Revelation of Blood (19 page)

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Authors: J. L. McCoy

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance

BOOK: Revelation of Blood
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“I…I don’t want you to retaliate for my
kidnapping,” I whispered, suddenly worried that he would. He was
beyond livid right now and unpredictable at best. “It’s over now.
I’m home and I’m not going anywhere.”

“You don’t get to dictate our course of
action,” Ruarc shook his head. “You are a newborn and Archer is
your leader. You obey him, not the other way around, and you need
to get used to it. The Dark Ones knew full well what would happen
when they decided to take you. This was planned and not some rash
action by one of Atticus’ people. This was Atticus Frost himself
who gave the order. We can’t overlook that. We do not appear weak
in the face of our enemy, as it is forbidden.”

“Don’t be archaic, Ru,” I scowled, crossing
my arms under my chest. “Vampire or no vampire I will not allow you
to attack my father!”

“No one said anything about your father,
Skye,” Jameson said gently from his couch.

“You attack Atticus and you attack my
father,” I growled angrily, my eyes flickering completely black. “I
don’t agree with what they did but I’ll be damned if you’re going
to hurt him. I may have just met him, but he’s my family, Ruarc.
Family means something to me, you know this. You go against him and
you go against me.”

“This is exactly what they wanted,” Ruarc
growled to Archer as he motioned to me exasperatedly. “Do you see?
They’ve insured we cannot start a war with them without going up
against one of our own.” He turned back to me and stared, his eyes
losing focus as thoughts ran through his head. “She is the perfect
killing machine,
. If she turns on us, we’re all

His assessment shocked me, so much so that my
eyes flickered back to normal. “Ruarc,” I whispered as I got up
from the loveseat and took a few steps toward him, “I would never,
ever hurt my people. I don’t want to hurt anyone. Please Sir, I’m
begging you…just let it go. It’s over. I didn’t get hurt and they
treated me respectfully the entire time I was there. Atticus said
that he’s not at war with you; that he’s worked hard his entire
reign to change how Dark Ones think and act. He even said he was
glad Amun was entombed because he started a war with the Day
without thought to how it would negatively impact the rest of the
Dark race. Atticus said that he’d lived past his time and gone
crazy. He was as angry as we were! He may be your enemy, but he’s
not really your enemy right now. Please. I know you don’t like me
very much and I know that as a newborn I have no right to ask
anything of you, but please consider what I’ve said. As God is my
witness, it’s the truth.”

Ruarc leaned his head back, pursed his lips,
and sighed. His eyes considered me for a silent moment before
flashing over to Archer’s. Archer was staring intently at him and I
could tell that Ruarc was silently talking to Archer. Archer would
occasionally shake or nod his head, but I had no clue what Ruarc
was saying to him. This was one of those moments where mind reading
would have come in handy.
Note to self: Seriously consider
taking a sip from Archer in the near future.

“Fine,” Archer sighed, breaking the silence.
He took my hand and pulled me to him. “Ruarc wants to be sure that
what you say is true. He’s asked me to read you.”

I frowned and looked back at Ruarc. “I’m
telling you the truth.”

“You could just be saying that to protect
your father,” he said plainly, crossing his arms over his

“Why does no one ever believe me?” I scoffed,
throwing my hands up. “I’m not your enemy, Ruarc. I never have
been. Keep treating me like one, though. It never gets old.”

“Such sarcasm,” he smirked at Archer.

“Will you allow me to read you, baby?” Archer
asked, lightly stroking my cheek with the back of one finger. I
knew what he was doing; he was trying to soothe me and it was

I nodded my head and his eyes immediately
bored into mine. My vision swam for a second as Archer gained
access. The events of my Sacred Vow Ceremony flashed through my
mind and before long, he’d searched my entire memory from then
until now.

“Thanks, baby.” He kissed me soundly on the
lips when he was done then turned to Ruarc. “She is telling the

Ruarc sighed and ran his hands through his
dirty blond hair again. “If Archer agrees that retaliation is not
needed, I will forgo my right to challenge.”

My eyes found Archer’s and he met my gaze
with a fierce scowl. “I love you, Skye, and I will always fight for
what is mine. If they ever, and I mean ever, take you from me
again, I’ll kill them all,” he growled. “And if I happen to find
out that your father was a part of it, I’ll kill him too…slowly. No
one lays a finger on my mate.”

