Restored (22 page)

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Authors: Kari Alice

BOOK: Restored
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“You don’t have to thank me, Caleb. You were hurt and needed help.”

“I wasn’t talking about that.” He paused, as if trying to figure out the best way to say it. “Before that. You saved me from what my life would’ve been. I can’t see how I would’ve been as happy as I’ve been since I met you. You made me want more for myself.”

Lexi was speechless.

“It’s not my child, you know,” Caleb said. His voice urged her to believe him.

She wanted proof to back up what he said. “I know you don’t believe that you’re the father. Mike told me that already,” Lexi said, more snarky than she intended.

“I’m not the father though. There’s DNA proof now. I was told that while the neurologist was here. It’s official.”

A sense of release flooded through Lexi’s veins. She’d prayed that this would be the case, but didn’t expect it to actually happen. “So who is then?”

“Apparently, it’s Tony. I heard it all from a colleague here at the hospital. When Tony went to see Corrine this morning, she was told that I wasn’t the father of her child. She’d said that she knew that already and that Tony was the father. I hear that they’re both happy about it all.” Caleb’s voice held a certain amount of loathing when he said Tony’s name.

“That makes sense then,” Lexi said as she pieced it together in her head. “It all makes sense.” Missy hadn’t been protecting Corrine, but in reality was trying to keep Tony for herself.

“Tony and I have always butted heads. What really gets me is the chip that’s always been on his shoulder, when I should have been the one with the chip,” Caleb said. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad that someone other than myself has been identified as the father, but I can’t imagine that he will do that child much justice.”

“I think that Tony led Missy on too. I saw them arguing in the lobby earlier.”

“That’s a shame for Missy,” Caleb said.

“She didn’t want me seeing you either. Missy adamantly insisted that you and Corrine would get back together,” Lexi said.

“I guess this is all more than either of us had any idea of… I don’t want to talk about any of them now. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you. I handled it badly, and I’m so sorry for all I put you through. I thought I could protect you from this mess, that you would be better off if I kept you away from it all,” Caleb said. “I was stupid…”

“Well, you did that so well that I didn’t think you wanted me anymore.” She sat up and looked Caleb in the eyes.

Caleb’s eyes glazed with tears that he held back. “Oh my God! That was never my intention. You have no idea how sorry I am to have made you feel that way. You are everything to me. Please believe that.” He embraced her tighter.

“I knew that you would do whatever you thought was right. Unfortunately for me, being there for Corrine was what you had to do, or at least it seemed like the right thing to do at the time,” Lexi said.

“That was never my plan. I had to get things squared away, but I wasn’t going to go back to her even if it was my child. I would have wanted custody. Corrine isn’t nurturing, and I couldn’t see my child being raised by her.”

“I planned to leave, you know. I’d quit my job, which I really hope I can get back,” Lexi said.

“I know… When Dr. Hale told me that you’d quit, it killed me. I wanted to make things better right then and there, but you’re just so hardheaded. I knew I’d have to prove myself to you first.”

“I thought that if I stuck around, then you and Corrine couldn’t work things out.”

“I wish I would have told you what was going on. I thought I was protecting you. Really, Lexi, I’m just so sorry.”

“Me too. I think that maybe from now on we should promise to always be honest with each other,” Lexi said.

“Promise me that you won’t ever try and run off again.” Caleb looked as if he would punish her for even attempting such an act.

“I promise.” She felt a spark of euphoria—she actually had someone in her life who would come after her, no matter what.

“I know that we haven’t been together for very long, but I want you to know that I’m committed to you and only you. Please get that in your head. You are the only one for me.”

Lexi’s eyes flooded with tears. She’d hoped to hear those words when everything felt so hopeless, but the reality of his dedication to her overwhelmed her. She tried to find her words, all of which came out sounding weak.

“I’m committed to you too, Caleb.” She wiped the tears from her face.

He lifted her chin and softly kissed her lips.

