Return Fire (Sam Archer ) (26 page)

BOOK: Return Fire (Sam Archer )
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High above the city, the black ARU Eurocopter swept through the night sky, heading straight towards 451 South Bank, a tall looming structure by the River Thames that Archer now knew held Vargas, Talia Farha and God only knew how many more paid
killers intent on ending his life.

In front of him in the cockpit, Chalky was hanging in there, breathing hard through the pain and bleeding badly from the gunshot wound but gritting his teeth, knowing he had to get them to the building and land safely.

Seeing the building approach, Archer felt his heart-rate increase, thumping with adrenaline as he looked at the epitome of his nightmares for the past four months.

With Chalky injured, he was going inside alone.

As he took a deep breath and focused, he realised Chalky’s arm would need attention before he left him to look for Vargas. Looking around the cabin, he saw a cloth stowed in a compartment in the rear of the vessel beside him and pulled it out. It wasn’t particularly clean but it was going to have to do; making a small incision with the jack-knife from his tac vest, he ripped it in half, looking over at the building again as he did so.

They were almost there.

Dominick Farha was the first man he’d ever had to kill, the leader of a terrorist cell who’d unleashed mayhem on London with his eight-person team on New Year’s Eve two and a half years ago. It had been the ARU’s first major operation and Farha had been responsible for an unforgettable series of events. Archer had put him down a split-second before he cut another man’s throat and had shown him as much mercy as Farha had afforded all his victims throughout that day.

Archer had felt zero remorse
since and hadn’t lost a wink of sleep over what he’d had to do; Farha had been as evil as they come. Considering what he’d done to the city over the previous twenty four hours, taking him out was a public service. But that one action that day had unleashed all this, and was why Vargas had been kidnapped.

It had never been about something she’d done.

Everything today was about him.

Finishing ripping up the rag, he looked up and saw they were only fifty yards from the building. Pulling out his phone quickly, he tried the number Vargas had called him from again but no one picked up. As the helicopter finally came to a halt and they hovered over the office building, Archer grabbed a support rung and moved to the left window. Up front, Chalky used all his remaining strength to keep the vessel steady, his breathing becoming increasingly laboured as he gritted his teeth and focused on the controls.

Looking down, Archer couldn’t see anyone or any anti-personnel mines on the roof, but he knew from past experience the kind of welcome that could be waiting.

‘Should…I land?’
Chalky asked.

‘Do it!’

Chalky moved the stick and the chopper started to descend, Archer ripping his door open and tracing with his MP5, looking for any sign of a welcoming committee.

There was no one there.

The chopper touched down on the roof. Archer jumped out a moment later, clearing either side with his sub-machine gun, his heart thumping with adrenaline. When he was satisfied they weren’t about to be attacked, he turned back, opened the cockpit door and immediately caught Chalky as he toppled towards him. He steadied his friend then took one piece of the cloth he’d grabbed from the back of the vessel and packed it over the gunshot wound.

‘You’re having a bad day, mate,’ he said.

‘I’ve had worse,’ he mumbled back.

Archer tied the other strip over the top, holding the wad in place as he cinched it tight.

‘Just stay here and stay awake,’ he said.

Noticing Chalky didn’t have his Glock, Archer pulled his own and passed it to him. He pointed at the closed access d
oor to the roof to their left.

‘Just in case you get any company.’

Chalky nodded, taking the pistol, his eyes hazy. Then, despite the pain, he suddenly smiled.

‘Just like…old times,’ he said, quietly.

Archer paused.

Then h
e smiled briefly too.

‘I’ll be back soon.’

Chalky didn’t respond, focusing on staying awake.

Archer then turned with his MP5 and ran across the roof towards the entrance to the building.


Nine storeys down, Vargas was desperately fighting for her life with an armed man who’d just walked in through the door to talk to his companion.

While she’d been talking to Archer she’d heard someone coming into the office next door and after quickly ending the call had moved quickly and silently across the room to the side of the door.

There’d been the sound of movement next door; nothing had happened for some time, just the
occasional sound of sniffing. She’d waited, gripping just the dead man’s knife, her heart racing, wondering what he was doing and beginning to think she was going to get away with it.

Then the door had suddenly opened.

Carrying an assault rifle, the man was relaxed when he walked into the room, not expecting any trouble.

Until he spotted his dead buddy’s body lying on the floor.

Before he could react, Vargas had appeared from around the door and buried the knife into his thigh, the man screaming in pain and dropping his AR-15. Vargas had gone for the weapon instantly but the man had thrown himself into her, knocking her to the ground as he pinned her down. Vargas was now trapped underneath the man as he tried to strangle her, his strong hands clamped around her throat.

he shouted, crushing her windpipe.

Suffocating, Vargas trapped his right arm by holding his tricep and forearm then hooked her left foot past his right foot and pushed up with her hips. The man was so blinded with pain and rage he was taken by surprise as suddenly she tipped him onto his back. He immediately fought back, trapping her in an arm-lock and trying to dislocate her elbow, but she quickly grabbed the knife still buried in his thigh with her left hand and twisted it as hard as she could.

The man shouted in pain, immediately releasing her arm; she saw her opportunity and pushing herself up, dived for his AR-15 across the room. Clutching his leg, the man saw what she was doing and lunged after her, grabbing her ankle, but her fingers curled around the weapon and she spun round in one smooth motion, firing a single shot from her back. She hit him straight in the chest as he reared up and he dropped instantly with a heavy
, the gunshot echoing around the office floor as the man lay still across her bare feet.

