Revelation: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series) (40 page)

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She let out a strangled sound.  He felt enormous given her legs were together.  But boy, did he feel good.

His hands moved her knees up closer to one side of her chest.  “I told you I could use my hands to manipulate things to fit into tight spaces.”  He closed his eyes as he slipped further in.  “You feel incredible.”

He began moving and brought his fingers up to touch one of her breasts.  She burned everywhere feeling the pressure build, the band of tension pulling her tighter and tighter.

When he opened his eyes, they burned into her as well.  “When I’m inside you, nothing else matters.  Just feeling you around me, knowing you’re with me.  Nothing else but you matters.”  He gently pinched and twisted her nipple.  “Hell, even when I’m
inside you nothing else matters.  All I’m thinking about is the next time I can be with you.  Every hot gorgeous part of your body, every thought, every word, every feeling.  I want it all.  All of the time.” 

His movements increased, pushing inside her faster and more fully.

“Tell me you want it as much as me, Em.  I want you to feel this too.  This sweet torture. Tell me,” he snarled, picking up speed.  He moved both hands to either side of her body and pushed up onto his hands so he could gain more leverage to surge into her.

“I do,” she whimpered.  “I do want it.  All of the time,” she panted.  She reached her hands up and cupped his face, letting her fingers touch his mouth.  He gripped them with his lips and sucked them into his mouth.  After a moment, he released them.

“Touch your nipples,” he demanded.  “I wanna watch you touch yourself.”  His voice was husky and his eyes were heavy lidded.

She did as he asked and moaned when her wet fingertips plucked at her breasts, the sensations carrying her closer and closer as the pressure built.  He leaned on one hand and pushed his hand between them, rubbing his thumb between her legs until he found the top of her sex.

“Mike,” she gasped.  “Please,” she begged.  “Don’t stop.  I’m almost there.”

“Pull your nipples.  Twist them.”  His command came through clenched teeth.

She did and her gasps turned to keening cries as the tension finally snapped and she came around him.

He moved his hands to her sides so he could pound into her.  Fast.  Hard.  She almost couldn’t breathe he was taking her with such force, her breaths coming out in loud exhalations.

His moans matched her own and then he let out one last shout before falling onto her, his breathing heavy.  They lay there several moments trying to regain their composure.

He finally pulled out and then collapsed next to her.  She reached over and pulled lightly on his hair.

“Let’s do that again.  At least a couple more times today,” she breathed.  “Next time, I’m on top.”

“Oh, yeah.  I want you to dangle those mouthwatering nips right over my mouth so I can nibble on them.”  He turned his head to look at her with a sexy smile.  “I love your tits.”

She rolled her eyes.  “What is it with that word?”

“I’m a guy,” he shrugged.  “Let’s eat something.  I’m hungry.”

They got up to clean themselves then she threw some sweats on while he put on his jeans. 

“I need a new set of clothes,” he said.  “Let’s eat, then go pick up my bike and stop by my place for some things.  It’s supposed to rain later so I wanna get
the Harley into the garage.”

They did just that and spent the next several hours hopping around the City picking up his bike, going for a long ride before the rain hit, then stopping by his place to pick up clothes for the next day.  They took a taxi back to her place and by the time they’d made it to her apartment it was well after lunch and pouring rain.

After making sandwiches and chilling out on the sofa, they ate in companionable silence, glancing at each other every few seconds with knowing smiles and looks.  It was one of those lazy days where one could listen to the thunder and the rain, enjoying it even more since there was nothing that had to be done.

“So tell me why you called me on Saturday night,” he said once he finished his sandwich.  “What made you change your mind about everything?”

She settled into the cushions and pushed at his leg playfully with her foot. 

“The girls.”

His eyebrow went up.  “Explain.”

“Ryann called all of the girls to get together for brunch on Saturday morning while you guys finished up your last training.”

He nodded.  “And?”

“And before you all walked in, which just about made me have a panic attack, by the way –” 

“When I saw you,” he swallowed.  “Baby, I wanted to take you, toss you over my shoulder and make you come home with me.”

“I wanted you to,” she said, practically in tears.  “I followed you out.”

“What?”  His face was incredulous.

“I followed you out of the restaurant.  But you’d already gotten on the bike and you didn’t hear me yelling.”

“Baby,” he moaned and pulled her to him.  After a second, he said quietly, “I couldn’t stay.  Just seeing you, knowing that you didn’t want to tell me your feelings.  Plus, Jon had just told me you’d been out with Ollie the night before -”

“I’m gonna kill him when I see him again,” she grumbled.  “He knew I didn’t have feelings for Ollie.  He totally only did that to see what you would do.”

Mike shrugged with grin.  “I figured.  I would’ve done the same thing to a friend if I thought it would push them into action.  Plus, he’s like the big brother.”

“Well, I
ready to see you, to talk.  That’s what I was talking about with the girls.”  She took a deep breath and let it go.  “I told them I thought I was in love with you.”

He looked at her tenderly but with a note of shock.  “You did?”

She told him her reasons for not always sharing herself with people and delved more into the history with her high school boyfriend and friendship with Taylor.  “The two weeks without you,” she swallowed.  “They were really hard.  That’s why I had off today.  Joe was worried about me and wanted me to rest or work from home.”

“Em,” he said with commiseration.

“When I got to the restaurant on Saturday morning, I guess I didn’t look that great which made Janie recall a conversation with you where you were a little short with her, and everyone started asking questions about us.”

“You looked tired,” he said sympathetically.

“So did you.”  She reached her hand up and touched his face.  “They kind of figured something was going on with us since they knew we went to the barbeque together.  And I guess they’ve seen the sparks between us.”

