
Read Resurrection Online

Authors: Anita Cox

BOOK: Resurrection
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Lycan Chronicles

Book 2





Copyright © 2015 Anita Cox

All rights reserved. by Syn Publishing, LLC., 2015.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the production of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely and completely coincidental.

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ISBN-13: 978-1-942632-14-6


ISBN-10: 1942632142







To my awesome fans, who have stuck it out with me, waited for new projects, and keep me laughing daily.


I thank my wonderful family who live with me staying up late into the morning, ignoring your needs so I can write, and for proudly announcing that I write smut. I love you with every molecule of my heart.


And always, to my friend, Houston Havens. It is such a beautiful thing to have such a wonderful friendship with someone who understands this life. I enjoy our conversations about everything from aliens to herbal remedies. I love you and Mr. Havens to pieces.



Wendy, sister to the retired Alpha of the Belfast pack, Colin Baker, sat in the conference room where she waited for her new Alpha, the first female to rule in centuries. In silence, she nervously eyed Roman and Grace LaRossa, King and Queen of the Lycans, sitting across from her. Smoothing the sweat from her hands along her pants, she reached up and tucked a loose tendril behind her ear. Swallowing hard she found her courage and boldly focused her stare on Grace, who she knew would be more apt to explain. “Do you know why I was summoned here?”

“You’re not in any trouble, Wendy, but Nala asked to be here for the conversation. Take a deep breath.” Grace’s sympathetic smile spread across her angelic face.

In an effort not to fidget, Wendy folded her hands and put them in her lap. She’d always gone above and beyond to serve her pack and couldn’t imagine she’d done anything to be summoned by the Alpha. Nonetheless, here she was, heart pounding in her chest, shirt damp with sweat as she waited.

The conference room door opened, Wendy shot out of her chair. Her brother Colin walked through first and held the door for his wife, the Alpha. Nala was a stunning exotic beauty; about six foot two with mocha skin, dark brown silky hair and chocolate eyes. If the fact that she was an Alpha didn’t intimidate, her appearance certainly did.

“Wendy,” Nala said with a smile, “please sit.”

She reclaimed her seat. “Can we get to why I’m here please? My stomach is in knots.”

Colin shot her a look that said to be patient. She glared back at him, grinding her jaw.

“You know, the school is nearing completion?” Grace began, breaking the ice.

Wendy nodded and twisted her fingers.
What does that have to do with me?

Nala grabbed Colin’s hand. Wendy felt as if her eyes would fall out of her sockets. It was an arranged marriage and the two had been cordial at best, at least to her knowledge. Clearly things were changing.

“Why don’t you tell your sister?” Nala patted Colin’s hand encouraging him to continue.

He leaned back in his chair and looked at Wendy. “You know, you said something to me once about finding your mate.”

“Holy hell! Are you marrying me off?” Her mouth fell slack as her heart raced. She’d always hoped to find love and a bond she had coveted for so many years.
How could he do this to me?

“Jesus, Wendy. No!” He shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut for a brief second. “You have been such an asset around here for so many years. You’re very organized. It’s natural for you to care for others. You look out for all of the younger Lycans. You have counseled me so many times. You’re stronger and smarter than you realize. Perhaps, we are holding you back.”

Grace slapped Colin in the arm. “Quit torturing her.” She turned to Wendy. “Hon, would you like to be Headmistress at the new school? We think you could serve the students well. Plus, with other Lycan professors…you never know if you’re gonna find a hot Lycan to sweep you off your feet.”

Wendy’s face burned hot with embarrassment. “So this isn’t about my abilities as much as it is about my love life? I’m seventy-five, not really the age for new beginnings.” Her heart was in her throat. What were they playing at? Seventy-five was young for a Lycan, but still…she wasn’t exactly a pup.

“No, Wendy. It’s just that…we think you might enjoy expanding a bit. Get out there, meet others.” Nala cleared her throat. “You are always welcome to stay here and continue what you’re doing. But I see strength in you—a rare kind of strength and wisdom. I think the young adults at the university would benefit wisely from your presence.” She scooted her chair back, the legs scraping against the floor piercing the air like the cry of a hyena before she stood. “I have the utmost respect for you, Wendy. This is your choice. Not an order. Take some time to consider it.”

