise and I never want to leave.

Rex comes up behind me, snaking his arms around my waist, his warm breath fanning my neck. “It is beautiful here, baby. And I’m glad to be here with you.” Soft lips find my skin and I angle my head so I can appreciate his mouth on any and all parts of me.

“What’s that?” My gaze follows some words on the inside of his forearm, jutting out from the end of his sleeve. “Is that new?”

“Yes.” He pulls his sleeve up. “Zeek did it for me yesterday.”

“Carpe Diem… seize the day.”

“You’re smarter than you look,” he teases, and I jab him with an elbow to the ribs.

“So why—”

There’s a rhythmic knock on the door and Rex kisses my cheek before shuffling his sexy, bare feet to answer it. I’m still amazed that I get an entire week with him, away from the craziness of the city in, as far as I can tell, one of the most beautiful places on earth.

“I was wondering when you two would show up,” I blurt out when Hunter and Olivia walk in. I give Olivia a big hug and Rex and Hunter do their hug and pat thing, which makes Olivia and I howl with laughter.

“What?” Rex and Hunter ask in unison, exchanging a quizzical stare.

“The whole guy hug thing cracks us up, that’s all. It’s like there’s a timer or something on a guy hug and God forbid you go past when the buzzer sounds.”

Rex chuckles and Hunter follows suit, latching onto Olivia’s hand and holding her close. “So we need to go do some guy stuff, sweetheart.” He smirks, tossing a look in her direction. “And besides, I know you really didn’t want me seeing you before tonight.”

“Yes, that’s true.” She winks at me. “Vanessa and I have some things we need to get done too, right, V?”

“Yup,” I reply, and Rex’s lips pull down in a frown.

He grips my t-shirt and pulls me to his side. “Wait, you’re leaving?”

“For a little while.” I run the back of my hand across his stubble. “I’ll see you later, though.”

“Oh.” He draws his lip between his teeth. “I was hoping we could do some things together.”

“We’re going to do lots of things together.” I edge closer and whisper in his ear, “Later.”

Hunter stares at Rex, grinning, his eyes focused on a spot above his head.

Rex pats his hair, glancing behind us. “

Hunter chuckles, his gaze full of humor. “Are those fairies I see dancing above your head?”

“Shut the fuck up,” Rex retorts, giving him a playful smack on the arm.

“All right, come on. I need to take the bride-to-be out of here.” I touch my lips to Rex’s cheek and let them linger there. “Okay, I’ll see you later.”

“Yes, you will.” He brings me in for one more kiss before Olivia and Hunter lock lips and I nearly have to drag her out of there.

I stop just outside the door once it closes. “Holy shit, Liv! You’re getting married today!” I beam, and I find my own heart thundering in my chest as if it were me who was getting married. That’s how much I love her. “I’m ecstatic for you.”

Her blue eyes light up with her smile as she fans her hand in front of her face. “I’m sweating already. I’m so nervous, but Hunter doesn’t seem nervous at all.”

“Oh, I’m sure he’s nervous. He just doesn’t show it like you do. Gosh,” I glance around, shaking my head, “I can’t believe this.” I wave my hand in the air, gesturing around us. “I can’t believe Hunter put us up in The Four Seasons. My father was here a few months ago apparently, and he told me it was pretty spectacular.”

“Speaking of which, how are things going with your dad?”

“They’re good. I mean, it’s slow going, you know. But we’re both trying and that’s what’s important. Of course,” I giggle, “Rex has already charmed him. He’s even thinking about getting a tattoo.”

“Why am I not surprised.”

But there’s something in her voice that makes me hesitate. I stop in front of a huge pastel painting of the ocean and shift to face her. “What is it? Are you upset about your family?”

“No, I mean….” She shuffles her feet along the floor. “Well, just disappointed. I know my father doesn’t do well with planes, and my sisters had a hard time getting the time off. I understand. It just would’ve been nice for them to be here. But Hunter said in the next month or so we’ll fly out to see them and have a big celebration.”

“That will be great. Okay, come on now.” I hook an arm over her shoulder as we continue to stroll through the lobby, exotic flowers at every turn. “I want to see that big, glowing smile on your face because
are about to get pampered for the biggest day of your life.” A flower arrangement in the corner catches my eye. “Wait, hold on.” I run over and plunge my nose into one of the petals, inhaling its fragrance.

