Revenge (Phoenix Undercover Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Revenge (Phoenix Undercover Book 3)
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Chapter 12





“Have a seat, Mr. Phoenix.” Dr. Bali directed me to the empty chair on the opposite side of his desk.

I could sense his concern, and, frankly, I was floored with what had just happened.

Gabby has obviously been hiding her concerns and fear, not to mention her irritation with me. I hadn’t realized how distracted I’d been, but since she pointed things out, I couldn’t argue the fact. My mind was focused on one thing…Leo.

I hadn’t stopped long enough to consider what Gabby was feeling. Once again I had failed at keeping her safe and it was fucking with my head.

“I’m not going to sit here and tell you I’m not concerned, because I am. In fact, I’m considering admitting her overnight for observation.” A panic rushed through me. “Her blood pressure is dangerously high, and the swelling in her feet has only advanced more than it was a few days ago.”

I swallowed past the lump in my throat as my chest burned with each breath I took. “What do you feel is best?” I asked.

“She may not like it, but I feel that it would be best. Her stress levels are something of extreme concern, Mr. Phoenix.”

“Josh,” I said. “Call me Josh.”

He nodded in agreement. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, indicating a new incoming message. But at this moment I couldn’t bring myself to care. All my worries were on the woman in the next room.

“I know that you have a very demanding job, one that is stressful and at times dangerous, but Gabriella’s well-being as well as the health of your child are my concern.” He paused, and I looked up to meet his penetrating stare. “Josh, I’m worried that if things continue the way they are, Gabby won’t make it to her due date.”




I entered the hospital room with a coffee in one hand and a chocolate milk in the other. Gabby didn’t even look in my direction; she only continued to stare out of the window on the opposite side of her bed.

“I brought you milk,” I said as I sat both items on the table at the side of her bed. “Chocolate milk,” I corrected, and it was then that she turned to face me.

She looked exhausted.

“I’m a mess,” she whispered, her hands fisted in her lap as she twisted them tightly.

I took a seat next to her and reached out, taking her hands in mine.

“You have other things to worry about. You shouldn’t be stuck here worrying about me,” she insisted. “I called my parents and they’re on their way.”

I tried not to show her that the knowledge of her parents’ arrival affected me the way it did, but it was pointless. I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach.

“I’m not leaving,” I stated. “There’s no way.”

“Josh,” she began, but I slid closer to her and she locked her eyes on mine.

“None of this is fair, sweetheart,” I told her. “You worry about me, I worry about you, and in the end you wind up here. You should be home feeling relaxed and safe, but this fuck has taken that from us, and I’ve been consumed with stopping him.”

I reached out and took her face in my hands.

“Baby, I can’t say that I won’t go back to that place, because until Leo is where he deserves to be, I won’t let go.” Leaning in, I rested my forehead to hers. “But right now, I’m where I need to be, and nothing or no one will make me leave.”

I felt her body relax, and I pulled back to look into her eyes.

“I love you, Gabby, and we’ll get through this. All three of us.” I wouldn’t allow my statement not to be true.

I called Gray after the doctor decided to admit Gabby at least overnight. I caved for a moment and let him know just how much all of this had played on not only me but Gabby.

I just needed tonight to spend with my fiancée and make sure that both her and my son were safe. After that I would find a way to keep her safe. Even if it meant passing her over to her father, I’d do it.

Marshall Shannon was a control freak. He was demanding and straightforward. But if there was anyone who could keep her and my child safe in my absence, it was him.

Something told me he would sleep at the foot of her bed if he had to.

I swear the man slept with one eye open and a gun cocked and ready at all times.

The creaking of the door had both Gabby and me turning in its direction.

Speaking of Marshall, there he stood with a stern look on his face. At his side was Judith, and she looked almost as dedicated as her husband.

“Sweetheart,” she said as she stepped into the room and walked to the opposite side of the bed. “Look at you,” she fussed as she brushed Gabby’s hair from the side of her face.

If I hadn’t felt like I failed ten minutes ago, I sure did now. But I had to swallow my pride, because these two may be taking their daughter home with them tomorrow. Going off on them or pissing off Marshall would only ensure more stress on Gabby. So I would let go of my ego and face the fact that right now, I couldn’t put Gabby first.

And that fucking sucked.









Chapter 13





I woke up multiple times through the night. Each time, I found Josh at my bedside, watching me sleep.

He looked sad, and it broke my heart.

“Don’t frown,” I told him as I reached out and wrapped my hand around his. “I’ll be fine. I promise.”

“I know you will,” he replied. Leaning forward, he placed his elbows on the side of my bed and looked down at our hands. “I talked to your dad and made sure of that.”

He wouldn’t look at me.

His words didn’t sit well with me.

What did he mean he talked to my dad?

“What did you two have to talk about?” I asked.