Nala’s exit from the room was swift, leaving Wendy staring at the vacant door before looking back at her brother.

Colin frowned at her and shook his head. “Don’t be difficult.”

“Bite me,” Wendy said with a huff as he tucked his hands in his pockets and strolled out of the room. He may be the Alpha’s mate but he was still her little brother.

Roman, who hadn’t said a word, reached across the table and grabbed her hand. “You’ve always been there, been
, for me. Grace and I would be delighted if you’d move to the school with us. But I know, first hand, the devastation that comes with even thinking about leaving your pack. Whatever you need, Wendy, know that Grace and I are here for you.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it.

“Yes we are,” Grace chimed in.

“Thank you.” Bewildered and confused by the mere idea that they’d dare to ask or even wanted her to leave, Wendy shot out of her seat so fast, the top heavy chair crashed to the floor. “Excuse me, please!” In a hurry to flee the situation she didn’t even attempt to right the chair before she bolted from the room.

As fast as she could manage without making another scene, she swiftly made her way out of the house and to the woods. The air around her shimmered; like water in the sunlight, as she shifted to her wolf form. Stretching her front haunches, then her back, she set off at a trot. How could they ask her to leave? This was her home; her family…a musky scent wafting past her nose on a zephyr breeze making her stop at a log and sniff at the muskrat hiding inside the hollowed old tree. She decided to leave him be and continued down the trail to the lake. The early morning light pierced through the pines, casting a bluish glow in the forest that spilled out onto the water reflecting a silvery shimmer. Plopping on her hindquarters at the water’s edge, she hung her head with mixed emotions. After seventy-five years, the view was still breathtaking. Did she really want to leave this all behind?

This was her home. She’d never left their territory and the thought of doing it now terrified her. Having her brother remind her how lonely she was, did more harm than good. What if she made the move and still felt lonely—worse yet, that the loneliness would be amplified by foreign surroundings and lack of a pack for support?

At her age, she was starting to show signs of aging, which shouldn’t happen for another hundred years. It had puzzled her immensely but also troubled her. Who is going to want an ancient looking Lycan for a mate? Nature could be a cruel bitch.

“Mind if I join you?” A deep male voice had shaken her from her thoughts.

Spinning on her paws she released a growl until she saw Zoltar, the Centaur King standing on his hooves. He quickly shifted to human form. “Whoa girl, I didn’t mean to startle you.” He held his hands up, in mock surrender. He was a visiting dignitary, frequenting their pack’s land during the construction of the new university.

She quickly shifted, joining him in human form. “I’m sorry, Mr., uh, Mr. Zoltar. I, uh—” Why was she stammering? She looked up at his bronzed skin shining beneath his golden curls that spilled over his face in such an enticing way every single cell in her had ignited with lust.
Damned Centaurs always send our hormones on fire!

Giving a seductive shake of his wheat-colored locks, he gracefully reached out his massive hand. Feeling nothing but a strong draw to him, she stretched out her arm in offer of a friendly shake, but he incased her fingers into the warmth of his palm and drew her hand up toward his sculpted lips. Her heart fluttered with excitement as he lowered his head pressing his soft mouth against the flesh of her knuckles while keeping direct eye contact with her. His voice wrapped around her like chocolate embracing a cherry. “My sincerest apologies for startling you.”

Her nervous belly flopped inside as she tried to fight off whatever spell she was under. Her knees felt wobbly and heat began to radiate up her neck to her face, which she was certain burned red.

“Please, just call me Zoltar.” He smiled down at her, his fair-hair glowing in the light of the sunbeams peeking through the trees. “Mind if I join you?”

With heat still stinging her face, she walked past him. “Certainly.” Reaching a large stone, she sat. Though she heard him following, it was his distinct aroma with hints of cinnamon and vanilla that tickled her nose, telling her he was very close, maybe a little too close behind her. She could feel the heat radiating off of his skin as he sat next to her. Not knowing what to say, she resumed gazing at the water.

“I discovered this place the first day we arrived. Once I saw the beauty of the morning light, I’ve longed to revisit.” He leaned back, placing his palms on the stone. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose. “The smell of the morning dew is like heaven.”

