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Authors: Meli Raine

Tags: #military, #BBW Romance, #coming of age, #contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Fiction, #General, #Genre Fiction, #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #new adult, #New Adult & College, #romance, #romantic suspense, #suspense, #women's fiction

Revenge (16 page)

BOOK: Revenge
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Hi Carrie. Vera from the Registrar’s office. The dean’s late in getting his new advising assignments to us. Any chance you could scan those and get them in by the end of the day?”

dia and the ch
f are hi
sing at each other. Effie’s watching them with narrowed eyes as she makes a stack, squares the pages, the

ver and over and over.

“Sure,” I say into the phone. I’m relieved to have an excuse to leave. “
e right over.”

I walk into the dean’s office and look through his
n-box. He gave me permission to do this on day one.

Claudia comes storming in. “What are you doing?” she snaps.

t’s what we grown-ups do,” I retort.

Effie snickers fro
the other room.

“You can’t go through my father’s paperwork.”

t’s my
,” I say through gritted teeth. Aha. A blue folder with the paperwork I need is right on top. I grab it and spin around, my eyes catching a photograph.

One t
hat stops me dead in my tracks.

On the middle shelf behind the dean’s desk, there’s a framed photo. I’ve never noticed it before, but then again, I’m rarely in his office. All of the main filing cabinets are in my room. The woman has dark hair.
t’s long, below shoulder length, and a high black gloss.

She has huge, shining brown eyes and wears red lipstick. Her nose is long and straight, her cheeks apple-like and rosy. She’s a classic beauty, with the warm tones of sun-kissed skin.

“Amy,” I gasp. “Why does your father have a picture of Amy in here?” My eyes fixate on the woman’s face. I grab the phot
, then stagger back as my eyes take in the rest.

She’s wearing a black s
quined dress and is in a wheelchair,
her legs draped with a black blanket

She has no arms.

“What are you talking about?” Cla
dia snaps, wrenching the photo from me. Ch
f Cummings is in my office, chatting with Effie. I can hear them in the distance.

“This is Amy!” I say in a high, shaking voice.

Claudia rolls her eyes. “You are so stupid.
t’s not your dumb little friend.”

hen who is it?
It looks just like Amy!

 “That’s not your
you idiot
. That’s my

hapter Twenty

So I picked up the folder and rushed out of there as fast I could. Texted Mark, but got no answer. Went to the Registrar’s Office and walked around campus for an hour. When I got back, the chief was gone. I finished up work and came home.” I finish telling the story to Elaine as we sit on her back deck and drink white wine.

She lets out a low whistle.
t scares the tuxedo cat on her shoulder. He leaps off and into a small patch of rocks next to us.

“That’s freaky. Are you sure?”
Elaine sees my empty wine glass and pours me another full one. She finishes off the bottle of wine and sits back, sipping her glass.

t’s that kind of day, and it’s only

“I’m sure. I even went back in and scanned the photo. I thought for sure Claudia took it with her, but she didn’t.” I hold up a small thumb drive. “I’ve got the photo on here, and I emailed it to myself, too, for safety.”

ah. I’
never safe anymore.

I don’t remember her,” Elaine says, squinting. She looks like she’s literally trying to pull up a memory.

dean and Claudia
moved here after she died,” I explain.

Elaine relaxes. “Oh. That explains it.” She drinks some more. A tabby climbs into her lap and she strokes it. The c
t begins to purr. “
he dean’s wife rea
ly looks that much like Amy?”

“So much that I thought a t
-year-old picture was my best friend.”

Elaine shakes her head and grimaces. “That’s so...we

“Too weird for my tastes,” I declare.

“Did you say anything to the chief?”

I pause. I can’t tell her the truth about Mark. And for some reason, I’m hesitating about going to the chief with the picture.

An ache burns inside me for Mark. I wish he were here.
can’t even text or call him. I crave the sound of his voice.
he feel of hi
hot breath on my neck. The w
y his tongue sparks my flesh when he—

“Carrie! You look like you’re getting heat stroke!” Elaine says, concern on her face. “You turned fire engine red just now.”

“Must be the white wine,” I murmur.

t can give people the flushes,” she says, nodding and stroking the kitty.

I say nothing.
t’s for the best.

“What are you planning to do?” she asks.


“Are you going to tell the chief.”

I start to laugh. “
ell him what? That I think the dean of the local university is the one stealing all these women?”

“When you put it that way, it does sound pretty bizarre.”

“When you put it
way, Elaine, it’s compl
tely bizarre.”

“I don’t understand what all these kidnappings have to do with your father and the drug operation, though.”

I bite my lips to keep from saying anything. This is hard. So hard. How does Mark do this? How does he live a life where he knows so much and can say so little?

For him it’s just life as usual. For me, it’s torture. I know the answer to so many of Elaine’s questions.
et I can’t say a word.

Not one, single word.

I hope his father’s okay,” Elaine murmurs.

just nod. What else can I do?

I’ll wait until Mark’s back in town. I’ll ask him what he thinks,” I finally say.

Elaine smiles at me. Her grin lights up my world. “Good plan. Good man, too.”


n bed?”

I nearly drop my wine glass. Maybe I misheard her.

“Excuse me?”

“Is he a good man in bed, too?” she repeats.

Nope. Didn’t mishear her. I go bright red again. I feel it. My face is like napalm.

“Oh, Carrie,” Elaine chortles. “We’re grown women. We can talk about sex.”

Redder. I’m turning into goo.


