Revelation of Blood (32 page)

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Authors: J. L. McCoy

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance

BOOK: Revelation of Blood
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Suddenly, something was against my chest and
I opened my eyes and looked up into Hagan’s astonished ones.
“Fucking prick!” I yelled as I pushed him as hard as I could away
from me and spun around to catch a falling Jameson.

The sound of Hagan’s body crashing into the
far wall was music to my ears as I laid Jameson down on the
polished concrete and quickly pulled the dagger out of his chest.
“Are you okay?” I asked worriedly as my hands fluttered over the
wound. Jameson just stared up at me in shock and nodded his

“I’m going to heal you, honey,” I whispered
as I put my hands on the injury and surrounded myself with energy.
“Stay still.” After drawing it in, I pushed it hard into Jameson,
desperate to end his pain. Jameson immediately began to pant
quickly and suddenly his body jerked hard as a moan ripped itself
from his chest.

Oops. Uh-oh
. I gazed down at him with
a mixture of relief and dismay. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered as I
brushed his hair back from his sated eyes. “I didn’t mean for that
to happen.”

“You still love me,” he breathed, looking up
at me through hooded eyes. “Made it more than worth it.”

“Lie still for a minute,” I patted his hand
before putting some distance between us. As I began to stand, I
heard clapping to my left.

“Well done, Morrison,” Hagan smiled proudly.
“I knew you could do it.”

I pushed the hair back from my face and
frowned at him furiously. “Don’t you ever do something like that to
me again, Hagan.”

“I only did what was necessary, Skye,” he
explained calmly as he held his hands out to his sides. “I needed
you to teleport again before you went up against two hundred Dark
Ones. I only want to protect you. You have to believe that.”

I glared at him a few seconds more before I
took a deep breath and nodded my head. “Just don’t ever use him
again to make your point,” I whispered uncomfortably as I walked up
to him, stopping a few inches from his chest. “There’s too much
there, Hagan. I lose my shit.”

His brow furrowed briefly as his eyes
flickered to Jameson and then back to me. “Be sure you don’t let
your attachments distract you from your task tomorrow,” he frowned,
concerned, then spoke silently in my head. “
And since we’re on
the subject, you should be mindful about spending too many emotions
on a person. You’ll only end up hurting yourself in the long

“Relationship advice, sir?” I cocked my brow
and pursed my lips at his unwanted statement.

“Life advice, little warrior,” his eyes
softened. “
Don’t learn the hard way like I did

The hardness melted from my face as I saw the
briefest flash of vulnerability. “Jameson is my friend,” I said in
the barest whisper as I gazed up into his eyes, not

Maybe I wasn’t talking about him
,” he
said silently as his chocolate brown eyes roamed my face.

My brow creased as I studied him back, not
totally understanding what he meant but getting a strange, telling
feeling. I slowly lifted my hand and inched it toward his chest. He
stiffened momentarily, preparing himself, and nodded his head once
in permission.

The second my fingers touched him, I picked
up his emotions and thoughts. What I saw there, I had a hard time
understanding, believing, and my breath picked up as I slowly
pulled my hand away.

“Hagan,” I breathed softly as I took in his
suddenly guarded eyes. I wanted to say something to him, but I
wasn’t sure what to say. I respected Hagan more than most people
and looked up to him as a teacher and friend. Few people in this
world made me feel as safe as he did when I was with him.

“I’ll get Doyle upstairs,” he said in his
usual no-nonsense voice then cocked a brow and smirked at me. “The
only way you’re leaving this room is if you teleport out. Good luck
with that, Morrison.”

I turned and watched as Hagan passed me and
strolled over to Jameson, helping him up off the floor. “Sorry I
had to hurt you,” Hagan rumbled as he gave Jameson a firm pat on
the back.

“It’s okay,” he sighed and adjusted his
pants. “What do you say we just keep what happened down here
between us?”

“I think that’s a good idea,” Hagan said as
his eyes briefly found mine. He and Jameson began climbing the
stairs and before he was out of sight, his eyes found mine one more
time. “Get to work, little warrior,” he said with a small

Once they were out of the room, I sighed
heavily and plopped down on the floor. “Holy shit,” I whispered,
still shocked, as I ran my fingers through my hair. Too much stuff
had happened in the short hour we’d been down here. Pushing the
confusing emotions away, I chewed my bottom lip as I focused on
teleporting upstairs.

