Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (17 page)

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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I couldn’t pin a true number, but Ezra’s worth is in the billions. Edge Publications is just one of the businesses listing Zeitler as owner. Restraint wasn’t listed. I met a hurdle when I looked up tax records for Restraint trying to pin down the owner. I’m not skilled enough to track it. It’s written under many different names. I did find out that Zeitler owns this entire building, my
apartment included- go figure.




Chapter Fifteen

Tuesday has been a lonely day
, indeed. I’ve yet to see Kayla at all today. She never even came into the office this morning, feigning an appointment. Waiting to see Zeitler reminds me of high school where you sit in class waiting for your crush, and he never shows. The day feels empty- unnecessary.

I hear a knock on my door just as
I’m rubbing the lonely ache between my breasts. “Enter,” I call, having no clue who is on the other side, but undoubtedly it’s one of my minions. As lonely as I’ve been, I’ve had my fill of Monica today.

Kayla slin
ks in wearing that scarf again, and I’m not exaggerating about the slinkage. She rolls her hips as she walks, sashaying across my office. It’s as sexy as it is unnerving.

Anticipation boils in my blood.  Something akin to revenge takes me over. I may not have any control when it comes to Master Ez, Dr. Ezra Zeitler, the Boss, or my boss… whoever the fuck that guy is, or guys, as the case may be. But I know without a shadow of a doubt that Kayla is temptation, and here she is jouncing her tits and shaking her ass… she’s just asking for me to prove that she is my submissive… just begging for it. I’m about to give her
a taste of what she wants.

“Come in and lock the door,
” I say low from my throat. Bless her heart- she does as I ask. The act proves my suspicions.

“Katya, what is it?” She looks confused. God, I hope she’s a
cting because in my current state of mind this could get messy.

I stalk towards her, swaying my hips as I go
, seeing if my body holds any allure. Kayla’s eyes dart around wildly like a spooked animal. Her uncertainty ignites me- lust pours through me and makes me do things I’d usually avoid.

you wore the scarf again. Lovely.” I finger her silk scarf. My intensity backs Kayla up until she is pressed between me and the door. “Did you wear it just for me?” I purr in a sultry tone, tugging on the ends of the scarf, teasing that I’m going to remove it.

“Ms. Waters,
” Kayla gasps out, and we’re back to Ms. Waters when I was Katya a moment ago. “What are you doing?” Her blue eyes are huge, glistening with anticipation.

Good question.
What am I doing?

I can’t test
Dr. Ezra Zeitler since he won’t show up to work- coward- and I have no idea how to find Master Ez. I could stalk Restraint, but he’d tan my ass raw for that. However, little Kayla, she will do as I ask, and she is right here, right now. If she fights me, it’s all the better. A quiver begins in my toes, waves over my body until my scalp is tingling, and then surges back to my feet. It’s like my childhood, chasing my friend. No matter how wrong I know it is, I can’t stop myself. Kayla is so soft and supple, so sweet and juicy, and she will never say no. I just hope I’m not wrong about her being my Temptation. But even if I am, Kayla will bend to my will.

“I think you did. You wore it for me, didn’t you?” I pluck the buttons of her blouse, one at a time, exposing her bra.

“Yes.” Her breath shudders out and her body trembles under my hooded gaze.

I cup her breast in my hand
, loving how responsive it is to my touch. I graze her nipple with my thumb and it pebbles for me.

“Ms. Waters, what are you doing?
” Kayla sounds says in a breathy voice. Her tone belies her words. She slides from between me and the door, no longer trapped. “Don’t do that!” As she tracks across the floor, I keep pace with her- stalking, seeking, hunting my prey.

“Oh, Kayla, don’t flee. It
excites me so,” I warn in voice that screams
Kayla rounds my desk, putting it between us, believing it makes her safe. “Mmm… forget what I said. Excite me, Kayla. Ignite me, Kayla. I want to see where it leads. Flee from me, run from me, let me chase you,” I chant.

moves left. I feign right and circle back towards her. She is breathing in little pants, gasping, making her breast rapidly rise and fall. It builds my excitement. She makes a dash around the desk, and adrenaline rushes through my system from the thrill of the chase and the impending capture.

