Revenge for Hire (The Get Even Agency) (8 page)

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“Ooh, I
play, too,” Courtney
added, looking as if she’d like to slurp Marcus up in one bite.

,” Joy huffed and stormed away. Not
without looking over her shoulder at Marcus several times. Looking with an odd
light. As if she was seeing him for the first time in months.

“What was that all about?” Marcus asked, stunned and falling
back into the booth seat with a dazed expression.

“You can thank me later,” Randi said, shooting darts at the
departing ex. “It’s women like her who give the whole sex a bad rep. You really
should just move on.”

Jude groaned. “You told them about Joy?”

Randi rolled her eyes. “Not that you hadn’t already all but
filled us in, but he talked about nothing else but the little witch. I had to
escape for a dance.”

“You called Joy a little witch?”

Marcus shook his head.

“No, that was pure Patrice.” Randi grinned. “Now, scoot over,
sugar bottoms, and buy me a drink in thanks for making your ex wet her

Jude attempted to pull Avery away from the table, but she
resisted, hugging up against Courtney to keep him from succeeding.

“No,” she denied. She wasn’t going away from the safety of
numbers. Not until she figured out just how she’d lost control. She needed Jude
to fall for her. Her falling to pieces wasn’t part of that plan.

Jude sighed and slid into the booth beside her. Courtney
refused to budge so Avery had no choice but to have Jude’s hard thigh pressed
against her. His sexy “squeeze me” butt pressed against her. His arm brushed
against her.

“So, where did you two disappear off to?” Randi asked, with a
sly look on her face. Had her friend followed them into the hallway and partook
in voyeurism? Probably.

Avery held Randi’s gaze. “I had to go to the bathroom.”

“He hold your hand?”

She shook her head, glad the waitress showed up to take fresh
drink orders.

“I’m not through with you,” Jude growled low in her ear, while
the waitress had the others’ attention.

“Too bad because I’m through with you,” she said not quite as
softly as she’d meant to as Randi shot her a knowing grin.

When the waitress left, Randi thankfully let the subject of
where they’d been drop and started in on Marcus. “So, why is it that you’re
still hanging on to thoughts of reconciliation with an ex who clearly ran around
on you and used you as something to wipe her gnarly feet on?”

Jude’s body tensed next to her, but he remained quiet, watching
to see how his friend would respond. However, he didn’t remain still. His hand
slipped onto Avery’s thigh and traced its way upward over her jeans.

Avery wanted to jerk away, but to do that would draw Courtney’s
attention to Jude’s wandering hand. She didn’t want to explain why Jude had his
fingers between her legs. Not tonight. Not when she didn’t understand it

Conversation went on around her, but she couldn’t focus on
words. All her attention was down South. Jude’s fingers found their way to
where her jeans still rubbed. His knuckle grazed the denim. Back and forth. Back
and forth. There was no wiggle room as she was wedged between Jude and Courtney.
If she so much as flinched, Courtney would feel. Would look.

Then Jude might stop.

Which was so not the reason she didn’t move. Well, maybe…

The urge to buck against his torturous strokes beckoned. She
picked up a long neck and took a sip of the lukewarm liquid, realizing only
after she’d done so that the beer wasn’t hers and that she’d exposed her high
beams in the process.

No one seemed to notice. Courtney, Randi, and Marcus were in a
heated discussion over the merits of trying to make a marriage work no matter
what. Jude would occasionally throw in a comment, like that the beer she’d drunk
from was his and he’d be glad to quench all her thirsts. Avery was speechless.

And wet.

She was so wet.

And turned on.

She was so turned on.

And panicky.

She was so panicked.

Panicked because that marvelous heat was building in her thighs
again. The heat that radiated outward and made her want to throw her head back
and grind her body against Jude.

She had to remain still. Completely still.

A spiral of smoke curled in her belly, winding its way outward,
upwards, overpowering her body, making her toes dig into her boots. Back and
forth his knuckles rubbed. Back and forth. Faster. Harder.

Avery grabbed the beer and squeezed the bottle. She closed her
eyes to keep them from rolling back in her head and gave in to the sweet heat
flooding through her, all without moving.

“Oh wow,” she groaned, then was struck by reality.

She had spoken out loud.

And moved.

She opened her eyes.

Three stunned and one smug pairs stared back at her.


Chapter Six


can not
believe you let him get
you off under the table.” Cassidy’s eyes were huge and accusing. “Nor that I
missed it. Why didn’t you tell me?”

Avery cringed the moment she came out of her bedroom. She’d
hoped no one else would be out of bed this morning. She should have known

All three women sat at the table, waiting to pounce on her with
the enthusiasm Payback Puss leaped upon an unsuspecting mouse.

She did not want to discuss what happened at the pub last night.

Damn Jude for putting her in this position.

When had she ever not wanted to share her life with her friends?
What was he doing to her?

Making a laughing stock of her, that’s what, and she’d had

Today, she’d take control and make his life a living hell.

