Revved Up Soul: A MC Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Revved Up Soul: A MC Romance
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Jasmine’s heart soared to the high heavens when she saw Luke, warmth quickly flooding her body. She had a prescription in her pocket that needed filling for a patient, and it seems Luke was in a similar position; he was the last in line with his back to her.

Don’t screw this up. “Luke,” she said softly, placing a hand gingerly on the biker’s shoulder.

He craned his neck to face her, the leather of his jacket creaking slightly. There was a sadness that glinted in his brown and blue eyes. “Long time no see,” he murmured, the both of them moving up in line. He then turned to face her. “Sorry about before,” he said, “I might have been acting a bit stubborn.”

“I’m sorry too,” Jasmine confessed quietly, bringing her gaze down to her feet. “It was seriously my fault,” Jasmine continued, not wanting to look him in the eye from shame.

Luke grabbed her hand, giving it a small squeeze. “It’s alright.”

Mortal ecstasy shot through her veins and she lifted her head to look him in eye. His hand’s so big, so strong; it feels so right. Jasmine gave a private smile, only for Luke to see.

A warm smile walked along the lines of his face, his white teeth peeking out.

The lined moved up and Jasmine motioned with a nod of her head to let Luke know. “You’re next, Tiger.”

There was a weird look on the man’s face, “Don’t call me that, I seriously hate being called that – not trying to be a dick. It just, eh, reminds me of someone . . .”

“Oh,” Jasmine said, playing with her fingers in her pocket, “sorry.” A knife of tension stabbed at her gut before she could summon the courage to ask. “Will I see you at the cafeteria tomorrow?” She batted her long lashes, lowering her chin just an inch.

“Yeah,” he said, letting go of her hand.

No! She thought, the electricity between them dimming and a disappointment cloaking itself around her.

“I’d like that,” Luke’s smile widened a half an inch before he turned around and walked over to the counter, lazily placing his arms down on the natural, granite stone. “Seen Janet around?” He asked, cocking his head.

The pharmacist shook her head. “She called out today, you got something you need filled?”

“Nah,” he replied and then tapped the natural stone counter twice with his knuckles. “Tell her . . . just tell her someone’s looking for her.”

A twinge of jealousy ripped through Jasmine’s body. If she knows what’s good for her, Janet would stay far, far
away from him. Damnit, why am I having these stupid feelings? All they did was burn me. She stepped forward and moved over to the counter, watching Luke Reynolds walk away, her heart a fluttering mess.

Stop getting so attached.

Day Six

The morning sun crested the horizon, bursts of orange and pink coloring the sky – Jasmine’s eyes went wide when she saw Luke talking away on one of the benches outside. He’s not wearing his jacket. Jasmine felt foolish for being so giddy, but the butterflies in her stomach were pleased at such a sight. He was wearing a blue Henley that had its first three buttons undone, revealing an oh-so glorious few inches of skin; he was also rocking a pair of dark stonewashed Levi’s.


Jasmine’s mind raced into dark waters, where the light of reason could not penetrate. As she approached him, she could feel her womanhood building and building with delightfully frustrating pleasure; arousing waves crashing against her. Jasmine’s very bones became drenched with need, the whole of her body feeling so heavy that it might collapse with one wrong step – be strong, she thought. He’s just a man, sure he’s like – ridiculously hot . . . but he’s still just a person.

As he talked into his phone (a burner?) his eyes flicked over to Jasmine, and they glinted with joy, his lips curling into a smirk. Luke crossed a leg over his other and patted the spot on the bench beside him mouthing ‘come here’. “Hey let me get back at ya Able.”

Jasmine, for as much as she was burning on the inside, sat down with a remarkable grace and nonchalance. Go me, pretending to be cool since 99.

Luke flipped his phone shut and stuffed it into his jean pocket, taking in a big breath of air. “Getting ready to save lives?”

“You know it. What’re you doing out here so early?”