Panting hard, Vargas kicked her legs out from under him, keeping the assault rifle trained on the man as she rose.
Staring down through the sights, she saw blood pooling out from the guy’s limp body.

He was dead.


Up on the roof, Archer didn’t hear the gunshot due to the noise of the chopper.

As he approached the door, he felt his heart pounding as he forced the waves of claustrophobia down, focusing on getting to Vargas and taking on anyone who tried to stop him.

He had no idea what was
waiting for him in this building.

Armed men.

An ambush.


Vargas was here somewhere.

And he was going to get her back alive

Grabbing the handle, Archer took a deep breath and eased the door back as gently as he could, his MP5 aimed at the gap in case someone was waiting the other side.

It was dark, and he couldn’t see clearly. It seemed no one was there.

Edging his way through the door, he closed it behind him, the noise of the chopper suddenly gone.
He quickly scanned the dark stairwell below with the MP5, tense, waiting for his eyes to adjust.

There was another door down the flight, the entrance to the top floor of the building.

Gripping the sub-machine gun tight, Archer moved down through the darkness towards it.



He walked down the few steps slowly, arriving outside the 25
floor fire escape door.

Easing it forward, he stepped out straight into a huge office space covering the entire floor, each work
station separated by a screen. His heart thumping, memories of being trapped in a building with men hunting him all flooding back like a burst dam, Archer narrowed his eyes, forcing the thoughts back and focusing down the sights of his MP5.

The entire place was quiet.


Just as Archer
arrived on the 25
floor office space many floors up, the ARU BMW Dash had stolen screeched to a halt in front of the building.

Pushing open their doors, he, Piccadilly and Portland leapt out and ran across the courtyard towards the entrance, moving inside quickly and
securing the door behind them. As Portland finished bolting the door and Piccadilly reloaded his AR-15, Dash dialled Aldgate, who’d been left with the detective. None of them were hindered by anyone behind the front desk; the guard had been shot dead earlier and dumped in a maintenance closet.

‘Shit,’ Dash said. ‘He’s not picking up!’

His assault rifle fully loaded again, Piccadilly moved to the two lifts and pushed the button. As one of them descended and the numbers above the doors ticked down, Dash tried Stockwell’s number, aka Nicolas Gagnon, one of his two Canadian snipers.

‘Stockwell, where are you?’

‘On 17 with Covent. We’re prepping the workspace for the boss. You get Archer?’

‘Where the hell is Aldgate?’

‘He’s watching the girl on 16 but wasn’t answering our calls. Wood just went down to check on him.’

Dash swore as
the lift arrived in the lobby. ‘Both of you, get up to the top floor now! Archer escaped from the ARU by chopper; he’s coming for her.’

‘You want him alive?’

‘Just get to the roof and kill that son of a bitch!’

As the doors to the lift opened, Dash and Piccadilly stepped inside, pushing the button for 16, the floor where the detective was being held, Piccadilly holding the door momentarily so Portland could join them as he finished locking the doors.

‘Cops are coming!’ he said, turning and running over from the front doors to join them as he reloaded his AR-15, the distant sound of sirens in the air.

‘I’ll handle them,’ Piccadilly said, jabbing the button for 3 as the doors closed.


On 16, Vargas pushed herself back to her feet, the AR-15 in her hands, then grabbed the cell phone she’d dropped in the fight. Tucking the phone into the pocket at the back of her shorts, she moved over to the man she’d just shot and took a spare magazine for the assault rifle. He had a pistol too but she had no way of carrying it so she’d have to leave it, but the AR-15 was more than she’d had all day and she felt a damn sight more confident with it in her hands.

Kneeling, she rolled the man over and saw his eyes were open, his body limp, staring vacantly up at the ceiling with a stream of blood leaking out of the side of his mouth. She yanked the knife out of his leg and wiped it on his torso, then folded it shut and put the blade in the back pocket of her shorts along with her phone. Checking his pockets for anything else, she found a pack of cigarettes, a lighter and a half-empty bag of cocaine which explained what he’d been doing outside and the time delay.

She then crept to the door of the large office and stepped out into the
space beyond. Archer said he was on his way; all she had to do was hang on until he got here. As she walked across the dark empty space of the main office floor, the AR15 buried in her shoulder, she suddenly froze in mid-step.

The two lifts in front of her had digital red lights above each.

And the floors where each cart was located was changing.

Both were heading up.

Swearing, she raced across the floor towards the stairwell door, pushing it open and sprinting down the flight, pulling her stolen cell phone and calling Archer as she ran.


On 25, he was walking through the empty office floor, tracing either side, all his senses on high alert as he searched for any sign of movement.

Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate on his tac vest.
He answered quickly, his left hand snapping back down to hold the stock of the MP5 as he used his earpiece and Velcro throat mic.

‘Hello?’ he whispered.

‘It’s me!’
Vargas said.

‘I’m in the building.’

‘What? Where?’

‘On 25. Where are you?’

‘Get to the stairs!
There’re people in the lifts coming for us!’

Just as she spoke, one of the two lifts suddenly arrived in front of Archer.

And a moment later, the doors started to part.


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