Retribution, Devotion (24 page)

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Authors: Kai Leakes

BOOK: Retribution, Devotion
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A strange embryonic-like liquid covered her flesh, causing her tendons to crack, rip apart, and then fuse again. She felt that searing fusion with the Dark Gargoyle as her fleshy shell sloshed off, turning her into what she was today. She remembered that she had pleaded to be given death but that enigmatic laugh of the Mad King washed over her as he looked down at his newest and only surviving creation: her.
Tears formed in her eyes for the first time of what she perceived was her long-lived life. Their iridescent wetness almost fell as she saw herself being changed into a Cursed demon. The humiliation, anger, and grief washed over her. She saw her light almost extinguish until a low, healing song touched her spirit. It wrapped her in a soothing balm making her forget everything, until now. She had changed into pure evil, but now she was slowly awakening.
Her survival instincts cloaked the budding knowledge then she yelled, “I put a tracer in the girl because I saw other relatives. Relatives we must kill. Relatives that we can maybe also bring in to strengthen our side,
my King!

The Mad King was lost in his sick game. His maddening obsession with her body and this torture had him yanking her back. A frozen malice flashed across his chiseled features. Impeccable evil revealed his monstrous serrated teeth, ready to strike her neck at the same time of fondling her bare orifice.
Nydia closed her eyes. She recognized in that moment that the very people she felt was her family were now her enemies. Clarity explained that their blood would flow by her hands. It gave her hope in knowing that she would die protecting herself and her Mistress from this evil. She would die in satisfaction of having gutted the King open to feast on his rancid entrails. She wanted this retribution and she would have it by working with the Light. This was her vow.
Blades clicked in her arm bracelets ready to insert themselves into the King, before Reina's scream broke the Medusa from her dark intent. “She is mine, Popi! You will not taste her!”
A slap then hiss sounded in the chambers. Nydia found herself pulled from the wall, and then thrown across the floor like a ragdoll. Momentum from it had her instantly push up to her knees to crouch low while watching Reina confront her father who stood grinning from ear to ear. Blood coated Reina's nails. Her Mistress hoisted herself forward with a blade protruding from her asp bracelet pointing at the King's devoid heart.

Mi hija,
my child.” Sharp-nailed fingers snatched Reina by her throat squeezing before the Kings lips fell over hers in a sick kiss. Nydia watched Reina's body stay erect. Her venom-tipped blade inched upward toward her father's heart. In her silent struggle, the King dropped her to the floor in malicious pride, glaring down at her crumpled form.
“I'm sure the spilling of my blood would amuse you both,
sí? Pero,
today is not that day, however. I did enjoy our time together and you are correct, my daughter. I bestowed her upon you, so she is yours to taste only because it amuses me. Now tell me, Nydia, what does this whore on her knees you brought to us have to share?”
Nydia almost gave Reina a thousand blessings, but she remembered where she was and who she was. Such ideas were unnatural for her to think, which caused her to flex her fingers while standing. To show her submissiveness Nydia kept her head bowed. She pushed her loose braids over her shoulder then ran her hands over her sweat-soaked skin. Glancing toward her owners, standing erect in defiance, the guttural clicking resonated softly from her lips.
She returned to the dark game she always played. The Medusa spoke, “My King, she can tell us where my prey went because her marker is lost to me while in the air. Which I believe she is in, since I cannot track her. This one will tell us what we need to know; besides, as you can see, she is very ripe with sins. Ready to be drunk and turned to fill your taste, my liege.”
The King bellowed with laughter. He seemed very pleased with that as he circled the crying woman who held the side of her neck. Pleading for her life, the stripper's naked, voluptuous body shook in fear, pain, and disbelief. Her hands shifted to cover her face and body, ineffectively attempting to block any attacks that may come her way.
