Read Revenge Online

Authors: Sam Crescent

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

Revenge (29 page)

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“That happens then Gonzalez is on borrowed time. I
don’t give a fuck about whatever plan Tiny and The Skulls have. I’ll take
Gonzalez out myself.”

Turning the heat down so the milk wouldn’t spoil, he
turned to look at Death.

“What do you expect me to do? Keep her here and tie
her to the bed?”

“If it will
work, why not?”
Death asked.

“You can tell you’ve got a selection of pussy to lose
yourself in.” Devil wasn’t going to risk Lexie crushing his balls just because
he didn’t want her to see her sister’s body.

Death chuckled. “Are you jealous?”

“Not at all.
You can have all the pussy in the world, but you don’t know how hot and
tight Lex is.” Death stopped laughing.
“My woman and no other
man between her thighs.
Think about it, Death,
a woman who’s fucked many men. I know the only cum I’m
following is my own.”

The sick look on Death’s face made Devil laugh.

“Do you see why I advise for all of my men to wear a
rubber with the club whores?”

Nodding, Death cleared his throat.

Pouring the hot chocolate into the cups, Devil handed
one to Death. “Enjoy it and take care.”

Leaving the man behind, he took the two mugs upstairs.
Entering his bedroom, he saw that Lexie hadn’t returned from the shower.
Putting the mugs onto the drawer beside the bed, he opened the bathroom door.

He saw her washing soap out of her hair as she stared
up at the shower. Devil was tempted to join her. Deciding to give her some
space he walked back into the bedroom and tugged his shirt over his head.
Removing his rings and neck chain, he placed them on her dresser. He saw the
scents and creams she liked to wear. Watching her rub lotion all over her body
always turned him on.

Removing his jeans, he took a seat on the bed and took
a swig of the hot chocolate. He didn’t do anything else well, but he made a
good hot chocolate.

As he stared across the room, the picture of him and
Tiny together at the barbeque over two years ago caught his eye. They weren’t
wearing any of their cuts. Lexie had caught them together. Devil held a pair of
food tongs while Tiny held a beer in his hand. He didn’t like the thought of
either of them losing that.

Grabbing his cell phone, he opened it up and pressed
down to find
number. He hovered over the
number for several seconds then closed the phone, cursing. No, he wouldn’t
phone the bastard. What was done was done.

Taking another sip of his drink, he was caught by the
picture again. What the fuck had happened to them?

He forced himself to look away toward another photo.
This one was of him with Lexie. She hated the picture as her hair was matted
from sweat and she held their son in her hands. He got Judi to take the picture
while he sat on the hospital bed with his arms around his woman and new son.
She had given birth an hour before and looked tired.

Every time he looked at it, he was brought down to
earth by the beauty of her. Lexie was strong on the inside and out. She’d put
up with a lot of shit from him.

Running fingers through his hair, he moved over to the
pictures of his kids and several of him with Lexie. She really did like to take
her photos. The house was covered in pictures of the club and family. Not that
he had anything to complain about.

The shower turned off, and Lexie appeared in the

“You made me your hot chocolate?” she asked.

Putting his own cup on the drawer top, he offered her up some of his
own kind of medicine. She took the cup from him.

He watched the appreciation on her face as she took a


“I live to serve my woman.”

She took another few sips before handing him back the
cup. He watched her move away, bending over to dry her hair.

Her ass called to him, making him ache. It had been
too long since he’d been inside her.

You fucked her this morning.

Still, he’d come to understand that once with Lexie
was never enough. She walked toward her vanity table and started to brush her
hair. “Where’s Death?” she asked.

“He’s taken the bedroom downstairs for us.”

She wasn’t showing yet, but it was in the early weeks
of her pregnancy.

“Are we ever going to have a normal year when shit
doesn’t happen or cause problems?” she asked.

“I don’t know, baby. I wish I could promise you that
life is going to get back to normal, but I can’t promise you shit.”

Devil watched her sigh. The long length of her brown
hair flowed down her back, surrounding her. He loved winding her hair around
his fist as he fucked into her from behind.

“I know. I hope Judi and the others are doing okay.”

“Drop the towel,” he said. He stroked his cock as he
looked at her. Talking about other women and men was no longer on his mind.
Death was on watch in case anything bad happened. He wanted to fuck his woman
before he didn’t get the chance when shit really hit the fan.


“I served you my signature hot chocolate. Drop the
towel and show me the body I own and love.”

“You served me hot chocolate as a kind of blackmail?”

“You’ve got it, baby. You know I love watching you get

“It’s late.”

“And I’m horny, Lex. Don’t make me wait.” He fisted
his cock, waiting. If he had to he’d strip her naked himself.

She shook her head, chuckling. “You’re bad.”

“You always knew there was a reason they called me

Lexie fingered the corner of her towel, teasing him.

“Come on,
stop testing
me before I take over.”

He heard her giggle, and the towel dropped to the
floor, revealing her creamy tanned skin. Her tits and pussy were still the
palest color as he didn’t allow her to go completely naked.

His cock thickened even more at the sight of her.

“Turn around and bend over.”

She rolled her eyes at him, turning away.

Watching her bend over and show off her slick cunt,
sent the pleasure within him into overdrive.

“Fuck, baby, you’re beautiful.”

He climbed off the bed, walking toward her. She stood
up as he caught her around the waist. Pulling her close, he slammed his lips
down on hers. He pressed his tongue inside, stroking along her lips. She
wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Please, Devil,” she said, crying out.