“Why should I when I have my two
friends to blabber that Jude got me off at the table with the whole world as

Cassidy frowned.

“Well, almost the whole world,” Avery corrected.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I think you like
him.” Randi eyed her over the rim of her coffee cup.

“You don’t?”

“I’d do him,” Randi admitted. “His friend, too.”

Avery swallowed the bile in her throat. “Stay away from Jude.”


“He’s mine.”

At the three women’s expressions, Avery felt the need to
clarify. “My mark.”

“Right.” Randi dragged the word out. “Tell me, is having his
hands between your legs part of the plan?”

“Oh, get off it, Randi,” Avery snapped. “It’s not like you
haven’t slept with a mark before.”

“You’re planning to sleep with him?” If Cassidy’s eyes had been
large before, they were saucers now.

“I might,” Avery admitted. Goodness knew she hadn’t been able
to think of anything else during the night. Even when sleep had finally come,
so had Jude. Into her dreams and into her body. She wanted to know what it
would feel like to have him inside her. For real.

What would having sex with Jude hurt? By the weekend she’d be
gone and never see him again. Why not enjoy the magic he wrought within her?

“Oh my
.” Courtney fanned her
face. “I don’t believe this. Avery is
do a

Avery rolled her eyes.

“You know,” Randi’s eyes took on a gleam, “this calls for some

Avery shook her head. “I can’t go shopping. I’m on assignment working
as Jude’s assistant, you know that. Speaking of which, have we heard how Mrs.
is doing?”

“Having an absolute blast, and you are not changing the
subject,” Randi warned. “If you can’t go, then we’ll go for you.”


“Yes,” all three said simultaneously.

“Anything I might need is already hanging in my closet.”

“Honey, lingerie isn’t about what you need. It’s about what you
want, what makes you feel sexy, what makes him want you.”

“From the sound of it, Avery already has that one covered,”
Cassidy piped up.

, very funny.”

“I thought so.” Cassidy grinned and popped a chunk of fruit
into her mouth.

“Don’t you three have work you should be doing?”

Courtney nodded. “Actually, I’m out on the shopping. I’m flying
to Boston later this morning. Going to take care of that cheating bastard down

“Bet you’re not planning to sleep with your mark,” Randi teased.


“She better stay away from a certain P.I., too,” Avery reminded.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Mom has spoken.”

“You better believe it.”

Courtney giggled. “Of course, it’s
hard to take you serious, Mom, when I sat next to you getting fingered last

Avery pursed her lips. “I was fully dressed, thank you very

“That didn’t seem to present a problem,” Courtney reminded.

“If you could have seen your face, Av,” Randi said, quite

She was glad she couldn’t. Was glad she couldn’t at the moment
because she knew her cheeks flamed beet red.

“Time to run. See you ladies later.” Avery bent over and gave
Courtney a hug. “Be careful. You need someone to go with you?”

Courtney shook her head. “Nope. This trip to Boston’s another
quickie. I’ll be home in Tennessee tomorrow evening. The day after at the

Avery nodded, waved bye and headed for Playhouse Magazine to
face a man she’d had wild dream sex with all night.

* * *

“How the hell do you even know anything about Mrs. Yamaguchi
being pissed at me?” Jude asked his boss. His boss and the owner of Playhouse

Jude liked Simon Sims. Despite his lady’s man image, the man
was someone Jude admired a great deal. Most of the time.

“She called me.” Simon, who looked like a greased up Sean
Connery, laughed as if memory of the phone call amused him. “She said you
insulted her then ran out during your meeting.”

“I went to the doctor with food poisoning.” Of course, it could
have been Mrs. Yamaguchi’s special blend of perfume. The stuff definitely had
been potent enough to turn one’s stomach. “Besides, I’ve repeatedly called and
even went to the trouble of sending her flowers and a hand-written apology.”

“Which apparently impressed her enough to insist you attend her
daughter’s big birthday bash tonight.”

“Tonight?” He’d had hopes of having other plans for tonight. Like
spending the evening with Angela. Without intercourse, unless he figured out a
way to get Marcus lucky—-which his friend didn’t seem to want to happen.

Still, intercourse or no, he wanted to spend every second he
could with his angel. Odd, that.

“Yes,” Simon said, “and you will be there because this account
is important.”

He couldn’t argue that point. Mrs. Yamaguchi spent millions of
dollars with the magazine. If he had to do a little perfume-gagging to keep the
woman happy, it was a small price to pay.

“I’ll be there.”

Simon stood, patted Jude on the shoulder. “You know, I’d hoped
you and Mandy would patch things up.”

Jude grimaced. “Sorry, Sir, but that’s not going to happen.”

“She’d make you a good wife.”

Jude knew what Simon was getting at. What Simon had pointed out
numerous times. If Jude married his daughter, he’d someday own the magazine. As
much as Jude would like to have that control, not at the cost of tying himself
to Mandy till death do they part. Death would have been a welcome reprieve if
he’d had to spend every day of his life with her spoilt whining.

