Restored (9 page)

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Authors: Kari Alice

BOOK: Restored
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Labor Day

t was nearly lunchtime, and Lexi had yet to see Caleb. Mondays were always hectic for the patient care team, with all the illnesses and injuries from the weekend deferred to Monday, at least that was what Yvette had said. Many patients would only go to urgent care or the emergency room for true emergencies and would wait out any minor problems until the clinic opened on Monday.

Lexi hid in her office because just last week she’d seen a patient with a fishing hook jabbed in his thumb, and the first sight of that was enough to make her choose a hermit-like work ethic.

Insurance input was tedious work and generally lacked the distractive excitement actual physical work could provide. Lexi covered her yawn and stretched back in her chair. It wasn’t the most comfortable of chairs to sit in for extended periods of time, and made her back stiffen. She’d have to see if Dr. Hale could order her something with more support, since she planned on sticking around.

The sound of Missy’s heels clicking down the hall caused Lexi to swivel her chair toward the door. Missy wore her purse over her shoulder and dark sunglasses despite there being little natural sunlight in the clinic. Otherwise she looked as stunning as ever with her platinum-blond hair perfectly styled.

“Would you like anything? I’m going to grab a sandwich and slip to Walmart,” Missy asked. She sounded tired, but was friendly.

“Thanks, but I don’t need a thing,” Lexi said. She’d packed her lunch, but part of her hoped that she would have different lunch plans. Maybe a lunch date? Though that could be frowned upon in the workplace, so either way, she had lunch covered.

After Missy left, Lexi logged off of her computer. Even though reason told her that she should have expected to eat alone, it still stung. Caleb was a coworker, and surely it’d be okay to eat with him. What she was to Caleb was confusing, with the barriers that had been set long before they’d even met. The weirdness of the situation didn’t elude her, but at the same time it was impossible to deny her growing attraction to him.

“Ms. Lindsay,” Caleb said.

His sudden appearance startled her, and she jumped in her chair. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Lexi asked.

“Well no, but I am a doctor, so I’d know what to do if you needed to be revived,” Caleb said with a grin. His hair was perfectly combed back and not as wild as usual.

“I bet you do,” Lexi said. The hurtful feelings she’d harbored dropped away. This was the first time she’d seen him since Saturday night, and she wanted nothing more than to nuzzle up to him. Propriety reined in those feelings though.

“Listen, I have a meeting at one o’clock at the hospital, but thought we could eat together at least?” Caleb asked.

“That’d be great!” Lexi followed Caleb to his office, which was where he normally ate his lunch. The break room was empty, so there would be no one there to witness Lexi’s absence from it.

“Had I known that I’d have any time at all with you for lunch, I would’ve ordered in. My meeting was supposed to be at twelve thirty, but it was shoved back until one,” Caleb said.

Lexi watched as Caleb took out his lunch from the small refrigerator that he kept in his office. It seemed like he pulled out a lot of food for one person, but judging from his overall muscle tone, it’d take a lot of protein to maintain his physique. Lexi, on the other hand, had only brought a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, carrot sticks, and a bottle of water.

“I thought you didn’t do vegetables?” Caleb said with a sly smirk.

“I don’t do many vegetables. And really, I have to force myself to eat these. They’re kind of terrible,” Lexi said as she took out a carrot stick from the plastic bag and put it in her mouth.

“You probably should eat more than you do. You’re barely getting any protein. No wonder you’re so weak,” Caleb teased. He mockingly squeezed her bicep, laughing. His hand nearly wrapped completely around her arm.

They sat side by side on the small couch in his office, their food on the large footstool in front of it. Lexi reached out to grab his arm like he’d done to her, but she couldn’t get a good grip because of his bulky muscle. He wasn’t freakishly muscled, but his body was well toned. She’d meant to tease him, but instead only found that touching him made her want him.

He pulled her onto his lap and roughly kissed her mouth. She dropped the carrot stick on the floor. His stubble scraped against her lips and the edges of her mouth. He didn’t hold back, though he still seemed in control of himself. He abruptly set her back to her spot, which left her breathless.

“Enough fun. We have to eat now.” He sounded parental again… His hot kiss still burned her lips. They tingled, wanting more.
Wonder what it’d take to really cause him to lose control?