She lodges a hand on her hip and shakes her head. “You are not seriously snorting those flowers are you? I can’t take you anywhere.” She giggles, throwing her hands up in the air and plodding off as I chase after her, our laughter echoing throughout the hotel.



The trellis is absolutely stunning, decorated with pink and yellow hibiscus, a scatter of white lilies, and Hawaiian fern. The sun is beginning to set, hints of orange streaking the sky unleashing a fiery glow on the ocean water beneath it. A glorious backdrop to the promises that are finally being exchanged, Hunter and Olivia pledging their love to one another in this romantic tropical paradise.

I’ll admit, I haven’t heard all of their vows. I’m trying to listen but Rex is very distracting. The black tux that is donning his perfect shape, the spike of his hair, the light shadow of stubble on his chin. I can hardly stand it. Speckles of gold dance in his russet-colored eyes as the departing sun casts a warm glow on his skin. And the way he’s staring at me. The love shining in his gaze that I can’t look away from—the one that makes my heart soar, my cheeks warm, my body come alive.

He pulls his cuff back, revealing the tattoo that matches mine, holding it up to me, smiling. I take in a silent breath of salty ocean air, my lips leaping at the corners, keeping time with my heart. How did I get so lucky? He is everything I could ever want, but never expected to have. And while I know he’s not perfect, he’s perfect for me, and I can finally say that I’m perfect for him, too.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The judge’s words bring my attention back to where it needs to be, albeit a little late.

Rex claps and whistles while I let out a squeal. Hunter and Olivia affirm their vows with a kiss to put all other kisses to shame. When they continue to lock lips, Rex comes over to me, pushing a ribbon of hair behind my shoulder.

“Now I can tell you how stunning you look.”

“Well.” I fist my hands in the lapels of his jacket, pulling him closer. “You look pretty stunning yourself,” I murmur, my lips doing a soft brush against his. “Why aren’t we kissing? Everyone else is.”

“We are kissing, baby.” He seals his lips over mine and I sigh into his mouth, relaxing against him as his arms come around my waist.

Someone clears their throat from behind us and I’m so lost in our kiss that I don’t realize it’s Hunter. “Who got married here?” he jokes, and I rush up to Olivia, throwing my arms around her while Rex embraces his brother.

“Congratulations, Mrs. Grayson.” I squeeze her so tight, her happiness flowing right through me.

“Thanks, V,” she replies, beaming when I let her go.

“Congrats, bro.” Rex chimes in, hugging Hunter and lifting him off the ground. When he finally sets him down, I hug him, too.

“Congratulations, Hunter.” I kiss him on the cheek and then step back. “So, what now? Isn’t it time to party?”

“It sure is,” Olivia agrees, her blue eyes twinkling, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so happy.

I turn my head in Rex’s direction and it looks like he’s ready to party too. He removes his tux jacket, hanging it over the trellis, but I’m a bit puzzled when his hands lower to release buttons on his shirt.

The wrinkle that bubbles up whenever I’m confused makes an appearance. “What are you doing?” I ask, but am rewarded with nothing but silence.

Instead, he shoots me a mischievous grin before stopping midway down his shirt and popping the button on his pants. That’s when I glance over at Hunter and Olivia, crinkling my nose, hands darting out from my sides.

“Hunter, will you do something about your brother, he’s out of his mind!” I shout, but Hunter only shrugs in return, laughing with a huge smile on his face.

Rex continues to strip down, and I’m suddenly thankful we’re on a private beach. I’m not interested in sharing him with anyone.

“What are you
?” I ask again, and still he doesn’t answer. Instead, I watch as his pants drop onto the sand, leaving him in a pair of swim trunks. When I look back to Olivia and Hunter for help again, they’re locked in an embrace.

Buttons continue to be released on his shirt, all the while I’m shaking my head, doing my best to fight back the grin on my face. He’s crazy, and this is exactly why I love him.

His shirt falls to the sand, and when my eyes drift back up to his sculptured abs, I blink them several times to make sure I’m not seeing things. Written across his chest in bold, black marker are the words
LOVE is Fucking Amazing

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