Return to the Little Kingdom (51 page)

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Gould, Irving
Gran Trak (video game)
Grove, Andrew
Hall, John
Hambrecht and Quist
Hare Krishna temple, Portland, Oregon
Hawkins, Trip
Helmers, Carl
Hertzfeld, Andy; background ; completion of Mac and ; tests Lisa
Hewlett-Packard; Apple Computer recruits personnel from; rejects Wozniak’s microcomputer; Wozniak leaves; Wozniak works for
Hill, Imogene “Teddy,”
Hoar, Fred
Hoffman, Abbie
Hoffman, Joanna
Holmes, Elizabeth
Holt, Frederick Rodney ; background; changes at Apple Computer and; development of Apple Computer and; on distribution of stocks and options ; financial worth of; on firings at Apple Computer ; impact of wealth on ; on Jobs; Markkula and; power supply for Apple II and; professionalization of Apple Computer and; on recruits from Hewlett-Packard; role in 1977; on Scott’s forced resignation; on Wozniak
Homebrew Computer Club ; Apple computer introduced at; attitude toward professionalization of Apple Computer; First West Coast Computer Faire and; and Intel 8080; Jobs and; Kamradt and; Wozniak and; Wozniak’s computer and; Wozniak’s teenage camp followers and
Homestead High School, Cupertino, Ca.
Horn, Hap
Hunt the Wumpus (video game)
Huston, Dick
IBM; competition with Apple Computer ; history of ; rumored merger with Apple Computer
IBM Personal Computer
Infeld, Lewis
Interface Age
Investment bankers, Apple’s public offering and
Janov, Arthur
Janov, Rob
Japanese computers
Jobs, Clara
Jobs, Patty
Jobs, Paul; background of; first Apple Computer headquarters in home of ; life in Mountain View, Ca.
Jobs, Steven: and addition of disk drive to Apple II; advertising for Apple computers and; advice from Chino on going into business; attitude toward corporate culture; attitude toward corporations; attitude toward engineering career; attitude toward Homebrew Computer Club; attitude toward unions ; attitude toward work conditions ; becomes phone phreak; changes at Apple Computer and; childhood of ; Commodore’s efforts to buy Apple Computer and ; competes with Kamradt for Wozniak; decision to go public; dietary beliefs ; distribution of Apple Computer stocks and; Draper and; fears about going into business; financial worth of; financing of Apple Computer and ; firings at Apple Computer and ; and first reactions to Apple Computer; Friedland and ; on Friedland; future of Apple Computer and; growth of Apple Computer and; high school days; hires Fernandez ; at Homestead High School; IBM Personal Computer and; impact of wealth on ; interest in Zen Buddhism ; introduction of Macintosh and; Kamradt and; leaves Reed College and works at Atari; Lisa and; lives on Friedland’s communal farm; Mac project and ; manuals and; Markkula and; meeting on publicity for Mac; meets Stephen Wozniak; moves to Cupertino School District; personal problems in 1977; and preparation of Apple II for First West Coast Computer Faire ; in primal scream therapy ; and Raskin’s suggestions for improvements; at Reed College; relationship with Fernandez; relationship with Kottke; relationship with Rogers; relationship with Scott; relationship with Smith and Hertzfeld; relationship with Wozniak; Rogers’ daughter and; role at Apple Computer ; and sales of Apple Computer stocks; and Scott as president of Apple Computer; Scott’s forced resignation and; software and marketing issues and; software programmers and; speech to Stanford University students; trip to India with Kottke; Twiggy project and; use of drugs in high school; at weekly lunch meeting at Mac division ; at work retreat; works at Atari; works at Hewlett-Packard; Wozniak’s changes in Apple computer and; Wozniak’s computer and; on Wozniak’s sale of stocks