“Taking a personal day from the club,” he wet his dry lips.

“And you’re spending it here?” Her brows raised.

“Well I’m only here to see
today,” he confessed. Me? Jasmine felt silly for being jealous yesterday. “I figured I’d catch you and ask if you wanted me to take you out to lunch today. Show you what it’s like to ride.” Oh you wouldn’t need to show me.

Jasmine brushed back her hair, pressing her legs tighter together. “That sounds lovely.”

He flashed that special smile again. “Great, I’ll swing by around noon and we’ll go whenever you’re able.”

The day went by in a blur of medical procedures, excited anticipation for lunch and cardio nightmares. Jasmine was sure by the time that Luke would come by; she’d be too spent to walk over to his steel steed.

When the hour finally drew near, Jasmine walked through the main lobby hoping to find Luke. Instead she could only see blackness, an arm snaking around her waist and a hand covering her eyes. She yelped.

A rumbling laugh escaped the man’s lips. “Where you think you’re going,” Luke joked. “You ready to go?”

Jasmine pawed, trying to get his hand off of her face.

He eventually relented.

Turning around to face him, Jasmine scowled. “Just get me the hell out of here before I admit you myself.” Wouldn’t that be satisfying.











With her heart still tapping against her breastbone, the monster of steel and engine rolled to a stop at Wayland’s Park. That was insane, does he always drive like that or was he just trying to impress me? The engine gave a last deep rumble before being cut off and Luke produced a basket and a blanket from the compartment on the back of his bike. The two made their way onto a secluded point of the grassy plain; only a couple of people playing Frisbee in the distance.

Luke spread the blanket over the field beneath a sprawling tree, its branches offering some appreciated shade. He then set down the basket and sat crisscross beside it, lifting open the lid and producing a small feast for two; pulling out two plates and two flutes. She had to admit it was kind of funny in a cute way that the rugged biker was practically charming her with something that a nervous high schooler would have done. Those were quirky times.

Joining him, Jasmine’s senses were treated to ecstasy. She could smell the bread rolls, practically tasting the way they would melt in her mouth; they were gold and plump little handfuls of heaven. Next were two Anjou pears, they had a decidedly floral scent to them – the slightest hint of sweetness kissing her nose. Finally, the crown jewel, a pair of fried chicken drumsticks, adorned in a golden brown crust; the savory smell wafted over to her, the taste of salt and fat and moist meat dancing across her tongue.

Jasmine crawled over to Luke’s side, putting a hand to her mouth. “Wow,” she said. “You really know how to tempt a girl.”

Luke waved a hand, “Pft. You need temptation, live a little salad girl. Food scare you?”

I don’t eat just salad, she wrinkled her nose. “Ah, no. I’m just very conscious of my figure is all,” she could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks and turned her head away ever so slightly.

Passing the plate to her, Luke gave a soft chuckle before reaching back inside of the basket, pulling out a glass figurine of sorts that glinted in entrancing resplendence. The long stem was faded chartreuse that invited the eyes to linger; she realized then it was a rose.

At its end was a bloom of petals, starting from white, then to pink and finally ending along the trim with a dark purple. “Well the guys would kill me for saying this.“ Jasmine’s eyes flicked between the man and the curious glass work. Silence hung in the air for several seconds then, before Luke turned away, smiling stupidly to himself more so than to Jasmine. “Forget it,” he deflected, munching on a warm, golden roll of bread.

A finger pressed firmly against Jasmine’s heart and for a moment of time she was back at the hospital, touching his hand all over again and dancing happily inside. She hadn’t been so sick with . . .
since she was in high school – a trickle of doubt flowed beneath the shallows. “No,” she almost whined in her pursuit, “tell me.”

“It’s stupid,” the handsome man’s teeth sunk deep into his pear, biting a chunk off – the juice kissing his full lips, rolling down his magnificent chin. If I just had the heart to lick it off of him.

