Rev (Jack 'Em Up #4) (22 page)

Read Rev (Jack 'Em Up #4) Online

Authors: Shauna Allen

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Rev (Jack 'Em Up #4)
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Before I’d even crawled out of bed the next morning, Det. Rawlins texted to tell me to take the rest of the week off. Paid. They had to work on my case and my being there would be a distraction. They’d call if they needed me.

I rolled over after reading that message to find Micah staring at me with sleepy black eyes. “Hi.”


“Everything okay?”

“Yes. They gave me the rest of the week off. Guess they don’t want me underfoot.”

“I think they just want you safe.”

“I know.” I snuggled back into him, soaking up the warmth of his body. “You can’t take off all week though. Go to work. I’ll be fine here by myself.”

He didn’t say anything for several long moments.

“Or maybe I could hang out with Tori and help her with the nursery or something,” I offered to ease his mind. Both of our lives didn’t need to stop because of Nolan.

He shifted and grabbed his phone without letting me go. A couple phone calls later and I had plans to spend the day with Delilah and Tori. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rachel didn’t take the day off and show up too. I’d always known Delilah and her crew were close, but I was quickly learning how Micah and his friends took care of each other.

He kissed the tip of my nose. “I won’t work late today. Maybe we can go to dinner or something, okay?”

I let myself kiss his chest, loving that he seemed to enjoy my touch. “Okay.”


He ushered me out of bed then sat up with his arms crossed behind his head as I rifled around for clean clothes. I shot him a smile. “What are you doing?”

“Enjoying the view.”

I fought my blush and automatic denial of his words. Slowly, with his actions and as I gained my own strength, I was learning to embrace every curve that was me. I was not defined by the double digit size of my clothes and I never wanted to feel that again.

I tossed a wadded up shirt at him. “Get up.”

He laughed and tossed it back. “Oh, believe me, I am.”

“Pervert.” I closed myself in the bathroom with a grin and changed. I’d purposely chosen my tightest jeans and low-cut V-neck that Delilah made me buy months ago. I’d always felt self-conscious showing off my body, but today I wanted to. For Micah.

After putting on some makeup and brushing out my hair, I opened the door and found him tugging on his shop T-shirt, giving me a mouth-watering glimpse of his bare torso.

He started to say something about food, but swallowed his words when he caught sight of me. “Wow.”

I ran a hand along my thigh. “It’s just jeans and a T-shirt.” I was such a liar.

“Well, they’re a spectacular pair of jeans and T-shirt.”

I smiled as demurely as possible and sat to pull on my shoes.

“You sure you didn’t put that on to torture me some more?”

“Now why would I do that?”

He growled and scooped me up for a kiss. I moaned into his mouth as he took possession of me in a fiery mating of tongues.

I was panting when he finally pulled away and grabbed his keys and wallet with a smirk. The infernally hot man knew he was under my skin.

As planned, Micah dropped me off at Tori’s place. Delilah’s car was already in the driveway. “Bye, baby.” He kissed me soundly before I got out of the Jeep.


I watched him back out then he stopped and waved me inside before he’d drive away. I rolled my eyes and spun around to find both women waiting in the doorway, Molly at their feet and baby Declan on Delilah’s hip.

“Hello.” Delilah grinned and made room for me.

“Hi.” I chucked Declan under the chin then turned to rub Tori’s belly. “How is it possible you’re even bigger?”

She laughed. “You ain’t lyin’. I feel like a house.”

It was suspiciously quiet. “Where’s Ryder?”

“He’s spending the week with Trace’s folks so we can have some time to ourselves before the baby comes.” She grinned.

“I wish my parents would’ve done that,” Delilah added. We exchanged a glance. We both knew the issues with her parents and her husband so I totally got it. Family was rough and Blake’s was even worse.

They led me to the kitchen, where breakfast was waiting. Delilah put the baby in his pack-n-play then we sat down to pancakes and bacon. I’d never been happier to see real food in my life. Micah was awesome in a million different ways, but his taste in food left me hungry.

“So, how are things going with Micah?” Tori asked as she dipped a big bite of pancake in syrup.

I peered up, but she was focused on her food. “Uh, fine.”

“Just fine?” Delilah asked as she moved between eating and wiping Molly’s face. Before I could answer, the doorbell rang and she leapt up. “That’ll be Rach.”

Of course it was Rachel.

I smiled and stood to hug her. She settled Avery in the playpen with Declan then grabbed a plate and helped herself. She poured a big cup of coffee and sat next to Tori.

“I can’t wait until I can have caffeine again,” Tori stared longingly at the mug.

“Well, I limit it while I’m breastfeeding, but I totally get it,” Rachel said.

“Me, too,” Delilah added.

I was silent. The only woman here without a husband or children, it was hard not to feel left out. “Did you guys know Micah wants a lot of kids?” I blurted without thinking.

The room went completely silent.

I glanced up from my food. “What?”

“Micah wants kids?” Rachel’s frown was almost funny.

I knew a few short weeks ago, I would’ve been just as shocked. He was a mystery to most people around him, but for some reason, he’d let me in. “Yes.”

“With you?” Tori asked.

I chewed my bacon. Swallowed. “I didn’t say that.”

“Of course with her,” Rachel said then took a big sip of coffee. “Duh.”