Kaiser Cement, development of Silicon Valley and
Kamradt, Alex ; Jobs and; Wozniak and
Kay, Alan
Kee Games
Kentucky Fried Computers
Kesey, Ken
Kierulff Electronics, Palo Alto
Kildall, Gary
Klein, Marcia
Kottke, Dan; Apple stocks and; and first Apple computer; hired by Apple Computer; relationship with Jobs; relationship with Jobs and Rogers; trip to India with Jobs
Kramlich, Richard
Leary, Timothy
Lewin, Dan’l
Licht, Hildy
Lisa; advertising meeting on; introduction of; Mac and; preview of ; sales techniques for
Livingston, Sherry ; Apple stocks and; on Apple III
Lockheed Corporation: changed image of; impact of missile division on Santa Clara Valley
Lutus, Paul
McCollum, John
Macintosh computer (Mac): advertising for; competition problems; headquarters for; history of; introduction of; marketing of; meeting on publicizing of; pricing of ; weekly lunch meeting on ; work session on introduction of
McKenna, Regis; background; bureaucratization of Apple Computer and; growth of Apple Computer and; handling of press by
Mannock, Jerry
Markkula, Mike; attitude toward work conditions; choice of Scott as president of Apple Computer; complaints about Scott to; Draper and ; financial worth of; and First West Coast Computer Faire ; IBM Personal Computer and; impact of wealth on ; invests in Apple Computer ; management-employee relations and; marketing and ; problems between Jobs and Scott and; recruitment from Intel and; resignation of Scott and; retires as president; role in attracting investors to Apple; role in 1977; sale
Markkula, Mike (
) of Apple stocks and; status at Apple; stock options and; on Whitney
Martin, Gary
Martindale, Jim
Mauro, Chuck
Maytag, Fritz
Melmon, Richard
Microcomputers: disk drives and ; impact on Homebrew Computer Club
“Micro-8 Newsletter,”
Microprocessors; impact of ; prices in 1975
Milledge, Vicki
Millek, Marek
Minsky, Marvin
Mollard, Roy
Moody, Bob
Moore, Fred; background ; and Community Memory Project; and Homebrew Computer Club
Morgan Stanley
Morris, Anthony
MOS Technology
Motorola 6800 microprocessor
Murray, Michael
National Computer Conference
National Semiconductor
Newton, Bob
Nixon, Richard
Nold, Ellen
Nova microcomputer
Noyce, Robert
Opel, John
Oregon Feeling Center
Osborne, Adam
Osborne Computers
Peddle, Charles H.
Penny Arcade (video game)
People’s Computer Company
Personal Software
Pong (video game)
Popular Electronics
Power supply for computers
Pretorious, F. J.
Primal scream therapy
Processor Technology
Puppy Pong (video game)
Radio Shack
Rainbow Farm, The
Raskin, Jef; and Mac project; sells Apple shares
Reed College, Portland, Oregon
Regis McKenna Public Relations Agency .
See also
McKenna, Regis
Richardson, Jean; on impact of growth of Apple Computer on working conditions ; on Scott
Risk, Betty
Roach, John
Robertson, Alice; Apple stocks owned by.
See also
Wozniak, Alice Robertson Rock, Arthur ; Apple shares owned by
Roebuck, Joe
Rogers, Nancy; claims Jobs is her child’s father ; on impact of Jobs’ trip to India; Jobs and; on Jobs’ desire to find his natural parents; on Jobs’ fears about going into business
Rosen, Ben
Roshi, Suzuki
Rosing, Wayne
Rothmueller, Ken
Roybal, Phil
San Jose Mercury
Sander, Wendell
Sanders, Jerry
Santa Clara Valley: description of in 1950s, impact of Lockheed on.