“She is a beauty. I see she likes to dance for money and spread her legs for the enjoyment of others while pumping her system and others with chemicals befitting a pharmaceutical lab. Delicious catch, my dear Medusa. You please me,” the King replied. His bulky hand ran down the shaking woman's back. Lust brightened his caramel eyes in gluttonous resolve. “Daughter, you will bring her to my chambers. Then you will play with her for my enjoyment before we ready for the event.”
Nydia noticed Reina's sharp jerk. A swift blaze of hatred sparkled in her silver-rimmed eyes before the look and the rings disappeared. Rigidly addressing her father, Reina's voice dripped in veiled contempt. “Of course, Father. I do enjoy new toys.”
The King brushed his tan blazer off and called for his attendants. Twin golden-etched chamber doors inlaid with black-red blood and swirling trapped spirits opened to let him pass.
Casually glancing over his shoulder to run his eyes over both Nydia's and Reina's bodies he paused, buttoned his cuffs, then coolly addressed them again. “Do not take your time, daughter. After we are done, Medusa you will take whatever information you can get out of your captive, and go from there. You disappoint me again and you will spend time in the wall with your pets and your former friends, understood? We do not have time for any errors. The gala is coming up. Nephilim Light Houses are turning dark by our hand. Any failures or weakness will result in immediate death, which I do not have time for. Understood?”
Nydia scornfully bristled then snapped her aching spine back to stand erect. Her face smoothly hardened in resigned anger before she genuflected in prostration. “Yes, my King, I only live to serve you and my Mistress.”
“Good, be sure to remember it. I have begun the war; do not fuck it up, my dear,” King Caius smoothly commanded. With that, the King left. His aura told everyone that they were dismissed. Nydia watched Reina briskly follow, the folds of her dress sweeping against the marble floor.
Relief at having dodged a bullet caused Nydia to inwardly wince the moment she felt Reina's lips press against her own.
“And the book? The Oracle bitch?” Reina inquired.
Falling into her usual role, Nydia reached upward and brushed Reina's silky hair over her shoulders to kiss her cheek at the corner of her lush mouth. “I saw that if we get her blood with that of Brandon's that we may be able to read the contents then locate the Dragons around the world, without your father knowing my Mistress.”
Admiration caused Reina's plush lips to part in a slow smile. An elegant hand played with the ends of her hair. Nydia took in Reina's mental musings while she walked back to her seat next to an observing Winter. “And then I will be Queen and the Oracle will truly be dead.”
Nydia bowed her head in resignation. The game dictated that she play the servant, which she did. She sat at her Mistress's feet next to Winter. Reina brushed her fingers through her braids in thought. “We will continue this later; for now father waits. Nydia, do be careful because I will not be able to save you from the wall next time.”
Swift as a breeze, Reina stood motioning to her private attendants then exited the chambers. Nydia was finally left alone to her confusing, jumbled feelings, ready to crumble to her weakening resolve when she heard, “Nydia, come with me so that I can restore your energy and talk about your truth and purpose.”
The truth? What truth? Her purpose? She had no purpose. Her purpose was to protect Reina and be her lapdog. Her purpose was forever to be a slave in hell. Fury made her lash out at the voice near her ear, at the hand resting on her shoulder and at the blurred body near her side. Everything seemed to flood her senses and hit her in a flash making her see nothing but red.
Tears flooded her eyes. She squeezed the throat of her target. Her thighs clamped tight to constrict the airway of her prey while she sat atop their chest. She growled then muttered low to her enemy before she realized who it was. Winter lay calmly under her grip, softly smiling with knowledge that lit up the Witch's features.
“Told you we would fight. So now that that is out the way, you finally are now ready to reclaim your rightful destiny, flower. Moreover, you understand my role. I do all for Reina. Now come, we have work to do, insurgent Fatima,”
she simply stated in her mind.
Nydia blinked at the name. She slowly stood taking the hand of the woman she always called a comrade and staggered to Winter's healing chambers. Yes, Winter's word added to the burning sensation in her chest. But, it was the reality that they hadn't lied, that maybe there was more to her life and that Calvin could be hers. Thinking of his cell phone number so that she could text him intel, Nydia knew her ties had changed and that her Cursed family was now her enemy.