I let my hair hide my face as I continued to eat, my heart alternately soaring and dipping with her words. Could it be true? Was it possible? It was simply too much to contemplate right now.

“Their kids would be
cute!” Delilah added.

“Uh, guys, I’m right here.”

They ignored me and chattered on about me and Micah’s future and children as if it was a given.

The phone rang and Tori lumbered over to answer. She rolled her eyes and assured Trace we were all fine, yes, the doors were locked, and we were having fun stuffing our faces. She listened a moment longer, her eyes darting my way. “That’s crazy.” Then, “Okay, honey. Love you.”

She hung up then began clearing dishes.

“What’s crazy?” Rachel asked, bending to scoop up her daughter and popping a pacifier in her mouth.

“Micah’s cancelling his class tonight.”

To babysit Jewel
. I heard the words even though they weren’t spoken.

“Like hell.” I jumped up and yanked my phone from my purse to dial Micah.

“You’re cancelling class?” I demanded as soon as he answered.

“Well . . . yeah.” Something shuffled and clanked on his end of the line.


He said nothing.

I sighed. “You can’t cancel, Micah. It’s not necessary. I’ll be there with you, then we can go to dinner and back to the hotel. There’s no reason . . .” It suddenly hit me his reason. “You think Nolan knows about your class?”

“I don’t know, but I won’t take any chances with you, Jewel.”

I glanced at my friends, who were all watching me with rapt attention. “You’re not. We can’t let him rule our lives any more than he already is. Do the class for the other women who need it, too. I’ll stay here if you don’t want me to go.”

“Fine.” He heaved a breath. “I’ll do it, but you’re coming with me and you’re not leaving my line of sight.”

I grinned like an idiot. “Fine.”



His voice softened like melting butter. “Bye, baby.”

I hung up and faced the girls. “Done.”

Delilah’s jaw was slack. “Who are you and what have you done with my cousin?”

“She’s here. She’s just getting stronger.”

Rachel tipped her head in acknowledgment and I’d swear I saw pride in her eyes.

“I’m proud of you.” Delilah gripped my hand.

“Me, too.” Tori grabbed my other.

I squeezed both of them tightly. I was proud of me, too.


he cops eventually towed off that sick fuck’s car to finish processing it at their own lab. It was obvious this case was much bigger and much worse than anyone had dreamed.

And he was gunning for Jewel.

That thought cycled around and around my brain, driving me insane. Nothing I’d experienced in war would compete with the torment I’d find if she was hurt. It simply couldn’t happen.

I managed to make it through my day, but only because I knew she was safe and sound with her friends. Between me, Blake, Trace, and Jesse, multiple calls were made to the girls to keep tabs on them. I managed (barely) to stay away at lunchtime since the womenfolk were busy doing girly stuff in the baby’s room and had ordered in pizza.

I was chomping at the bit by five and Blake finally shoved me out the door. “Go. Get your woman and relax, man.”

I thanked him and wasted no time getting to her. Tori let me in and I found all the women and children sitting on the living room floor surrounded by toys. Jewel peeked up and caught my eye, her automatic smile warming my heart.


“Hi,” I said, maneuvering around the toys to sit next to her.

She leaned into me, ignoring the fact I must smell like grease. “How was your day?”

“I’m not sure,” I said quietly for her ears only. “I couldn’t think of anything else but you.”

She offered Avery the teether she’d dropped. “Ditto.”

I leaned in even closer. “Would it be totally inappropriate to kiss you in front of all these kids?”

“Probably,” she whispered.

“Then can we go?”

Her green eyes snared mine. “I need to help Tori clean up this mess.”

“I’ll do it.” I hopped up and began tossing toys back into their box.

Tori shooed me away. “I’ve got this. Get outta here, guys.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’m sure. Delilah and Rachel can help later. You’ve got things to do.”

Jewel stood and hugged her as tightly as her swollen belly would allow. “Thank you for everything. Today was fun.”

“It was, wasn’t it?”

We said goodbye to everyone then I tucked her into the Jeep. I ran around the hood and slid inside, wasting no time gathering her to me for a long kiss.

“God,” I murmured when we came up for air. “I’ve been dying to do that all damn day.”

She brushed a hand through my hair. “Me, too.”

I sat back and started the Jeep. “You sure you wanna do the class thing? JD can cover for me.”

“I’m sure.” Her frown was adorably stubborn. “We’re going.”


We made a pit stop at the hotel so I could clean up and we changed into our gym clothes. I even talked her into a quick workout before class. I had fun sharing this part of my life with her, and I think maybe she enjoyed it too. Plus, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that watching her bouncing body turned me on. Definitely not like working out with JD.

A while into it, I wiped my forehead with a towel. “Want me to show you a few moves?”

She quirked a brow. “Moves?”

“Yeah. I could show you a few Krav Maga moves. Nothing too fancy.”

She didn’t look enthused. “That sounds a little bit out of my league.”

“I’ll teach you.”

She glanced around. “You’ll go easy on me?”

“Of course. Come here.”

I positioned her in front of me and demonstrated both neutral and fighting stances. She mimicked me, her feet spread, arms up, chin tucked.

I gripped her hips and readjusted so she faced me head on. “Boxers stand more to the side like that to pack more power in their punches. You want to be straight on in a self-defense posture so you have full use of your entire body.”

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