See also
Silicon Valley
Sarofim, Fayez
Schwartz, Mel
Schweer, Kurt
Scientific American
Scott, Michael; Apple Computer stocks and; Apple’s public stock offering and ; attitude toward software ; becomes president of Apple Computer; and decision to go public; Draper and; financial worth of; financing of Apple Computer and; firings at Apple Computer and; and First West Coast Computer Faire; forced resignation of ; formation of divisions at Apple Computer and; and organization of Apple Computer staff; professionalization of Apple Computer and; recruitment and; relationship with Jobs; role in 1977; role of; status at Apple Computer; on Visicalc
Sculley, John: becomes Apple Computer’s president; role at Apple Computer
SDS 940
Second West Coast Computer Faire
“Secrets of the Little Blue Box,”
Sharp, Pat
Shields, Brooke
Silicon Valley: Apple Computer, Inc. as example of firms in; development of; First West Coast Computer Faire in; in mid-seventies; rapid growth of.
See also
Santa Clara Valley
Singleton, Henry
Smith, Burrell; background of ; and completion of Mac ; phone phreaking and
Smith, Hank
Software: Apple II and; Apple III and; controversy over; Macintosh and
Software companies: Macintosh and ; worsening relations with Apple
Software Publishing Corporation
Sol Terminal Computer
Solomon, Les
Sousan, Andre
Spergel, Marty
Stanford University, Palo Alto, Ca.; Artificial Intelligence Laboratory; Linear Accelerator Center
Sunnyvale Electronics
Technical writers
Technological American Party
Technology Education Act of 1982,
Terrell, Paul; and first Apple computer
Texas Instruments
Tognazzini, Bruce
Touch Me (video game)
Trak Ten (video game)
Tramiel, Jack
Turner, Ike
Tuttle, Myron
Twiggy (disk drive)
US Festival
Users groups, attachments and programs for Apple by
Valenti, Carl
Valentine, Don
Venrock, financing of Apple Computer by
Video Brain
Video games, Atari and
Vidovich, Stephen
Wall Street Journal
Warren, Jim
Watson, Tom
Way, Robert
Wayne, Ron; Apple II and ; on Atari; and early days of Apple Computer; ends partnership with Jobs and Wozniak
Whitfield, Henry
Whitney, Thomas
Whole Earth Truck Store, Menlo Park, Ca.
Wigginton, Randy ; Apple II and; on Apple III; professionalization of Apple Computer and; on relationship between Scott and Jobs; role in 1977; on Scott
Wozniak, Alice Robertson .
See also
Robertson, Alice
Wozniak, Jerry; attitude toward Jobs; background of; life in Sunnyvale, Ca.; moves family to Sunnyvale, Ca.
Wozniak, Leslie
Wozniak, Margaret
Wozniak, Mark
Wozniak, Stephen; addition of color to Apple; addition of disk drive to Apple II and; attitude toward Lockheed;
Baum and; becomes ham radio operator; becomes phone phreak; birth of; builds first computer; Charlie Board and; childhood of; Commodore Business Machine’s efforts to buy Apple Computer and; conflicts with Jobs ; designs own microcomputer ; designs terminal for Kamradt; and early days of Apple Computer; early interest in electronics; early study of computers; electronic pranks of; family background; financial worth of; and first reactions to Apple computer; and further development of first Apple computer; high school electronics training; Holt and; and Homebrew Computer Club; impact of professionalization of Apple ; impact of wealth on ; influence of McCollum on; on Jobs; marital problems in 1977 of; McKenna and; meets Jobs; power supply for Apple computer and; prank at First West Coast Computer Faire; reaction to his microcomputer; relationship with Fernandez and Jobs ; returns to Apple Computer ; Robertson and; role in 1977; sale of Apple stocks by; scheme to correct lopsided stock distribution ; software and marketing issues and; telephone pranks ; at University of Colorado ; US Festival and; Wigginton and Espinosa and ; wins prize in Science Fair ; works at Hewlett-Packard ; works on video games with Jobs; writes software for his computer
Xerox Corporation: buys Apple stocks ; influence on Apple Computer
Xerox 8010
Xerox Star
Zen Buddhism, Jobs’ interest in

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