She deepened the kiss. She couldn’t get enough of him, though at the same time she tried to show some reserve, not wanting to aggravate his injury.

As their lips parted, there was no uncertainty as to their relationship.

Even though there was still work to do, they were both in a place to carry out the promises they’d made. It would still take rehashing thoughts and feelings to assure one another that the same mistakes wouldn’t be repeated, but for now she sat in silence as she enjoyed his company, his arms around her.


Silver Lining

ormalcy was finally beginning to return after Caleb’s accident. He’d remained in the hospital for a week and had been an impatient patient. Lexi seldom left his side, and was welcomed back to work after his discharge.

She’d passed time by sketching Caleb as he’d slept. She’d completed over a dozen graphite drawings of Caleb in various relaxed positions. Her drawings were more complex, with the use of shadow and light. His features were caught by her eye and made into something that even Caleb said was beautiful.

He’d been on physical restrictions but would finally return to work today.

“Come on. We’re going to be late!” Lexi called. She carried two coffee mugs and her purse. Caleb trailed behind her as he grabbed his lab coat.

“I’m not worried. I’ll be forgiven my first day back,” Caleb said with a laugh.

“You might, but what about me?” Lexi asked. “I’m probably on some type of probation after quitting and then coming back, as it is.”

“I think you’ll be okay too. Besides, you’re with me.”

Once at Hale Health, the office staff gathered and applauded as Caleb entered.

Dr. Hale clapped Caleb on the back. “Take it easy this week. It’s better if you ease into work after being out like you’ve been. I’ve asked Yvette and Linda to go easy on your schedule. No more than six patients a day to start.”

“Thanks, Walter. I promise that I feel fine though,” Caleb said. He stood there with his arms out, as if he was awaiting inspection.

“You’ve always looked terrific, but I’m more concerned about what’s going on in that brain of yours. Just take it easy,” Dr. Hale said.

Lexi joined Caleb for lunch in his office. The both ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that Lexi had put together, along with premade protein shakes. Lexi’s cooking skills were limited at best. Caleb cleared away their sandwich bags. He went to the door and turned the lock. When he returned to Lexi, he had a look in his eyes that showed the thinly veiled lust.

“Do you realize that it’s been nearly a month since we were…together,” his voice was husky.

Lexi nervously returned his gaze and looked around the room. The blinds were closed, and the office was relatively quiet. “You want to here?” Her cheeks reddened as she sensed that he wasn’t kidding.

He nodded once and came to her on the leather sofa. “Did you know that these long skirts you wear drive me crazy?” Caleb asked as he tugged on her hem and reached under her skirt.

“Are you sure about this? I mean, we could get interrupted at any time.” She held back more protests and eased her legs apart.

He proceeded without answering. He moved his hand under her panties and stoked her until she was ready for him. He pulled down her panties and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. He had her stand up and lay across his mahogany desk, with her belly on the cool wood. He kissed the back of her neck and hiked up her long skirt. He sank two long fingers into her and moved them in and out slowly. Lexi sucked in her breath, but her breathing was too rapid.

“Shh,” he whispered in her ear. “You’ll give us away for sure.”

Without warning, he push his erection inside of her, and she moaned at the pressure. She grabbed the edges of the desk for stability. He reached to the front of her and swirled his finger in little circles around her clitoris as he pushed deeper with every thrust. He rubbed her in a way that she barely felt, his touch light on her delicate skin. Her knees buckled, but he braced her so that she wouldn’t slip. The contractions built. She fought it but couldn’t contain her scream as her body quaked with her orgasm. He moved his hands to grip both of her hips and rhythmically followed her orgasm. He remained inside of her as he opened the desk drawer and pulled out a cloth handkerchief. He held it between her legs as he slid out of her, and then held it over her opening. With another handkerchief, he cleaned himself off and fixed his clothes. Caleb helped Lexi to the sofa, where she lay in a daze for minutes. He helped to clean her, and he pulled her panties back on. Her legs were weighed down and shaky.