When I teleported to Hagan earlier, my mind
recognized the change my body had to make in order for
teleportation to be possible. I locked on to that part of me again
and pushed as I focused on where I wanted to go. With a mischievous
smirk, I whispered one name and felt my body start to pulse and
vibrate as a bright, white light surrounded me.

The next second, my feet hit hard ground and
I heard a surprised, feminine scream as I ran into someone. Opening
my eyes, I saw that I was standing in the kitchen and facing a
surprised Hagan. “Boo,” I grinned and quickly added, “Sir.”

“Well, I’ll be damned, Morrison,” he smiled
down at me with pride. “That was quick. I thought you’d be down
there all night-”

“Good Lord in Heaven!” Trey shrieked by the
counter a few feet away and stomped his foot. I laughed and turned
to see him gripping his chest with wide eyes. “You scared the crap
out of me!”

“I’m sorry, honey,” I giggled. “I didn’t mean
to scare you.”

“Good thing I’m not a human anymore,” Trey
grumbled as he began wiping up the bagged blood that spilled on the
counter. “I’d have to change my damn delicates right now.”

I completely lost it as I put a hand on his
shoulder half to comfort him and half to steady myself. “Oh my
God,” I breathed, trying to catch my breath, as I laughed. “Oh,
that was great. I’m sorry, but the look on your face-”

“What the heck is going on down here?” I
heard Aoife ask as she flashed into the kitchen. “I heard a woman

Hagan began laughing and I lost it again as
Trey pursed his lips at Aoife. “I do not scream like a woman” he
huffed, putting his hands on his narrow hips.

“What happened?” Archer asked worriedly as he
flitted into the living room where it connected to the kitchen; a
concerned Jameson on his heels.

“Your woman scared the holy hell out of me
and they think it’s hysterical,” Trey complained, folding delicate
arms over his chest.

Archer’s brow furrowed, not understanding,
and everyone tried to get control over their laughter as Quinn
explained from the couch. “Looks like Morrison got a handle on that
Divine Power of hers,” he said, putting down his muscle car
magazine. “She popped into the kitchen and scared the shit out of

Archer glanced over at me with pride as a
smile spread across his face. “Baby,” he whispered with gentle
amazement. “I’m so happy. Congratulations.” He began walking toward
me and I looked over at Hagan.

“I couldn’t have done it without Hagan,” I
said to the room as I gazed up at him with a smile. Hagan’s eyes
softened momentarily as a small smile began to tug at his lips.
“You’re a really great teacher, sir…the best, actually. Thank

“Yes,” Archer said as he reached us and gave
a firm pat to Hagan’s shoulder. “You are a fine soldier and a good
friend. I’m glad you stayed on with us,

Hagan met Archer’s eyes and bowed his head
once respectfully. “It is an honor serving you and your family…and
your mate, sir.”

“The honor is ours,” Archer smiled at him
before looking down at me and wrapping me in his arms. “Sounds like
you had a pretty productive training session,

I nodded my head and looked down at the
floor. “It was eye opening,” I said softly then stifled a sudden
yawn. I hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before since I had to
get up early to be at Dan’s to open. “
Oh shit! I have to call
!” I exclaimed silently as my eyes widened and found
Archer’s. “I forgot to tell Dan we found Nikki. He’s planning on
going to the cops tonight when Drop Kicks closes if he hasn’t heard
from her by then.”

Archer pulled out his phone and handed it to
me. “Call and tell him Nikki is out of the state attending to
family business.”

“Nikki doesn’t have much family left,” my
brow furrowed. “But…I think she has an Aunt in Maine. That could

“Just tell him she called you as soon as she
could; that her Aunt had an accident and she’ll be back in a

I swallowed thickly as I thought about the
possibility of her not coming home tomorrow. Archer shushed me and
pulled me to him again. “You mustn’t think like that, Skye,” he
said gently as he gazed down into my eyes. “We’re bringing her home

Nodding my head, I took a deep breath as I
dialed Drop Kick Dan’s.

The phone rang for a long time before someone
answered it. “Drop Kick’s,” Fiona called quickly into the

“Hey, it’s Skye. Is Dan around?”

“Just a sec,” she yelled over the music and I
heard shuffling sounds as she passed the phone to him.