He nodded.  “They’re kind of hard to miss.”  Then with a self-deprecating smirk, he said, “I need to call Janie to apologize.  I wasn’t in a good place emotionally when she called.”  He pinned her with his eyes.  “As you well know from my voicemail.  So,” he continued, “do I have the women to thank for bringing you to your senses?”

She chuckled, “Yeah.  They were great listeners.  Apparently neither of us have been doing a good job of hiding our feelings from everyone.”

When he waited for her to explain, she did.

“Everyone was telling me you were upset I wasn’t at the trainings.  Rene, Maurice, Jon, even Jeremy through Ryann.”

upset.  Don’t get me wrong, I would do the program regardless of whether you were involved, but I desperately wanted to see you.  I
to see you but I was trying to respect your boundary.  Saturday was the one highlight I was looking forward to all week and then when you didn’t show that first time, it pissed me off,” he grumbled.  “The second time you didn’t show put me over the edge.”

She smiled but said, “I couldn’t.  It would’ve been too hard.  I’d already fallen for you at that point and I was determined to let you out of the relationship so you could find another woman to play with.  But then every time I thought of you with another woman, I almost threw up.  I just didn’t think I could see you without losing it.”  

He hauled her over to him and put her on his lap so her back was against the arm of the sofa then he held her, nuzzling her neck.  They both sighed and held on to each other.

my sister?  Is she doing okay?”

Emily turned her head to look him in the eye.  “She and Danny decided to call it quits.”

“Yes!”  Once he composed himself, he said, “Did she say why?  Was she okay with it?”

“She seemed okay with it,” Emily smirked.  “I’ll let you call her to get the details if she wants to share.”

He sighed happily.  “Good.  I’m so glad that’s over.  Just seeing him every day thinking what they might be doing with each other?”  He shuddered.  “So.”  He gave her a pointed look.

She raised an eyebrow.  “Yes?”

“Let’s talk about Luke.”

She chuckled.  “Okay.”

“I was thinking I would just feel him out about Janie.  Whattaya think?”

“I don’t know, hon.” She was already shaking her head.  “And did you lose your balls somewhere?  You’re beginning to sound like a girl,” she said dryly.

“You just called me hon,” he beamed, ignoring her comment about his missing balls.  It was typical of him to only respond to her term of endearment.  She rolled her eyes.

“Maybe we just need to let them both figure it out.  Luke will probably think you’d have a problem with it and I can’t imagine he’ll be honest with you if he does have feelings for her.  I seriously don’t even think
realizes he has feelings for her yet.”

“You really think he does?”  She could tell his mind was going.

“Let’s put it this way.  Ryann and Yan are practically planning the wedding already.”

“No shit.  I didn’t see this one coming at all.”  He leaned his head back and a sweet smile played around his lips.


“He always goes for redheads now that I think of it.  I remember Jem saying to me once that he hadn’t wanted to introduce Ryann to Luke for a while because he was afraid Luke would make a play for her.  With her auburn hair, she definitely would’ve caught his attention.”  Mike sighed.  “It would be great if he was part of the family, though.  He and Tiff practically are already.”  He pursed his lips, deep in thought.  “Maybe I’ll just sniff around and help them along if necessary.”

“Oh, geez.”

“I can’t help it if I want everyone to be as happy as me.”

She shook her head in slight exasperation but felt a little giddy.  “Dork.”

“One of my favorite terms of endearments,” he said holding her closer.

“Why’s that?”

you realized you loved me, you just ignored me, or called me ‘detective’ or ‘asshole’.  Once you started calling me ‘dork’ I knew it had all changed.  That’s when I knew you thought I was cute.”

“Oh,” she nodded as if understanding his logic.  “Is that what I meant when I called you ‘dork’?”

“Yup.  I could tell how much you wanted me,” he said confidently.

“Uh, huh.”  She turned in his arms and pushed him down on the sofa, straddling him.  “Is that right?”

“That’s right,” he said tweaking her nose and pulling her down on top of him.  “What’s your week look like?” Mike murmured into her hair.

“So far, nothing major,” she said, feeling lethargic.  “I usually go to the studio to work out after work.  I’m home by seven.”  She turned into him.  “How ’bout you?”  She stopped and interrupted herself, remembering something.  “Hey.  You caught the guy who killed that woman?  The husband who was MIA?”

“Yeah.”  He looked at her in confusion.  “How did you know?”

“It came up when I was out with the girls.  You mentioned it to Jeremy and how you’d be late for the training.  Ryann told us so I figured that’s who it was.”

“It was,” he nodded.  Then he said, “I wasn’t going back to work after I saw you at the restaurant.”  He looked sheepish.

“I’ve kinda figured that out by now,” she smiled.  “Where did you go?”

“I drove around for about an hour, then went home and crashed.  Then I woke up, went to
and started drinkin’.”

She nuzzled into his neck.

“So,” he continued.  “You girls talked about a lot, I guess.”

“That’s what girls do,” she said dryly.  “Which reminds me I need to call a few people this week.”  She cast an embarrassed side glance over to him then rested her head on his chest.

“I’m hoping the reason you need to call a few people is because you need to tell them how I’ve snagged you and I’m not letting go.”  His arms tightened around her. 

“My parents are gonna be surprised.  Well, maybe not surprised.  I’m sure Aunt April and Uncle Ethan have been yappin’ to them about you.”


“Oh, yeah.  You definitely got my aunt’s attention.  You’re all she talked to me about that day.”

“Good.  I’m glad I made a good impression.  I’d like to meet them.  Your parents, I mean.  Do they have plans to come down anytime soon?”

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