Kissing down her neck, he sucked on her pulse needing
to mark her body. She turned her head to the side as he sucked her flesh in

Devil ran his hands down her body, spreading her legs
open to cup her pussy. She was soaking wet. Sliding his fingers through her
slit, he touched her clit, stroking the swollen nub.

She shook in his arms, quivering from the pleasure.

“That’s right, baby. Open up for me.” He stopped
sucking on her neck long enough to whisper the words against her flesh.


“You’re going to wait to come. I want to play first.”
Turning her to the bed, he dropped her on the edge and sank down in front of

Lexie opened her thighs for him to see her cream
coating the lips of her sex. The scent of her met his nostrils. She was musky,
and the smell made his mouth water for a taste of her.

“Lie back. I’m going to eat this pretty pussy before I
do anything else.”

Slowly, she lay back against the bed. Gripping the
thickness of her thighs, he leaned down and slid his tongue from the entrance
of her cunt all the way up to circle her clit.

She jerked off the bed. Moving one hand to her
stomach, he kept her down while he worked her clit. He circled, flicked, and
sucked the bud into his mouth before going down to plunge his tongue inside

“Fuck, Devil.” She cried out, moaning between each
flick of his tongue. He wasn’t going to give up until he heard her scream in

Drawing her to the edge of the bed, he soaked his
fingers in her leaking cream, pushing the slickened digits to her tight

She gasped as he pressed one finger to her anus.

The tight muscles refused to let him inside, but he
was never willing to take no for an answer.

Within seconds he was working first one then a second
digit into her ass.

“Fuck me, Devil, please.”

Flicking her clit, he pumped into her ass waiting for
her to come.

“No, I need you inside me. Please, Devil, fuck me.”

Pulling away from her body, he wiped his fingers on
the towel. Climbing on the bed, he didn’t give her a chance to get away from
him. Gripping his cock, he slid the naked tip through her wet slit. When he was
slick with her cream, he pushed the tip to her entrance and slammed inside.

Devil cut off her screams by pressing a hand to her
mouth to keep her quiet.

“There’s only so much noise the kids will sleep
through,” he said, smiling. He loved making her scream and worked hard to get
what he wanted.

Slowly, he withdrew from her body, glancing down to
see his cock reappear.

“Don’t,” she said.

Giving her what she wanted, he rammed back inside.
Over and over, he fucked her tight, hot cunt. Lexie wrapped her arms around him
as he drove them both to the edge of bliss. Kissing her lips, Devil sucked on
her tongue before licking along her lips.

She moaned. Her nails scored the flesh of his back. He
didn’t mind if she marked him.
her mark gave him deep pleasure.

“I’m going to come,” she said.

“Then come all over my dick and I’ll follow you.”

She didn’t fight him. Her pussy tightened around him
as her orgasm claimed her. Capturing her mouth, he swallowed down her moans.

His own orgasm took him by surprise. Thrusting into
her one final time, he felt his cock jerk and his seed pulse inside her cunt.
Closing his eyes, he pulled away from the kiss and dropped his head to her

Gasping for breath, he held onto Lexie tight.

This was the one thing he never wanted to sacrifice.
He hated what Tiny had done, but he couldn’t let anything happen to Lexie. She
was his reason for living, his soul, and losing her would send him straight to

Chapter Thirteen


“Everett is not answering his cell,” Ronald said,
pulling Gonzalez out of his thoughts. Several of his men were no longer
answering his calls. Gonzalez couldn’t get a hold of them no matter how hard he
tried. What good was he if his own men wouldn’t even fucking answer? He wasn’t
threatening at all.

“So, I think it’s best for us to assume that he was
caught and was unsuccessful in taking Eva and fucking killing her.” It was a
shame really. He’d been looking forward to watching Everett work. Eva was a
pretty woman, on the plump side, sure, but she’d been the key to getting Ned
Walker in line. He had every intention of killing her, but he’d wanted a reason
to put Ned on his toes, to get the man to dance to his tune. Out of all of the
men, Ned was proving to be the most difficult. Everyone had a price, and Eva
was Ned’s. Once again he’d failed to get what he wanted, and Gonzalez wasn’t

Still, Gonzalez had learned long ago that patience was
always the perfect solution.

“If he was unsuccessful then he’s dead. The Skulls
wouldn’t let him live.”

Circling the tumbler holding his whiskey, Gonzalez
wasn’t happy. He needed to think. His father had been far more successful in
wiping out a club than he’d been. He didn’t like knowing he was failing where
his father once succeeded.

The Savage Brothers didn’t come back for revenge. You’ve not got what it

Gritting his teeth, he stared out of his hotel window.
The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds were just a bunch of men. There was nothing magical
or special about the group. They were a bunch of men who could die like the
rest of them. He’d not been able to get in touch with Butch either. Fuck, he
hated this. What good was this power when he couldn’t
use it? Even the men he did business with were failing to answer his call. It
was like he’d been cut off from everything.

“I think it’s safe to say Butch was playing us,”
Gonzalez said.

“Why do you say that?” Ronald stood beside him looking
out of the window.

“There shouldn’t have been anyone home to stop our
man. I told Butch to keep them out. There shouldn’t have been anything to make
this go wrong.”

He tapped the edge of his drink, thinking.

“What about one of their prospects?”

BOOK: Revenge
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