“You’ve got Dan,” he answered cheerfully.

“It’s Skye,” I said as I turned and walked
toward the hallway for a margin of privacy. “Listen, I uh…just
heard from Nik.”

“What?” Dan said, surprised. “Is she okay?
Where is she?”

“She had a family emergency,” I explained as
my stomach knotted. I absolutely hated lying, and knew I was
rubbish at it, but it was imperative Dan believed me so he didn’t
go to the police. “Her Aunt had a pretty bad accident and Nikki had
to fly to Maine to take care of her.”

“Shit,” Dan breathed. “Is her aunt okay?”

Guilt poured through me at his worried voice
but I did my best to push it aside as I answered. “She will be.
Nikki had shit reception up there but had to run to town to stock
up on some stuff and called me while she had service. We didn’t get
to talk long, but she said she’s really sorry she didn’t call you
and hopes you aren’t too mad at her.”

Dan sighed and I could tell he was a little
frustrated with her. “I understand family emergencies, but
shit…going three days without calling anyone? She scared the hell
out of both of us, Skye. We were about to file a missing person’s
report for Christ’s sake.”

“I know, honey,” I soothed, “but she really
is sorry. She panicked, got on a plane, and then had no service.
Don’t be too mad at her, D. She couldn’t control the
circumstances.” At least that part had been true.

“Does she know when she’ll be coming back?”
he asked, having calmed down some.

“She’ll be back in a week, but don’t worry
hon, I’ll work her shift for her.”

He sighed again and then scoffed. “She owes
you a serious muffin basket, doll.”

I wish I could eat it
, I silently
mused. Nikki made the best damn organic, vegan, gluten-free muffins
in the entire world. “Yeah she does. I’ll share it with you, how’s
that sound?”

Dan chuckled and I knew the danger was over.
“Sounds like I’ll need to fit in a few more runs next week. I’ll
schedule you to open until she gets back. Fiona doesn’t mind
working the night shift.”

“That works for me,” I agreed. “See you
tomorrow morning, hon.”

“See ya’, doll,” he said lightly and hung

Ending the call, I looked up as Archer came
towards me. “You’re working tomorrow?” he asked, his brow furrowed
a bit.

“I have to,” I shook my head and shrugged a
shoulder. “It’s not like I can tell Dan I need my sleep so that I’m
prepared to rescue Nikki and fight two hundred vampires tomorrow

“You’re right,” he sighed, running his
fingers through his hair. “You really need to get some sleep, baby.
Why don’t you take a shower and hop in bed. I’ll join you in a
little while. I just need to go over a few things with the

I nodded my head and said my goodnights to
the family before I headed off to Archer’s bedroom.


Chapter Twenty-Three



My cell phone blasted ‘Don’t Cha’ and I
jolted awake. “Fucking Trey,” I groaned as I disentangled myself
from Archer’s arms and grabbed it off the nightstand. That song was
getting old…quick. The alarm clock told me it was a few minutes
before six in the morning and the sun had yet to rise.

“Hello,” I answered thickly, still half
asleep. Archer rolled into me and wrapped his arms around me again
as he lightly kissed and nuzzled my bare shoulder, waiting to see
who it was.

“Is this Skye Morrison?” an unfamiliar voice
asked. His tone was professional but to the point. Alarm bells
swiftly went off in my head.

“Yes, this is she.”

“I’m sorry to be calling you so early,
ma’am,” he apologized before he continued, “but I need to confirm
that you live at 715 Comanche Cove in East Wind Estates.”

My brow furrowed as I sat up in bed and
clutched the sheet to my naked chest. I looked down at Archer as I
answered. “Yes, sir, that’s my house. I live in 715-A.” I swallowed
hard and ran my hand through my hair. “I’m sorry…who is this?”

“I apologize, Miss Morrison,” he said gently
into the phone. “My name is Detective Duren and I’m with the Austin
Arson Investigations Unit. I’m sorry to inform you that your home,
and the home attached to yours, was destroyed in a fire about an
hour ago. I’m going to need you to come down to the scene,

“What?” I gasped and Archer sat up in bed,
his face concerned. “Oh my God…y-yes…I’ll…uh…I’ll be there in
thirty minutes, Detective.” After he ended the call, I stared
dumfoundedly down at my phone.

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