“I’m assuming you slept with him. You were in his cottage all night the other night and he said...”

es. We, um, we’re together.”
This is awkward.



“Just girl talk,” she says with a wink.

Girl talk.
f Amy were here, that’s what we’d be doing. Having girl talk. My best friend’s gone and my version of girl talk is chatting about my sex life with the closest thing I have to a mom.


Saved by Elaine’s phone. Whew.

Oh, my goodness. Mikey’s football game is about to start!” Elaine leaps up. The cat jumps off in a huff, glaring at her as she walks to the patio doors. “Brian!” she shouts. “We need to go!”

“All right, all right,” he
, wandering past the door, car
ing the car keys. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

Elaine turns back and gives me another wink.

I just shake my head.

The truck engine starts up and I hear them leave. I finish my wine and walk through the house, locking up. Despite what Mark said before he left, I haven’t been staying in his cottage. It fe
ls too intimate. I want my own space, so I’ve been slee
ing in my trailer.

And I’ve been perfectly safe.

As I walk back to the trailer, the mailbox catches my eye. I walk over and get the mail, then go b
ck into the house as I sort it. One piece is for me, and the rest for Elaine and Brian.

hat’s weird. My forwarding order hasn’t kicked in yet.

I look at the handwriting.
t’s familiar, and the return address is my old address in Oklahoma City.

I open it. A lett
in another envelope falls out.

That handwriting makes me nearly faint on the spot.

t’s my dad’s chicken scrawl.

I slowly lower myself to the tile floor in the foyer of Brian and Elaine’s house. How could my dad send me a letter?

A little note flutters out of the larger envelope.


Dear Carrie,


You gave me this address before you left.
he day after you were gone, this arrived. I thought you’d want it. The new roommate sucks. She leaves her dirty dishes out and the ants are back. She also fucks her boyfriend all morning and he leaves condoms in the toilet. We miss you.




Well. Isn’t that a heaping dose of nostalgia?

My hands shake as I open the letter within a letter. The stationery is the same my dad always used. I had to send it to him, with self-addressed, stamped envelopes. I pause as I get to the actual letter.

This is the very last thing my daddy will ever say to me.

My nose and throat swell with tears. I ache
o hug him one more time. He was my anchor. My champion. My only source of true, unconditional love.

And he’s gone.

I close my eyes, then slowly, painstakingly unfold the letter.
Half the words are crossed out with thick, permanent marker. This has happened before, when the prison authorities censor stories Dad told about events in the prison, or law enforcement investigations.

Alarm shoots through me. I’ve never seen one
blacked out before.


Dear Carrie,


I have to tell you to be careful about ______. He’s part of the _________ and he’s going to act like he’s _________.
Don’t be fooled by his power. He is corrupt.
Stay away from him. Do not spend time alone with him, ever. If he tries to get you alone, do whatever you have to in order to get away.

Last week he ______________—

The next entire paragraph is blacked out.
The whole thing.

I stop reading and rest my forehead against my knees.

Who is “he”?

And why is my father warning me from the grave about this unnamed man?

Chapter Twenty-One

There’s more. It goes on for three pages, so many sentences and words blacked out that it becomes gibberish after a while.

I read and re-read, my eyes racing over the page until it all becomes a blur. It’s meaningless. The letter means everything and nothing, all at the same time. Without Dad here to explain, and without the blacked out words, the context doesn’t make sense.

That’s the story of the last three years, isn’t it? Trying to find meaning in bits and pieces of information, but always lacking the whole.

I toss the letter on the flo
and begin to sob. My ribs ache from the force of my ugly cry. I wrench my neck as I stretch up and howl, the pain in my heart so steady it feels like it’s being ripped from my chest.

This is what it feels like to die but still be alive. How can I protect myself from a man I don’t know the name of? How could the prison authorities sit there and cross out all this information knowing—
—my dad was trying to warn me?

In my freshman year of college I read a book in Introduction to Philosophy. It was called
Eichmann in Jerusalem: The Banality of Evil
t was about the Holocaust, and why ordinary German citizens were
to be in the
rmy and
to the concentration camps and gas chambers.
Why didn’t they argue? Not do the job? Walk away and refuse?

uestion was: how could perfectly normal people become such monsters?

I am suddenly reminded of that book.

I pick up the letter and walk outside, locking Brian and Elaine’s front door.
he sun is setting. I have to work in the morning. Mark is still gone.

At this point, I think I just need to crawl into bed and c
ll it an early night. Maybe sleep will tear me away from some of this confusio
and pain.

I hope Mark comes home tomorrow. I need him so much. All the love my dad used to offer me is gone. Elaine and Brian offer some. So does Amy. But now that Mark and I are back together, he’s who I need the most.
he love I feel for him is different.
t’s a
l about the futu
e. The love I have from other people is about a shared past.

ark is who I need.

My legs feel like bricks as I walk up the steps to my trailer. I close and lock the door, pu
l the curtains, and slide under the covers fully clothed.

And pray for a peaceful night’s sleep.

* * *

“Daddy?” I say, my voice filled with irritation. We’re sitting in a beautiful tea room, in a major city, miles above the crowds and noise. This is a restaurant for the wealthy, with important business men leaning in toward each other. Their brows are knitted in concentration, voice
hushed and full of money.

The women are gorgeous, stunningly perfect. Deep red dresses and wide white hats, pearls and diamonds and expensive high heels galore. The restaurant is full of rich, purple velvet and bright sunlight. Silver tea sets abound.

BOOK: Revenge
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