Simon should have taken the girl over his knees a few times and
spanked some sense and morals into her. Had Mandy really thought tricking him
into letting her pose as Miss December would win any brownie points? It hadn’t,
and he’d had to think damn fast to smooth things over with Simon.

She’d been beautiful enough, probably thanks to the nip and
tuck procedures daddy’s money paid for. But after just a couple of weeks, Jude
knew that even if he would like the benefits of being Simon’s son-in-law, not
when those benefits meant being married to Simon’s only daughter. No thanks.
Jude preferred being single, always had, end of story.

“I figured you’d still feel that way.” Simon sighed. “You should
give her another chance. She’ll grow up someday, and you’re just the right man
to guide her in that direction.”

Jude took his chances. “There’s someone else.”

The man’s bushy silver brows rose. “Anyone I should know

“Not yet, Sir, but if anything changes on that score, you’ll be
the first to know.”

“After the little lady, of course.”

“Of course.” Despite his thoughts from only moments before he
made it sound as if he intended to have a serious relationship with Angela.

Perhaps he did. It might be weeks before he got to have sex
with her. If he lived that long. Because he wasn’t sure how much heat like last
night he could stand without going up in flames. Anticipation was one thing,
but Jude didn’t go for masochism.

If Marcus only knew the sacrifices Jude was making in the name
of friendship and keeping his word.

Jude walked to the door with Simon. His breath caught when he
saw Angela sitting at her desk. As always her hair was pulled up and she wore a
pale green button down blouse that made her eye color all the more vivid. She
looked beautiful, more beautiful than any memory could do justice to.

And she’d came for him last night. Twice.

“Where’s Mrs.
?” Simon asked,
his gaze running over Angela in true lady’s man fashion.


Simon’s brow rose. “Oh? She hadn’t mentioned going on vacation
to me.”

“Me neither. Apparently this trip came up suddenly as a result
of one of the sweepstakes she’s forever entering. Miss Greene is filling in
until Mrs.

Angela glanced up, her eyes flashing with steely determination.
Hell. She wasn’t happy about last night.

Why would she be? He’d made out with her like a horny high-
in a bar hallway. After which, he still hadn’t
been able to keep his hands to himself and had felt her up at the table. Her jeans
did little to conceal the hot heat at the apex of her thighs and he’d wanted to
make her cum. Again. He wanted to make her cum, right now, at this very second.
Only this time he wanted his fingers inside her, to feel her sweet release and
to lick every drop from his fingers.

Simon stuck his hand out toward her. “Simon Sims.”

“Oh,” she smiled, stood, and took his hand. “I’ve heard
wonderful things about you.”

Jude bit back a whistle, and the urge to tell Simon to keep his
hands to himself, she was taken.

Oblivious to his possessive thoughts, Simon eyed her tight
black skirt, toned legs, then kissed her hand in great show. “From Jude?”

Angela smiled, but didn’t answer.

Jude didn’t smile, but grunted. Or had that been a growl?

He didn’t recall them having talked about the magazine’s owner,
but maybe they had. She and Simon chatted a few more minutes. Simon seemed as
enraptured with the temp as Jude himself. Then again, she was an enrapturing
kind of woman.

A woman that made him oddly possessive.

“You should come to Mrs. Yamaguchi’s party tonight,” Simon
invited, causing Jude to look at Angela, gauging her reaction.

Her eyes sparkled. “I’d love to. Thank you for inviting me, Mr.

“Simon,” he instantly corrected.

“Simon.” The name purred off her full lips in a silky caress.

The older man gave her the details and preened beneath her
attention. Not that Simon wasn’t always the center of feminine attention, but
there was something about the way Angela looked at a man that got beneath the
surface. Even the surface of professional playboys like Simon and Jude.

“I’ll see you there, then.” Simon left.

Trying to reign in the emotions bubbling within him, Jude
lingered beside her desk.

When he didn’t speak and didn’t walk away, she finally looked
at him. Total exasperation narrowed her eyes.

“What?” she asked. “You wanted me to tell him no?”

“Not really.” Jude shook his head. “I’d like to have been the
one to invite you, though.”

“In which case I might have been inclined to say no thanks.”

“I should be thankful Simon beat me to the punch?”

“You don’t mean he just asked me for a date? He’s old enough to
be my father.” Angela’s eyes widened, but he could tell she wasn’t really
shocked despite her words.

Jude laughed. “Simon’s women are usually younger than his

“Poor girl.”

“Don’t waste your pity on Mandy. She doesn’t deserve the

Angela’s eyes flashed again. Only this time with something akin
to guilt.

Over last night?

Had he misread her? Pushed her beyond where she’d wanted to be
taken? Their eyes locked. No, she’d wanted every stroke of his fingers, ever
thrust of his tongue. She’d been with him every step of the way.

“Go with me.”


“But you will save me a dance?”

“No. Dancing with you is dangerous.”

“Messing around with a heavy weight playboy like Simon Sims is
dangerous. He eats pretty girls like you for between meal snacks.” Jude laughed.
“Besides, I promise not to hurt you.”

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