Josh continued to toy with my hand before lifting it to his mouth and placing a soft kiss against my knuckles.

“What aren’t you telling me?” I could see it written all over his face.

“I know you’re gonna be upset with me, but just let me explain.” It was then that he looked up at me and I nodded, indicating I would give him that.

“The stress of everything is just too much. If you’re at the apartment you hear about it, you think about it, and now with Leo getting inside so easily, I can’t keep your safe.” That confession was not an easy one for him, I could sense it.

“But you can,” I tried to convince him, but he immediately began shaking his head.

“Baby, I can’t,” he replied. “But your dad can be with you all the time. His place is locked down like Fort Knox, and he hovers.” Josh chuckled, trying to make light of the situation we now found ourselves in. “He won’t give you time to stress over all this. I won’t worry so much either, and I’ll focus on the task at hand.”

I wanted to argue.

I wanted to ask him why he felt the need to pawn me off on my parents, but instead I only agreed.

The time away may be the best choice for now.




“You get settled?” Josh asked as I held the phone to my ear, looking around my old bedroom that had been converted into what my parents felt would be the best distraction.

“If by settled you mean Marshall and Judith Shannon have entered into the Realm of Extreme Distraction, then yep, I’m settled.” I sat down on the end of the bed and picked up the box resting against the side.

A baby blanket kit.

I rolled my eyes and let out a deep breath.

“It would appear that I will be making our son his very own racecar quilt and…” I looked beside the bed to find three other kits for multiple baby items, “oh, and a diaper bag to match.”

Josh chuckled, and I couldn’t help but smile at the sound. We hadn’t done much of that over the last few days. I missed it so badly.

“Brook and Audrey will be there later tonight,” he assured me. “It would seem Gray loved the idea of Marshall standing guard and gave Brooklynn no choice but to gather her things and join you. Apparently Mike agreed and spent a few hours fighting it out with Audrey until she gave in too.”

“Have you talked to Mike?” I asked.

I already knew the answer but I hoped I was wrong.

“Haven’t had much time,” he replied.

“You need to forgive him, Josh.” Their fallout still lay heavy on my mind. “He would never intentionally put me or my sisters in harm’s way. You know that. He made a mistake.”

“A mistake that could have cost your life and our son’s life.” Josh’s tone had gone from the earlier relaxed tone to one laced with irritation. “That’s unforgiveable, Gabby. I can’t fucking brush that off as some mistake.”

“Audrey said he’s having a hard time with it all too,” I told him.

“Good,” he said. He acted so cold and uncaring.

“Don’t be an ass, Josh. Please just talk to him.” I tried to get through to him but feared this topic would be one I couldn’t break through. “Don’t let this end a friendship. He’s one of your best friends, and one day may be a brother-in-law.”

“Hmm,” was the only response he offered.

“Please.” I pushed one last time.

“I’ll think about it,” he replied, and I chose to let it go.

Josh had become a ticking time bomb over the last few days and it worried me. It wasn’t like him. He was always so sweet and kind, full of orneriness.

It was just one more thing Leo had taken from our lives.

I hated that he was winning, and I feared it was only a matter of time before the man I loved fell even further.









Chapter 14





I wound her hair around my hand and yanked her head back hard, causing her to yelp.

“It would seem Gabby has been relocated,” I whispered against her ear. “And it would appear you have a job to do.”

She did not respond, so I tugged harder, once again making her cry out. “Whatever you need, Leo, please,” she begged.

I loosened my hold and turned her around to face me.

She looked at me with fear in her eyes. I grew hard at the sight. I loved instilling fear in everyone around me. I thrived on the power of it.

“That’s right, beg me,” I insisted as tears pooled in her eyes.

“I’ll find her,” she assured me.

I allowed my hand to roam over her shoulder, along her back, and over her ass as I cupped it tightly.

She wasn’t what I wanted, but she’d have to do.

“I’ll call her, she’ll answer,” she assured me. “She trusts me.”

I never responded, only continued my path along her hip until I reached the hem of her dress.

She gasped when I reached beneath it and cupped her pussy.

She could pretend to be offended, but I knew she loved the rough stuff. She had already proven that to me time and time again.

I turned her around once more, shoving her forward as she bent over the arm of the couch. I didn’t even take the time to remove her panties, only pulled them aside, exposing her moist center.

Wasting no further time, I unfastened my buckle and pulled myself free, slamming inside of her without warning.

I took from her what I needed, not caring if she got anything in return. This was about me, always about me.

Once I had finished with her I stepped back and began to right my clothing.

“You have forty-eight hours to locate Gabriella,” I told her. She never even rose from her current position. She feared me.

A triumphant feeling filled me.

“If you don’t deliver, you’ll regret it with every breath you take. Your life will take a drastic turn for the worse, and people you care about will pay the price for your failure.” She shook her head, still facing forward.