I swallowed hard at the harsh sound of his
voice and nodded my head. “Thank you…and I’m sorry you were put in
this position. My dad is the only Dark One I care about. I just
don’t want him getting hurt.”

“What about Corvus?” Jameson asked with a
smirk. “You don’t mind if he dies?”

“Corvus?” Archer growled, his head turning to
Jameson. “What about Corvus? What do I not know?” His eyes then
found mine again and I just shrugged. Okay, so maybe I was too
chicken to tell him that Corvus and I had danced together at Les
Oubliette. But, in my defense, it wasn’t like I knew he was Atticus
Frost’s favorite son and future successor to the Dark Throne.

“Corvus and Skye met at your club the other
night, too,” Jameson raised his eyebrows. “They danced to a few
songs together.”

“Two songs,” I clarified, holding my fingers
up as I shot daggers at Jameson; my eyes screaming ‘
You are NOT
helping matters here!

“Corvus Frost had his hands on you?” Archer
growled, his eyes fading white again in anger.

“Honey, now calm down,” I said soothingly,
putting a gentle hand to his chest. “I swear to you I didn’t know
who he was. You know I wouldn’t have given him the time of day if I

Archer closed his eyes and rubbed his temple
as the muscles in his jaw visibly worked.
Crap…he’s pissed
He had a right to be angry, but not at me. Thankfully, I didn’t
think I was the target of that anger. I think he was just livid
about my kidnapping and Dark Ones in general.

“Have you had a shower? Have you fed?” he
asked, his eyes still closed.


“Why don’t you take a hot shower and get
changed,” he suggested calmly. “I’ll secure a feeder for you while
you do.”

“Okay,” I sighed. A hot shower did sound
good. I glanced over at Ruarc and tilted my head at him. “I never
got to thank you for allowing Hagan to stay on with us. We all love
having him around, so…thanks.”

“Hagan is quite fond of you, Skye,” he said,
studying my face for a long moment.

I didn’t know what to say to that, so I
simply shrugged a shoulder. “Until the next crisis, Ru?”

“Until then, Morrison,” he smirked, finding
some humor. “No more unsupervised dates with daddy, yeah?”

“You got it,” I winked and threw him a two
finger salute before turning and heading down the hall and into the
master bedroom.

I turned the water on to the Jacuzzi, added
some essential oils, and started filling the tub as I got
undressed. I’d had a busy twenty-four hours and couldn’t wait to
relax and unwind. Throwing the black sweater dress away in the
bathroom bin, I undid my hair then climbed in the water.

I didn’t remember falling asleep, but
Archer’s gentle touch woke me up. “Are you okay, baby?” he asked
softly as he ran the back of his finger down my shoulder.

“Yeah,” I said, taking a deep breath in
through my nose. The bath water was noticeably cooler and Archer
let some of the cold water out before starting the hot water

I held out my arms to him, wiggled my
fingers, and silently beckoned him to join me. He smiled tiredly
and started taking off his bloody tux. Some of the blood had soaked
through his clothing and now stained his skin.

I soaped up the loofa and prepared to wash
him as he stepped in and sat down in front of me. “You’re scary,
you know that?” I commented as I moved to straddle his waist.

“Yeah,” he sighed. “Sorry. I get a little
crazy when it comes to you.”

I silently took my time washing his neck,
chest, and arms as he contentedly watched me. We were quiet for a
long time and when I was finished washing him, he took the loofa
from me and soaped it up again so he could return the favor.

“We thought we’d lost you,” he whispered
after a while, his eyes tortured.

“Oh, honey,” I tsked, reaching up to grab his
face in both hands, “Like I told Jameson, not even the devil
himself could keep me from you guys. You need to know that no
matter what happens to me, I will always find my way back to you.
It may take a while, but I always will.” I leaned down and gently
kissed his lips before whispering, “You’re my home, Archer Rhys,”
against them.

Archer briefly lifted my hips from his so he
could slide into me. The full feel of him made me moan. “And you’re
mine, Skye Morrison,” he whispered seriously as his ice blue eyes
bored into mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested
my forehead against his as I began slowly rocking my hips. We
stared into each other’s eyes and made slow love, savoring the feel
of our bodies united as one again.