“How do you feel?” Caleb asked.

Lexi didn’t open her eyes to answer. “Dazed.”

“Did I hurt you? I mean, was it too much?”

“No… But do you think we’ll do this often. I mean here?” Lexi asked in a pant.

“Only if you want to,” Caleb said with a smile.

Lexi nodded. “I think that I’m going to need it more often than once a month though. I think it could be addicting.” She straddled him and wrapped her arms around him. “I love you, Dr. Caleb Avery.”

“I love you too, Alexis Lindsay.” He kissed her. “And believe me, had we not had so many complications this past month, we’d definitely have done this more often.” Caleb had been restricted from physical activity for weeks after his accident, including sex.

Around one thirty, Lexi snuck back to her office. The clinic was occupied, but it was the time for administrative work, not patient care.

As the workday ended, Lexi and Caleb readied to leave on time at five. Both Missy and Tony had remained low key all day, though Missy had begun to warm up to Lexi since she’d returned to work weeks ago. There had been obvious tension between Missy and Tony, but lately Missy had seemed otherwise occupied.


Lexi headed to Caleb’s SUV, but Caleb had gone back inside since he’d left his cell phone in his office. He could live without it, but that would be the number called if any of his patients were admitted into the hospital, and he really had no choice.

“Hey, Caleb,” Tony said at the doorway of Caleb’s office.

Caleb still resented what Tony had done, or at least the way he’d gone about it. How Tony had acted was inexcusable.

“I just wanted to apologize to you. I don’t want for it to be weird between us here,” Tony said. He seemed proud, but there was an openness about him.

“I don’t want it to be weird either. You have to admit that I have every right to hate you though.” Caleb calmed himself down by closing his eyes momentarily and taking a deep breath. “Not that I hate you,” he amended.

“I know I went about things in the wrong way, but I love her,” Tony said. He sounded genuine when he spoke of Corrine.

“Just out of curiosity, when did it start between you two?” Caleb asked with a furrowed brow.

“It never got physical until you two broke things off. I mean, as far as sex was involved.”

Corrine hadn’t been an angel, but at least she hadn’t exposed Caleb to other conquests. “I accept your apology,” Caleb said while he reached out his hand. He wouldn’t be friends with Tony, but he could be civil. The two shook on it.

Tony nodded.


Today, May 25, was the one-year anniversary of the death of Lexi’s mother. Since then, Lexi had fallen into a web of problems. Now she’d grown into a woman that her mother would’ve been proud of, with much of her naivety behind her. She hadn’t returned to the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse since she’d released her mom’s ashes back in July, in her own private ceremony, in which she’d been the only guest present. When she’d brought her parents’ urns there months before, Lexi had longed to drift away with her parents onto another plane of reality. It wasn’t that she was suicidal, just hopeless.

Once she’d moved in with Ashley, everything changed, and she found someone to anchor her back to reality. She acquired friendship and acceptance from Ashely, and once again felt as if she was a vital part of a family. Then when Caleb came into her life, things completely changed forever. She’d thought that she would be forced from him after his ex-girlfriend’s car accident and her unexpected pregnancy. Just when Lexi was ready to pull herself from a life that had brought her moments of happiness, everything transformed. Only this time things shifted in her favor. The past year was like living in a kaleidoscope—things constantly changed without warning.

Currently, Lexi shared Caleb’s address, though in her mind, it was only temporary. After his accident she was there for him and helped him to fully recover. Many of her personal items were still housed at Ashley’s. Lexi originally planned on moving back in with Ashley in January, when there would be no reason to continue to stay at Caleb’s. Then in December Mike surprised Ashley with an engagement ring. They opted for a short engagement and were planning to get married the first Saturday in June, which was now only less than a week away. Ashley had told Lexi that she was welcome to continue living with her and Mike even after the wedding. Though happy to have such an offer, Lexi couldn’t accept. Ashley and Mike would need their own space.

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