Lexi ate her sandwich diligently, obeying his request. There was no point in arguing. She was hungry. The skin around her mouth itched from the irritation of the kiss, but it wasn’t unpleasant. She finished her lunch in a daze. He could be so unrestrained when he wanted, and it was impossible to predict when he’d strike again. The ache in her body begged for more, but there wasn’t time for anything other than conversation.

“What did you do yesterday?” Caleb asked as he finished the chicken that he’d brought.

“No much really. Laundry,” she said with a shrug. “What about you?”

“I had dinner with my parents. Sometimes my mom likes to have us over after church. Mike was there with Ashley,” Caleb said.

“That sounds really nice,” Lexi said. Ashley had tried to convince her to come too, but she wouldn’t go without a proper invitation. Caleb had the kind of stability and family she wanted. When it was just Lexi and her mom, their schedules were opposites. Stability would’ve been better, or at least Lexi thought so. Part of her wondered if she had a Gypsy heritage, if not for the fine blond hair on her head. But she’d been close to her mom, and she missed her so much…

“My parents would love you,” Caleb said, a smile tugging one corner of his mouth.

Lexi laughed nervously. “Why do you think that?” she asked while shaking her head.

“You’re incapable of seeing your own great qualities, for one thing, and of course, because I think you’re special,” Caleb said.

Lexi stammered, “Maybe you’re…a little biased.”

“I guess that’s a possibility,” Caleb said in a huskier tone. He gently took her chin and kissed her mouth, softly this time. The kiss was brief but effective. “I’ve got to get going. I don’t know how long the meeting will be, so I’ll see you later.” Caleb stood, unfazed, and gathered his keys and tablet before leaving.

Lexi made her way back to her office, though her knees were shaky. Luckily, the halls were still clear. She fixed her lipstick, which had smeared, but was unable to do anything about the redness around her mouth from the friction of his facial hair. Before getting back to work, she ate a Hershey bar that was in her desk. Chocolate was the next best thing to physical pleasure. Or at least
thought so…


Apparently, Ashly loved to play board games, as she’d instituted a game night. There would only be four in attendance, but that would keep it intimate. Mike was bringing food, Caleb was bringing wine, Ashley supplied both the house and the games, and Lexi was in charge of the cleanup—which was fine with her. Everyone gathered at seven o’clock, which gave all the guests time to get home from work and freshen up.

Mike brought a variety of finger foods. The counter was covered with mini quiches, stuffed mushroom caps, petite cold-cut sandwiches, brownies, cookies, and Jell-O shots. The last item was something he’d said would add flair to the gathering. Caleb brought three bottles of wine, one a heartier wine, the other two sweet dessert wines that Lexi would like.

The evening began innocently enough, and they all grazed on the food. Mike was the first to break into the Jell-O shots, and insisted that everyone have one. They were cherry favored, Lexi’s favorite, and the vodka was nearly undetectable. The night at the Rocky Tavern had deterred Lexi from regular shots, but the red gelatin blobs looked harmless enough.

“Are you sure there is even liquor in these?” Lexi asked as she popped a second one into her mouth.

Mike winked at her. “You’ll feel it before you taste it.”

“It’s time for Pictionary!” Ashley called.

The teams were broken up into two groups, girls against the boys.

“What is that?” Caleb asked Mike as he drew what looked like a pizza covered in tiny worms. It was a far cry from the flying saucer it was supposed to resemble.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Mike said with a laugh.

In the end, the girls won with flying colors. The guys didn’t have a chance. Lexi sipped on the dessert wine, which was so mild that she actually liked it. She’d only eaten one mini quiche and a brownie for dinner. She’d filled up on bubbly wine and Jell-O shots.

“These aren’t going to waste,” Mike said as he passed everyone a small Jell-O shooter cup.

Lexi slurped hers down and then looked around at the spinning room. “I think I need some food,” she said in a slur.

“Whoa girl. Are you drunk?” Caleb asked. He seemed both amused and concerned. She wasn’t drunk. She couldn’t be.

Lexi rolled her eyes up at him. “Of course not,” she said, slurring her words together. Were her lips red from the Jell-O?

“I think that answers your question,” Ashley said to Caleb.