Chapter 18
“Gentlemen and Ladies of the city of Chicago please raise your glasses and let us toast your presence here. On behalf of my father, I would like to again welcome you all to the seventy-fifth fall annual M'ylce Masquerade Ball and Charity Gala hosted by Primus-Grete Tech formally Primus-Grete, Inc. My father and I raise our glasses to our many supporters and new faces who have devoted their time to partner with us to bring change and growth to the Chicagoland area.”
Thousands of hands clapped in response to the soft and delectable words pouring from her lips and Reina beamed. The many people here were either politicians, business moguls of every kind, high society, or newcomers interested in bartering away whatever they had to be part of this world. This pleased the Cursed to no end. The endless supply of greedy humans always built up their numbers and tonight was no different.
Reina had watched her father make a quick exit to play with some humans. Therefore, it was her obligation to continue hosting the gracious event and keep the Southern Cursed houses and international councils fed with fresh blood and human souls ripe for the corruption. Her night was busy but she knew it would be a profitable one. After their prior meeting, her father, the Mad King, had hastily reminded them of the ultimate goal of collecting humans like cattle and hording them on their side. The Cursed needed large numbers for the final battle against the enemy and this time they would win just as they had almost done when her father had taken down the One Son.
The sweet taste of her red champagne slid down her throat as everyone mimicked her move. Her silver stare roamed over the masses watching some humans who sipped their wine quickly grip their neck, or arm, or some other places where their fresh Cursed Bite throbbed then spread quickly through their systems. Varied individuals' irises instantly dilated, while their bodies slowly became tainted with darkness due to their drinks. This was the way of Cava rose M'ylce champagne, freshly made from demons and possessed humans blood with that of white champagne to give it its pink tone, disguising it as a sparkling rose wine.
Reina savored hers and waved her hand. “Celebrate and raise those donation numbers; remember we aim to feed the homeless and provide community service to children and families in need.”
The lies she thread spilled from her lips and she had to laugh. Her father's company did do what she just delivered but, of course, it was a façade. Whatever appeared good only helped them counter it with multiple levels of pain. Such as buying out families homes on the South Side and West Side. Forcing many to foreclose on property some have owned for many years. The numbers of homeless they helped, the more they multiplied by causing homelessness. Those they helped receive medical care, the more they gave cancer or the worst of the STDs in order to raise the level of open souls for the darkness. It was twisted and delightful.
As the music played, Reina adjusted her golden waterfall jeweled mask and moved to speak with many dignitaries. She laughed while addressing a member of the Southern Cursed council. The weakling had the gall to try to explain why their numbers were not up to par.
“M'lady Princess, you must forgive us. As you understand the South is heavy in religion and breaking through the barriers is just not as easy as it seems but we did manage to pollute a major pastor in Atlanta and already our counts are slowly rising.”
“Lord Johnson, I almost thought I would have to gut you alive where you stand for the insulting failure you have become,” she coolly stated.
Reina surveyed the icy blue stare of the older male in front of her widen. He was handsome in his age. To others he would seem to be forty years old, tall with broad shoulders, blond hair, and a smile that reminded her of Brad Pitt. His body was just as built. But it was the way those blue eyes widened in shock at her that made this interesting for her.
“M'lady? Ma'am?” Nathan stammered.
“You heard me clearly, Nathan. You stand in front of me in a tone that reeks of superiority and you wag your finger at me as if I am but a child. You also expect me to accept that your numbers are low because you all can't behave like the top-level demons you are and wreak hell on the South? Tsk, tsk. Oh, but I should be happy that you effectively turned a well-known pastor to our side?”
Reina gave another soft laugh. She rested her hand on his forearm then stepped closer. Both of their personal bodyguards stood watch just in case something went wrong. The exciting sensation of that possibility happening made Reina's nipples tighten and her bud throb with the anticipation.