“I know you don’t want that, darling, so I suggest you deliver Ms. Shannon’s whereabouts in a timely fashion.”

I turned away from my toy and left her behind as I exited her apartment and made my way to the stairway.

I knew without a doubt she would deliver. She had kept me informed of Gabriella’s whereabouts for months now. She was my inside eyes and ears.

She had no choice.

Oh, the power—it felt fucking amazing.









Chapter 15





I had been at the office for going on twenty-four hours, surviving only on coffee and the stale muffins that had been sitting in a container in the breakroom for who knew how long.

I was so consumed in the stilled shot of the woman working for Leo that I hadn’t noticed the sun had risen and agents had begun to arrive.

The conference room had become my hub. It was roomy and had all I needed to continue my search.

“Damn, Josh, it looks like something blew up in here.” I looked up to find Grayson standing in the doorway, with Mike only a few feet behind.

Our eyes locked on one another for only a brief moment before I quickly looked away.

Remembering suddenly what Gabby had said only a day ago regarding Mike and my friendship, I just wasn’t sure I was ready for that talk after a night of no sleep.

I just couldn’t let go of the fact he let his guard down and opened up the possibility of Gabby being hurt, or worse.

“Are you two ever gonna let this shit go?” Gray was the one to bring attention to the tension between Mike and me. “This is bullshit. So he fucked up, we all have a time or two. But we are brothers here, and that trumps this girly shit the two of you can’t get over.”

Grayson continued to mumble something about working with a bunch of bitching, dramatic over-the-top women instead of men as he turned around and walked away.

Mike hung his head for a moment before he too turned around and walked in the opposite direction. And for a moment I thought of hollering his name, halting him, but then stopped myself.

Maybe Gray was right. Hell, maybe Gabby was right. There was a lot of history between Mike and me.




It had been two days of nothing. No fucking leads and no god-damn progress. I was exhausted and so consumed I couldn’t even remember the last time I ate.

“You need a break, man.” I looked up to find Mike standing in the doorway of the conference room holding two coffees. “I’m just saying that you’ve been at it for days, Josh. I don’t mean to piss you off.”

“I can’t let go of the idea that there is something right in front of our faces and we’re not seeing it,” I replied as I looked back down at the mess before me. “I feel like if I stop looking through all this shit, that somehow I’m failing her.”

The confession felt like I swallowed acid. My throat and stomach burned from the words.

There was a silence that set over the room before I heard the screeching sound of the chair across from me scraping against the floor.

I looked up just in time to see Mike take a seat and place the coffee he held on the conference table before me.

“I know I screwed up,” he began, and I tried to stop him, but he held out his hand. “Let me say this, Josh, please.”

I nodded, and he continued.

“I got careless, and I can never express how sorry I am for putting Gabby in danger.” His throat bobbed as he swallowed hard. “The reality of the situation, of what could have happened, it’s fucked with my head every day since. And sorry will never be enough, but I can assure you I will never underestimate Leo again.”

I never spoke, because I could tell he hadn’t finished yet. His gaze was focused on his hands as he pulled at the label on his coffee.

“You’re like a brother to me, and Gabby—hell, we all love that girl. I failed her, Josh,” he stated, “not you.”

He now looked up and locked eyes with me.

“Take a break, spend some time with your fiancée, and let us focus on all this for a day.” He shrugged. “The both of you could use a night away from everything. Some time together without all this crazy shit hanging over your heads.”

“I can’t,” I said and motioned to all the notes and files laid out before me. “I need to settle this nightmare so we can move on.”

“And I understand that, but one night to clear your head is what you both deserve,” Mike insisted. “You can come back and start fresh with a clear head.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, laying it next to my coffee.


Tower Corner Suite, at The Towers at Lotte New York Palace.


I looked up at him in confusion after reading the handwritten message. “What’s this?” I asked.

Mike smiled. “The room is registered in my name. Fully paid for and stocked. You won’t have to leave for anything, and there are two agents assigned outside the room at all times.”

He had done this.

I don’t know if it was some attempt to ease his mind for not being there with Gabby the night I was in Jersey, but the gesture was appreciated.

“This is dragging you down, Josh, and it’s dragging Gabby down too. Audrey is worried about her. It’s just one night.”

I could no longer deny the idea of pretending for twenty-four hours like we didn’t have some sick fuck out there waiting for another chance to instill fear in all of us.

Mike was right; we both needed this badly.

“Thanks, man.” I was grateful.

“No problem,” he said in response just before rising from the table and coming around to my side. “Now get out of here and let me work already. You’re in my fucking way.”

I chuckled as I stood up and pushed my chair back. Stepping around him, I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Without any further words, forgiveness was exchanged. It was a guy thing. We didn’t have to say it, we just knew.


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