“Don’t move,
” I order in a throaty voice. She freezes. “Good girl, perfect.” I watch her fret. Kayla is uncertain if she wants what she’s been begging for or if she should try to make a break for the door. I love the calculating glint in her eyes. Kayla is smart, if she wanted to leave, she’d have escaped already. She wants this as much as I do- the little tease.

I round my desk until I’m even with Kayla’s trembling body.
“Don’t fight me,” I say as I lean her into my desk. I run my hand up her skirt, kneading her bare flesh as I go. My eyelids shudder, becoming hooded from the sensation of her feverish skin beneath my palms.

“Ms. Waters. Don’t do that.” As she struggles to get away, m
y body flashes with liquid heat.

“Calling me Ms. Waters isn’t doing anything but exciting me more. Disobeying me excites me
, too.” I dig my nails into her tender thigh. “I told you not to fight me, not to move. Yet you disobey. Keep it up and we’ll see where it leads,” I warn in a voice gone husky with lust.

Kayla fitfully
struggles in my arms, more for my benefit than for true escape. She’s playacting the scene, feeding my hunger. “Yes, fight me, struggle more. Disobey me, Kayla,” I purr her name into her ear, nipping it with my teeth. Her moan tells me I’ve won the battle of wills.

I shove her over the
arm of the guest chair, ass up. I fling her skirt up, until her panty-clad, round rear is revealed. It’s rosy pink and delectable, just begging for a smack.

“Naughty, Kayla.” I tear her
pink lace panties from her body, the sound of ripping fabric pools moisture between my thighs, dampening the seat of my panties. I expose Kayla’s ass to my viewing pleasure- plump and round, perfectly swat-able. So I do. One… two… three… times until it glows a bright red and my palm is outlined on her ass. Her moans, sobs, and cries turn me on like nothing has ever before. My God, the power!

“I have a theory. Two things happened recently. I was gifted with a submissive and your behavior changed. I ignored it yesterday. But, beauty, it was the same today. A month you teased me until I throbbed and ached. Yesterday you show up all covered up. It was worse, the temptation to rip your clothes from your body. So I did.” I swat her ass again just to hear her squeal.

“I think this scarf is for me, too.” I tug the scarf nearly choking her.

I wrap my hand around the front of her throat and lift until her back meets my chest. I bite over the scarf
, knowing what I will find beneath it. My tongue fishes underneath the fabric…. And I feel it- exactly what I was looking for.

“Oh, my temptation, beauty,
” I moan in ecstasy. I gently squeeze my hand on her throat, while my other hand smoothes down her body, over her ample ass, and between her trembling thighs. My fingers easily enter her wet pussy, slipping in and out, making a
sound... And then I bite her- hard.

generous body quivers beneath my touch. Moans, pleas, and whimpers flow from her lips as she climaxes for me. The louder her moans, the faster I thrust my fingers inside her, until I’m fucking her sopping wet pussy with four fingers.

“Say it!” I demand while Kayla
comes on my hand. “Say it!”

, Mistress, I’m your Temptation,” she reverently breathes.

Gripping her
hips, I haul her onto my desk. I prop her heels onto my shoulders, and I reward my submissive by feasting between her tights with my lips, tongue, teeth, and fingertips. I hold her in place with a hand wrapped around the scarf that covers my bite mark. The bite mark I gave my submissive at Restraint…

I’m thoroughly content running my lips over Kayla’s neck and cheek as I hold her on my couch. I close my eyes and visualize the chessboard. Kayla earned me another move. I smile and lean forward to move the pieces. White pony-playing Knight overtakes Black penis-shaped Bishop. I’m progressing nicely.