“You forget to use the natural history of strife saturated in the very blood we purposely spilled years ago, generations ago to create a culture of hate and fear in the South.” As she spoke, her voice softened as it were silk wrapping around a throat.
She then leaned forward to whisper in her subject's ear, “I should rip your throat out now. Feed from you and fuck you at the same time as my guard feasts on your innards, but . . . I won't.”
With a soft laugh, Reina pressed her soft lips against the elder's cheek then stepped back. “I won't because you amuse me and clearly you've been overstressed, yes? So stressed that you forgot that you were speaking to King Caius Primus-M'ylce's only daughter. I, born from his dead seed, something none of you elders have ever done and can never do. I, who was raised as his second in line. Silly rabbit. You so foolishly believe that I would accept that feeble excuse? That I am injudicious?”
Madness crept into her pupils. She stood delicately sipping from her flute glass assessing the now-fuming Lord from beneath her lashes. Toying with him, she continued to speak meekly with a lethal tinge of fury. “Hmm, you are forgiven for your slight impairment and I applaud you for getting into the church. Oh wait, yes, my father seeded the church with darkness at its very birth! You did nothing innovative! Hmm, excuse me. I often forget my manners. Lord Johnson, what a wonderful insurgent skill you use. Please let us discuss this more at a later date. Enjoy this night! It is a wonderful delight that the Southern districts are here. A toast to you, good sir.”
Lord Nathan Johnson inwardly fumed. “Princess, I meant no offense to you,” he mumbled in restrained pauses.
The ruddy hue of his tanned skin marked his body in splotches. The darkening of his iris let Reina know he was ready to kill her, which she enjoyed.
“Of course you didn't. Drink up, dear; it is never good to let your drink get warm, not this kind. It was just a slight miscalculation of course.”
The male lifted his glass and downed his drink quickly. As they conversed, he was clueless to the area emptying around them, leaving only a few of the lord's house members and her. He also was blinded by the fact that as Reina hugged him, she had nicked his flesh with her asp ring and given him the kiss of death. By the time the night was over, he would be nothing but ash.
“Yes, you are diligent in your understanding,” Nathan bolstered.
“As are you; please continue your night.” Turning to leave Reina paused, stopping her retreat. “Oh and Lord Nathan?”
“Princess? How may I be of service?” the Cursed Lord bowed before her, his irises fading due to the poison flowing through him.
The sting of a blade hitting air then meeting the side of a throat made everyone gasp. Reina turned on her heels and worked her blade across the hard tendon of flesh and bone. She smirked with sensual release as those blue eyes stared in confusion and hate before the body burst in plumes of blood and ash covering her guards who suddenly flanked her.
“To the house of Johnson and your new Lord soon to take his place, let me make myself clear.”
Reina coolly walked around her guard and pointed her blade at the various family members who looked on. “I am a Royal! At any goddamned time, I can dismantle your kingdoms. Insult to me and my family will not be permissible. Ignorance and imbecilic behavior as well as actions will not be permitted!”
Her voice rose with authority while she walked around her subjects. She watched the males' fangs lengthen in desire and women watch on in respect. “You do not question me. I question you! You all will get your numbers up ASAP. The Southern houses will act in accordance to the governing laws as dictated and you will not forget that we are the Cursed! Humans and the Nephilim are our cattle; you will do everything in your imbecilic minds to govern the darkness. Do I make myself clear? Who the hell am I?”
“Our Princess. Princess Reina A'archy, daughter to the royal lineage of M'ylce. Our Dark Lady and Primus Anarchy Snatcher.”
The words from the house of Johnson fueled her pumping blood causing her to drop her head forward with a scoff. She pulled back with a bloody open-mouth sneer, smoothed her hair back, and nodded, shielding her blade while walking away.
“Please enjoy your night and congratulations to your new heir.”
Heading back out to the party, Reina noticed Winter slowly walking next to her returning father and her stomach quickly soured. She hated when she could tell that her father touched one of her pets. She had no power over stopping him from touching Winter because she had belonged to her mother but nonetheless it angered her. Duty kept her from seeking Winter out.
