Read Return to Sender Online

Authors: Harmony Raines

Return to Sender (2 page)

BOOK: Return to Sender
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She looked up at him, taking in his strong features;
he was as perfect as she had imagined him to be. Her heart did a
back flip, even though he thought she had moved he had still come
looking for her, all at once she woke from her daze.

“I’m sorry, Marcus,” she said, watching his
expression change. “I don’t have a forwarding address because I
never moved. I’m Christie Barnsley.”

“I don’t understand, if you are Christie, then who
sent the letter back to me?” His voice sounded guarded. “Listen
I’ve come a long way, I don’t want to play games, I thought you
were different than that.”

“Marcus, I assure you, I am not playing games. Why
don’t you come in and we can talk?” She stepped back to allow him
into her apartment, it was at that moment she realised how she must
look. She wore old comfy clothes that did nothing for her fuller
figure, and she had removed every scrap of make up earlier. She
dragged her hand through her hair and looked at him apologetically,
“You'll have to excuse me, I wasn’t expecting guests.”

His eyes raked over her clothes, lingering a little
long on her large breasts, which made Christie squirm inside. “You
look just fine to me, Christie.”

He brushed against her as he entered her apartment,
she was pretty sure it was done on purpose. For a moment she
thought she ought to pinch herself, surely she had fallen asleep in
front of the movie, and this hunk was really a dream.

“Are you going to close the door?” he asked, a hint
of amusement in his voice.

“Yes...of course,” she said shutting it quickly.

“Don’t worry, Christie, you are quite safe with me.”
He said, although his eyes said otherwise.

“Yes, well I know that, you are a soldier after all,”
she said, struggling with the effect he had on her.

“Yes, I am, and soldiers are very capable.” The
implication contained in his words not helping Christie’s state of

She felt all flustered, and blushed, he had the same
warm sense of humour that had come across in his letters. Her legs
felt a little shaky, this was real, he was actually here, she had
fantasised about their meeting for the first time for so long. She
wondered if reality would end up like her fantasies always did,
with them both in bed.

“Can I get you anything Marcus?” Christie asked,
trying to maintain a normal tone, although this whole thing was
nowhere near normal. She wanted to squeal and do a happy dance, but
she thought that might scare him away.

“Well, that would depend on what you are offering.”
Again that suggestion of forbidden pleasures.

“I have some wine in the fridge, or do want coffee or
tea?” Preferences in the drinks department was not something their
letters had touched upon. “Or if you prefer beer I could pop out
and get you some.”

He laughed, and Christie felt intoxicated by him. Who
needed alcohol when a man like Marcus stood in before you?

“It’s taken me a great deal of effort to find you,
Christie, I can assure you I am not letting you out of my sight
again,” he said, and she believed him, and that was just fine with
her, she would happily stay in very close proximity to him for as
long as he wanted.

“Wine then?” She went to the fridge and grabbed the
bottle, pleased Sarah Jane hadn't finished it all. She got two
glasses out and poured the wine out, handing him a glass with hands
she was sure were visibly shaking.

“Thanks. Cheers,” he said raising his glass to

“Cheers,” she said, the sound of the two glasses
touching filled her ears. Before the sound had ended she took a
large gulp of her wine to try to calm her nerves.

“So can I confirm you did not send the letter back to
me as a way to avoid meeting me,” he asked, she felt the force of
him bearing down on her, he would be formidable at

Christie placed her glass down, needing to reassure
him. “No, I honestly have never seen that letter before.” She took
a deep breath and decided to be honest with him, as she always had
been in her letters. “In fact I thought you had led me on, you
know, wrote all the things you did for a laugh with your

“Why would I do that, Christie?” He looked at her

“Oh, you know, I’m used to being the girl left in the
corner at parties.” She blushed and grabbed her drink again.

“Anyone who bothers to take the time to know you
would see you as a great catch.” His voice genuine.