While his eyes were closed, she took the opportunity to look him over. She traced her gaze over his lean arms and muscled chest—his T-shirt hugging every ripple. Averting her eyes before he caught her, she straightened her head glancing back toward the water.

“I couldn’t agree more,” she choked out, gaining control of her wayward thoughts. “I love the smell of the forest waking for the day—that earthy, sweet aroma. It calms me almost as much as the sight of our beautiful lake.”

Leaning forward, he plucked a lily and held it toward her. Once she looked at him, he flashed his brilliant white teeth. “It’s not the only beautiful sight this morning.”

Her heart skipped a beat. The first time she’d seen him at the meeting with the other clan royalty, she’d frozen in her tracks—awestruck by his unique looks. His face was breathtaking. And he’d noticed her staring at him, though he’d not said a word since.

Just like now. She couldn’t utter a word, but only stare in disbelief of the words she knew she could not have heard right. She forced herself to look away. Centaurs had a draw on other species. No one knew why, exactly, but their mere presence set the females to acting like they were in heat. A fling was the furthest thing from what she wanted or needed. What she desired more than anything was her own mate. An older Lycan woman with a Centaur was almost a guarantee of never bonding or procreating, unless, of course, you were looking to incubate a Centaur baby.

The thought brought about a dark shadow of sadness. Wendy wanted a family. She loved children and had the natural desire to nurture. It was fate’s cruel joke refusing her a mate and preventing her from loving and having children of her own by now.

“I can’t help but notice you look lost in thought. Is everything okay?”

Wendy turned to him again. “I’ve been invited to be headmistress at the new university.”

His laugh was smooth. It flowed like melted chocolate, stirring her longing further than it should have.

“It means leaving my pack, Zoltar. That’s very difficult for a Lycan to do—especially one my age.” She looked down at her feet. “An old handmaid sure, but I’m very attached to this place…to my pack.”

Standing from the rock, he extended his muscular arm toward her, his fingers relaxed and open. “Walk with me.”

After considering him for a split second, she complied, though she wasn’t entirely sure why. She wanted to sit and ponder her future, not wander around with a Centaur who would surely try to seduce her. Still, she followed him down the path around the lake, hoping no one would see them together and start gossiping about her desperateness for a mate. The Lycan men were on edge when the Centaurs arrived and the Centaurs had sworn an oath to keep their hands to themselves.

Wandering around alone with a single Lycan female wasn’t exactly part of that oath. Wendy’s hopes of finding a mate could be completely devastated if the men thought she was sneaking off in the woods with a horny Centaur male…King or not.

“How much do you now about my race?” He looked at his feet as he walked, his brows pulled together.

Shrugging she turned her attention to the path ahead of them, not daring to gaze at his handsomeness—a potential distraction. “Same as everyone, I guess. You have the ability to seduce females of other species so you can produce more Centaurs…being that Centaurs are only male. You are powerful warriors, fierce in battle.”

He strolled in silence for a moment, nodding as she spoke. “You know, there is far more to us than that.”

“I’m sure there is, Sir.” It was a fine line to walk, keeping a Centaur in check while managing not to be offensive at the same time. Anxiety teetered at the pile of emotions overwhelming her.

“Zoltar, please,” he corrected tilting his head. “Or you can call me ‘Z’ as my friends do.”

“Z?” She giggled. “How new age.”

He smiled then looped his arm in hers as if they’d been friends for ages.

The warmth from his arm permeated through her, giving her an odd sense of elation. She swore she’d have to remind herself to breathe.

“We are the sons of Apollo.”

His words caused an unexpected chuckle to escape her lips once again. “It explains the good looks.” Silently, she chastised herself for that statement. How dare she flirt with him?

“I find it very pleasing you think so,” he said with a wink. “It is true, we are fierce warriors. Fierce, but not invincible. The last female Centaur was killed in the battle with the Lapiths. There has yet to be a female born to our kind. It was our ancestors’ pleas to Apollo allowing us the ability to breed with other species so we would not go extinct.
,” he cleared his throat, “our offspring are not a hundred percent Centaur. They can shift into the form of their mother as well.”

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