“Well, I promise not to tell a soul,” she continued to wheedle, nibbling on a roll now herself – clutching it between her dainty hands. She wanted to ask him about the flower.

Craning his neck to face her, Luke’s eyes found Jasmine’s. “You’re just . . . great.” He twisted his hand, playing absently with the glass figurine.

What? That’s it? Jasmine’s brows raised an inch and she laughed quietly. “That was supposed to be embarrassing?” She preened back a strand of her raven hair. “Is that for me?” Her heart skipped.

“It might be,” Luke chuckled, gods even his laughs were intoxicating, and I could drink them in all day. “What I mean to say is that,” he smiled. “You’re my desert rose. I’m out there, the sun bearing down on me and there you are – beautifully you. Everything in my life is just so hectic and filled with drama; like a black hole that nothing can escape. Except you,” he jabbed a finger playfully, the thought of wine flashing through her mind, reminding her of Augustus. “You? You’re removed from it all. It sounds stupid, I’m sure it does,” he shook his head, “but you remind me there’s a life outside of The Life.”

Something warm pricked at her eyes, so she looked away, batting her shadowy lashes. “That’s not stupid at all,” Jasmine assured. I’ve never heard something so beautiful. Never heard it or could have dreamed it be said about
of all people.

Luke leaned back against the tree, which was more of a giant, silent sentinel. His black bangs swayed and he let out a long, steady breath.

“I don’t really have any friends here still,” Jasmine confessed, her eyes stuck on Luke’s gorgeous face, batting her lashes. “And even though we live totally different lives—“

“Completely different,” he butted in. “You save them.” Not always, a voice taunted in the darkest, most masochistic reaches of her mind.

Jasmine swallowed and she felt a stab at her heart. “And you probably
them,” it was something she hadn’t thought about until that moment; but it was a reality that she had to consider.

Quietness connected the two as they gazed thoughtfully at one another.

Luke cocked his head ever so slightly and closed his eyes a moment, a few heartbeats passing before opening them and looking back into Jasmine’s. “
different lives,” he finally said.

Jasmine hastily ran her tongue along her lip, looking away from the man. “Even still, I can’t help but look—“ the words became tangled in her throat, her breath hitching. This is embarrassing. “I can’t help but look forward to seeing you, okay?”

“Okay,” he nodded his head.

And in that moment, with the wind carrying their words away in a whisper, the sun cascading down – everything seemed perfect; seemed still, seemed right. The man then inquired, “Let me ask you something, but is there something out there in life that scares you?”

“What do you mean?” It seemed a strange thing to ask.

“Like . . . something you’ve never done before, or something that you’ve always hated since you were a kid.”

Jasmine had to take a moment to consider, “I’ve never flown before,” she admitted, “the idea of flying scares the hell out of me.”

“Time do you get off of work?”

“Probably around eight,” a sliver of nervousness wormed its way inside Jasmine’s stomach, was there something behind this?

“I’ll pick you up around eight then,” he stated brashly.

“Is that so?”

“It is. I’ll stop by the hospital, you can either pretend that you’re not curious now or save some face before you cave.” You’d like that wouldn’t you big daddy britches.

“Uh-huh, keep thinking your charm is going to work on me. This doesn’t involve planes or something, does it?”

“Nope,” Luke went to his knees and inched over to Jasmine.

“Night skydiving?” Was that even a thing? Gods, was he going to make that a thing?

“I was actually thinking naked hang gliding at night, but skydiving sounds
more exciting,” Luke jested, or at least Jasmine hoped he did.

Her eyes narrowed, and an uproar of embers churned in her chest, “If you’re serious I’m going to smack you so hard your mother won’t recognize you anymore.”

“Like to see you try girl,” he smiled and pulled her by her arm over to the tree, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pinioning her against his person. He offered the glinting rose of a token to Jasmine, “So not to get off track or anything, but I found this and it, well it made me think of you,” he admitted, brushing back a strand of his hair.

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