“Well, that's the thing, no one ever does, my friend
Sarah Jane gets all the attention when we go out.”

He moved closer to her. “That is their loss, and
definitely my gain.”

“You're not in the least disappointed?” she said
avoiding his gaze.

“In what?” He was right next to her now, she could
feel the heat radiating from his body, it was like wild fire,
contagious and irresistible.

“In me?” she squeaked.

“Oh no, Christie, you are even more than I imagined.”
His hand reached up to cup her cheek, stroking his thumb over her
soft skin. “I am going to kiss you now, Christie, is that OK?” he
asked his lips hovering over her’s, waiting for her answer.

She swallowed nervously, and then nodded, her voice
lost, along with the rest of her. Then his lips touched hers, very
lightly, before deepening to the most wonderful kiss she had ever
experienced. Heat flared through her body, her nipples hardening
and brushing against his arm, sending electricity through her

His tongue pushed for access into her mouth, she
parted her lips and teeth to allow him to taste her properly,
wishing she'd had the foresight to excuse herself and clean them
before the kiss had begun. Marcus did not seem to be complaining,
he ran the tip of his tongue around the sensitive inside of her
lips before going deeper.

Christie instinctively moved her tongue to join his,
to entwine with it. She placed her hand on his chest to steady
herself, the whole experience overwhelming her. Here she was
standing in her small kitchen being kissed by her dream man. This
kind of thing never happened to girls like her.

While he kissed her his hands roamed all over her
body, brushing her breasts, and then stroking her arms and her
back. Heat followed his touch, her body responding to him in a way
she had never experienced before.

When he broke their kiss he nuzzled her neck and then
murmured in her ear, “Do you want to know all the other things I
would like to do to you? I have been waiting for months, but if you
want to take it slow, just say.”

“What, sort of things?” she asked in a tiny voice, a
throbbing between her legs telling her he could do whatever he
wanted to her.

“Shall we take it to the bedroom, and I can show
you,” his voice silky smooth.

“The bedroom?” She was trembling now; she was not as
experienced as other women her age, for the first time she worried
that she might disappoint him.

“Yes, I know it’s a bit strange, but I guess I feel
as though we have been dating for months, because of what we have
shared in our letters.” He stepped back away from her, giving her
some time and distance. “I’m sorry; I thought you felt the same

“I,,” she said, nervously. “Are you sure? I
mean I’m probably not what you imagined.”

“You are even more than I imagined. You have no idea
how your letters helped me through my tour of duty. I want to show
you how much you mean to me, Christie, I want to show you so very
much.” His voice full of his need for her.

“And I want you too, Marcus, it’s just this sort of
thing has never happened to me before,” she said honestly.

“Good. Because I want this to be more than you have
ever experienced before, Christie. You have no idea how your
letters kept me sane when all around me there was danger. Now that
we've met, I hope our relationship will grow and grow.”

She walked towards him and took his hand, leading him
to the bedroom. She had never been this bold with a man before, but
Marcus was different, if there really was a soul mate in this world
for her it was him, and he seemed to know it too.



Chapter Three

Yet once in her room her courage failed her. She
turned and looked at him shyly. “I’m not sure what to do now; I’m
not very experienced at this.”

He smiled, and everything was alright. “Don’t worry;
I’m a little out of practice, so let’s take it slow.”

His hands went to the old baggy top she was wearing,
he slipped his hands under it and slowly lifted it over her head,
and she put her arms up like a child so it would slip off.

His eyes dropped to her breasts still held captive in
her bra, sighing appreciatively her ran his fingers along the edge
of the lace cups, sending shivers through her body. His thumbs
grazed her nipples through the fabric, and Christie went weak at
the knees.

His fingers crept slowly around the back of her and
unclasped her bra. Christie’s generous breasts burst out, free from
the confines of her bra. Before she had a chance to adjust to their
freedom her senses were overwhelmed by his mouth on them.