It was strange for her. Only Nydia and Winter were able to silence the madness that crept into her mind and she never could understand why but, right now, the madness was a comfort. The heated stare from her father made her hustle through the dance floor searching for someone to distract her. Her wish was answered in the guise of a handsome human who stood in a black-and-white suit.
His smile drew her in. The broad build of his shoulders and body made her plum clutch in need. His blood made her hunger ravenously as she slowly walked his way. She knew he wanted her, could tell by the way his eyes held her. She did not even have to drop her gaze to see if he was hard. His aura fed her that truth. He stepped forward and asked her to dance. The roaring in her ears in need of his blood blocked out her ever hearing his name and the moment his hands swallowed her waist made her mark him as hers. Tonight she didn't need any new pets, but damn if he didn't almost make her want to turn him herself.
She swayed to the music in his arms; his spicy musk and brushing girth of his bulge made her feel intoxicated. Why was she so drawn to this human? No, she wasn't drawn, she just wanted to be away from her father's stares.
She was drawn to his scent of incredible. She needed him now.
Her mind was a confused jumble, but she was far from falling into lust. Her lips found his earlobe. Her tongue teased the sensitive area of his neck, which caused her to lightly groan as his voice dripped over her like molasses. This brother was fine as she heard some of her pets describe men such as him. His arms seemed to almost crush her and she liked that a lot.
She never had a man fit her body like this except for Jacques and she did not want to think of him. Every time she did, she knew he was near. Sure enough, with a sudden glance up and around the dance floor there stood that bald bastard with an amused look upon himself. She instantly wanted him within her and it pissed her off. It made her want to cast this guy off and go fuck Jacques like a wildcat but it was the woman who stood behind him who drew her attention and made her return her attention to the man holding her.
A rising anxiety caused her to glance back to where Jacques stood again but she was immediately greeted with nothing but the handsome man in front of her. Who was that woman and where did she go? Reina frowned then shuddered in confusion. It should have been like cold water over her libido. Instead, it was the opposite.
Everything in her whispered that she wanted and craved this male she held so she continued her dance and focused her gaze into his toffee irises. His skin was like caramelized honey, brown and syrupy. She wanted a taste. She let him whip him around in a slow, seductive tango, and she noticed the tattoos that were scrolling over his neck, slightly hidden by his collar.
She tried to ask him his name, but all she got was his seductive smile. His thick lips spread for her, asking for a kiss as his thin moustache and trimmed patch of hair on his chin accented the chiseled cut of his handsome face. Her chest hurt and she felt strange in this man's arms. Quién coño es esto?
Who the fuck is this?
Her hands slid over his wavy low-cut hair and his hold tightened again making her glance over his shoulder again. He was so tall, like a giant, built like a warrior and she swore if he wasn't human that he had the traits of a Nephilim, which would not be good for any of them here tonight.
There it is again, that strange feeling.
She needed to step away from this
but the moment they whirled around the dance floor, she swore she saw her again. That familiar face. A woman who had her drawn but also seemed have her stuck in this male's arms.
The music ended cutting off the connection as rounds of applause sounded. She pressed a hand to her chest then looked up at her dance partner. He gave her another seductive smile then walked away. That act alone made her tilt her head to the side and glance after him. Men were attracted to her. Drawn to her like moths to a flame. No one left her! No one! Well her plaything did escape her but he did not count.
This was not acceptable or tolerated! She found herself following him as he walked away. People stopped her, her own father's Councilmen and she almost decapitated them in that moment of scoping the crowd for the male. Where was he? He was so tall that he shouldn't have been able to blend in.
Hijo de puta!
Music played on. People danced, ate, or were eaten. It appeared every minute someone came to distract her from finding the human and, each time, she tried to get away only to be locked into a boring conversation. The ache between her legs was talking to her and the hunger in her stomach was furious. She wanted to be eaten. She wanted to feel his girth between her lips. Never had she craved like this, and it made her want to kill off half of the population in Chicago.

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