Chapter Sixteen

My h
eart rapidly beats in anticipation. The suspense is killing me. Time has slowed to a crawl as I waited for Wednesday morning to approach. I sit in my office like a junkie waiting for a hit off a crack pipe. My hands shake so badly that it reverberates up my arms and down through my body. Sweat beads on my skin, sliding down my spine. A few chance meetings with Master Ez, and one hallway bump and a real meeting with Dr. Ezra Zeitler, and I’m a fucking mess.

I was shocked when
I didn’t hear from Master Ez last night. I thought for sure he would want an update on our little game. Plus, I’d uncovered Temptation’s true identity. No question that it was definitive proof. I thought for sure Kayla would run her satisfied little tail back to her real Master and gossip about me.

I haven’t seen or heard from Master Ez in three days. Incidentally, I haven’t seen or heard from
Dr. Zeitler in that same time frame. Coincidence?

Wednesday is finally here
. The need to see Zeitler is a building tempest inside my body, building and building in pressure until I feel like I’m going to combust. I must see him with my own two eyes- I need to prove my suspicions correct.

“Katya, the members
of your meeting have arrived.” I lick my lips at the sight of Kayla. My little submissive is dressed to please. I give her a wink as I turn towards my guests.

Zeitler pr
ances in like he owns the place, wearing a very smug smirk on his devastating lips. Oh, that’s right, the bastard does own it. My trap is set. Will he spring it for me?

“What up, Z.” I disrespectfully ask
, as I lounge in my chair like I could give a fuck less that my boss is in my office.

Yes, I’m that big of an idiot. Will Zeitler out himself to punish my bad behavior? Is his restraint that solid? If he is Master Ez, he’s going to beat me to death before this game is through. If he’s
not, I’ll just get fired. But it will be worth it. I’m already on the edge of madness as it is, but this is full-blown insanity. Disrespecting one’s boss, who you are pretty sure is a BDSM Master,
BDSM Master, is like waving a red cape in front of an enraged bull. The sick and twisted part of me is looking forward to the challenge.

“Ms. Waters.” Dr. Zeitler
looks a question at me, and my smirk turns into a full-blown shit-eating grin. The astonished expression my grin creates almost causes me to laugh.

My eyes devour him. Is that closely cropped, blond hair the same hair I gripped in anger? Are those gunmetal gray eyes the ones that connected with mine? Are those long, tapered fingers the ones that
were thrusting deep inside my body and brought me to climax? Are those supple lips the same that kissed me tenderly, but attacked my pussy like a fiend?

I clench my thighs and pretend I’m getting co
mfortable on the sofa to hide the intense wave of arousal that flows over me.

“This is Mr. Abernathy,” Zeitler gestured to a man standing in my doorway. My breath whooshes out of me in a torrent. Tall,
dark, and dressed to kill… The suit man from the entrance to Restraint is none other than the infamous author, Abernathy.

woodenly walk over to my chess set, survey the board, and then move a black knight overtaking my white pawn. I pluck my piece from the board and gingerly place it inside the little drawer that slides out on my side of the Chessboard. I sigh in defeat, there’s a lot of black left on there, and not much white. The bad guys always win. 

As I drift by
Dr. Zeitler, to greet Abernathy, I praise under my breath, “Well played, Boss.”

The elusive Mr. Abernathy has finally graced me with his presence.” I grandly say, keeping up with the charade that these two fucks are playing on me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, again.” I acknowledged our first meeting in line at Restraint. If Dr. Zeitler isn’t of the Master Ez persuasion, then just shoot me now.

“Perhaps we can get to know one another better, Ms. Waters.” He
eagerly takes my hand in his. But instead of shaking, he clasps my palm between the pair of his and doesn’t let go. “I do hope we will.”

I worry that the contact
with Abernathy’s skin will freak me out, but it’s comforting. The sensation confuses me more than I already am. Normally, I can’t tolerate the touch of a man, with the exception of Master Ez, and here is this stranger, cradling my hand, and it just feels good. I’m not understanding heads or tails of this game. I am so far out of my depth at this point. So far so that I actually admit it to myself, and usually I’m a bullhead that never gives into defeat.

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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