Return of the Alpha (3 page)

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Authors: Natalie Shaw

BOOK: Return of the Alpha
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“What's the occasion?” Bella asked. “Is it some kind of party?”

“No. It's just the four of us. Craven, me, Zema and his mate.”

“Hmm. Interesting. I suppose you've heard the rumours?”

“What rumours?”

“I probably shouldn't say.”

Bella was obviously bursting to tell me, but I wasn't going to play along. “Well if you can't, you can't.”

“Go on. I suppose I can tell you. It didn't come from me though.”


“You have to promise.”

“I promise.”

Bella glanced in the rear view mirror as though she was worried someone might have sneaked into the back seat while we were shopping.

“I heard from a very reliable source.” She checked the mirror again. “That Zema is thinking of standing down as alpha.”

“I can't see that. He's got years in him yet.”

“There were rumblings even before Craven joined the pack. Zema had allowed security to lapse. People were worried.”

“It's much better now though.”

“Much better. But that's thanks to Craven, and everyone knows that.”

“That's still no reason for Zema to step aside.”

“According to what I hear, he's grown tired of the responsibility.”

“I still think you're wrong. Craven would have picked up on it.”

“How do you know he hasn't?”

“He hasn't said anything.”

“It's not something a beta is likely to discuss with anyone. Not even his mate. It would smack of disloyalty.”

I still couldn't see it. It sounded like idle gossip to me.


“What colour did you have in mind?” Bella dragged me into 'Tres Boutique'. I'd never dared step foot in there by myself. The absence of price tags was always a bad sign.

“I thought I'd play safe and go with black.”

“You can't wear black, Louise. Black's so boring. How about this?”

“It's red!”

“Lovely isn't it?”

“Bright red!”

 “Try it on.”

“I might not be able to afford it,” I whispered—conscious of the assistant who was hovering just a few feet away.

“Go on!”


“He's going to kill me,” I said as Bella drove us back home.

“He'll love it.”

“He'll tear me limb from limb.”

“He won't be able to take his eyes off you.”

“Are you sure red suits me?”

Chapter 4






“Louise!” Craven called from the living room. “We're going to be late,”

This was ridiculous. Why was I so nervous? It wasn't like I hadn't met Zema before. Bella hadn't helped with all her rumours. I was positive she was wrong, but what if she wasn't? What if Zema did intend to step down?


“Keep your hair on.” I stepped out of the bedroom. I was eager to see his reaction when he saw the dress. He'd say he liked it whether he did or not, but I'd know if he was telling the truth.

“You look terrific,” he said, and I could tell he meant it.

“I'm still not sure about the red. Maybe I should have gone with black.”

It's perfect,” he said. “I'd like to rip it off you, and fuck you right here—right now.”

“Down boy. You'll have to wait until we get back.”

“How am I meant to sit through dinner with a raging hard-on?”

“You'll just have to put a napkin on your lap to hide it. Now, come on. You said we were going to be late.”

Craven wore a suit most days, but I especially liked to see him in the black one he was wearing tonight. I couldn't wait to get back home to peel him out of it.


“Craven, good to see you.” Zema greeted us at the door to his penthouse. “Louise, you're looking exceptionally beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you.” I blushed.

“Come in. Olivia is in the kitchen. She should be out in a few minutes.”

Zema took our coats, and led us over to the small bar which was located near to the huge picture window.

“Lovely view.” I said.

“What would you like to drink?”

“Tonic water for me,” Craven said.

“Louise? What about you?” Zema pointed to the rows of bottles on the shelf behind the bar.

“I'll have tonic too.”

Zema poured our drinks first, and then poured himself what appeared to be a very large Whiskey.

“Craven, Louise, lovely to see you both.” Olivia came through from the kitchen. “Dinner will be another fifteen minutes. I had an incident with the oven.”


Zema and Olivia made the perfect couple. I could tell by the way Zema looked at her that he adored his mate. I hoped Craven and I would still be as happy after as many years together. Over dinner, Olivia insisted Zema and Craven didn't 'talk shop'. It was amusing to see the pack's alpha being dictated to by his mate. Zema might rule the pack, but I had the distinct impression that Olivia ruled their house.



“That was delicious,” Zema said when we'd finished the main course.

“Hear, hear.” Craven agreed.

I nodded too. It had been truly delicious. I hoped we weren't expected to return the invitation. My cooking was nowhere near that standard.

“I hope you've all left room for dessert.” Olivia stood up.

“While we're waiting for dessert, I’m afraid I have to talk shop for just a few minutes,” Zema said.

I'd half expected Olivia to object, but she was already on her way to the kitchen.

“Can I help?” I called after her.

“I'd like you to hear what I have to say, Louise.” Zema said. “It concerns you too.”

Behind me, I heard the kitchen door open and then close. At the same moment, I caught a scent. A sickly sweet smell.

“I have to confess there was an ulterior motive to asking you both to come over this evening,” Zema said. “You may already have guessed what that is.”

He looked back and forth between the two of us. Neither of us volunteered a suggestion.

“The time has come for me to step down as alpha of the Darmoor pack. Over the last few years, I've grown weary of the responsibility. I haven't served my people as well as I should have.”

Craven was about to object, but Zema raised a hand to silence him.

“I haven't taken this decision lightly. But having made it, I see nothing to be gained by delaying matters.” He focussed his attention on Craven. “I'd like you to take over as alpha.”