Marcus started by kissing the soft sensitive flesh,
pressing his hands against them and lifting them up as though he
was weighing them up. His thumbs brushed her nipples, taking the
air from her lungs as the sensations washed over her.

His tongue snaked out and he licked one of the stiff
peaks, Christie leaned on him for support. Her panties were now
sopping wet with her arousal, her sex throbbed to be touched by him
too. She closed her eyes and absorbed all the wonderful ways he
made her feel aroused.

Slowly she became aware of his hands sliding down her
body, gliding over her hips and pushing her sweat pants down. When
they slid down to her ankles she stepped out of them, standing
nearly naked in front of him.

Marcus still had all of his clothes on, Christie was
suddenly struck with the idea that she would love to see what was
underneath them. While he returned to kneading and stroking her
breasts she tugged at his shirt, lifting it up. He obliged by
raising his arms, briefly having to stop touching her, much to her

As she lifted his shirt up she had to stand on tiptoe
to take it all the way off him, he took advantage by sucking her
raised nipples into his mouth. She nearly toppled over, only
managing to remove his shirt and then grabbed hold of him to help
balance herself.

Next she tackled his pants, scared at what she might
find hidden in them. If he was blessed in that department too, he
would be huge. She swallowed in anticipation, and fear. However she
had come this far, and she wanted him with every fibre of her

He helped her when she fumbled with his pants, his
hand closing over her fingers and undoing the button for her. Then
together they worked them off his incredibly well muscled legs. She
could see the bulge of his cock, and then it was free as he quickly
and shamelessly removed the rest of his clothes.

Standing there in front of him Christie had to stop
herself from simply staring at her handsome soldier, not for the
last time did she question how this had all happened. Marcus had to
be one of the most desirable men she had ever seen, much better
even than the men Sarah Jane dated, and he wanted her.

“Like what you see?” he asked grinning.

Dumbly she nodded her head, and then lost all sense
of reason as he moved next to her and kissed her before pushing her
down onto the bed.

Marcus pulled her panties by the elastic, and after a
moments hesitation she allowed him, lifting her bottom off the bed
to make it easier. As the last barrier between them slipped off her
legs and dropped to the floor, she turned her head, in

“Hey,” he said, sliding down onto the bed beside her.
“Don’t hide from me, there is nothing you can’t share with me.”

She looked at him, tears in her eyes. “I don’t want
to disappoint you.”

“There is no way you can do that,” he said, stroking
her cheek with the back of his hand. “I am trained to get the best
out of people, believe me.”

He slid his hand down her thigh, and then moved it to
the inside before moving it slowly back up. Christie could barely
breathe; he was going to touch her where she needed him to most.
Her sex had been on fire for so long now, with him so near, she
desperately needed him to touch her there.

His fingers were feather light when they stroked her
clit, his touch becoming gradually firmer as he interpreted the
messages her body sent him. It was so easy to respond to him, he
knew how to make her body react. Gentle pressure made her spread
her legs wider for him, his fingers sliding up and down her slit,
then back to her clit.

Then in a simultaneous movement he leaned over and
sucked on her nipples, while his fingers slipped inside her sex.
Her world seemed to come apart; so many sensations were vying for
her attention. It was like a system overload, her clit throbbing,
while her sex ached and her nipples stood painfully hard under the
onslaught of his mouth.

Christie knew from the way he treated her body that
her soldier certainly knew how to get the best out of his
equipment, no doubt he spent a long time working out how best to
operate, and tonight her body was the thing he needed to

Delving deeper before sliding back out a little he
explored her. He changed the pressure of his fingers and she gasped
in delight, he hooked them slightly and she groaned with desire.
She was his instrument, and he was learning exactly how to get a
perfect tune.

Another finger slid inside her and he stretched her
sex, applying pressure to the walls of her sex. His thumb stroked
her clit, and she felt her orgasm begin to build. Moving his head
he played close attention to both of her breasts, licking and
sucking them, before nibbling on her nipple.

BOOK: Return to Sender
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