Revolution 1989 (68 page)

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Authors: Victor Sebestyen

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Able Archer 83 exercise
Aboimov, Ivan
Abuladze, Tengiz
Adamec, Ladislav
‘advisers’, Soviet
left-wing coup
Soviet withdrawal
Soviet invasion
Afghanistan War
Aga Khan
Ahmad Shah Massoud
Boeing 747 passenger
Boeing RC-135 reconnaissance
Cessna 172B
MiG-23 interceptor jet
MiG-25 jet
Mil 8 helicopters
Sukhoi-15 interceptor
Akhromeyev, Gen. (later Marshal) Sergei
alcohol problem in USSR
Amin, Hafizullah
Amu Darya River, ‘Friendship Bridge’
Anca, Dr Alexander
Anders, Gen. Władysław
Anderson, Frank
Andropov, Yuri
and Afghanistan
as Brezhnev’s successor
and Gorbachev
and Poland
and Pope John Paul
convinced nuclear attack being mounted by US
death of
visits Stavropol
Animal Farm
Antelova, Dasa
Anti-Totalitarian Forum, The
Apostol, Gheorghe
Arad, Romania
Arbatov, Georgi
ARD TV channel
Ardeleanu, Ion
Argument y Facti
(weekly newspaper)
Aristov, Boris
armament production, Soviet
Armenian earthquake
arms limitation agreements
Association of Free Democrats (Hungary)
Atanasov, Georgi
Austrian border
Austrian government
Austrian Red Cross
AVO (Államvédelmi Osztály - Hungarian State Security Authority)
Axen, Hermann
Babe, Liviu
Babrak Karmal
Bagram military airport
Bahr, Egon
Baker III, James
Balakovo nuclear plant
Balaton, Lake
Balcerowicz, Leszek
bananas, shipments of
Banco Ambrosiano
Bat, Batya
Baum, Bruno
BBC World Service
Bearden, Milt
Beatles, The
Tiananmen Square demonstrations
Belen island, Bulgaria
Belene camp
Berberyusz, Ewa
Beria, Lavrenti
Beriech Kommerzielle Koordinierung (Bureau of Commercial Co-ordination - Ko-Ko)
Brandenburg Gate
S-Bahn rail network
U-Bahn metro system
Berlin, East
40th anniversary of GDR
Alexanderplatz demonstration
Britz district canal
Communist Party HQ, Werderscher Markt
crowds gather after new travel law announced
Friedrichshain church
Gethsemane Church hunger strike
Gorbachev visits
International Press Centre, Mohrenstrasse
Prenzlauer Berg district School of Fine Arts
Stasi HQ, Normannenstrasse
State Opera House
Treptow district
Berlin Wall
Bornholmer Strasse gate
Checkpoint Charlie
GDR plans to ‘sell’
Invalidenstrasse checkpoint
Krenz determined it should stay
) magazine
Biermann, Wolf
Bil’ak, Vasil
Black Sea
Blandiana, Anna
Bobu, Emil
Boeru, Ionel
Bohley, Barbel
Boldin, Valery
Bologna, University of
Bolshevik revolution (1917)
Schloss Gymnich
Bonner, Yelena
border guards, Hungarian
Border Guards Day
Borila, Petre
Borusewicz, Bogdan
Brady, Nicholas
Brandenburg Prison
Brandescu, Dumitru
Brandt, Willy
Red Star tractor factory
Brezhnev, Leonid
and Afghanistan
and Bulgaria
declining health
and disarmament
and Helsinki Accords
military expenses

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