“I think it does,” Caleb said, but he kept his eyes on Lexi.

It was already going on ten. In a blur, Lexi heard Ashley volunteer Mike to help her clean up since “Lexi is in no way able.” Lexi tried to stand, but she fell onto the carpeted floor and then gave in by lying all the way back.

“Ready for bed?” Caleb asked Lexi.

“No,” Lexi said.

“Television then?” Caleb asked.

“Okay, if you stay and watch with me,” Lexi said.

Caleb pulled her to her feet and helped her to the sofa. He sat down first and let her lay her head against his chest. He turned on a sitcom, though Lexi had little focus for anything on the television.


Within ten minutes she fell asleep.

“Lexi,” Caleb said, but there was no answer. He changed the channel to ESPN and settled back with Lexi against his chest, his hand playing with her hair. Her hair was so soft and fine in between his fingers.

Ashley came in. “Did you want to take her up to bed?” she asked Caleb. “It’s the bedroom on the right at the top of the stairs.” Ashley pointed to the stairway, which was visible to Caleb from where he sat.

Caleb nodded and scooped up Lexi’s limp body into his arms. She barely moved as he ascended the stairs. He tried to be careful, not wanting to hit her head against the stairwell wall or trip while carrying her. He pushed open the bedroom door and felt blindly for the light switch. Lexi didn’t stir as he shuffled around for the light. He laid her down on the queen-size bed. He didn’t think that she could be comfortable in her tight capri pants. He unbuttoned the waistband and unzipped her pants, temptation nearly overwhelming him. He eased them down the best he could, but it was difficult to do without moving her too much. His finger caught on her panties, and he unhooked his finger from the flesh-colored triangle.

He admired her sleeping form. Her hair was softly waving over the pillow. Her face was slack, but her complexion was beautiful. She had a faint pinkness to her cheeks, and her lips were soft and full, though they were Jell-O stained. Even her nose had a delicate shape. She was tall for a woman, but she was as feminine as any woman could be. After he covered her with the sheet from her bed, he kissed her forehead.

“Caleb,” she said.

He couldn’t tell if she was dreaming or awake. Her eyes remained closed. “Yes,” he whispered back.

“Don’t go,” she said as she pulled the sheet back and opened her eyes.

He hesitated but then eased off his pants and climbed in behind her and held her close. He could’ve left after she fell back asleep, but he wouldn’t leave her like that. She was still intoxicated, and maybe she would need him. She backed herself up and molded herself against him. He gritted his teeth to keep his hands from roaming her body. He rested his hands under his pillow for extra restraint. Only thin fabric separated them. He wouldn’t lose control of himself with her, not like this anyhow. Lexi’s breathing returned to the exhausted rhythm it had been while she slept. He closed his eyes and eased into sleep with her in his arms.


Lexi dashed to the break room, nearly late for the staff meeting Hale Health held every other Wednesday at four o’clock. Patients were not scheduled at this time in order to give the opportunity for the entire staff to attend the meeting. Lexi had been to one staff meeting already, but only observed it since it’d been her first week on the job. Now with two and a half weeks under her belt, she’d be able to participate. Caleb was absent from the first meeting she’d attended, and she didn’t know how the dynamics would be with him present.

The topic of today’s meeting was ironing out the details of the yearly staff Labor Day picnic. This and the Christmas party were generally the only office-related parties held for the staff. The picnic would be held the Friday afternoon before the holiday, and the office would be closed that afternoon so that the staff could celebrate together.

When Lexi entered the break room, the only seat left was in between Yvette and Tony. Everyone else was already seated and chatting quietly to one another. Caleb sat across from Lexi and was by Dr. Hale. She’d hoped he would save her a place next to him, but no… It looked like the staff had separated themselves into an inner-office caste system. The practitioners were in one group, Tony was in limbo, and the receptionist and office workers in the last group.

Dr. Hale cleared his throat to call order to the meeting. “So Linda has reserved the conference room at the Crown Park Inn for Friday, August twenty-ninth, and we’ll begin our celebration at two in the afternoon,” Dr. Hale said with his normal jovial voice.

“Are we still allowed to bring a date or friend?” Missy asked. She had her cell phone out, clearly ready to invite her plus-one as soon as she had clearance.

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