I didn’t know how much time had passed before
a knock sounded at the door. “The donors are here,” Jameson called

Archer lifted his head from my neck and
smiled up at me. “My turn,” he grinned wickedly and I bit the
corner of my bottom lip and nodded my head. I was more than ready
for him to take control of my body. I loved the way he fucked me
and could never get enough of him.

Archer positioned me on my knees and had me
face the side of the tub. He pushed my legs farther apart and slid
into me from behind. “Get ready, baby,” he whispered in my ear as
he reached behind him and I heard a click.

The jets in the tub came whirling to life and
I gasped as one hit me at the apex of my thighs. “Oh, wow,” I
moaned and he chuckled.

“Thought you’d like that,” he purred,
trailing light kisses down the side of my neck. “Hold on baby,
‘cause it’s about to get better.”

He slowly withdrew his cock and slammed it
back into me again; the simultaneous pressure of the jet and his
fullness making me gasp and writhe. Archer quickly built up a
steady, pounding pace that had me moaning uncontrollably as I got
undeniable pleasure from both the front and the back. An orgasm was
swiftly building inside of me and I knew it was going to be an
absolute rager.

“Fuck,” I moaned as I bucked against him.
“More. Please. I can’t get enough of you.”

“My baby’s got a filthy little mouth,” he
groaned as he picked up the pace behind me, causing the jet to roll
faster across my clit. “I think I like it.”

I was on the verge of screaming out my
pleasure at this point and Archer, for proprieties sake, clamped
his hand over my lips. Opening my mouth, I caught the side of his
index finger and bit down.

Archer gasped behind me and a rumbling, low,
sexy growl poured out of him. “Harder,” he commanded and I
instantly obeyed, biting down with my regular teeth until I tasted
his sweet, rich blood.

A string of Gaelic shot out of him and he
wrapped his free arm tightly around my waist and fucked me harder
than I thought possible. Crying out in pleasure, my fangs descended
and I desperately needed something to sink them into. Archer,
reading my mind, put his wrist in front of my face and I struck
without thought.

Blood quickly poured into my mouth and I
swallowed greedily, taking everything my lover was giving me like
blessed manna from heaven above. Tingling started in my fingertips
and poured over my body in an icy wave. I gasped and withdrew my
fangs; full understanding of what I’d done hitting me at the same
time Archer’s inner voice came through.

So fucking sweet… so tight,
wet…perfect…God, I love her…best I’ve ever had…fuck…so fucking
beautiful…all mine…mine

His thoughts were like the icing on our
delicious sex streusel and I moaned, about to climax, as he leaned
into me and growled in my ear. “I can’t hold on any longer. Need to
fill you up. Come for me, baby. I want to feel that sweet pussy

“Archer!” I exploded around him and cried out
my pleasure. He moaned loudly with each thrust of his hips…once,
twice, four times and then he came, groaning my name.

After dressing in a pair of Archer’s silk
boxers and a wife beater, we headed into the living room and joined
Jameson for dinner. Archer had ordered us each our own donor and
after feeding, Jameson popped in a movie and we all cuddled
together on the couch to relax as we watched Taxi Driver. It was
oddly comforting being sandwiched between my two favorite men as we
did something so out of the ordinary for us. It was so…normal…and I
loved it.

I had a hard time at first dealing with
Archer’s mind reading power, but once the movie got going, their
thoughts calmed. Hearing different people in your head all at the
same time was overwhelming. I had almost slapped Archer’s feeder
when she mentally wished she could fuck him. This would be one
power I wouldn’t miss when it wore off.

Before long, Jameson’s head began to bob as
he started nodding off; no doubt exhausted from the lack of sleep
last night. I grabbed the throw off the couch and laid it over the
three of us as we cuddled closer together. Jameson soon lost his
fight with the Sandman and fell asleep on my chest. I glanced up at
Archer to see if that was okay and he smiled sweetly at me.

Jameson has accepted our
,” he spoke silently in my head. “
He loves you
very much, cion, but is content in his role as your new brother. A
lot changed with him last night when he thought he’d never see you
again. That said, he’s my son and we share everything. You bring
joy and comfort to his life and he missed feeling that these last
few weeks. I would never take away what you two share now and I am
in no way threatened by it. You both are my children and I know
where your heart truly lies. You don’t have to worry about me being
jealous, cion. I trust you both implicitly

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