“I'm flattered,” Craven said. “But I'm still a newcomer. Appointing me may cause friction.”

“Whoever becomes alpha will face some opposition, and of course anyone has the right to make a formal challenge. I doubt it will come to that. In the short time that you have been in our territory you have earned the respect of the pack. I'm confident your appointment will be met with almost universal approval.”

I was trying to focus on Zema's words, but the sickly, sweet smell seemed to be getting stronger. I was beginning to feel a little queasy.

“Louise?” Craven said, and I realised I'd missed something.


“Are you feeling okay?” Zema asked. “You're looking a little pale.”

“I'm okay. I just feel a little queasy. I'm sure it will pass.”

Just then, the kitchen door opened, and Olivia pushed through a small trolley. “I hope you all like this,” she said. “It's Zema's favourite.”

The smell was now over-powering. I had to get out of there, but when I tried to stand, everything started to spin. Then everything went black.




Where was I? Some kind of log cabin? I tried to walk to the door, but my wrist was chained. A woman's laughter. I could see her now. I tried to reach her, but the chain pulled me back. Where was I? Where was Craven?

The cabin door was open now; the chain on my wrist had been removed. I rushed outside, but was trapped by a high fence. What was that smell? So sweet. So sickly. A young male shifter took my hand, and guided me through the gate. We ran as fast as we could. Someone was coming for me...


“Louise! Are you okay?”

I opened my eyes slowly. I was in our apartment—in bed. Craven was standing at the bedside.

“What happened?” My throat was so dry, my words were barely audible.

“You fainted. How do you feel?”

“Okay, I think. My head hurts a little. I could do with a glass of water.”

While he was gone, I tried to remember what had happened.

“There you go.” Craven passed me the water and two tablets. “Are you sure you feel okay?”

“I think so. How did I get home?”

“You came around enough to walk to the car, but you weren't really with it. I wasn't sure if I should take you to the hospital or not, but you kept insisting you were going to be okay.”

“I did?”

“Don't you remember?”

“The last thing I remember was waiting for the dessert.”

“You scared Zema and Olivia half to death.”

“It was the smell. That awful smell. What was it? It seemed to come from the kitchen.”

“Wender berries. Olivia had made a wender berry pie for dessert.”

“Couldn't you smell it? It was awful.”

“They do have a very distinct aroma.”

An image flashed across my mind, but it was gone as quickly as it came. What was it? A cabin? Another image. This time of a high fence.

“Are you okay?” I could hear the alarm in Craven's voice.

“Yes. I think so.”

“Your eyes seemed to glaze over. Are you sure you're feeling okay? Maybe I should call the doctor?”

“No. I'm fine.” Another image flashed into my mind. A young male shifter. He was shouting my name.

“Louise. You're scaring me.” Craven put his hand on my arm.

“While I was out of it, I had a dream. I keep getting flashbacks.”

“What kind of dream?”

“I don't know. It didn't make any sense. I was in some kind of cabin. Chained up. Then I was outside, but there was a huge fence. A young male shifter led me out of the enclosure. We were running, and running, and—”

“You need to rest.” Craven gripped my arm a little firmer. “Maybe I should get the doctor to take a look at you?”

“I don't need the doctor. I'm okay. What do you think the dream meant?”

“I don't know. Nothing probably.” He let go of my arm. “I'll leave you to rest.”

Before I could object, he was already on his way out of the bedroom.

Alone, I closed my eyes and tried to see the images again. Nothing. Why was I so concerned about a dream?

What must Zema and Olivia have thought of me? She'd put so much effort into preparing the meal, and I'd passed out at the sight, or rather the smell, of the dessert. I could remember that Zema had asked Craven to take over as alpha. Had anything been decided? Had he accepted? I was just about to call Craven when the image of the young male shifter flashed into my mind again. “Marlow!” I screamed.

“What's wrong?” Craven ran back into the bedroom.

“I remember.”

“What? What do you remember?”

“The young male shifter in my dream. His name is Marlow. I think he rescued me. I can remember the wender berries. That's why I fainted. It was the smell of the wender berries.” Through teary eyes I looked at Craven and saw something in his expression.

“I'll get the doctor,” he said.

“I don't want the doctor. I'm okay. You know something about this, don't you?”

He didn't answer. He didn't need to. It was written all over his face.

“What aren't you telling me?”

“I'm sorry.” He sat next to me on the bed. “I wasn't sure what to do for the best.”

“Tell me!”

“When I found you again after all of those years, it was such a relief. There had been so many times when I'd feared the worst. When I realised you'd lost your memory, I thought it would be better to let you remember in your own time.”

“You have to tell me now.”

“Okay.” He stood up and began to pace the room. “Milton and Lassiter held you captive for almost thirty years. I searched the length and breadth of the country looking for you. It turned out that you'd been held in Maja territory all of that time. In the early days of my search, I'd actually passed close to where you were being held, but I hadn't sensed your presence. It was the wender berries. The enclosure where you were being held was surrounded by them. Their aroma is so strong it blocks out all other smells. That's why you reacted as you did to Olivia's dessert.”

“Who is Marlow?”

“I'm not sure. It was one of Milton's guards who helped you to escape. Maybe that was him.”

“Why would he risk his own life to help me?”

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